Ford Fiesta Owners Manual
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4. Disclaimers To the fullest extent permissible pursuantto applicable law, in no event will TeleNav,its licensors and suppliers, or agents oremployees of any of the foregoing, beliable for any decision made or actiontaken by you or anyone else in reliance onthe information provided by the TeleNavSoftware. TeleNav also does not warrantthe accuracy of the map or other data usedfor the TeleNav Software. Such data maynot always reflect reality due to, amongother things, road closures, construction,weather, new roads and other changingconditions. You are responsible for theentire risk arising out of your use of theTeleNav Software. For example butwithout limitation, you agree not to rely onthe TeleNav Software for criticalnavigation in areas where the well-beingor survival of you or others is dependenton the accuracy of navigation, as the mapsor functionality of the TeleNav Softwareare not intended to support such high riskapplications, especially in more remotegeographical areas. TELENAV EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANDEXCLUDES ALL WARRANTIES INCONNECTION WITH THE TELENAVSOFTWARE, WHETHER STATUTORY,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ALLWARRANTIES WHICH MAY ARISE FROMCOURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM ORTRADE AND INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE ANDNON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTYRIGHTS WITH RESPECT TO THE TELENAVSOFTWARE. Certain jurisdictions do notpermit the disclaimer of certain warranties,so this limitation may not apply to you. 5. Limitation of Liability TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED UNDERAPPLICABLE LAW, UNDER NOCIRCUMSTANCES SHALL TELENAV ORITS LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS BELIABLE TO YOU OR TO ANY THIRD PARTYFOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OREXEMPLARY DAMAGES (INCLUDING INEACH CASE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,DAMAGES FOR THE INABILITY TO USETHE EQUIPMENT OR ACCESS DATA,LOSS OF DATA, LOSS OF BUSINESS,LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESSINTERRUPTION OR THE LIKE) ARISINGOUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TOUSE THE TELENAV SOFTWARE, EVEN IFTELENAV HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THEPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY DAMAGESTHAT YOU MIGHT INCUR FOR ANYREASON WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION, ALL DAMAGESREFERENCED HEREIN AND ALL DIRECTOR GENERAL DAMAGES IN CONTRACT,TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OROTHERWISE), THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OFTELENAV AND OF ALL OF TELENAV'SSUPPLIERS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THEAMOUNT ACTUALLY PAID BY YOU FORTHE TELENAV SOFTWARE. SOMESTATES AND/OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOTALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATIONOF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONSOR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TOYOU. 6. Arbitration and Governing Law You agree that any dispute, claim orcontroversy arising out of or relating to thisAgreement or the TeleNav Software shallbe settled by independent arbitrationinvolving a neutral arbitrator andadministered by the American ArbitrationAssociation in the County of Santa Clara,California. The arbitrator shall apply the 279Fiesta (CCN)Appendices

Commercial Arbitration Rules of theAmerican Arbitration Association, and thejudgment upon the award rendered by thearbitrator may be entered by any courthaving jurisdiction. Note that there is nojudge or jury in an arbitration proceedingand the decision of the arbitrator shall bebinding upon both parties. You expresslyagree to waive your right to a jury trial. This Agreement and performancehereunder will be governed by andconstrued in accordance with the laws ofthe State of California, without givingeffect to its conflict of laws provisions. Tothe extent judicial action is necessary inconnection with the binding arbitration,both TeleNav and you agree to submit tothe exclusive jurisdiction of the courts ofthe County of Santa Clara, California. TheUnited Nations Convention on Contractsfor the International Sale of Goods shallnot apply. 7. Assignment You may not resell, assign, or transfer thisAgreement or any of your rights orobligations, except in totality, in connectionwith your permanent transfer of theTeleNav Software, and expresslyconditioned upon the new user of theTeleNav Software agreeing to be boundby the terms and conditions of thisAgreement. Any such sale, assignment ortransfer that is not expressly permittedunder this paragraph will result inimmediate termination of this Agreement,without liability to TeleNav, in which caseyou and all other parties shall immediatelycease all use of the TeleNav Software.Notwithstanding the foregoing, TeleNavmay assign this Agreement to any otherparty at any time without notice, providedthe assignee remains bound by thisAgreement. 8. Miscellaneous 8.1 This Agreement constitutes the entireagreement between TeleNav and you withrespect to the subject matter hereof. 