D-Link Router N 150 User Manual
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27 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration This will allow you to open a single por\lt. I\b you would like to open a range o\b ports, re\ber to the next page. Enter a name \bor the rule or sele\ft an appli\fation \brom the drop-down menu. Sele\ft an appli\fation and \fli\fk
28 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration This will allow you to open a single por\lt or a range o\b ports. Port Forwarding Enter a name \bor the rule or sele\ft an appli\fation \brom the drop-down menu. Sele\ft an appli\fation and \fli\fk
29 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration Application \bules Some appli\fations require multiple \fonne\ftions, su\fh as Internet gaming, video \fon\beren\fing, Internet telephony and others. These appli\fations have diffi\fulties working through NAT (Network Address Translation). Spe\fial Appli\fations helps some o\b these appli\fations work with the router. I\b you need to run appli\fations that require multiple \fonne\ftions, spe\fi\by the port normally asso\fiated with an appli\fation in the “Trigger Port” field, sele\ft the proto\fol type as TCP or UDP, then enter the firewall (publi\f) ports asso\fiated with the trigger port to open them \bor inbound traffi\f. The D-Link GO-RT-N150 provides some predefined appli\fations in the table on the bottom o\b the web page. Sele\ft the appli\fation you want to use and enable it\l. Enter a name \bor the rule. You may sele\ft a pre- defined appli\fation \brom the drop-down menu and \fli\fk
30 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration Traffic Control Use this se\ftion to \fonfigure D-Link’s Smart Traffi\f Control. The Traffi\f Control improves your online gaming experien\fe by ensuring that your game traffi\f is prioritized over other network traffi\f, su\fh as FTP or Web. Sele\ft this \bun\ftion to \fontrol the a\f\fess bandwidth o\b \fomputer in LAN. All the \fomputers in LAN will be distributed the bandwidth equally. Key in the value to setup the uplink bandwidth manually. Key in the value to setup the downlink bandwidth manually. When the option Auto Bandwidth Equal is un\fhe\fked, you \fan \fontrol the a\f\fess bandwidth o\b the spe\fifi\f IP ad\ldress. Enable Traffic Control: Auto Bandwidth Equal: \fanual Uplink Speed: \fanual Downlink Speed: Traffic Control Rules:
31 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration Network Filters S e l e \f t Tu r n \f AC Fi l t e r i n g O f f , a l l o w MAC addresses listed below, or deny MAC addresses listed below \brom the drop-down menu. Enter the MAC address you would like to filter. To find the MAC address on a \fomputer, please re\ber to the Networking Basi\fs se\ftion in this manual. Sele\ft a DHCP \flient \brom the drop-down menu and \fli\fk
32 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration Sele\ft Allow or Deny \fomputers a\f\fess to only these sites. Cli\fk to delete all entries in the list. Enter the keywords or URLs that you want to allow or deny. Configure Website Filter Below: Clear the list below: Website URL/ Domain: Website Filters Website Filters are used to allow you to set up a list o\b allowed Web sites that \fan be used by multiple users through the network. To use this \beature sele\ft Allow or Deny, enter the domain or website and \fli\fk Add, and then \fli\fk Sa\be Settings. You must also sele\ft Apply Web Filter under the A\f\fess Control se\ftion (page 40).
33 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration SPI (State\bul Pa\fket Inspe\ftion, also known as dynami\f pa\fket filtering) helps to prevent \fyber atta\fks by tra\fking more state per session. It validates that the traffi\f passing through the session \fon\borms to the proto\fol. I\b an appli\fation has trouble working \brom behind the router, you \fan expose one \fomputer to the Internet and run the appli\fation on that \fomputer. Note: Pla\fing a \fomputer in the DMZ may expose that \fomputer to a variety o\b se\furity risks. Use o\b this option is only re\fommended as a last resort. Enable SPI: Enable D\fZ Host: Firewall Settings A firewall prote\fts your network \brom the outside world. The D-Link GO-RT-N150 offers a firewall type \bun\ftionality. The SPI \beature helps prevent \fyber atta\fks. Sometimes you may want a \fomputer exposed to the outside world \bor \fertain types o\b appli\fations. I\b you \fhoose to expose a \fomputer, you \fan enable DMZ (Demilitarized Zone). This option will \fompletely expose the \fhosen \fomputer to the outside world.
34 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration Set the transmit power o\b the antennas. WMM is QoS (Quality o\b Servi\fe) \bor your wireless network. This will improve the quality o\b video and voi\fe appli\fations \bor your wireless \flients. Che\fk this box to redu\fe the guard interval time, there\bore in\freasing the data \fapa\fity. However, it is less reliable and may \freate higher data loss. Sele\ft Enable or Disable \bor this \beature. Transmit Power: W\f\f Enable: Short Guard Inter\bal: HT20/40 Coexistence: Advanced Wireless Settings
35 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration Wi-Fi Protected Setup Enable the Wi-Fi Prote\fted Setup \beature. Lo\fking the wireless se\furity settings prevents the settings \brom being \fhanged by the Wi-Fi Prote\fted Setup \beature o\b the router. Devi\fes \fan still be added to the network using Wi-Fi Prote\fted Setup. However, the settings o\b the network will not \fhange on\fe this option is \fhe\fked. A PIN is a unique number that \fan be used to add the router to an existing network or to \freate a new network. The de\bault PIN may be printed on the bottom o\b the router. For extra se\furity, a new PIN \fan be generated. You \fan restore the de\bault PIN at any time. Only the Administrator (“admin” a\f\fount) \fan \fhange or reset the PIN. Shows the \furrent value o\b the router’s PIN. Restore the de\bault PIN o\b the router. Create a random number that is a valid PIN. This be\fomes the router’s PIN. You \fan then \fopy this PIN to the user inter\ba\fe o\b the registrar. This wizard helps you add wireless devi\fes to the wireless network. Enable: Lock Wireless Security Settings: PIN Settings: PIN: Reset PIN to Default: Generate New PIN: Wi-Fi Prote\fted Setup (WPS) System is a simplified method \bor se\furing your wireless network during the “Initial Setup” and “Add New Devi\fe” pro\fesses. The Wi-Fi Allian\fe (WFA) has \fertified it a\fross different produ\fts and manu\ba\fturers. The pro\fess is as qui\fk and easy as simply pushing a button (the Push-Button Method) or entering the \forre\ft 8-digit \fode (the Pin-Code Method). The most effe\ftive se\furity setting, WPA2, is used automati\fally.
36 D-Link GO-RT-N150 User \fanual Section 3 - Configuration The wizard will either display the wireless network settings to guide you through manual \fonfiguration, prompt you to enter the PIN \bor the devi\fe, or ask you to press the \fonfiguration button on the devi\fe. I\b the devi\fe supports Wi-Fi Prote\fted Setup and has a \fonfiguration button, you \fan add it to the network by pressing the \fonfiguration button on the devi\fe and then the on the router within 60 se\fonds. The status LED on the router will flash three times i\b the devi\fe has been su\f\fess\bully added to the network. There are several ways to add a wireless devi\fe to your network. A “registrar” \fontrols a\f\fess to the wireless network. A registrar only allows devi\fes onto the wireless network i\b you have entered the PIN, or pressed a spe\fial Wi-Fi Prote\fted Setup button on the devi\fe. The router a\fts as a registrar \bor the network, although other devi\fes may a\ft as a registrar as well. Connect Your Wireless De\bice: