Communications System
Comdial Executech Model 0616x, 0816x Electronic Key Systems Instructions Manual
Comdial Executech Model 0616x, 0816x Electronic Key Systems Instructions Manual
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COMCHAL ExecuTech Model 0616X & 0816XElectronic Key Systems This manual applicable for the following key system models:l 0616X Manufacturing Code 8xxC and Later * 0816X All Ma~uf&cturing Codes1.1J IMI 66-031.043/89

IMI 66-031Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPl-ERt INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;‘: MANUAL SCOPERELATEDPUBLICATioN’S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . - fNSTALLEWUSER INFORMATIONREGARDING FCC RULES AND ‘REGULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l-l CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION0 . m . . . . 0 . . . . . . . .2-l MOUNTtNGCONSIDERATldNS l : l . ‘. * . l : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-lMOUNTING PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2SYSTEM WIRING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -CHECKOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-9 CHAPTER3 SYSTEM PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-l GENERAL INFORMATION. f-3-lBASE LEVELPROGRAM ENTRY hndDE : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . .3-l CLASS OF SERVICE DEFAULT PROGRAMMING KEYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :;-;SYSTEM COS PROGRAMM’ING PkdCEDURE . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . -3-3 LINE COS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE-3-5 STATIONCOSPROGRAMMING PROCEDURE . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : \ 3: SMDR AND COS PRINTOUT SYSTEMCLOCKINFORMATION. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . 3-11 SYSTEM SPEED DIAL PROGRAMMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 CHAPTER 4 MAINTENANCE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND REPAIR SERVICE...: :.......Cl FUSE LOCATION.......................... FAILURE ISOLATION. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :4-i -....... .4-l PAIRED STATIONS......................... FAILURE ANALYSIS :;-; DESKIWALLREFERSALANbtiAiL MOUNTINS . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .4-4 PUBLICATIONINDEX...............................bl LIST OF TABLES Table 2-l. KSU to Station Wiring. . . . . . . . . . . . .-2-7Table 3-l. System COS Programming Reference . : 1 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 Table 3-2. tine COS Programming Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 Table 3-3. Station COS Programming Reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i-i.tTable 34. Toll Restriction Programming.Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -Table 4-1. Station Pairing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 2-l. Figure 2-2. Figure 2-3. Figure 2.4. Figure 3-l. Figure 3-2. Figure 3-3. Figure 3-4. Figure 4-l. Figure 4-2.Mounting Dimensions -2-2 External Signalling - Typical Connection.:.............. PA Connections :I-: - System Interconnection - Typicai Connkt~ons.....................1 1 1 1 1 1 1.......2-9 Station Programming KeysStation Message Detail Record kintout Format. : : : : : : : :..... .3-2..... -3-g Typical COS Printouts Programming Flow Diagrim.: : :................ 3-l 0 Failure Analysis Flow Chart 3::- Station Wall Mounting Details.......................................................-4-S :

lMl66-031Introduction CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION MANUAL SCOPE This publication contains installation, programming, and maintenance information for the following Execu-Tech electronic key systems and the associated telephone equipment.l Model 0616X - manufacturing code 8xxCand laterl Model 0816X - all manufacturing codes This system is fully protected, and therefore the instal- lation does not require the services of an authorized agent. However, the installation procedures detailed in this manual should only be performed by individuals familiar with general telephone installation procedures. The end user may perform routine maintenance proce- dures. such as the following listed ones, but all other servicing must be performed by factory authorized per-sonnel l Place or replace any designation strips on the face of the telephone stations.l Replace the line cord or handset coiled cord.l Replace complete stations and station handsets. The handset is a special Comdial type. Other handset types will not work properly. -Relocate the station when it is plugged into the proper system jacks. RELATED PUBLICATIONS IMI 01-001, Compliance Requirements To FCC Rules and Regulations Part 68 and 15 IMI 01-005. Handling Of Electrostatically Sensitive Components GCA 70-011, Station User’s Guide GCA 70-044, Attendant Guide GCA40-031, General Description INSTALLER/USER INFORMATION REGARDING FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS This electronic key system complies with Federal Com- munications Commission (FCC) Rules, Part 68. The FCC registration label on the KSU contains the FCC registration number, the ringer equivalence num- : ber, the model number, and the serial number or produc- tion date of the system. NOTIFICATION TO TELEPHONE COMPANY Unless a telephone operating company provides and in- stalls the system, the telephone operating company which provides the lines must be notified before a con- nection is made to them. The lines (telephone num bers) involved, the FCC registration number, and the ringer equivalence number must be provided to the telephone company. The FCC registration number and the ringer equivalence number of this equipment are provided on the label attached to the KSU. The user/installer is required to notify the telephone company when final disconnection of this equipment from the telephone company line occurs. COMPATIBILITY WlTH TELEPHONE NETWORK When necessary, the telephone operating companyprovides information on the maximum number of telephones or ringers that can be connected to one fine, as well as any other applicable technical information. The telephone operating company can temporarily dis- continue service and make changes which could effect the operation of this equipment. They must, however, provjde adequate notice, in writing, of any future equipment changes that would make the system incom- patible. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTSConnection of the electronic key system to the telephone lines must be through a universal serviceorder code (USOC) outlet jack supplied by the telephone operating company. If the installation site does not have the proper outlet, ask the telephone corn pany business office to install one. The correct outlet jack for this system is a type RJ21X.PARTY LINES AND COIN LINES Local telephone company regulations may not permit connections to party lines and win lines by anyone ex- cept the telephone operating company. TROUBLESHOOTING If a service problem occurs, first try to determine if the trouble is in the on-site system or in the telephone com- pany equipment.

IntroductionIM! 66-031 Disconnect all equipment not owned by the telephone company.If this corrects the problem, the faulty equip- ment must not be reconnected to the telephone line untilthe problem has been corrected. Any trouble that causes improper operation of the telephone network may require the telephone company to discontinue ser- vice to the trouble site after they notify the user of the reason. REPAIR AUTHORIZATION FCC regulations do not permit repairof customer owned equipment by anyone except the manufacturer, their authorfzed agent, or others who might be authorized by the FCC. However, routine repairs can be made ac- cording to the maintenance instructions in this publica- tion, provided that all FCC restrictions are obeyed. RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE The electronic key system contains incidental radio fre- quency generating circuitry and, if not installed and used properly, may cause interference to radio and television reception. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A corn puting device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment.Operation of this equipment in a residential area may cause interference to radio and television reception: in which case the user is encouraged to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by tum- ing the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the fol- lowing measures: Reorient the television or’ radio’s receiving antenna, and/or relocate the KSU, the in- dividual telephone stations, and the radio or TV with respect to each other. If necessary, the user should consult the manufacturer or an experienced radio/television technician for addi-tional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Corn mission helpful: “How to Identify and Resolve Radio-N Interference Problems.” This booklet is available fromthe Government Printing Office, Washington DC. 20402. Stock No. 004-000-00345-4. RINGER EQUlVALENCE NUMBER The REN of each line is 0.4B. The FCC requires the in-staller to determine the total REN for each line, and record it at the equipment. :l-2

