GE Logiq 3 Instruction Manual
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Measurement Acronyms LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual 2-5 Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 HR Heart Rate, 2D, Teicholtz bpm HR Heart Rate for 2CH study bpm HR Heart Rate for 4CH study bpm HR Heart Rate for 2CH AL study bpm HR Heart Rate for 2CH MOD study bpm HR Heart Rate for 4CH AL study bpm HR Heart Rate for 4CH MOD study bpm HR Heart Rate for Bullet study bpm HR Heart Rate for Bi-Plane MOD study bpm HR LV Heart Rate, Dop bpm HR Heart Rate, M-mode, Teicholtz bpm HR Heart Rate bpm IVC Inferior Vena Cava cm IVCT Isovolumic Contraction Time ms IVRT Isovolumic Relaxation Time ms IVSd Interventricular Septum Thickness, Diastolic, 2D cm IVSd IVS Thickness, Diastolic, M-mode cm IVSs Interventricular Septum Thickness, Systolic, 2D cm IVSs IVS Thickness, Systolic, M-mode cm LA Diam Left Atrium Diameter, 2D cm LA Diam Left Atrium Diameter, M-mode cm LA Diam Right Atrium DIameter, 2D cm LA Major Left Atrium Major cm LA Minor Left Atrium Minoro cm LA/Ao LA Diameter to AoRoot Diameter Ratio, 2D LA/Ao LA Diameter to AoRoot Diameter Ratio, M-mode LAEDV (MOD A4C) LA Volume, Single Plane, MOD ml LAESV (MOD A4C) LA Volume, Systolic, SIngle Plane MOD ml LIMP Left Index of Myocardial Performance LVA(s) Left Ventricular Area, Systolic, 2CH cm 2 Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 5 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Formulas 2-6LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 LVAd (A2C)Left Ventricular Area, Diastolic, 2CH cm2 LVAd (A4C)Left Ventricular Area, Diastolic, 4CH cm2 LVAd (sax)LV area, SAX, Diastolic cm2 LVAend (d)LV Endocardial Area, SAX cm2 LVAepi (d)LV Epicardial Area, SAX cm2 LVAs (A4C)Left Ventricular Area, Systolic, 4CH cm2 LVAs (sax)LV Area, SAX, Systolic cm2 LVd MassLV Mass, Diastolic, 2D g LVd Mass LV Mass, Diastolic, M-mode g LVd Mass Index LV Mass Index, Diastolic, 2D g/m 2 LVd Mass IndexLV Mass Index, Diastolic, M-mode g/m2 LVEDV (A-L A2C) LV Volume, Diastolic, 2CH, Area-Length ml LVEDV (A-L A4C) LV Volume, Diastolic, 4CH, Area-Length ml LVEDV (MOD A2C) LV Volume, DIastolic, Single Plane, 2CH, MOD ml LVEDV (MOD A4C) LV Volume, Distolic, Single Plane, 4CH, MOD ml LVEAD (MOD BP) LV Volume, Diastolic, Bi-Plane, MOD ml LVESV (A-L A2C) LV Volume, Systolic, 2CH, Area-Length ml LVESV (A-L A4C) LV Volume, Systolic, 4CH, Area-Length ml LVESV (MOD A2C) LV Volume, Systolic, Single Plane, 2CH, MOD ml LVESV (MOD A4C) LV Volume , Systolic, Single Plane, 4CH, MOD ml LVESV (MOD BP) LV Volume, Systolic, Bi-Plane, MOD ml LVESV (MOD LAX) LV Volume, Diastolic, Apical View, LAX MOD ml LV ESV (MOD LAX) LV Volume, Systolic, Apical View, LAX, MOD ml LVET Left Ventricle Ejection Time ms LVIDd LV Internal Dimension, Distolic, 2D cm LVIDd LV Internal Dimension, Distolic, M-mode cm LVIDs LV Internal Dimension, Systolic, 2D cm LVIDs LV Internal Dimension, Systolic, M-mode cm LVLd (Apical) Left Ventricular Length, Diastolic, 2D cm Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 6 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Acronyms LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual 2-7 Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 LVLs (Apical) Left Ventricular Length, Systolic, 2D cm LVOT Area Left Ventricle Outflow Tract Area cm 2 LVOT COCardiac Output by Aortic Flow l/min LVOT Diam Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Diameter cm LVOT max PG LVOT Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg LVOT mean PG LVOT Mean Pressure Gradient mmHg LVOT SI Stroke Volume Index by Aortic Flow ml/m 2 LVOT SVStroke Volume by Aortic