Ford Fiesta Owners Manual
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Stopping the Engine When YourVehicle is Stationary Note:The ignition, all electrical circuitswarning lamps and indicators will beswitched off. Manual Transmission Press the button. Automatic Transmission 1.Move the transmission selector leverto position P. 2.Press the button. Stopping the Engine When YourVehicle is Moving WARNING Switching off the engine when yourvehicle is still moving will result in aloss of brake and steering assistance.The steering will not lock, but higher effortwill be required. With the ignition switchedoff some electrical circuits, warning lampsand indicators may also be off. 1.Press and hold the button for at leastone second or press it three timeswithin two seconds. 2.Move the transmission selector leverto position N and use the brakes tobring your vehicle to a safe stop. 3.When your vehicle has stopped, movethe transmission selector lever toposition P or N and switch the ignitionoff. STEERING WHEEL LOCK WARNING Always check that the steering isunlocked before attempting to moveyour vehicle. To lock the steering wheel: 1.Remove the key from the ignitionswitch. 2.Rotate the steering wheel slightly toengage the lock. To unlock the steering wheel: 1.Insert the key in the ignition switch. 2.Turn the key to position I. Note:You may need to rotate the steeringwheel slightly to assist unlocking if there isa steering wheel load applied. STEERING WHEEL LOCK - VEHICLES WITH: KEYLESS VEHICLE SYSTEM Your vehicle has an electronicallycontrolled steering wheel lock thatoperates automatically. The system will lock the steering wheelafter a short period of time once you haveparked your vehicle and the passive key isoutside your vehicle, or when you lock yourvehicle. Note:The system will not lock the steeringwheel when the ignition is on or while yourvehicle is moving. Unlocking the Steering Wheel Switch the ignition on to unlock thesteering wheel. Note:You may have to rotate the steeringwheel slightly to assist unlocking. 99Fiesta (CCN)Starting and Stopping the Engine
STARTING A GASOLINE ENGINE Note:You can only operate the starter fora limited period of time, for example 10seconds. The number of start attempts islimited to approximately six. If you exceedthis limit, the system will not allow you totry again until a period of time has elapsed,for example 30 minutes. Cold or Hot Engine Vehicles with Manual Transmission Note:Do not touch the accelerator pedal. Note:Releasing the clutch pedal while theengine is starting will stop the enginecranking and return to ignition on. 1.Fully depress the clutch pedal. 2.Start the engine. Vehicles with Automatic Transmission Note:Do not touch the accelerator pedal. 1.Move the transmission selector leverto position P or N. 2.Start the engine. All Vehicles If the engine does not start within 10seconds, wait for a short period and tryagain. If the engine does not start after threeattempts, wait 10 seconds and follow theflooded engine procedure. If you have difficulty starting the enginewhen the temperature is below -13°F(-25°C), press the accelerator pedal to themid-way point of its travel and try again. Flooded Engine Vehicles with Manual Transmission 1.Fully depress the clutch pedal. 2.Fully depress the accelerator pedal andhold it there. 3.Start the engine. Vehicles with Automatic Transmission 1.Move the transmission selector leverto position P or N. 2.Fully depress the accelerator pedal andhold it there. 3.Start the engine. All Vehicles If the engine does not start, repeat the coldor hot engine procedure. Engine Idle Speed after Starting The speed at which the engine idlesimmediately after starting is optimized tominimize vehicle emissions and maximizecabin comfort and fuel economy. The idle speed will vary depending oncertain factors. These include vehiclecomponent and ambient temperatures aswell as electrical and climate systemdemands. Failure to Start Vehicles with Manual Transmission If the engine does not crank when theclutch pedal has been fully depressed andthe ignition key is turned to position III. 1.Fully depress the clutch and brakepedals. 2.Turn the key to position III until theengine has started. 100Fiesta (CCN)Starting and Stopping the Engine
