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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 761

Final ~rivel 
4 Remove staked collar  nut and  press output  shaft out of wheel 
hub  with special 
BMW tool 33 2 11 111 161117. 
- Remove  drive axle 
- Installation  is reverse  of removal,  noting the  following: 
* Use a  new  collar nut. 
- Apply  a  light coating  of oil  to contact  face of collar nut  and 
install it  loosely. 
Install  road wheel  and lower  car to ground. 
* With  an assistant applying brakes, tighten  drive axle  collar 
nut  to its  final torque. 
Stake  collar nut....

Page 762

I Final Drive 
4 Support inner hub with  BMW  special tools 26 1 110 and 
press axle shaft out  of joint  using  BMW  special tool  21 2 120. 
- Clean  all  old lubricant  off shaft splines  and inner joint  splines. 
If  the  CVjoint  must be disassembled  for cleaning  and inspec- 
tion,  be sure  to matchmark inner and  outer race and interme- 
diate ball cage. This allows  reassembly 
ofparfs in their 
original positions. 
To  inspect  a CVjoint,  clean away the grease and loolc forgall-...

Page 763

General ........................... .34 0.2 
Special  Tools 
....................... .34 0.2 
E39 brake  system 
.................... .34 0.4 
Electronic braking and stability control 
.... .34  0.4 
..................... .34  0.5 
Warnings  and cautions 
................ .34  0.7 
Bleeding  Brakes ................... .34 0.8 
Brakes, bleeding 
..................... .34  0.9 
Brake  Pads, Calipers  and Rotors ... .34 0.1 1 
Braking  system components .......... .34 0.11 
Brake pads,...

Page 764

This repair group covers brake service: 
Brake pads, calipers,  and disks 
Master cylinder, bralte booster, and parking brake 
1 ASC  and ABS / DSC  component replacement 
1 ASC  and ABS 1 DSC system  descriptions are covered 
300 Suspension,  Steering and Brakes - General. 
Special  Tools 
BMW requires  the use  of either the DIS  or the MoDiC diag- 
nostic tool to safely and completely bleed the 
brak~ng and 
traction control  systems. Read all procedures through before 
beginning a...

Page 765

, Brake caliper bolt tool 
4 ASC bleeder wrench 
(Tool No.  BMW 34 
3 110) 
4 Brake line flare wrench  set (12 mm, 14 mm, 17 mm, 19 rnm) 
(Tool  No. BMW  34 3  150) 
34 3 152 
34 3 153 
34 3 154 
4 DSC Dressure sensor  installation socltet 
4 ABS IASC  or ABSI DSC control  unit 42-pin  harness  adapter 
(break-out adapter) 
(Tool  No. BMW  34 5 240) 
(Tool NO. BMW  34 5 160)   

Page 766

E39 brake system 
BMW E39 models are equipped with vacuum power-assisted 
four-wheel disc brakes with  an integral 
Antilock Brake System 
(ABS).  Single-piston calipers  act on vented  front and rear  ro- 
tors. A  brake pad wear sensor  for each axle indicates when 
brake  pads need replacement. The dual  drum-type parking 
brake system is integrated with the rear brake  rotors. 
Electronic braking and stability control 
E39 models were introduced with  Automatic Stability Control, 
a  computer...

Page 767

Brake performance is mainly affected by three things: 
Q Level  and condition  of brake fluid 
Ability  of bralte system to create and maintain pressure 
Condition  of friction  components 
Air  in bralte  fluid will 
make the brake  pedal feel spongy  during 
orwill increase  the bralte pedal force required  to stop. 
Fluid contaminated by moisture or dirt  can corrode  the sys- 
tem.  lnspect the brake  fluid inside the reservoir.  If it is dirty  or 
murky,  or is...

Page 768

1 Brakes 
Brake system troubleshooting 
/symptom I Probable  cause 1 Repairs 
Brake  squeal 
Pedal  goes to floor  when 
Low pedal  after system bleeding 
Pedal spongy  or brakes work 
only when pedal  is pumped 
Excessive  braking effort 
Brakes pulsate, chatter  or grab 
bralting, car pulls  to one 
side,  rear braltes 
Brakes drag, bind or  overheat Brake 
pad carriers dirty  or corroded  or 
pads loose (poor  fit) in pad  carrier 
Braite  pads heat-glazed  or...

Page 769

Warnings and cautions 
. E39 cars require special BMWsen/ice equipment toprop- 
erly  bleed  the  brake  hydraulic  system. See Bleeding 
Brakes for additional information. 
Semi-metallic  and metallic brake friction materials  in 
brake pads  or shoes  may produce dangerous  dust. 
Brake fluid is poisonous, corrosive and dangerous to 
the environment.  Wear safety glasses  and rubber 
gloves when worliing with 
bralie fluid. Do not siphon 
brake fluid with your mouth. Dispose  of...

Page 770

1 Brakes 
Brake bleeding is usually  done for one  of two  reasons:  either 
to  replace  old brake  fluid as part  of routine  maintenance  or to 
expel trapped  air in the system that  resulted 
from opening the 
brake hydraulic  system during repairs. 
Read the 
Warnings listed  below  before beginning  the bleed- 
ing procedure  an on any 
E39 car. If air enters the  ACS or DSC 
hydraulic  unit, the factory  BMW Service  Tester MUST  be 
used  in conjunction  with a bralte pressure  bleeder...
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