Global Garden Products
Lawn Mower
Global Garden Products Lawn Mower CR/CS 430 CR/CS 480 CRL/CSL 480 171505599/1 Instructions Manual
Global Garden Products Lawn Mower CR/CS 430 CR/CS 480 CRL/CSL 480 171505599/1 Instructions Manual
Here you can view all the pages of manual Global Garden Products Lawn Mower CR/CS 430 CR/CS 480 CRL/CSL 480 171505599/1 Instructions Manual. The Global Garden Products manuals for Lawn Mower are available online for free. You can easily download all the documents as PDF.
Page 21
19 NORME D|USO NOTA {La corrispondenza frairiferimenti contenutineltesto ele rispettive figure(poste allepaggr 2s3) èdata dalnumero che precede ciascunparagrafor NOTA{La macchina puòessere fornitaconalcuni com{ ponenti giàmontatiz ATTENZIONE {Lo sballaggio eilcompletamento del montaggiodevonoessereeffettuati suuna superficie piana esolidax conspazio sufficiente allamovimenta { zionedellamacchina edegli imballix avvalendosi sempre degliattrezzi appropriatiz Losmaltimento degliimballi deveavvenire secondo...
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20 Inlinea generaleo possonovalereleseguenti indicazioniq –un taglio troppo bassoprovoca strappiediradamenti nel tappetoerbosooconunaspetto “amacchie”p –in estateo iltaglio deveessere piùalto perevitare ildissec s camento delterrenop –non tagliare luerbaquando èbagnatap ciòpuò ridurre lueffis cienza dellalama perluerba chevisi attacca eprovocare strappi neltappeto erbosop –nel caso dierba particolarmente altaoèbene eseguire una primarasatura allamassima altezzaconsentita dallamacs chinao seguita dauna...
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21 NORME SDE SÉCURI TÉÀOB SERV ERSCRU PULEUS EMENT IMPOR TANTmLIRE ATTEN TIVEMENT AVANTDnUTILISER LAMACH INEl CON SERV ERPOUR TOUTBES OIN õßUTUR IM POR TANTmUtilisez latondeus eex clusivem entdans lebut pour lequel elle est dest inéej c'es tmàm dire couper l'herbeetlaramasse rlTo ut au tre emploi peutserév éler dange reux etcau ser des dommag esàdes perso nneset/ou àdes chosesx ėįontpar tiede l|e mploi impropre(à titr e d|ex em ple non exclusif)w –transpo rtersurla mac hin edes per son nesu...
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22 NORMES DnEMPLOI RE MA RQUE yLa correspondan ceentre lesréférences contey nuesdans le text eet les figures respecti ves (qui setrouven taux pa ges2y3) est indiquée parlenuméro quiprécèd echaque paray graphe x REMA RQUE mLa machine peut être fournie avec certain s com posant sdéj àmo nté sl ATTEN TION mLe débal lageetl'ac hèv ement dumonta gedoi m vent être effectués surun esur face plate etsol ide javec sufm fis amm ent dnes pace pourlamanu tention de la machi neet des emb alla ges jtoujours...
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23 ris tiq ue s an alogu esd|in terchange abilitéet de sécur ité de fon cy tion neme ntx Remo nte rla lame (2)ave cle cod eet le marquage tour nés versle te rra in ue n su ivant laséq uen ceindiq uée surlafigurex Se rrer lavis ce ntrale (1 )u en utilisan tun eclé dynamomé triq ue ta y rée à16y20 Nmx Ne pas utilise rde jets d|e auu eté vit erde mouille rle mot eur etle spiè ceséle ctrique sx Po urnet toye rle ch âssis un| emp loyeraucun liquideagre ssifx Sur lesmod èle save ctrac tion upo urobtenir la ju...
Page 26
24 SAyăETYREGUL ATIONSTO BE OB SER VED SCRUPULOU SLY IMPORT ANT{READ CAREyăUL LYBEyă ORE USIN GTH EMAC HINE KEEP yăORyăUTU REREyăERENC E IMPO RTANT {On lyuse thelawnmower for the purpose forwhich itwas designedo nam ely mowin gand colle cting grassr Anyotherusag emay be haza rdou sand harm per son san d/or dam agethingsr Exa mples ofimproper usemay include obut are not lim ited toq –tra nsporting personso childrenorani mals onthe mac hinep –letting one self betransport edby the machinep –using themac...
Page 27
25 OPERATING INSTRUCT IONS NOTEmThe number whichprecedes eachparagraph linksthe references inthe text tothe respective figures(listedonthe pages 2y3)x NOTE mThe machine canbesupplied withsome partsalm ready assembledl WARNING mUnpacking andcompleting theassembly should bedone onaflat and stable surfacej withenough space formoving themachine anditspackagingj alm ways using suitable equipmentl Disposal ofthe packaging shouldbedone inaccor m dance withthelocal regulations inforcel Complete machineassembly...
Page 28
26intime byothersu withsimilar interchangeable andoperating safety featuresx Reassemble theblade (2)with thecode andmarkings facing thegroundu following thesteps indicated inthe illustrationx Tighten thecentral screw(1)using atorque wrench setto16y 20 Nmx Do not spray water ontoandavoid wetting themotor and electrical componentsx Donot use aggressive liquidstoclean thechassisx On powerydriven modelsutheproper belttension is obtained byadjusting thenut(1)toget theindicated measy urement (6mm)x...
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