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Honda Bmw 5 Service Manual

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Page 181

11 6-5 
I Cylinder Head and valvetrain1 
4 Timing chain  tensioner  bracket (V-8) 
(Tool No.  BMW 
11 7 380) 
This section  provides the  specifications  and special recondi- 
tioning  information necessary to repair  the cylinder heads 
covered  by this manual. 
The  disassembled cylinder head should  be inspected for 
warpage and  cracks. Check the valve guides and valve seats 
for wear  before machining  a warped head. Always decarbon- 
ize  and  clean the  head before  inspecting  it....

Page 182

11 6-6 
Cylinder  Head and Valvetrain 
4 Before  machining  the head  to correct  for warpage, measure 
the total height 
(A) (thickness  of the  cylinder head). Minimum 
height  specifications  are given  in Table  a. Cylinder  head 
6 cylinder  and V-8 engines share  cylinder head height spec- 
Table  a. Cylinder  head height 
New  Minimum height 
140.0 rnrn (5.512 in.) 139.7 rnrn (5.500 in.) 
Valves, leak test 
To test  the valves for leakage, the cylinder  head must...

Page 183

Cylinder Head and valvetrain1 
Hydraulic lifters, checking and replacing 
Self-adjusting hydraulic lifters (A) keep the valve clearances 
within  a limited working  range. Hydraulic  lifters are sealed 
units  and require no  maintenance.  Section view of camshaft 
(6) and valve  with conical  valve spring (C) shown. 
Under  some circumstances,  such as a cold start, the  cam fol- 
lowers  may emit noise. Hydraulic lifter noise is  usually a 
pitched tapping or chattering  noise. In most...

Page 184

Cylinder Head and Valvetrain 
&cylinder models:  remove plastic top 
- Pry out caps (arrows). 
- Remove fasteners  and  covers. covers: 
4 V-8 models: remove plastic top 
Press  down on locking pins 
(arrows) to release locks  and 
remove  top cover. 
Pry  out caps 
(A) from  covers. 
Remove fasteners  and covers. 
4 Lift metal  latch on coil  harness connectors  and disconnect 
harness connectors from coils. 6-cylinder shown, 
V-8 similar. 
- Remove  coil grounding  straps. 
Make note...

Page 185

11 6-9 
Cvlinder Head and valvetrain1 
4 Remove ignition coils  and spark plugs. 
V-8 models: remove  mounting nuts (arrows)  from wiring har- 
ness  ducting. 
< V-8 models: disconnect  fuel injector electrical connectors 
from  injectors: 
Pry  one  corner  of wire 
loclc clip  (arrow)  on first injector. 
Repeat  for all injectors. 
Lift wire ducts  off and  set aside. 
- V-8 models: disconnect battery jump start  post terminal from 
left cylinder  head cover. 
- 6-cylinder  models: remove oil  filler...

Page 186

Cylinder Head and Valvetrain 
< Remove oil  baffle cover from above  intake camshaft(s) 
- Rotate  engine at  crankshaft  vibration damper center bolt  in 
normal direction  of rotation (clockwise)  until camshaft  lobe of 
lifter  to be tested  points away from the lifter,  allowing  valve to 
be  completely closed. 
Use  a plastic or wooden stick  to press down  on top  of lifter 
with approximately  3.5 Nm 
(2.25 ft-ib) of force. 
If  the  lifter collapses  slightly  as though spring  loaded, air...

Page 187

Cylinder Head and Valvetrain 
4 Install intake camshaft oil baffle cover and cylinder  head cov- 
= Checlc for correct seating  of half-moon seals (A) in back  of 
cylinder  head cover. 
Use  a small amount  of Three Bond  1209 
@or equivalent 
sealant  at corners 
(B) of half-moon cutouts and corners  in 
front  of cylinder  head at joint  to timing chain  cover. 
Align cover  at front  and rear,  then alternatively tighten  fas- 
teners from  inside  to outside. 
Tightening torque 
Sparic plug...

Page 188

I Cylinder Head and Valvetrain 
Camshaft and lifter removal and installation 
(M52 engine) 
Camshafts and lifters, removing (M52 engine) 
The process  of evenly  loosening  the camshaft bearing cap 
nuts  is NOT  an acceptable method of  removing  the cam- 
shafts. Special tools should  always be used  to remove the 
camshafts. Be  sure to read  the procedure 
tlirough before 
starting  a job. 
I Allow  engine to  cool before beginning this procedure. / 
- Disconnect  negative (-)...

Page 189

Cylinder Head and Valvetrain 
I I < Remove outer  thrust washer, sprinq plate, and inner  thrust 
4 Remove  both camshait sprockets  with secondary timing 
Keep chain  and sprockets together  as an  assembly for easier 
< Remove  thrust washer  studs (arrows) and remove  thrust 

Page 190

I Cylinder Head and Valvetrain 
4 Remove sensor gear (arrow). 
Remove secondary  timing  chain tensioner  retaining bolts 
(arrows) and  remove tensioner. 
Remove timing  chain guide 
reta~ning bolts (arrows) and 
remove guide.   
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