Ford Fiesta Owners Manual
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3.Hold the nozzle in position B duringrefilling. Holding the nozzle in positionA may affect the flow of fuel and shutoff the fuel nozzle before the fuel tankis full. 4.Operate the nozzle within the areashown. 5.Slightly raise the fuel nozzle to removeit. FUEL CONSUMPTION Note:The amount of usable fuel in theempty reserve varies and should not berelied upon to increase driving range. Whenrefueling your vehicle after the fuel gaugeindicates empty, you might not be able torefuel the full amount of the advertisedcapacity of the fuel tank due to the emptyreserve still present in the tank. The CO2 and fuel consumption figures arederived from laboratory tests according toRegulation (EC) 715/2007 and subsequentamendments are carried out by all vehiclemanufacturers. They are intended as a comparisonbetween makes and models of vehicles.They are not intended to represent the realworld fuel consumption you may get fromyour vehicle. Real world fuel consumptionis governed by many factors including:driving style, high speed driving, stop-startdriving, air conditioning usage, theaccessories fitted, payload, towing, etc. The advertised capacity is the indicatedcapacity and the empty reserve combined.Indicated capacity is the difference in theamount of fuel in a full tank and a tankwhen the fuel gauge indicates empty.Empty reserve is the amount of fuel in thetank after the fuel gauge indicates empty. Filling the Tank For consistent results when refueling: •Switch the ignition off before refueling.An inaccurate reading results if youleave the engine running. •Use the same fill rate(low-medium-high) each time the tankis filled. •Allow no more than two automaticshut-offs when refueling. Results are most accurate when therefueling method is consistent. 109Fiesta (CCN)Fuel and Refueling
Calculating Fuel Economy Do not measure fuel economy during thefirst 1000 miles (1600 km) of driving (thisis your engine’s break-in period). A moreaccurate measurement is obtained after2000 - 3000 miles (3200 - 4800 km).Also, fuel expense, frequency of fill ups orfuel gauge readings are not accurate waysto measure fuel economy. 1.Fill the fuel tank completely and recordthe initial odometer reading. 2.Each time you fill the tank, record theamount of fuel added. 3.After at least three to five tank fill ups,fill the fuel tank and record the currentodometer reading. 4.Subtract your initial odometer readingfrom the current odometer reading. 5.Calculate fuel economy by dividingmiles traveled by gallons used (ForMetric: Multiply liters used by 100, thendivide by kilometers traveled). Keep a record for at least one month andrecord the type of driving (city or freeway).This provides an accurate estimate of yourvehicle’s fuel economy under currentdriving conditions. Additionally, keepingrecords during summer and winter showhow temperature impacts fuel economy.In general, lower temperatures mean lowerfuel economy. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Fuel Consumption Figures CO2 Emis-sionsCombinedExtra-UrbanUrban Variant g/kml/100 km(mpg)l/100 km(mpg)l/100 km(mpg) 994.3 (65.7)3.7 (76.3)5.3 (53.3)1.0L EcoBoost with Start-Stop 1054.5 (62.8)3.7 (76.3)5.9 (47.9)1.0L EcoBoost withoutStart-Stop 1205.2 (54.3)4.2 (67.3)6.9 (40.9)1.25L Duratec-16V - Stage V 1305.7 (49.6)4.5 (62.8)7.6 (37.2)1.4L Duratec-16V 1385.9 (47.9)4.5 (62.8)8.4 (33.6)1.6L Duratec-16V 1385.9 (47.9)4.8 (58.9)7.9 (35.8)1.6L EcoBoost 983.7 (76.3)3.3 (85.6)4.4 (64.2)1.5L Duratorq-TDCi(55kW/75PS) 953.6 (78.4)3.2 (88.3)4.4 (64.2)1.6L Duratorq-TDCi(70kW/95PS) 110Fiesta (CCN)Fuel and Refueling
