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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 521

Radiator and Cooling system] 
< Disconnect expansion  tank: 
Remove  expansion tank bleed  screw and support  clip 
Loosen hose clamp (6) and disconnect  coolant hose from 
expansion tank. 
Disconnect harness connector from coolant  level sensor 
Push top  of expansion  tank toward engine  and disconnect 
bleed hose. 
Lift  expansion 
tank to free  it from lower mounts,  then lift 
straight up to  remove. 
- Installation is reverse  of removal, noting  the following: 
Fill radiator...

Page 522


Page 523

180 Exhaust System 
General Exhaust  System 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Exhaust system, removing and installing 
Muffler,  replacing.. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Exhaust  Manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Exhaust manifolds, removing 
and installing (M52  engine) 
. . . . . . . . . . 
Exhaust manifolds,  removing and 
installing (M52 
TU and M54  engines) . . . 
Exhaust manifolds, removing 
and installing (M62  engine) 
. . . . . . . . . . 
Oxygen Sensors. . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Page 524

Exhaust System 
The exhaust system  is designed  to be  maintenance  free, al- 
though  regular inspection  is warranted  due to the harsh oper- 
ating  conditions.  Under normal  conditions, the  catalytic 
converter  does not require replacement unless  it is  damaged. 
New  fasteners, clamps,  rubber mounts and gaskets should 
be  used  when  replacing exhaust  components. 
A liberal appli- 
cation of  penetrating  oil to the  exhaust system nuts  and bolts 
in  advance  may make removal...

Page 525

... . 
Exhaust System 
- With exhaust system fully cold,  raise and  support car for ac- 
cess  to exhaust  system. 
Do not  worlc  under  a lifted  car unless  it is  solidly supported  on 
jack  stands  designed  for that purpose. Never  work under  a 
car  that  is supported solely  by a 
- Disconnect oxygen sensor connector(s). 
4 Loosen  and remove  bolts holding  front exhaust pipes  to ex- 
haust manifolds  (arrows). Right side of 
V8 model shown. 
- Support exhaust system 

Page 526

/Exhaust System Muffler, replacing 
BMW offers individual  mufflers as replacement parts  for the 
original one-piece assembly. Replacement  of a rear  muffler 
may  be possible  with the system installed on the  car. Re- 
placement  of the  front  or middle muffler  should only be done 
with  the exhaust  removed  from the car. 
< Mark length  of new  muffler pipe(s) on old system. 
- Use  exhaust  pipe cutter to cut pipe(s). Deburr  cut pipe 
4 Use  clamping sleeves  to join  new pipe(s) to...

Page 527

Exhaust system1 
Exhaust manifold removal procedures are organized accord- 
ing  to engine  code. If necessary,  see 
100 Engine-General 
for  engine code and application information. 
Exhaust manifolds, removing  and installing 
(M52 engine) 
4 Exhaust  manifolds  for the M52 engine. 
Always  use new  retaining  nuts and gaskets  when removing 
and installing  the exhaust  manifolds. 
- With exhaust  system cold, raise and support car for access 
to  exhaust  system. 
Do not  work  under a...

Page 528

Exhaust System 
Exhaust manifolds, removing and installing 
(M52 TU and M54 engines) 
I Exhaust manifolds with converters I 4 The exhaust manifolds incorporate the  catalytic converters. 
Two  precatalyst  and two post-catalyst  oxygen sensors  are 
mounted  in the  exhaust  manifold  assembly. 
Under  normal  conditions, the  catalytic converters  do not re- 
quire  replacement  unless damaged. Always use new retain- 
ing nuts  and gaskets  when removing  and installing the 
exhaust manifolds....

Page 529

1 Exhaust ~vsteml 
The front exhaust manifold  must be removed before  the rear 
- Installation is  reverse of removal. 
Coat exhaust  mounting studs with  CRC or equivalent  cop- 
per  paste. 
Use  new gasltets  and self-locking  nuts. 
Tightening torques  Exhaust  manifold  to cylinder  head  20 Nm 
(15 ft-lb) 
Front  exhaust  pipe to manifold  30 Nm 
(22 ft-lb) 
Oxygen  sensor to manifold  50 
Nrn (37 ft-lb) 
Exhaust manifolds, removing and installing 
(M62 engine) 
Always use new...

Page 530

- Removing left side exhaust manifolds (cylinder bank 5-8): 
- Remove heat baffle  plate on left side. 
Remove oxygen sensor  using 
BMW special tool 11 7 030 
or similar oxygen sensor  socket. 
BMW special tools 00 0 200,OO 0 201,OO 0 202,OO 0 
204, and 00 0 208 or other  suitable engine  lifting support 
above engine  and attach  to lifting  eye on  left head. 
The supports  on special  tool 00 0 208 must rest  on the 
screws  on the  fenders. 
- Remove nut  at top  of engine support...
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