8.2 Except for the limited licenses expresslygranted in this Agreement, TeleNav retainsall right, title and interest in and to theTeleNav Software, including withoutlimitation all related intellectual propertyrights. No licenses or other rights which arenot expressly granted in this Agreementare intended to, or shall be, granted orconferred by implication, statute,inducement, estoppel or otherwise, andTeleNav and its suppliers and licensorshereby reserve all of their respective rightsother than the licenses explicitly grantedin this Agreement 8.3 By using the TeleNav Software, youconsent to receive from TeleNav allcommunications, including notices,agreements, legally required disclosuresor other information in connection with theTeleNav Software (collectively, "Notices")electronically. TeleNav may provide suchNotices by posting them on TeleNav'sWebsite or by downloading such Noticesto your wireless device. If you desire towithdraw your consent to receive Noticeselectronically, you must discontinue youruse of the TeleNav Software. 8.4 TeleNav's or your failure to requireperformance of any provision shall notaffect that party's right to requireperformance at any time thereafter, norshall a waiver of any breach or default ofthis Agreement constitute a waiver of anysubsequent breach or default or a waiverof the provision itself. 280Fiesta (CCN)Appendices

8.5 If any provision herein is heldunenforceable, then such provision will bemodified to reflect the intention of theparties, and the remaining provisions ofthis Agreement will remain in full force andeffect 8.6 The headings in this Agreement are forconvenience of reference only, will not bedeemed to be a part of this Agreement,and will not be referred to in connectionwith the construction or interpretation ofthis Agreement. As used in this Agreement,the words "include" and "including" andvariations thereof, will not be deemed tobe terms of limitation, but rather will bedeemed to be followed by the words"without limitation". 9. Other Vendors Terms and Conditions The TeleNav Software utilizes map andother data licensed to TeleNav by thirdparty vendors for the benefit of you andother end users. This Agreement includesend-user terms applicable to thesecompanies (included at the end of thisAgreement), and thus your use of theTeleNav Software is also subject to suchterms. You agree to comply with thefollowing additional terms and conditions,which are applicable to TeleNav's thirdparty vendor licensors: NavTeq End User License Agreement END USER TERMS The content provided ("Data") is licensed,not sold. By opening this package, orinstalling, copying, or otherwise using theData, you agree to be bound by the termsof this agreement. If you do not agree tothe terms of this agreement, you are notpermitted to install, copy, use, resell ortransfer the Data. If you wish to reject theterms of this agreement, and have not installed, copied, or used the Data, youmust contact your retailer or NAVTEQNorth America, LLC ("NT") within thirty(30) days of purchase for a refund of yourpurchase price. To contact NT, please The Data is provided for your personal,internal use only and may not be resold. Itis protected by copyright, and is subject tothe following terms (this "End User LicenseAgreement") and conditions which areagreed to by you, on the one hand, andNAVTEQ North America, LLC ("NT") andits licensors (including their licensors andsuppliers) on the other hand. The Data for areas of Canada includesinformation taken with permission fromCanadian authorities, including: © HerMajesty the Queen in Right of Canada, ©Queen's Printer for Ontario, © Canada PostCorporation, GeoBase®. NT holds a nonexclusive license from theUnited States Postal Service ® to publishand sell ZIP+4 ® information. © United States Postal Service ® 2009.Prices are not established, controlled orapproved by the United States PostalService ® The following trademarks andregistrations are owned by the USPS:United States Postal Service, USPS, andZIP+4. The Data for Mexico includes certain Datafrom Instituto Nacional de Estadística yGeografía. TERMS AND CONDITIONS License Limitations on Use: You agreethat your license to use this Data is limitedto and conditioned on use for solelypersonal, noncommercial purposes, andnot for service bureau, timesharing or othersimilar purposes. Except as otherwise setforth herein, you agree not to otherwise 281Fiesta (CCN)Appendices

reproduce, copy, modify, decompile,disassemble or reverse engineer anyportion of this Data, and may not transferor distribute it in any form, for any purpose,except to the extent permitted bymandatory laws. License Limitations on Transfer: Yourlimited license does not allow transfer orresale of the Data, except on the conditionthat you may transfer the Data and allaccompanying materials on a permanentbasis if: (a) you retain no copies of theData; (b) the recipient agrees to the termsof this End User License Agreement; and(c) you transfer the Data in the exact sameform as you purchased it by physicallytransferring the original media (e.g., theCD-ROM or DVD you purchased), alloriginal packaging, all Manuals and otherdocumentation. Specifically, Multi-discsets may only be transferred or sold as acomplete set as provided to you and notas a subset thereof. Additional License Limitations: Exceptwhere you have been specifically licensedto do so by NT in a separate writtenagreement, and without limiting thepreceding paragraph, your license isconditioned