MANUAL TRANSMISSION Selecting Reverse Gear Do not engage reverse gear when yourvehicle is moving. This can cause damageto the transmission. On some vehicles it is necessary to raisethe collar when you select reverse gear. MANUAL TRANSMISSION - 1.6L ECOBOOST™ Using the Clutch Note:Failure to fully depress the clutchpedal to the floor may cause increased shiftefforts, prematurely wear transmissioncomponents or damage the transmission. Note:Do not drive with your foot resting onthe clutch pedal or use the clutch pedal tohold your vehicle at a standstill whilewaiting on a hill. These actions will reducethe life of the clutch and could nullify aclutch warranty claim. Manual transmission vehicles have astarter interlock that prevents cranking theengine unless the clutch pedal is fullydepressed. Starting Your Vehicle WARNING Make sure the floor mat is positionedcorrectly so that it does not interferewith the full extension of the clutchpedal. 1.Make sure the parking brake is fully setand move the transmission selectorlever to the neutral position. 2.Fully depress the clutch pedal thenstart the engine. 3.Press the brake pedal and move thetransmission selector lever to first orreverse gear. 4.Release the parking brake and slowlyrelease the clutch pedal while slowlypressing on the accelerator. During each shift, make sure you fullydepress the clutch pedal. Recommended Shift Speeds Note:Do not move the transmissionselector lever to first gear when your vehicleis moving faster than 15 mph (24 km/h).This will damage the clutch. 111Fiesta (CCN)Transmission
We recommend you change gearaccording to the following guide to achievethe best fuel economy for your vehicle. RecommendedspeedShift from 12 mph (19 km/h)1 - 2 23 mph (37 km/h)2 - 3 32 mph (51 km/h)3 - 4 41 mph (66 km/h)4 - 5 42 mph (67 km/h)5 - 6 Reverse Note:Do not move the transmissionselector lever to reverse gear when yourvehicle is moving. This can cause damageto the transmission. 1.Fully depress the clutch pedal todisengage the clutch. 2.Move the transmission selector leverto the neutral position and wait at leastthree seconds before moving it toreverse. 3.Raise the collar below the transmissionselector lever to select reverse gear. Note:This is a lockout feature whichprotects the transmission from accidentallyengaging reverse gear when intending toselect first gear. If reverse gear is not fully engaged, pressthe clutch pedal down and move thetransmission selector lever to the neutralposition. Release the clutch pedal for amoment, then raise the collar and movethe transmission selector lever to reverseagain. Parking Your Vehicle WARNING Do not park your vehicle with thetransmission selector lever in theneutral position. Your vehicle maymove unexpectedly and injure someone.Move the transmission selector lever tofirst gear and set the parking brake fully. To park your vehicle: 1.Press the brake pedal and move thetransmission selector lever to theneutral position. 2.Fully apply the parking brake, hold theclutch pedal down, then move thetransmission selector lever to first gear. 3.Switch the ignition off. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION WARNINGS Always set the parking brake fullyand make sure you move thetransmission selector lever toposition P. Switch the ignition off andremove the key whenever you leave yourvehicle. Do not apply the brake pedal andaccelerator pedal simultaneously.Applying both pedals simultaneouslyfor more than three seconds will limitengine rpm, which may result in difficultymaintaining speed in traffic and could leadto serious injury. 112Fiesta (CCN)Transmission
Note:The system performs a series ofchecks when you switch the ignition off. Youmay hear a slight clicking sound. This isnormal. Selector Lever Positions ParkP ReverseR NeutralN DriveD Sport mode and manual shiftingS Manual shift up+ Manual shift down- WARNING Apply the brakes before moving thetransmission selector lever and keepthem applied until you are ready tomove off. Press the button on the transmissionselector lever to change to each position. The transmission selector lever positionwill be shown in the information display. P (Park) WARNINGS Move the transmission selector leverto park only when your vehicle isstationary. Apply the parking brake and movethe transmission selector lever topark before leaving your vehicle.Make sure that the transmission selectorlever is latched in position. Note:An audible warning will sound if youopen the driver's door and you have notmoved the transmission selector lever topark. In this position, power is not transmittedto the drive wheels and the transmissionis locked. You can start the engine with thetransmission selector lever in this position. R (Reverse) WARNINGS Move the transmission selector leverto reverse only when your vehicle isstationary and the engine is at idlespeed. Always come to a complete stopbefore shifting the transmissionselector lever out of reverse. Move the transmission selector lever toreverse to allow your vehicle to movebackward. N (Neutral) In this position, power is not transmittedto the drive wheels but the transmission isnot locked. You can start the engine withthe transmission selector lever in thisposition. 113Fiesta (CCN)Transmission
