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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 511

Radiator and Cooling System 
Remove  rubber trim  strip between  top of shroud and  radiator. 
Using 32  mm wrench 
(BMW special tool 11 5 040)  on fan 
clutch  nut (arrow),  turn wrench  in a clockwise  direction 
(working  from front  of car) while counterholding  pulley with 
BMW  special tool 
11 5 030. Spin  fan off coolant  pump. 
The radiator cooling  fan nut (32 mm wrench)  has left-hand 
Unclip  AUC (air quality) sensor from  shroud, 
M54 engine:  Disconnect auxiliary coolant...

Page 512

170-1 6 
I Radiator and Cooling System 
- Remove  fan and  fan shroud mounting  fasteners. Slide fan 
and  fan shroud downward  to  remove. 
- Reinstallation is reverse of removal. 
Thermostat, removing and installing 
(M52 engine) 
The coolant  thermostat is  installed in a housing at  the front  of 
the engine. 
- Drain coolant from radiator and engine  block. See Coolant, 
draining and  filling (6-cylinder  models). 
Allow the  cooling system  to cool  before opening  or draining 

Page 513

Radiator and Cooling systeml 
Tightening torques 
Block  drain plug to block  25  Nm 
Coolant  hose clamp  (32 - 48  2. 
5 Nm (22 in-lb) 
mm  hose  diameter) 
Radiator drain  plug to radiator 
Thermostat housing  to cylinder 
head 10 Nm (89 in-lb) 
I Coolant  thermostat  housing assmbly- - I 
Thermostat,  removing and installing 
(M52 TU or M54 engine) 
4 The  electric  map-controlled thermostat  is  part of the  thermo- 
stat housing  at the  front  of the  cylinder...

Page 514

Tightening torques Block  drain plug to block 
25 Nm  (18 ft-lb) 
Radiator drain plug  to radiator 2 - 3 Nm  (18 - 27 in-lb) 
Thermostat housing to 
cylinder  head 10 Nm (89 in-lb) 
Thermostat, removing and installing 
(V-8 models) 
The electrically-heated thermostat is  an integral parl of the 
thermostat housing.  The operation  of the thermostat is  moni- 
tored  by the  engine  control  module (ECM). 
- If a faulty  thermostat  is suspected,  use appropriate scan tool 
to  interrogate  ECM for...

Page 515

170-1 9 
Radiator and Cooling System 
Coolant pump  Remove thermostat housing fasteners 
(arrows) and remove 
thermostat  housing. 
Installation is  reverse of removal,  noting the  following: 
- Keep sealing  faces clean and free  of  oil. 
Use  new  sealing  gasket. 
Fill system with  coolant. See Coolant,  draining and fill- 
(V-8 models). 
Tightening  torques 
Block  drain plug to block  25 Nm  (18 it-lb) 
Coolant hose  clamp (32 
- 48 2. 5 Nm (22 in-lb) 
mm  hose  diameter) 
Radiator drain...

Page 516

., -- 
Radiator and Cooling System --- 1 
insert two M6 screws  (arrows)  in tapped bores  and tighten 
uniformly until  pump is free from timing chain cover (thermo- 
stat  and  hoses have  been removed  for purposes of  visual 
Installation  is reverse  of removal, noting  the following: 
Be  sure  to replace sealing O-ring  and gaskets. 
Coat  O-ring  with water-based  lubricant  during installation. 
Refill with coolant.  See Coolant,  draining and filling 
cylinder models)....

Page 517

Radiator and Coolina ~vsteml 
- Disconnect thermostat  and cooling  system temperature sen- 
sor plug connectors. 
4 Remove  thermostat housing  fasteners and remove housing. 
- Remove coolant pump pulley  bolts and remove  pulley from 
Remove  fasteners A and B (arrows). 
* The coolant  pump is retained  to the block using different 
length  bolts. 
0 Bolts A: M6 X 105 mm 
0 Bolts 8: M6 X 35 mm 
Slide coolant pump  away from coolant pipes  (arrows) while 
being careful  not to dislodge...

Page 518

.. - -- 
Radiator and Cooling System 
Tightening torques 
Coolant pump to timing  chain  10 
Nm  (89 in-lb) 
Coolant pump 
pulley to  coolant 
10  Nm  (89 in-lb 
blocic drain  plug to  block 25 Nm (18 ft-lb) 
Radiator drain  plug to radiator 
Thermostat cover  to coolant 
pump assembly 10 Nm  (89 in-lb) 
Radiator,  removing and  installing 
Removal of the  radiator  is similar for V-8 and  6-cylinder  mod- 
- Raise  front of car  and  support  safely....

Page 519

. -- 
Radiator and Cooling system/ 
4 Pry out expansion  rivets (A) on left  and  right side  of  fan 
shroud.  Loosen  hose clamp 
(6) and remove hose from  ex- 
pansion  tank. 
Remove expansion tank:  Remove expansion  tanlc cap, vent  plug 
(A) and tank retain- 
ing  clips  (arrows). 
Lift expansion 
tanlc upward and  off lower retaining lugs. 
Push  shroud  back to expose expansion  tank vent line. Re- 
move line. 
Using  32 mm  wrench 
(BMW special  tool 11 5 040) on fan 
clutch nut  (arrow), turn...

Page 520

Radiator and Cooling System 1 
4 Lift fan and  shroud together out  of engine compartment. 
- Detach  upper and  lower radiator  hoses. 
Later models use retaining  clips to fasten  coolant hoses  to 
expansion  tank and radiator. 
- Disconnect  temperature  sensor harness  connector. 
4 Remove radiator  support bolts and  supports (arrows).  6-cyl- 
inder  shown. 
- Slide  right side  of radiator back toward engine  and pull radi- 
ator  up to remove. 
- Installation  is reverse  of...
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