Flow ml LVOT Vmax LVOT Peak Velocity m/s LVOT Vmean LVOT Velocity TIme Integral cm LVPWd Left Ventricular Pesterior Wall Thickness, Diastolic, 2D cm LVPWd Left Ventricular Posterior Wall Thickness, Diastolic, M-mode cm LVPWs Left Ventricular Pesterior Wall Thickness, Systolic, 2D cm LVPWs Left Ventricular Posterior Wall Thickness, Systolic, M-mode cm LVs Mass LV Mass, Systolic, 2D g LVs Mass LV Mass, Systolic, M-mode g LVs Mass Index LV Mass Index, Systolic, 2D g/m 2 LVs Mass IndexLV Mass Index, Systolic, M-mode g/m2 LAAd (A2C)Left Atrium Area, Apical 2C cm2 LAAd (A4C)Left Atrium Area, Apical 4C cm2 MCOMitral Valve Closure to Opening ms MP Area Mitral Valve Prosthesis cm 2 MR Acc TimeMV Regurg. Flow Acceleration g MR ERO PISA : Regurgitant Orifice Area cm 2 MR FlowPISA : Regurgitant Flow ml/g MR max PG Mitral Regurg. Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg MR Rad PISA : Radius of Aliased Point cm MR RV PISA : Regurgitant Volume Flow ml MR Vel PISA : Aliased Velocity m/s Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 7 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Formulas 2-8LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 MR VmaxMitral Regurg. Peak Velocity m/s MR Vmax PISA : CW Peak Velocity m/x MR Vmean Mitral Regurg. Mean Velocity m/s MR VTI Mitral Regurg. Velocity Time Integral cm MR VTI PISA : CW Velocity Time Integral cm MV A Dur Mitral Valve A-Wave Duretion ms MV A Velocity MV Velocity Peak A m/s MV Acc Slope Mitral Valve Flow Acceleration m/s 2 MV Acc TimeMitral Valve Acceleration Time ms MV Acc/Dsc Time MV : Acc.Time/Decel. Time Ratio MV an diam Mitral Valve Annulus Diameter, 2D cm MV CO Cardiac Output by Mitral Flow l/min MV Dec Slope Mitral Valve Flow Deceleration m/s 2 MV Dec TimeMitral Valve Deceleration Time ms MV E Velocity MV Velocity Peak E m/s MV E/A Ratio Mitral Valve E-Peak to A-Peak Ratio MV max PG Mitral Valve Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg MV mean PG Mitral Valve Mean Pressure Grafient mmHg MV PHT Mitral Valve Pressure Half Time ms MV SI Stroke Volume Index by Mitral Flow ml/m 2 MV SVStroke Volume by Mitral Flow ml MV Time to Peak Mitral Valve Time to Peak ms MV Vmax Mitral Valve Peak Velocity m/s MV Vmean MV Mean Velocity m/s MV VTI Mitral Valve Velocity Time Integral cm MVA Mitral Valve Area cm 2 MVA by PHTMitral Valve Area according to PHT cm2 MVA by planMitral Valve Area, 2D cm2 MVETMitral Valve Ejection Time ms Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 8 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Acronyms LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual 2-9 Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 P Vein A Pulmonary Vein Velocity Peak A (reverse) m/s P Vein A Dur Pulmonary Vein A-Wave Duration ms P Vein D Pulmonary Vein End-Diastolic Peak Velocity m/s P Vein S Pulmonary Vein Systolic Peak Velocity m/s PAEDP Pulmonary Artery Diastolic Pressure mmHg PE(d) Pericard Effusion, M-mode cm PEs Pericard Effusion, 2D cm PR max PG Pulmonic Insuf. Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg PR mean PG Pulmonic Insuf. Mean Pressure Gradient mmHg PR PHT Pulmonic Insuf. Pressure Half Time ms PR Vmax Pulmonic Insuf. Peak Velocity m/s PR VTI Pulmonic Insuf. Velocity Time Integral cm PRend max PG Pulmonic Insuf. End-Diastole Pressure Gradient mmHg PRend Vmax Pulmonic Insuf. End-Diastolic Velocity m/s Pulmonic Diam Pumonary Artery Diameter, 2D cm PV Acc Slope Pulmonic Valve Flow Acceleration m/s 2 PV Acc TimePulmonic Valve Acceleration Time ms PV Acc Time/ET Ratio PV Accelera tion to Ejection Time Ratio PV an Diam Pulmonic Valve Annulus Diameter, 2D cm PV Ann Area Pulmonic Valve Area cm 2 PV