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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 491

Fuel Tank and Fuel pump/ 
- Remove  suction hose  from tank filler neck  carefully  to avoid 
damaging filler  neck baffle plate. 
After finishing repairs  but before  starling  engine, be sure 
there  is at least 
5 liters (1.5 gallons)  of fuel  in tanlc. The fuel 
pump  will be damaged  if run  without  fuel. 
Fuel tank,  removing  and installing 
- Remove  fuel tank filler cap  and drain tank as  described 
- Disconnect negative  cable from battery. 
Prior  to...

Page 492

Fuel Tank and Fuel Pump 
4 Working  underneath  car, pinch  off supply  and return  fuel hos- 
es  (arrows),  then disconnect hoses from  rigid metal lines. 
- Remove  right rear wheel  and wheel housing splash  shield. 
4 Worlting at right rear wheel  housing,  loosen hose clamp 
(arrow)  and disconnect filler  pipe from tank. 
- Support tank  from below. Remove  tank strap mounting bolts. 
Lower  and remove  tank, disconnecting  right side  vent and 
hoses/electrical connectors  as...

Page 493

.- Fuel Tank and Fuel pump( - 
Fuel expansion  tank,  removing 
and installing 
- Raise rear end  of car and support  safely. 
Make sure the car  is stable  and well supported  at all times. 
Use  a professional  automotive lift 
orjack stands designed for 
ouroose. A floor  iack is not adequate  support 
- Remove left rear wheel  and wheel housing inner  shield. 
4 Remove plastic nut (A) and disconnect hose (B). 
4 Tilt vent tank  down  and loosen  or cut off hose clamps 

Page 494

Fuel Tank and Fuel  Pump 1 
Activated carbon canister I fuel tank leak 
detection unit 
(LDP or DMTL), removing . . - 
and installing 
- Raise  rear end of car  and  support  safely. 
Make sure the car  is stable  and well supported  at all  times. 
Use a professional  automotive lift 
orjack stands designed  for 
the  purpose. 
A floor jack is not  adequate  support. 
- Remove left rear wheel  and inner fender  panel 
Remove carbon canisterlfuel tank  leak detection  unit 
(V-8 model shown):...

Page 495

Fuel Tank and Fuel pump1 
The 312-way  valve is also activated  briefly if an engine misfire 
is detected.  This provides full fuel  flow through  the fuel rail  to 
determine  if the  misfire was caused by a  lean fuel condition. 
The  valve is monitored by  the ECM  forfaults. 
- Using BMW or compatible scan  tool, read out fault  memory. 
OBD On-Board Diagnostics. 
- Turn  off ignition. 
- Raise car  and support  safely. 
Male sure the car  is stable  and well suppodedat all...

Page 496


Page 497

176 Radiator and Cooling System 
General ........................... .I7 0.2 
Special  tools 
........................ .I7 0.2 
Cooling  system  overview 
(M52 TU shown. others similar) ......... .I7 0.3 
Coolant pump 
....................... .I7 0.3 
......................... .I7 0.3 
Mechanical thermostat  (M52 engine) 
..... .I7 0.4 
Electrically heated thermostat 
.......... .I7 0.4 
Radiator and expansion tank 
........... .I7 0.4 
Mechanical cooling  fan with viscous clutch 
.I7 0.4...

Page 498

I Radiator and Cooling System 
This section covers component repair information  for the en- 
gine cooling  system. 
Heater  core replacement is covered  in 
640 Heating and Air 
Special tools 
Special tools are necessaryfor belt-driven  fan clutch removal 
and  also  for pressure testing the cooling system. 
4 Cooling  fan counterhold  wrench 
(Tool No.  BMW 
11 5 030) 
4 Cooling fan wrench 
(Tool  No. BMW 
11 5 040) 
< Expansion tank cap  test adaptor 
(Tool  No. 
BMW 17 0 007) 
17 0...

Page 499

- - 
L- - 
-. - - - Radiator and Cooling sYstelll/ -- 
Cooling system overview 
(M52 TU shown, others similar) 
Coolant pump 
A centrifugal coolant  pump is mounted  to the  front  of the  en- 
gine.  The belt-driven pump circulates coolant through  the 
system whenever  the engine is running. 
Two types  of thermostats  are used  in the cars  covered  by this 
manual. 6-cylinder  models built up to 
911 998 (M52 engine) 
use  a conventional mechanical thermostat. All 
V-8 models 

Page 500

I Radiator and Cooling  System 
Mechanical thermostat 
(M52 engine) 
4 The mechanical  thermostat relies on coolant temperature  to 
operate. While coolant  is  cold, it remains closed,  and circu- 
lating  coolant  bypasses  the radiator  for rapid engine  warm 
up.  At higher coolant  temperature, the  thermostat progres- 
sively  opens  to allow coolant  flow through  the radiator,  thus 
controlling engine temperature.  Port 
A restricts  coolant flow 
from  radiator,  and port 
B restricts...
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