STARTING A DIESEL ENGINE Cold or Hot Engine All Vehicles Note:When the temperature is below 5°F(-15°C), you may need to crank the enginefor up to 10 seconds. Note:You can only operate the starter fora limited period of time. Note:After a limited number of attemptsto start your engine, the system will notallow you to try again until a period of timehas elapsed, for example 30 minutes. Switch the ignition on and waituntil the glow plug indicator goesoff. Vehicles With Manual Transmission Note:Do not touch the accelerator pedal. Note:Releasing the clutch pedal while theengine is starting will stop the enginecranking and return to ignition on. 1.Fully depress the clutch pedal. 2.Start the engine. Vehicles With Automatic Transmission Note:Do not touch the accelerator pedal. Note:Releasing the brake pedal while theengine is starting will stop the enginecranking and return to ignition on. 1.Move the transmission selector leverto position P or N. 2.Fully depress the brake pedal. 3.Start the engine. Failure to Start Vehicles With Manual Transmission If the engine does not crank when theclutch pedal has been fully depressed andthe ignition key is turned to position III. 1.Fully depress the clutch and brakepedals. 2.Turn the key to position III until theengine has started. DIESEL PARTICULATE FILTER The filter forms part of the emissionsreduction system on your vehicle. It filtersharmful diesel particulates (soot) from theexhaust gas. Regeneration WARNING Do not park or idle your vehicle overdry leaves, dry grass or othercombustible materials. Theregeneration process creates very highexhaust gas temperatures and the exhaustwill radiate a considerable amount of heatduring and after regeneration and after youhave switched the engine off. This is apotential fire hazard. Note:Avoid running out of fuel. Note:During regeneration at low speed orengine idle, you may smell a hot metallicodor and could notice a clicking metallicsound. This is due to the high temperaturesreached during regeneration and is normal. Note:Changes in the engine or exhaustsound may be heard during the regenerationprocess. Note:After you have switched your engineoff the fans may continue to run for a shortperiod of time. 101Fiesta (CCN)Starting and Stopping the Engine
The diesel particulate filter on your vehiclerequires periodic regeneration to maintainits correct function. Your vehicle will carryout this process automatically. If your journeys meet one of the followingconditions: •You drive only short distances. •You frequently switch the ignition onand off. •Your journeys contain a high level ofacceleration and deceleration. You must carry out occasional trips withthe following conditions to assist theregeneration process: •Drive your vehicle in more favorableconditions, which you will find at highervehicle speeds in normal driving, on amain road or freeway for a minimumof 20 minutes. This drive may includeshort stops that will not affect theregeneration process. •Avoid prolonged idling and alwaysobserve speed limits and roadconditions. •Do not switch the ignition off. •Select a suitable gear to ideallymaintain engine speed between 1500and 3000 RPM. SWITCHING OFF THE ENGINE Vehicles With a Turbocharger WARNING Do not switch the engine off when itis running at high speed. If you do, theturbocharger will continue runningafter the engine oil pressure has droppedto zero. This will lead to prematureturbocharger bearing wear. Release the accelerator pedal. Wait untilthe engine has reached idle speed and thenswitch it off. 102Fiesta (CCN)Starting and Stopping the Engine
AUTO-START-STOP Note:For vehicles with start-stop thebattery requirement is different. It must bereplaced by one of exactly the samespecification as the original. The system reduces fuel consumption andCO2 emissions by shutting down theengine when your vehicle is idling, forexample at traffic lights. The engine willautomatically restart when you press theclutch pedal or when required by a vehiclesystem, for example to recharge thebattery. To obtain maximum benefit from thesystem, move the transmission selectorlever to neutral and release the clutchpedal during any stop of longer than threeseconds. Using Start-Stop WARNINGS The engine may restartautomatically if required by thesystem. Switch the ignition off beforeopening the hood or carrying out anymaintenance. Always switch the ignition off beforeleaving your vehicle, as the systemmay have shut down the engine butthe ignition will still be live. Note:The system only operates when theengine is warm and the outside temperatureis between 32°F (0°C) and 86°F (30°C). Note:If you stall the engine, and thendepress the clutch pedal within a shortperiod of time, the system will automaticallyrestart the engine. Note:The start-stop indicator willilluminate green when the engine shutsdown. See Warning Lamps and Indicators(page 60). Note:When the start-stop indicator flashesamber, move the transmission selector leverto neutral or depress the clutch pedal. Note:If the system detects a malfunction,it will switch off. Have your vehicle checkedby an authorized dealer. Note:When you switch the system off, theswitch will illuminate. Note:The system automatically turns onevery time you switch the ignition on. Toswitch the system off, press the switch inthe instrument panel. The system will onlybe switched off for the current ignition cycle.To turn it on, press the switch again. For itemlocation: See At a Glance (page 10). To Stop the Engine 1.Stop your vehicle. 