D (Drive) Note:A shift will occur only when yourvehicle speed and the engine speed areappropriate. Note:You may temporarily override thecurrent gear selected using the + and -buttons. Select drive to shift automatically throughthe forward gears. The transmission will select theappropriate gear for optimum performancebased on ambient temperature, roadgradient, vehicle load and your input. Sport Mode and Manual Shifting Sport Mode Note:In sport mode the transmissionoperates as normal but gears are selectedmore quickly and at higher engine speeds. Note:In sport mode S will be shown in theinformation display. Switch on sport mode by moving thetransmission selector lever to position S.Sport mode will remain on until either youshift manually up or down the gears using+ and - or move the transmission selectorlever to position D. Manual Shifting WARNINGS Do not hold the buttons permanentlyin - or +. The transmission will automaticallydownshift when the engine speed istoo low. Press the - button to shift down and pressthe + button to shift up. Gears may be skipped by pressing thebuttons repeatedly at short intervals. Manual mode also provides a kickdownfunction. See Kickdown. Hints on Driving With anAutomatic Transmission WARNING Do not idle the engine for longperiods of time in drive with thebrakes applied. Moving Off 1.Release the parking brake. 2.Release the brake pedal and press theaccelerator pedal. Stopping 1.Release the accelerator pedal andpress the brake pedal. 2.Apply the parking brake. 3.Move the transmission selector leverto N or P. Kickdown Press the accelerator pedal fully with thetransmission selector lever in the driveposition to select the next lowest gear foroptimum performance. Release theaccelerator pedal when you no longerrequire kickdown. If Your Vehicle Gets Stuck In Mud orSnow Note:Do not rock your vehicle if the engineis not at normal operating temperature ordamage to the transmission may occur. Note:Do not rock your vehicle for morethan a minute or damage to thetransmission and tires may occur, or theengine may overheat. 114Fiesta (CCN)Transmission
If your vehicle gets stuck in mud or snow,it may be rocked out by shifting betweenforward and reverse gears, stoppingbetween shifts in a steady pattern. Presslightly on the accelerator in each gear. Emergency Park Position ReleaseLever WARNINGS Do not drive your vehicle until youverify that the brake lamps areworking. If the parking brake is fully released,but the brake warning lamp remainsilluminated, the brakes may not beworking correctly. See an authorizeddealer. Use the lever to move the transmissionselector lever from the park position in theevent of an electrical malfunction or if yourvehicle battery has no charge. 1.Apply the parking brake and switch theignition off before performing thisprocedure. 2.Remove the retaining screw. 3.Remove the center console side panel. Note:The lever is pink. 4.Apply the brake pedal. Using a suitabletool rotate the lever forward whilepulling the transmission selector leverout of the park position and into theneutral position. Note:See an authorized dealer as soon aspossible if this procedure is used. HILL START ASSIST (IF EQUIPPED) WARNINGS The system does not replace theparking brake. When you leave yourvehicle, always apply the parkingbrake and move the transmission selectorlever into position P (Park). You must remain in your vehicle onceyou have activated the system. During all times, you are responsiblefor controlling your vehicle,supervising the system andintervening, if required. If the engine is revved excessively, orif a malfunction is detected, thesystem will be deactivated. 115Fiesta (CCN)Transmission