on use of the Data asprescribed in this agreement, and you maynot (a) use this Data with any products,systems, or applications installed orotherwise connected to or incommunication with vehicles capable ofvehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch,real time route guidance, fleetmanagement or similar applications; or (b)with, or in communication with, includingwithout limitation, cellular phones,palmtop and handheld computers, pagers,and personal digital assistants or PDAs. WARNING This Data may contain inaccurate orincomplete information due to thepassage of time, changingcircumstances, sources used and thenature of collecting comprehensivegeographic Data, any of which may leadto incorrect results. No Warranty: This Data is provided to you"as is" , and you agree to use it at your ownrisk. NT and its licensors (and theirlicensors and suppliers) make noguarantees, representations or warrantiesof any kind, express or implied, arising bylaw or otherwise, including but not limitedto, content, quality, accuracy,completeness, effectiveness, reliability,fitness for a particular purpose, usefulness,use or results to be obtained from thisData, or that the Data or server will beuninterrupted or error free. Disclaimer of Warranty: NT AND ITSLICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIRLICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) DISCLAIMANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE,MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE ORNON-INFRINGEMENT. Some States,Territories and Countries do not allowcertain warranty exclusions, so to thatextent the above exclusion may not applyto you. Disclaimer of Liability: NT AND ITSLICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIRLICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) SHALL NOTBE LIABLE TO YOU IN RESPECT OF ANYCLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION,IRRESPECTIVE OF THE NATURE OF THECAUSE OF THE CLAIM, DEMAND ORACTION ALLEGING ANY LOSS, INJURY ORDAMAGES, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, WHICHMAY RESULT FROM THE USE ORPOSSESSION OF THIS DATA; OR FOR ANYLOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, CONTRACTS 282Fiesta (CCN)Appendices

OR SAVINGS, OR ANY OTHER DIRECT,INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISINGOUT OF YOUR USE OF OR INABILITY TOUSE THIS DATA, ANY DEFECT IN THISDATA, OR THE BREACH OF THESE TERMSOR CONDITIONS, WHETHER IN ANACTION IN CONTRACT OR TORT ORBASED ON A WARRANTY, EVEN IF NT ORITS LICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Some States, Territories and Countries donot allow certain liability exclusions ordamages limitations, so to that extent theabove may not apply to you. Export Control: You agree not to exportfrom anywhere any part of the Data or anydirect product thereof except incompliance with, and with all licenses andapprovals required under, applicableexport laws, rules and regulations,including but not limited to the laws, rulesand regulations administered by the Officeof Foreign Assets Control of the U.S.Department of Commerce and the Bureauof Industry and Security of the U.S.Department of Commerce. To the extentthat any such export laws, rules orregulations prohibit NT from complyingwith any of its obligations hereunder todeliver or distribute Data, such failure shallbe excused and shall not constitute abreach of this Agreement. Entire Agreement: These terms andconditions constitute the entire agreementbetween NT (and its licensors, includingtheir licensors and suppliers) and youpertaining to the subject matter hereof,and supersedes in their entirety any andall written or oral agreements previouslyexisting between us with respect to suchsubject matter. Severability: You and NT agree that if anyportion of this agreement is found illegalor unenforceable, that portion shall besevered and the remainder of theAgreement shall be given full force andeffect. Governing Law: The above terms andconditions shall be governed by the lawsof the State of Illinois, without giving effectto (i) its conflict of laws provisions, or (ii)the United Nations Convention forContracts for the International Sale ofGoods, which is explicitly excluded. Youagree to submit to the personal jurisdictionof the State of Illinois for any and alldisputes, claims and actions arising fromor in connection with the Data provided toyou hereunder. Government End Users: If the Data isbeing acquired by or on behalf of theUnited States government or any otherentity seeking or applying rights similar tothose customarily claimed by the UnitedStates government, this Data is a"commercial term" as that term is definedat 48 C.F.R. ("FAR") 2.101, is licensed inaccordance with this End User LicenseAgreement, and each copy of Datadelivered or otherwise furnished shall bemarked and embedded as appropriatewith the following "Notice of Use", and betreated in accordance with such Notice: NOTICE OF USE CONTRACTOR(MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) NAME: NAVTEQ CONTRACTOR(MANUFACTURER/SUPPLIER) ADDRESS: 425 West Randolph Street, Chicago, IL60606. 283Fiesta (CCN)Appendices

