Christie Projector Mirage WU-L User Manual
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D-46Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 4-2012 Appendix D: Serial Command Reference (PIP) PICTURE IN PICTURE CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION This control enables or disables the picture-in-picture (PIP) mode. When this control is enabled for the first time, the first valid video signal starting at Slot 1, Input 1 is routed to the PIP window. If no signals are present, the first available Slot/Input combination is selected. PIP and image transition effects (seamless switching) both require resources to configure a second image processing path. Therefore these two features cannot be active at the same time. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE 0 = Disables PIP. 1 = Enables PIP. EXAMPLES: (PIP 0) - Disables PIP video. (PIP 1) - Enables PIP video. (PIP ?) - Returns the state of the PIP control. i.e. (PIP! 1) - PIP enabled. (PJH) PROJECTOR HOURS CONTROL GROUP: Unsaved SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Reports the number of hours elapsed on the projector. This control is read-only. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE EXAMPLE: (PJH ?) - Returns hours elapsed on projector. (PNG) PING CONTROL GROUP: Configuration SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Status DESCRIPTION This command returns basic projector information to the user which includes the type of device & main software version. Note that some devices have multiple CPUs each with its own software version. Only the software version of what is considered to be the master CPU, is returned here. The return parameters are: Type, Major, Minor, Beta. The beta value is optional meaning it is an engineering build and has not been validated. NOTE: List of devices: 40 = ACT, 41 = Cinema, 42 = CinemaMini, 43 = Media Block, 44 = Mobius, 45 = Entero/ StIM. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE EXAMPLE: (PNG?) - (PNG!41 001 000 234) Indicates Cinema type, software: 1 major, 0 minor, 234 beta.

Appendix D: Serial Command Reference Mirage WU-L User ManualD-47020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4/2012) (PPA) POSITION PRESET ASPECT CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION When enabled, this control ensures that during auto setup for any source, its aspect ratio is maintained when its default size is calculated. This is similar to cases where a stretch is defined for a source in the lookup table. If disabled and no stretch is defined, the source is scaled to fit the screen. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE This command accepts either 0 or 1. 0 = disables maintain aspect, 1 = enables maintain aspect. EXAMPLES: (PPA 0) - Disables maintain aspect during auto setup. (PPA 1) - Enables maintain aspect during auto setup. (PPP) PIP POSITION PRESET CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Choose a preset location and size for the PIP window. The Location settings will adjust the size and position of the window. Blanking will not be affected. While in split screen mode, several channel controls that resize image will be disabled. These controls are size, H-Position and V-Position. Valid values are: 0 = Top Right 1 = Top Left 2 = Bottom Left 3 = Bottom Right SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE EXAMPLE: (PPP 0) - Select top right preset position. (PPS) PIP SWAP CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION This control swaps the current main and PIP Inputs. It will swap the Inputs regardless if there are valid signals on either of the Inputs. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE EXAMPLE: (PPS) - Swap Inputs.

D-48Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 4-2012 Appendix D: Serial Command Reference (PRT) SERIAL PORT CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Status DESCRIPTION Gets the current serial port being used, or gets a list of all serial ports available on the device. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE EXAMPLES: (PRT ?) - Gets current serial port. (PRT ?L) - Gets list of ports. (PTL) SERIAL PROTOCOL CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Advanced DESCRIPTION Set the protocol for a serial communications port. SUBCODE PRTA DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the protocol on port A (RS-232 In) pass through PRTB Set the protocol on port B (RS-232 Out). PRTC Set the protocol on port C (RS-422). EXAMPLES: (PTL+PRTA RAW) - Set protocol on port A to a pass through raw data protocol. (PTL+PRTA CHRISTIE) - Set protocol on port A to a Christie Digital serial protocol. (PTL+PRTA?) - Get protocol (PTL+PRTA!RAW). (PVP) PIP VERTICAL POSITION CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Sets the vertical position of the PIP window. Specifies where to place the center of the PIP window vertically on the panel in pixels. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE EXAMPLES: (PVP 100) - Set PIP vertical position to 100 pixels. (PVP?) - Get PIP vertical position (PVP!100).