2.Move the transmission selector leverto neutral. 3.Release the clutch pedal. 4.Release the accelerator pedal. The system may not shut down the engineunder certain conditions, for example: •To maintain the interior climate. •Low battery voltage. •The outside temperature is too low ortoo high. •The driver's door has been opened. •Low engine operating temperature. •Low brake system vacuum. •If a road speed of 3 mph (5 km/h) hasnot been exceeded. •The driver's safety belt has not beenfastened. 103Fiesta (CCN)Unique Driving Characteristics
To Re-Start the Engine Note:The transmission selector lever mustbe in neutral. Depress the clutch pedal. The system may automatically restart theengine under certain conditions, forexample: •Low battery voltage. •To maintain the interior climate. 104Fiesta (CCN)Unique Driving Characteristics
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNINGS Do not overfill the fuel tank. Thepressure in an overfilled tank maycause leakage and lead to fuel sprayand fire. The fuel system may be underpressure. If you hear a hissing soundnear the fuel filler door (Easy Fuelcapless fuel system), do not refuel untilthe sound stops. Otherwise, fuel may sprayout, which could cause serious personalinjury. Automotive fuels can cause seriousinjury or death if misused ormishandled. The flow of fuel through a fuel pumpnozzle can produce static electricity,which can cause a fire if fuel ispumped into an ungrounded fuel container. Fuel ethanol and gasoline maycontain benzene, which is acancer-causing agent. When refueling always shut theengine off and never allow sparks oropen flames near the filler neck.Never smoke or use a cell phone whilerefueling. Fuel vapor is extremelyhazardous under certain conditions. Avoidinhaling excess fumes. Observe the following guidelines whenhandling automotive fuel: •Extinguish all smoking materials andany open flames before refueling yourvehicle. •Always turn off the vehicle beforerefueling. •Automotive fuels can be harmful orfatal if swallowed. Fuel such asgasoline is highly toxic and ifswallowed can cause death orpermanent injury. If fuel is swallowed,call a physician immediately, even if nosymptoms are immediately apparent.The toxic effects of fuel may not bevisible for hours. •Avoid inhaling fuel vapors. Inhaling toomuch fuel vapor of any kind can leadto eye and respiratory tract irritation.In severe cases, excessive or prolongedbreathing of fuel vapor can causeserious illness and permanent injury. •Avoid getting fuel liquid in your eyes. Iffuel is splashed in the eyes, removecontact lenses (if worn), flush withwater for 15 minutes and seek medicalattention. Failure to seek propermedical attention could lead topermanent injury. •Fuels can also be harmful if absorbedthrough the skin. If fuel is splashed onthe skin, clothing or both, promptlyremove contaminated clothing andwash skin thoroughly with soap andwater. Repeated or prolonged skincontact with fuel liquid or vapor causesskin irritation. •Be particularly careful if you are taking“Antabuse” or other forms of disulfiramfor the treatment of alcoholism.Breathing gasoline vapors, or skincontact could cause an adversereaction. In sensitive individuals, seriouspersonal injury or sickness may result.If fuel is splashed on the skin, promptlywash skin thoroughly with soap andwater. Consult a physician immediatelyif you experience an adverse reaction. 105Fiesta (CCN)Fuel and Refueling
FUEL QUALITY - GASOLINE WARNINGS Do not mix gasoline with oil, dieselor other liquids. This could cause achemical reaction. Do not use leaded gasoline orgasoline with additives containingother metallic compounds (e.g.manganese-based). They could damagethe emission system. Note:We recommend that you use onlyhigh quality fuel. Note:We do not recommend the use ofadditional additives or other enginetreatments for normal vehicle use. Use minimum 95 octane unleadedgasoline that meets the specificationdefined by EN 228 or the equivalentnational specification. Your vehicle is suitable for use with ethanolblends up to 10% (E5 and E10). Long-Term Storage Most gasoline contains ethanol. Werecommend that you fill the fuel tank withfuel that does not contain ethanol if youintend to store your vehicle for more thantwo months. Alternatively, we recommendthat you seek advice from an authorizeddealer. FUEL