This Data is a commercial item as definedin FAR 2.101 and is subject to the End User LicenseAgreement under which this Data was provided. © 2011 NAVTEQ. All rights reserved. If the Contracting Officer, federalgovernment agency, or any federal officialrefuses to use the legend provided herein,the Contracting Officer, federalgovernment agency, or any federal officialmust notify NAVTEQ prior to seekingadditional or alternative rights in the Data. Wi-Fi hotspot data provided by JiWire, ©2013 JiWire. Gracenote® Copyright CD and music-related data fromGracenote, Inc., copyright© 2000-2007Gracenote. Gracenote Software, copyright© 2000-2007 Gracenote. This product andservice may practice one or more of thefollowing U.S. Patents #5,987,525,#6,061,680, #6,154,773, #6,161,132,#6,230,192, #6,230,207, #6.240,459,#6,330,593 and other patents issued orpending. Some services supplied underlicense from Open Globe, Inc. for U.S.Patent: #6,304,523. Gracenote and CDDB are registeredtrademarks of Gracenote. The Gracenotelogo and logotype, and the "Powered byGracenote™" logo are trademarks ofGracenote. Gracenote® End User License Agreement(EULA) This device contains software fromGracenote, Inc. of 2000 Powell StreetEmeryville, California 94608("Gracenote"). The software from Gracenote (the"Gracenote Software") enables this deviceto do disc and music file identification andobtain music-related information, includingname, artist, track, and title information("Gracenote Data") from online servers("Gracenote Servers"), and to performother functions. You may use GracenoteData only by means of the intended EndUser functions of this device. This device may contain content belongingto Gracenote's providers. If so, all of therestrictions set forth herein with respect toGracenote Data shall also apply to suchcontent and such content providers shallbe entitled to all of the benefits andprotections set forth herein that areavailable to Gracenote. You agree that you will use the contentfrom Gracenote ("Gracenote Content") ,Gracenote Data, the Gracenote Software,and Gracenote Servers for your ownpersonal, non-commercial use only. Youagree not to assign, copy, transfer ortransmit the Gracenote Content,Gracenote Software or any GracenoteData (except in a Tag associated with amusic file) to any third party. YOU AGREENOT TO USE OR EXPLOIT GRACENOTECONTENT, GRACENOTE DATA, THEGRACENOTE SOFTWARE, ORGRACENOTE SERVERS, EXCEPT ASEXPRESSLY PERMITTED HEREIN. You agree that your non-exclusive licensesto use the Gracenote Content, GracenoteData, the Gracenote Software, andGracenote Servers will terminate if youviolate these restrictions. If your licensesterminate, you agree to cease any and alluse of the Gracenote Content, GracenoteData, the Gracenote Software, andGracenote Servers. Gracenote,respectively, reserve all rights in GracenoteData, the Gracenote Software, and theGracenote Servers and Gracenote Content,including all ownership rights. Under nocircumstances will either Gracenote 284Fiesta (CCN)Appendices

become liable for any payment to you forany information that you provide, includingany copyrighted material or music fileinformation. You agree that Gracenotemay enforce its respective rights,collectively or separately, under thisagreement against you, directly in eachcompany's own name. Gracenote uses a unique identifier to trackqueries for statistical purposes. Thepurpose of a randomly assigned numericidentifier is to allow Gracenote to countqueries without knowing anything aboutwho you are. For more information, see theweb page at for theGracenote Privacy Policy. THE GRACENOTE SOFTWARE, EACH ITEMOF GRACENOTE DATA AND THEGRACENOTE CONTENT ARE LICENSEDTO YOU "AS IS". NEITHER GRACENOTEMAKES ANY REPRESENTATIONS ORWARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,REGARDING THE ACCURACY OF ANYGRACENOTE DATA FROM THEGRACENOTE SERVERS OR GRACENOTECONTENT. GRACENOTE COLLECTIVELYAND SEPARATELY RESERVE THE RIGHTTO DELETE DATA AND/OR CONTENTFROM THE COMPANIES' RESPECTIVESERVERS OR, IN THE CASE OFGRACENOTE, CHANGE DATACATEGORIES FOR ANY CAUSE THATGRACENOTE DEEMS SUFFICIENT. NOWARRANTY IS MADE THAT EITHERGRACENOTE CONTENT OR THEGRACENOTE SOFTWARE ORGRACENOTE SERVERS ARE ERROR-FREEOR THAT THE FUNCTIONING OF THEGRACENOTE SOFTWARE ORGRACENOTE SERVERS WILL BEUNINTERRUPTED. GRACENOTE IS NOTOBLIGATED TO PROVIDE YOU WITH ANYENHANCED OR ADDITIONAL DATA TYPESTHAT GRACENOTE MAY CHOOSE TOPROVIDE IN THE FUTURE AND IS FREETO DISCONTINUE ITS ONLINE SERVICESAT ANY TIME. GRACENOTE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, ANDNON-INFRINGEMENT. NEITHERGRACENOTE WARRANTS THE RESULTSTHAT WILL BE OBTAINED BY YOUR USEOF THE GRACENOTE SOFTWARE OR ANYGRACENOTE SERVER. IN NO CASE WILLGRACENOTE BE LIABLE FOR ANYCONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTALDAMAGES OR FOR ANY LOST PROFITSOR LOST REVENUES FOR ANY REASONWHATSOEVER. © Gracenote 2007. FCC ID: KMHSYNCG2 IC: 1422A-SYNCG2 This device complies with Part 15 of theFCC Rules and with RSS-210 of IndustryCanada. Operation is subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This devicemay not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept anyinterference received, includinginterference that may cause undesiredoperation. WARNING Changes or modifications notexpressively approved by the partyresponsible for compliance couldvoid the user's authority to operate theequipment. The term "IC" before the radiocertification number only signifies thatIndustry Canada technical specificationswere met. The antenna used for this transmitter mustnot be co-located or operating inconjunction with any other antenna ortransmitter. 285Fiesta (CCN)Appendices