IMI 66-031installation CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION MOUNTING CONSIDERATIONS l The KSU should be attached vertically to any stur- dy, flat, surface. It may be vertically rack mounted if desired. l The KSU must be located within six (6) feet of a proper electrical outlet. The power supply requires a dedicated 117VAC .15 AMP circuit, with a third- wire ground, supplied to a standard (NEMA 515R) electrical outlet. l The distance between the KSU and the TELCO/PBX jacks must be 25 feet or less as per FCC requirements. A nominal distance of 7 feet is recommended. . The mounting location must be secure and dry and have adequate ventilation. The temperature range of the location must be within 32-122 degrees F (O- 50 degrees C), and the relative humidity must be less than 90 percent non-condensing. . If the mounting surface is damp or if it is concrete or masonry material, a backboard must be attached to the mounting surface to be used for KSU mount- ing. Suitable mounting backboards are available commercially or can be constructed out of l/Binch plywood cut to size. l Tools and hardware reauired for mountina include:. . . . . 1. 2. Fasteners - wood screws (l/4 x 1 -in& round head), toggle bolts, or wall anchors Screwdriver -to match fasteners Electric drill - if prepared holes are required Connecting tool - for fastening wires to a type- 66 connector block. Crimping tool - for 623-type modular plugs MOUNTING PROCEDURE Unpack, and carefully inspect all equipment for shipping damage. Notify the shipper im- mediately of any damages found. Verify that the packages contain all parts and accessories needed for proper installation and operation. If a backboard is required at the mounting loca- tion, attach it securely to provide a stable mounting surface for the equipment. 3. 4. 5. 6.Afull scale mounting template is supplied in the packing box. Hold ortape it to the mounting sur- face, and mark the location of the mounting holes on the mounting surface as they are lo- cated on the template. The mounting dimen- sions are shown on Figure 2-l . . Drill holes in the mounting surface of a proper size to accommodate the hardware being used. If necessary, prepare these holes with inserts, anchors or other attachment devices as dic- tated by the type of mounting surface. Attach the KSU to the mounting surface with four (4) screws installed through the KSU mounting flange and into the mounting surface holes. Note that the flange holes are elongated with an enlargement at one end. This feature allows the mounting screws to be partially in- stalled in the mounting surface before the cabinets are hung on them. Place the individual telephone stations as desired and in keeping with accepted industry and office standards. Currently produced 8 tine Keysets can be wall mounted if necessary as they are desk/wall reversible. Currently produced keyset models include: l 3508~xx-xx-OOOM l 3508~xx-xx-035M l 3598~xx-xx-000s l 6414+x l 6414L-xx l 6414Sxx_ _ ._ _Refer to Chapter 4, Maintenance, for instructions in preparing a desk/wall reversible station for wall mount- ing. Any previously produced keysets which may currently still be in service can also be wall mounted if necessary. Use a wall mounting bracket (part number 701032-056) for this purpose.

InstallationIMI 66-031 II I 0- I-t- 19.22 INCHES 1l----sk~ 0----o-- lI Figure 2-1. Mounting DimenSlOnS SYSTEM WIRING System cabling may be routed concealed or visible as the installation location requires, Good engineering practices must be observed and all applicable building codes must be adhered to. Table 2-l and Figures 2-2 through 2-4 illustrate the system wiring and connection points for the key system. AC Power Connection The AC power is applied to the system by connectingthe AC power cord to the standard (NEMA 515R) electrical outlet which supplies the dedicated 117VAC @ 15 AMP electrical power.The following precautions should be taken to help prevent damage to the system which could be caused by an electrical over-voltage condition.l Do not connect the ACpower cord until the in- stallation has been checked per the SYSTEM CHECKOUT instructions given at the end of this Chapter. l Employ a dedicated lVL!AC 15 AMP circuit, with a third-wire ground, supplied to a stand- ard (NEMA 5-15R) electrical outlet for the AC power connection.l A plug-in, powerline surge protectof should be installed between the KSUpowercordand the AC power eiectrkai outlet. Line Connection The KSU interface connections for the COlPBX lines are individual mdular jacks. Wiring between the KSU connectors and the demarcation point connectors is viastandard modular line cord. The maximum allowed tip/ring loop resistance is 1900 ohms from the KSU modular jack to the CO/PBX equipment. To help Insure that foreign voltages, which could appear on the CO lines, do not damage the system, verify that gas discharge tubes orsimiiarprotection devices are installed, and properly grounded, in all connected CO lines. Statlon Connection Connections between the KSU and the stations are typi- cally via type 66M-xx connector blocks which are cableconnected to the KSU 50-pin male connectors. The maximum distance allowed from the KSU to a station is 1500 feet using #I24 gauge, twisted-pair cable.. If spare conductors exist in the cables that are run be- tween the KSU 66M-xx connector block and the station f

IMI 66-031Installation jacks, it is a good practice to connect them to earth ground.Doing this may help prevent them from induc- ing radio frequency and/or AC interference into the SYS-tern The polarity between the individual wires in a par- ticular voice or data pair is not critical; however do not connect the voice circuits to the data CirCuits. Cable CIipsEach cabinet-mounted 50-pin male connector is equipped with a retaining clip. This clip is designed to secure the matted connection once it is made. The clip does this by snapping into a slot on the cable-mounted connector when it is pressed together with the cabinet- mounted connector. This retaining clip must be pulled back slightly to un-snap it before the connectors can be separated. DSSIBLF Console Connection The optional DSS/BLF console may be installed at any station port to work in conjunction with a companion sta- tion connected to the adjacent port (e.g.; port 10 for sta- tion and port 11 for console). The installed distance limit between the KSU and a con- sole is the same as that specified for a regular station. Connect all four wires (voice pair and data pair) of the console cable to the station connector block. The voice pair connections of the console can be used simultaneously to enable a PA port function. Refer to the paragraph in this chapter headed Area Paging In- terface - Station PA Port.Per that discussion, wire a PA amplifier input to the DSS/BLF console voice-pair at the connector block clip terminals. Use an audio matching transformer, as discussed in the referenced paragraph and Figure 2-3, to provide isolation. If an enable signal is required with the particular PAequipment being used, the console and PA equipment connections are limited to station ports 23 and 25. The DSS/BLF console port must be programmed as a DSSIBLF port (see Chapter 3 for programming details) before console operation can take place. The console port must be also programmed as a PA port if a PA amplifier has been connected to the voice pair as part of the system.Busy Lamp Field Stations An optional keyset is available which is equipped with a 14 station Busy Lamp Field (BLF). Up to eight BLF stations can be connected to the system. A BLF station f can be connected to any odd or even station port in the system per the following guidelines. The installed distance between the KSU and the BLF station must be limited to 1000 feet or less. The data-line paired station port cannot be used as a BLF stationconnection or as a regular station connection. Data-line pairing is: 1 O-l 1,12-13, 14 15,16-17,18-19,20-21,22-23, and 24-25. The overload paired station port cannot be used as a BLF station connection but can be used as a regular station connection.Overload pairing is: 1 O- 12, 1%13,14-16,15-17, 18-20,19-21,22-24, and 23-25. A port, paired in either manner with a BLF station, can be used as a PA port if desired. Power Failure Station Connection The system provides a tip and ring-pair connected to line 1 as an emergency power failure circuit. This power failure pair is available at clip terminals on connector block J-l as detailed on Table 2-l and Figure 2-4. A power failure pair is only active durfng a commercial ACpower failure. An industry standard, single-line telephone, such as a Comdial model 2500-xx, can be connected to a power failure pair and used to provide communications capability until the AC power to the system is restored. A-Lead Control Device Connection The KSU can detect an A-lead (A and Al) control sig- nal when it is applied to lines 7 and 8. An A-lead con- trol device can be bridge-connected to these lines via clip terminals on connector block J-2 as detailed on Table 2-1 and Figure 2-4. Data Device Connection When a serial data printer is used for SMDR and COS printout, connect it to clip terminals on connector block J-l as detailed on Table 2-1 and Figure 2-4. The distance between the device and the KSU can beup to 500 feet in a quiet electrical environment. Shielded cable may be required at some sites for long runs. For longer distances, a limited distance modem must be used to relay the data communications be- tween the KSU and the data device. When preparing a cable for connection to a data device, refer to the manufacturer’s manual for the equipment being interfaced, and make the following wiring connec- tions: *Wire the KSU RD line (data from printerto wmmon equipment) to the device TD (transmit data) output pin, 2-3