COCardiac Output by Pulmonic Flow l/min PV max PG Pulmonic Valve Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg PV mean PG Pulmonic Valve mean Pressure Gradient mmHg PV SV Stroke Volume by Pulmonic Flow ml PV Vmax Pulmonary Artery Peak Velocity m/s PV Vmax Pulmonic Valve Peak Velocity m/s PV Vmean PV Mean Velocity m/s PV VTI Puomonic Valve Velocity Time Integral cm PVA (VTI) Pulmonary Artery Velocity Time Integral cm 2 PVein S/D RatioPulmonary Vain SD Ratio Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 9 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Formulas 2-10LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 PVETPulmonic Valve Ejectin Time ms PVPEP Pulmonic Valve Pre-Ejection Period ms PVPEP/ET Ratio PV Pre-Ejection to Ejection Time Ratio Qp/Qs Pulmonic-to-Systemic Flow Ratio RA Major Right Atrium Major, 2D cm RA Minoro Right Atrium Minor, 2D cm RAEDV A2C Right Atrium End Diastolic Volume, Apical chamber cm 2 RAEDV A-LRA End Diastolic Volume (A-L) ml RAEDV MOD RA Volume Diastoric, Single Plan, MOD ml RAEDV MOD RA End Diastoric Volume (MOD) ml RAESV A-L RA End Systolic Volume (A-L) ml RAESV MOD RA Volume Systolic , Single Plan, MOD ml RAESV MOD RA End Systolic Volume (MOD) ml RALd Right Atrium Length, Diastole cm RALs RA Length, Systole cm RIMP Right Index of Myocardial Performance RJA (A4C) Regurgitant Jet Area cm 2 RJA/LAARegurgitant Jet Area ratio RJA/LAA RV Major Right Ventricle Major cm RV Minor Right Ventricle Minor cm RVAWd Right Ventricle Wall Thickness, Diastolic, 2D cm RVAWs Right Ventricle Wall Thickness, Systolic, 2D cm RVET Right Ventricle Ejection time s RVIDd Right Ventricle Diameter, Diastolic, 2D cm RVIDd Right Ventricle Diameter, Diastolic, M-mode cm RVIDs Right Ventricle Diameter, Systolic, 2D cm RVIDs Right Ventrricle Diameter, Systolic, M-mode cm RVOT Area Right Ventricle Outflow Tract Area cm 2 RVOT DiamRV Output Tract Diameter, 2D cm RVOT Diam RV Output Trace Diameter, M-mode cm Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 10 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Acronyms LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual 2-11 Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 RVOT max PG RVOT Peak Pressrure Gradient mmHg RVOT mean PG RVOT Mean Pressure Gradient mmHg RVOT SI LV Stroke Volume Index by Pulmonic Flow ml/m 2 RVOT SVStroke Volume by Pulmonic Flow ml RVOT Vmax RVOT Peak Velocity m/s RVOT Vmean RVOT Mean Velocity m/s RVOT VTI RVOT Velocity Time Integral cm RVSP Right Ventricle Systolic Presure mmHg RVWd Right Ventricle Wall Thickness, Diastolic, M-Mode cm RVWs Right Ventricle Wall Thickness, Systolic, M-mode cm RAA(d) Right Atrium Area, 2D, Diastole cm 2 RAA(s)Right Atrium Area, 2D, Systole cm2 SI (A-LA2C)LV Stroke Index, Single Plane, 2CH, Area-Length ml/m2 SI (A-LA4C)LV Stroke Index, Single Plane, 4CH, Area-Length ml/m2 SI (Biplane)LV Stroke Index, Biplane, MOD ml/m2 SI (Bullet)LV Stroke Index, Biplane, Bullet ml/m2 SI (MOD A2C)LV Stroke Index, Single Plane, 2CH, MOD ml/m2 SI (MOD A4C)LV Stroke Index, Single Plane, 4CH, MOD ml/m2 SI (Teich)LV Stroke Index, Teicholtz, 2D ml/m2 SI (Teich)LV Stroke Index, Teicholtz, M-mode ml/m2 SV (A-LA2C)LV Stroke Volume, Single Plane, 2CH, Area-Length ml SV (A-LA4C) LV Stroke Volume, Single Plane, 4CH, Area-Length ml SV (Biplane) LV Stroke Volume, Biplane, MOD ml SV (Bullet) LV Stroke Volume, Biplane, Bullet ml SV (MOD A2C) LV Stroke Volume, Single Plane, 2CH, MOD (Simpson) ml SV (MOD A4C) LV Stroke Volume, Single Plane, 4CH, MOD (Simpson) ml SV (Cube) LV Stroke Volume, 2D, Cubic ml SV (Cube) LV Stroke Volume, M-mode, CUbic ml SV (Teich) LV Stroke Volume, 2D, Teicholtz ml Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 11 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Formulas 2-12LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 SV (Teich)LV Stroke Volume, M-mode, Teicholtz ml Systemic Diam Systemic Vein Diameter, 2D cm Systemic Vmax Systemic Vein Peak Velocity m/s Systemic VTI Systemic Vein Velocity Time Integral cm TCO Tricuspid Valve Closure to Opening ms TR max PG Tricuspid Regurg. Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg TR mean PG Tricuspid Regurg. Mean Pressure Gradient mmHg TR Vmax Tricuspid Regurg. Peak Velocity m/s TR Vmean Tricuspid Regurg. Mean Velocity m/s TR VTI Tricuspid Regurgitation Velocity Time Integral cm TV A Dur Tricuspid Valve A-Wave Duratin ms TV A Velocity Tricuspid Valve A Velocity m/s TV Acc Time Tricuspid Valve Time to Peak ms TV Ann Area Tricuspid Valve Area cm 2 TV Ann DiamTricuspid Valve Annulus Diameter, 2D cm TV Area Tricuspid Valve Area, 2D cm 2 TV COCardiac Output by Tricuspid Flow l/min TV Dec Slope Tricuspid Valve Flow Deceleration m/s 2 TV E VelocityTV Valve E Velocity m/s TV E/A Ratio Tricuspid Valve E-Peak to A-Peak Ratio TV max PG Tricuspid Valve Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg TV mean PG Tricuspid Valve Mean Pressure Gradient mmHg TV PHT Tricuspid Valve Pressure Half Time ms TV SV Stroke Volume by Tricuspid Flow ml TV Vmean TV Mean Velocity m/s TV VTI Tricuspid Valve Velocity Time Integral cm VSD max PG VSD Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg VSD Vmax VSD Peak Velocity m/s %FS LV Fractional Shortening, 2D % %FS LV Fractional Shortening, M-mode % Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 12 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Acronyms LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual 2-13 Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 %IVS Thck IVS Fractional Shortening, 2D % %IVS Thck IVS Fractional Shortening, M-mode % %LVPW Thck LV Posterior Wall Fractional Shortening, 2D % %LVPW Thck LV Posterior Wall Fractional Shortening, M-mode % Table 2-1: Cardiac Measurements AbbreviationsDefinitionUnit Page 13 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM

Measurement Formulas 2-14LOGIQ 3 Expert/LOGIQ 3 Pro/LOGIQ 3 Advanced Reference Manual Direction 5122542-100 Rev. 2 Measurement Formulas Formulas–Generic Table 2-2: Generic Calculation Formulas Calc Mnemonic Calc NameInput MeasurementsFormula MaxPG Maximum Pressure Gradient two Doppler blood flow peak velocitiesMaxPG[mmHg]=4x|(v1^2 -v2^2)| MeanPG Mean Pressure Gradient flow velocities from one time marker to another time marker in a Doppler displayMeanPG[mmHg]= n 4x (Vi^2)/n i=1 % Stenosis Stenosis Ratio two areas (by ellipse, trace, circle or distance) % Stenosis= [1-(A residual/ A lumen)]x100 PI Pulsatility Index two Doppler blood flow peak velocities and TA M A X PI=(V max-Vdiastole)/ TA M A X a a.Vdiastole = Vmin or Vend-diastole (depends on preset selection) RI Resistivity Index two Doppler blood flow peak velocities RI=(V max-Vdiastole)/Vmax a HR Heart Rate (beats/minute) one 2 beat time interval HR[BPM]=120[sec]/ 2beat time [sec] A/B Ratio Velocities Ratio two Doppler blood flow peak velocities A/B=V 1/V2 TAMAX Time Averaged Maximum Velocity (Trace Method is Peak or manual) two time marks in a Doppler display TAMAX=sum{Vt} from t1 to t2/(t2-t1) [cm/s or m/s] TAMIN Time Averaged Minimum Velocity (Trace method is Floor) two time marks in a Doppler display TAMIN=sum{V t} from t1 to t2/(t2-t1) [cm/s or m/s] TAMEAN Time Averaged Mean Velocity (Trace method is Mean) two time marks in a Doppler displayTAMEAN=sum{V t} from t1 to t2/(t2-t1) [cm/s or m/s] Page 14 Monday, March 15, 2010 2:19 PM