A A/CSee: Climate Control............................................81About This Manual...........................................5Protecting the Environment...............................5ABSSee: Brakes.............................................................117ABS driving hintsSee: Hints on Driving With Anti-LockBrakes..................................................................117AccessoriesSee: Replacement PartsRecommendation..............................................7Active City Stop.............................................128General Information..........................................128Laser Sensor Information................................129Using Active City Stop......................................128Adjusting the Steering Wheel...................44Air ConditioningSee: Climate Control............................................81Air Vents.............................................................81Center Air Vents.....................................................81Side Air Vent...........................................................81AlarmSee: Anti-Theft Alarm.........................................41Anti-Theft Alarm.............................................41Alarm System.........................................................41Arming the Alarm.................................................42Disarming the Alarm...........................................43Full and Reduced Guard....................................42Triggering the Alarm............................................42Appendices....................................................270At a Glance........................................................10Front Exterior Overview......................................10Instrument Panel Overview...............................12Rear Exterior Overview........................................15Vehicle Interior Overview.....................................11Audible Warnings and Indicators.............65Automatic Transmission...................................65Headlamps On......................................................65Key Outside Car....................................................65Low Fuel..................................................................65Safety Belt Minder...............................................65Audio Control..................................................44.....................................................................................44Audio System................................................199General Information..........................................199 Audio Troubleshooting...............................231Audio unit.........................................................217Alternative Frequencies...................................222Automatic Volume Control.............................221Autostore Control..............................................220Digital Signal Processing..................................221News Broadcasts................................................221Regional Mode....................................................222Sound Button.......................................................219Station Preset Buttons....................................220Station Tuning Control.....................................219Traffic Information Control............................220Waveband Button..............................................219Audio unit - Vehicles With:AM/FM/CD/Navigation System............211Alternative Frequencies...................................216Automatic Volume Control.............................215Autostore Control...............................................215News Broadcasts................................................215Regional Mode.....................................................216Station Preset Buttons.....................................214Station Tuning Control......................................214Traffic Information Control.............................215Waveband Button..............................................214Audio unit - Vehicles With:AM/FM/CD/SYNC....................................205Alternative Frequencies...................................210Automatic Volume Control.............................210Autostore Control.............................................209News Broadcasts...............................................210Regional Mode.....................................................210Sound Button.....................................................208Station Preset Buttons....................................209Station Tuning Control....................................208Traffic Information Control............................209Waveband Button.............................................208Audio unit - Vehicles With:AM/FM/CD.................................................200Alternative Frequencies..................................204Automatic Volume Control............................203Autostore Control..............................................203News Broadcasts..............................................204Regional Mode...................................................204Sound Button......................................................202Station Preset Buttons....................................202Station Tuning Control....................................202Traffic Information Control............................203Waveband Button.............................................202 287Fiesta (CCN)Index