InstallationIMl66-@31 Wire the KSU TD (data to device from KSU) pin to the device RD (receive data) pin. Wire the KSU SG (signal ground) pin to the device SG (signal ground) pin.Wire the KSU CTS (clear-to-send status from device to KSU) pin to the device FITS (request-to- send) output pin. NOTE: The KSUrequires a positive voltage, wtth respect to signal ground, in order to send data.If required, wire the KSU FITS (request-to-sendstatus signal from the KSU to the device) pin to the device DSR (data-set-ready) input pin. If required, wire the KSU PG (protective ground) tine(s) to the device protective ground pin(s). Data Format Configure the data device to match the following data format and to receive data at the baud rate that is set by COS programming.l 7-bit data with 2 stop bits and no panty - fixedl Baud rate of 110 baud (defautt) - can be changed to 300 baud through class of service programming. System Grounding It is required that a grounding wire, separate from the three wire AC line cord, be used. A ground stud is to- cated on the KSU for this purpose.wire #lO or#l2, in- sulated, solid copper wire between the ground stud and a reliable earth ground such as a metal cold water pipe or a building frame ground. Common Audtble and Auxiliary Station interface Two sets of relay closure drycontact points are avail- able at the J-l station connector block.l One set (J-l connections) provides a dry-contactclosure whenever any of the TELCOIPBX lines, connected to the KSU, ring.l The other set provides a dry-contact closure when- ever system station 17 rings. These contact closures track the ringing pattern in bothcases. The contacts are closed during the ringing period and are open during the silent perfod. A typical connection is illustrated in Figure 2-2. Refer to the paragraph headed Area Paging Interface for adiscussion for using these terminals in the attemate paging function. Do not exceed a I amp at 24 volts (.5amp at 48 volts) load on these control terminals. If the load requlre- ments exceed thls Ilmlt, connect the load through an external slave relay. DO NOT CONNECT THESE CONTROL TERMINALS DIRECTLY TO THE 117VAC LINE.24

IMI 66-031Installation Area Paging Interface - Station PA Port A station port can be configured by class of service programming to be a PA port. As a PA port, it can be used to couple a station voice path to an external device (see Chapter 3 for programming details). The audio input of an external paging amplifier can be connected to the audio pair of the station port as illustrated in Figure 2-3. The audio input connection must be isolated with a 600 ohm to 600 ohm audio matching transformer. Terminate the audio input of the paging amplifier with a 620 ohm (nominal value) resistor. If station port 23 is programmed as a PA port, the Common Audible contact points are automatically reconfigured as PA enable terminals. The contact closure now occurs when PA station 23 is dialed. The normal common audible function, as discussed previously, is disabled as long as station 23 is a PA station. If station port 25 is programmed as a PA port, the Auxiliary Station Interface (station 17 audible) con- tact points are automatically reconfigured as PA enable terminals. The contact closure now occurs when PA station 25 is dialed. The normal auxiliary station interface function, as discussed previously, is disabled as long as station 25 is a PA station. Area Paging Interface - Llne Port A fine port can be configured by COS programming to be an AUXILIARY port. As an AUXILIARY port, it can be used to couple a station voice path to an external device. This is done from any station with that tine ap- pearance by pressing the proper line key to select the AUXILIARY port. DTMF tones or dial pulses can be dialed through the AUXILIARY port as needed.l The audio input of an external paging amplifier can be connected to the tip and ring leads of the line Poe*l The audio input connection must be isolated with a 600 ohm to 600 ohm audio matching transformer. Terminate the audio input of the paging amplifier with a 620 ohm (nominal value) resistor.A DTMF tone select, zone-paging amplifier can be employed if desired.If used, the zone-select code must be dialed after the AUXILIARY port line select key is pressed. Musk On Hold If music on hold is to be part of the system, connect aKX registered music source to the KSU input jack (phono jack) provided for this purpose. The impedance of this input is approximately 500 ohms. Level adjust- ment of the music source may be necessary. This may be done during system checkout. f 2-5