Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual
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11 6-55 Cvlinder Head and valvetrain1 4 Remove cylinder head cover sealing gasltets from left cylin- der head cover. Install BMW special tool 11 1 412 into gasket groove of cylinder head cover. Install left cylinder head cover. Fit cylinder head cover re- taining nuts to cylinder head cover studs at cylinders 5 and 6 (first two cylinders on left side cylinder bank). * Tighten nuts uniformly in I? turn steps. NOTE- BMW special tool 11 1 4 12presses upper timing chain cover...
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1 16-56 Cylinder Head and Valvetrain This section covers valve removal and reconditioning, includ- ing valve guides, seats, springs, and valve stem oil seals. Valves, leak test To test the valves for leakage, the cylinder head must be dis- assembled with camshafts and camshaft carriers removed. With valve assemblies and spark plugs installed, place the cylinder head on a workbench with the combustion chamber facing upward. Fill each combustion chamber with a thin non- flammable...
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- - - . - Cylinder Head and Valvetrain - Table c. Valve specifications Valve head diameter lntaite 33.0 mm 33.0 mm 35.0 mm Exhaust 30.5 mm 30.5 mm 30.5 mm Valve stem diameter - Standard Intake 6.0 mm .0.025 6.0 mm -O.o .o.040 6.0 mm .0.025 .0,040 Exhaust 6.0 mm -0.00 -0.055 6.0 mm -0.040 .0,055 6.0 mm .0.040 .0,055 Valve stem diameter - Oversize 1 (identified on stem as Rl) Intake 6.1 mm -0.025 .0.040 6.1 mm .0-025 .0,040 6.1 mm -O.o .o,040 Exhaust 6.1 mm .O.O4O ..,,,, 6.1 mm -0.040...
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Table d. Valve guide specifications Specifications All engines (1997-2002) Valve guide wear, maximum 0.5 mrn (0.020 in) (valve tilt clearance measured with new valve) Valve guide inside diameter, installed (tolerance per IS0 allowance H7) Standard 6.0 mm (0.236 in) Oversize 1 6.1 mrn (0.240 in) Oversize 2 6.2 mm (0.244 in) Valve stem oil seals The purpose of the valve stem oil seal is to prevent excess oil from entering the combustion chamber. The sign of faulty...
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Cylinder Head and valvetrain1 Valve seats < The valve seats should be resurfaced whenever new valves or valve guides are installed. Cutters are required to resur- face the seats. Always check the valves for leaks after recon- ditioning a valve seat as described above. Table e. Valve seat specifications lists valve seat dimensions. Table e. Valve seat specifications (refer to figure) All 6 cylinder All 8 cylinder engines (1997- engines (1997- Specification 2002) 2002)...
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11 6-60 Cylinder Head and Valvetrain Valve springs The valve springs should be checked for fatigue. To quickly check the springs, line them up in a row. Place astraight edge across the top of the springs. Any spring that is significantly shorter than the others is worn and should be replaced. Valve spring specifications and wear limits are not available from BMW.
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11 7 Camshaft Timing Chain General ........................... .I I 7-2 Double VANOS System Special tools ........................ .I 17-2 (M52 TU and M54 engines) ......... 11 7-34 Crankshaft Oil Seal, Front ........... I 17-6 Crankshaft oil seal, front, replacing (M52 engine) ................ .I1 7-6 Crankshaft oil seal, replacing (M52 TU and M54 engines) ............ .I 17-9 Crankshaft oil seal, replacing (M62 and M62 TU engines) ........... .I1 7-1 1 VANOS Control Unit and Timing...
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1 17-2 Camshaft Timing Chain This repair group covers timing chain and VANOS repair information for the following engines: M52 (Single VANOS 6-cylinder engine) M52 TU and M54 (Double VANOS engines) M62 (Non VANOS V-8 engine) NOTE- The M62 TU V-8 engine with VANOS Variable Camshaft Timing repair information is not included. NOTE- See 100 Engine General for engine code and application information. Worn timing chains and sprocltets can lead to noisy operation and...
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1 17-3 Camshaft Timing Chain 4 Crankshaft seal installation bushing, V-8 (Tool No. BMW 11 1 220) 4 Upper timing cover Installation tool, V-8 (Tool No. BMW 11 1 41 11412) 4 Crankshaft hub locking tools (6-cylinder engine with 2 piece vibration dampener) (Tool No. BMW 11 2 150 11 1 2 410) 4 Cranltshaft loclting tool (Tool No. BMW 11 2 300) I I 4 Seal extractor tool set (Tool No. BMW 11 2 380)
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[Camshaft Timing Chain 4 Camshaft locking tool set, 6-cylinder (Tool No. BMW 11 3 240) - 4 Crankshaft seal installation bushing. 6-cylinde~ 4 Secondary chain tensioner locking pin set. 6-cylinder (Tool No. BMW 11 3 290) 11 3292 4 Secondary chain tensioner loclting pin, V-8 (Tool No. BMW 11 3 310) 4 Air line fitting (Tool No. BMW 11 3 450) 4 Protractor (Tool No. BMW 11 3 460)