Audio unit - Vehicles With: NavigationSystem/Sony AM/FM/CD......................223Alternative Frequencies..................................228Automatic Volume Control.............................227Autostore Control..............................................226Digital Signal Processing.................................227News Broadcasts...............................................227Regional Mode....................................................228Sound Button......................................................225Station Preset Buttons....................................226Station Tuning Control.....................................225Traffic Information Control............................226Waveband Button..............................................225Autolamps........................................................50Automatic Climate Control........................83Temperature Control..........................................84Automatic Transmission.............................112Emergency Park Position ReleaseLever....................................................................115Hints on Driving With an AutomaticTransmission....................................................114Selector Lever Positions....................................113Sport Mode and Manual Shifting..................114Auto-Start-Stop...........................................103To Re-Start the Engine.....................................104To Stop the Engine.............................................103Using Start-Stop................................................103Autowipers.......................................................46Auxiliary Input Jack.....................................230Auxiliary Power Points.................................9512 Volt DC Power Point.......................................95Location...................................................................95 B Bonnet LockSee: Opening and Closing the Hood...........150Bottle Holder...................................................96Brake and Clutch Fluid Check..................162Brakes.................................................................117General Information............................................117Breaking-In......................................................138Brakes and Clutch..............................................138Engine.....................................................................138Tires.........................................................................138Bulb Specification Chart............................176 C Capacities and Specifications.................195Technical Specifications.................................196Car WashSee: Cleaning the Exterior...............................180Catalytic Converter......................................107Driving with a Catalytic Converter................107Changing a Bulb............................................170Approach Lamps.................................................172Central High Mounted Brake Lamp..............174Front Fog Lamps.................................................172Headlamp..............................................................170Interior Lamp........................................................175License Plate Lamp............................................174Luggage Compartment Lamp, FootwellLamp and Liftgate Lamp............................176Reading Lamps....................................................175Rear Lamps...........................................................173Side Repeater.......................................................172Changing a Bulb - Vehicles With:3-Door...........................................................164Central High Mounted Brake Lamp.............168Front Fog Lamps................................................166Headlamp.............................................................164Interior Lamp........................................................169License Plate Lamp...........................................168Luggage Compartment Lamp, FootwellLamp and Liftgate Lamp............................170Reading Lamps...................................................169Rear Lamps...........................................................167Side Repeater......................................................166Changing a Fuse...........................................149Changing a Road Wheel............................187Assembling the Wheel Brace........................189Installing a Road Wheel....................................191Jacking and Lifting Points...............................188Lug Nuts.................................................................187Removing a Road Wheel.................................190Removing the Wheel Trim..............................189Vehicle Jack...........................................................187Vehicles with a Spare Wheel..........................187Changing the 12V Battery..........................162Changing the Wiper Blades......................163Rear Window Wiper Blade..............................163Windshield Wiper Blades................................163 288Fiesta (CCN)Index