QUALITY - DIESEL WARNINGS Do not mix diesel with oil, gasolineor other liquids. This could cause achemical reaction. Do not add kerosene, paraffin orgasoline to diesel. This could causedamage to the fuel system. WARNINGS Use diesel that meets thespecification defined by EN 590 orthe relevant national specification. Note:We recommend that you use onlyhigh quality fuel. Note:We do not recommend the use ofadditional additives or other enginetreatments for normal vehicle use. Note:We do not recommend the use ofadditional additives to prevent fuel waxing. Long-Term Storage Most diesel fuels contain biodiesel. Werecommend that you fill the fuel tank withfuel that does not contain biodiesel if youintend to store your vehicle for more thantwo months. Alternatively, we recommendthat you seek advice from your dealer. RUNNING OUT OF FUEL Avoid running out of fuel because thissituation may have an adverse effect onpowertrain components. If you have run out of fuel: •You may need to cycle the ignition fromoff to on several times after refuelingto allow the fuel system to pump thefuel from the tank to the engine. Onrestarting, cranking time will take a fewseconds longer than normal. Withkeyless ignition, just start the engine.Crank time will be longer than usual. •Normally, adding 1 gallon (4.6 liters) offuel is enough to restart the engine. Ifyour vehicle is out of fuel and on asteep grade, more fuel may be required. 106Fiesta (CCN)Fuel and Refueling
Refilling With a Portable FuelContainer WARNINGS Do not insert the nozzle of portablefuel containers or aftermarketfunnels into the capless fuel system.This could damage the fuel system and itsseal, and may cause fuel to run onto theground instead of filling the tank, whichcould result in serious personal injury. Do not try to pry open or push openthe capless fuel system with foreignobjects. This could damage the fuelsystem and its seal and cause injury to youor others. When filling your vehicle's fuel tank froma portable fuel container, use the funnelincluded with your vehicle. Use the following guidelines to avoidelectrostatic charge build-up when fillingan ungrounded fuel container: •Place approved fuel container on theground. •Do not fill a fuel container while it is inthe vehicle (including the cargo area). •Keep the fuel pump nozzle in contactwith the fuel container while filling. •Do not use a device that would holdthe fuel pump handle in the fill position. 1.Locate the plastic funnel in the glovebox. 2.Slowly insert the funnel into thecapless fuel system. 3.Fill your vehicle with fuel from theportable fuel container. 4.When done, clean the funnel orproperly dispose of it. Extra funnels canbe purchased from your authorizeddealer if you choose to dispose of thefunnel. CATALYTIC CONVERTER WARNING Do not park or idle your vehicle overdry leaves, dry grass or othercombustible materials. The exhaustwill radiate a considerable amount of heatduring use, and after you have switchedthe engine off. This is a potential firehazard. Driving with a Catalytic Converter WARNINGS Avoid running out of fuel. Do not crank the engine for longperiods. Do not run the engine when a sparkplug lead is disconnected. Do not push-start or tow-start yourvehicle. Use booster cables. SeeJump-Starting the Vehicle (page140). Do not switch the ignition off whendriving. 107Fiesta (CCN)Fuel and Refueling
REFUELING WARNINGS Do not attempt to start the engine ifyou have filled the fuel tank with theincorrect fuel. This could damage theengine. Have the system checked by anauthorized dealer immediately. Do not use any kind of flames or heatnear the fuel system. The fuel systemis under pressure. There is a risk ofinjury if the fuel system is leaking. If you use a high pressure spray towash your vehicle, only spray the fuelfiller flap briefly from a distance notless than 8 inches (200 millimeters). We recommend that you wait atleast 10 seconds before removing thefuel pipe nozzle to allow any residualfuel to drain into the fuel tank. Stop refueling after the fuel nozzlestops the second time. Additionalfuel will fill the expansion space inthe fuel tank which could lead to fueloverflowing. Fuel spillage could behazardous to other road users. Do not remove the nozzle from itsfully inserted position during theentire refueling process. Note:Your vehicle does not have a fuel fillercap. 1.Open the flap fully until it engages. Note:When you insert the correct size fuelnozzle, a spring loaded inhibitor will open.This helps to avoid filling up with the wrongfuel. 2.Insert the fuel nozzle up to andincluding the first notch on the nozzleA. Keep it resting on the cover of thefuel pipe opening. 108Fiesta (CCN)Fuel and Refueling