The system makes it easier to pull awaywhen your vehicle is on a slope without theneed to use the parking brake. When the system is active, your vehicle willremain stationary on the slope for two tothree seconds after you release the brakepedal. This allows you time to move yourfoot from the brake to the acceleratorpedal. The brakes are releasedautomatically once the engine hasdeveloped sufficient drive to prevent yourvehicle from rolling down the slope. Thisis an advantage when pulling away on aslope, (for example from a car park ramp,traffic lights or when reversing uphill intoa parking space). The system will activate automatically onany slope which can result in significantvehicle rollback. Using Hill Start Assist 1.Press the brake pedal to bring yourvehicle to a complete standstill. Keepthe brake pedal pressed. 2.If the sensors detect that your vehicleis on a slope, the system will beactivated automatically. 3.When you remove your foot from thebrake pedal, your vehicle will remainon the slope without rolling away forapproximately two or three seconds.This hold time will automatically beextended if you are in the process ofdriving off. 4.Drive off in the normal manner. Thebrakes will be released automatically. Switching the System On and Off Note:The system can only be switched onand off for manual transmissions. Note:Once you have switched off thesystem, it will remain off until you switch iton again. Your vehicle comes with the systemalready enabled. If desired, you can disablethe feature: See General Information(page 66). 116Fiesta (CCN)Transmission
GENERAL INFORMATION WARNING The system does not relieve you ofyour responsibility to drive with duecare and attention. Note:Occasional brake noise is normal. Ifa metal-to-metal, continuous grinding orcontinuous squeal sound is present, thebrake linings may be worn-out. If the vehiclehas continuous vibration or shudder in thesteering wheel while braking, have yourvehicle checked by an authorized dealer. Note:Brake dust may accumulate on thewheels, even under normal drivingconditions. Some dust is inevitable as thebrakes wear. See Cleaning the AlloyWheels (page 181). Wet brakes result in reduced brakingefficiency. Gently press the brake pedal afew times when driving from a car wash orstanding water to dry the brakes. Emergency Brake Assist Emergency brake assist detects when youbrake heavily by measuring the rate atwhich you press the brake pedal. Itprovides maximum braking efficiency aslong as you press the pedal. Emergencybrake assist can reduce stopping distancesin critical situations. Anti-lock Brake System This system helps you maintain steeringcontrol and vehicle stability duringemergency stops by keeping the brakesfrom locking. HINTS ON DRIVING WITH ANTI-LOCK BRAKES Note:When the system is operating, thebrake pedal will pulse and may travelfurther. Maintain pressure on the brakepedal. You may also hear a noise from thesystem. This is normal. The anti-lock braking system will noteliminate the risks when: •you drive too closely to the vehicle infront of you •your vehicle is hydroplaning •you take corners too fast •the road surface is poor. PARKING BRAKE Vehicles With AutomaticTransmission WARNING Always set the parking brake fullyand leave your vehicle with thetransmission selector lever inposition P. Note:If you park your vehicle on a hill andfacing uphill move the transmission selectorlever to position P and turn the steeringwheel away from the curb. Note:If you park your vehicle on a hill andfacing downhill move the transmissionselector lever to position P and turn thesteering wheel toward the curb. Vehicles With ManualTransmission Note:If you park your vehicle on a hill andfacing uphill select first gear and turn thesteering wheel away from the curb. 117Fiesta (CCN)Brakes
Note:If you park your vehicle on a hill andfacing downhill select reverse gear and turnthe steering wheel toward the curb. All Vehicles Note:Do not press the release button whilepulling the lever up. To apply the parking brake: 1.Press the foot brake pedal firmly. 2.Pull the parking brake lever up to itsfullest extent. To release the parking brake: 1.Press the brake pedal firmly. 2.Pull the lever up slightly. 3.Press the release button and push thelever down. 118Fiesta (CCN)Brakes