Appendix D: Serial Command Reference Mirage WU-L User ManualD-49020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4/2012) (PWR) POWER CONTROL GROUP: Unsaved SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Change the power state of the projector. Possible values: 0 - Power-OFF 1 - Power-ON 10 - Cooldown lamp is cooling down, controlled by lamp (Read-only) 11 - Warmup lamp is warming up, controlled by lamp (Read-only) SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE Get or Set the power state of the projector. EXAMPLES: (PWR?) - get projector power status. (PWR1) - Turn the lamp and all electrical power ON. (PWR0) - Set the projector to standby mode. (PXP) PIXEL PHASE CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Pixel Phase adjusts the phase of the pixel sampling clock relative to the incoming signal. This allows you to fine tune the sampling point within one pixel. Adjust the Pixel Phase when the image (usually from an RGB source) shows shimmer. NOTE: If the shimmer is concentrated in vertical bands with little or no shimmer between the bands, then it is likely that Pixel Tracking needs adjustment. Pixel Tracking must be set correctly before adjusting Pixel Phase. Pixel Phase can only be set on Analog Input cards. The range is 0-31. SUBCODE INxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the pixel phase for Slot x, Input y. MAIN Set the pixel phase for the main image. PIIP Set the pixel phase for the PIP image. EXAMPLES: (PXP 16) - Set pixel phase to 16 on main video. (PXP+MAIN 16) - Set pixel phase to 16 on main video. (PXP+PIIP 16) - Set pixel phase to 16 on PIP video. (PXP+IN32 16) - Set pixel phase to 16 on Slot 3, Input 2. (PXP?) - Returns the pixel phase value on main video. (PXP+PIIP?) - Returns the pixel phase value on PIP video. (PXP+IN12?) - Returns the pixel phase value on Slot 1, Input 2.

D-50Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 4-2012 Appendix D: Serial Command Reference (PXT) PIXEL TRACKING CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Pixel Tracking adjusts the position of the pixel sampling clock to match the Input signal. It can only be set on Analog Input cards. If adjusted incorrectly, flickering or vertical bars of noise appear across the image. Adjust Pixel Tracking so that the noise either disappears or fills the image. If it fills the image, use Pixel Phase to eliminate the noise. The range is 600-3000. SUBCODE INxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the pixel tracking for Slot x, Input y. MAIN Set the pixel tracking for the main image. PIIP Set the pixel tracking for the PIP image. EXAMPLES: (PXT 600) - Set pixel tracking to 600 on main video. (PXT+MAIN 600) - Set pixel tracking to 600 on main video. (PXT+PIIP 600) - Set pixel tracking to 600 on PIP video. (PXT+IN32 600) - Set pixel tracking to 600 on Slot 3, Input 2. (PXT?) - Returns the pixel tracking value on main video. (PXT+PIIP?) - Returns the pixel tracking value on PIP video. (PXT+IN12?) - Returns the pixel tracking value on Slot 1, Input 2. (RAL) REMOTE ACCESS LEVEL CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Admin DESCRIPTION Set the remote serial protocol access level for a serial communications port. NOTE: Valid selections are 0 - No Access, 1 - Login Required, 2 - Free Access Default value is 1 - Login required. SUBCODE DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the access level on Ethernet all ports. PRTA Set the access level on port A (RS-232 In). PRTB Set the access level on port B (RS-232 Out). PRTC Set the access level on port C (RS-422). EXAMPLES: (RAL 0) - Disable remote serial protocol access level for all Ethernet ports. (RAL?) - Get access level for Ethernet ports (RAL!0). (RAL+PRTA 2) - Set remote serial protocol access level on port A (RS-232 In) to free access. (RAL+PRTA?) - Get access level (RAL+PRTA!2).

Appendix D: Serial Command Reference Mirage WU-L User ManualD-51020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4/2012) (RBL) RIGHT BLANKING CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Set the number of lines to blank (turn to black) at the right of the image. This can be used to blank out any unwanted data near the right edge of the image. A positive amount of blanking makes the image smaller. A negative amount of blanking makes the image larger. Negative blanking is only applicable to analog signals, when the auto setup has not been able to set the image size correctly. It is preferable not to use negative blanking, but to run auto setup again, ensuring that the content has active pixels on each edge of the image. The maximum amount of right blanking allowed is half the image width minus 10. For negative blanking, the image size can only be increased to the limit of the sync. SUBCODE INxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the right blanking for Slot x, Input y. MAIN Set the right blanking for the main image. PIIP Set the right blanking for the PIP image. EXAMPLES: (RBL 40) - Set right blanking to 40 on main video. (RBL+MAIN 40) - Set right blanking to 40 on main video. (RBL+PIIP 40) - Set right blanking to 40 on PIP video. (RBL+IN32 40) - Set right blanking to 40 on Slot 3, Input 2. (RBL?) - Returns the right blanking value on main video. (RBL+PIIP?) - Returns the right blanking value on PIP video. (RBL+IN12?) - Returns the right blanking value on Slot 1, Input 2. (RDB) RED BLACK LEVEL CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Red black level is used to compensate for relative variations in the black levels between Red, Green and Blue. Available on all cards expect the Video decoder. The correct setting is when the maximum contrast is achieved without crushing white or black. When the drive and black level controls are set correctly for a signal, the Comprehensive Color Adjustment, including color temperature, will work as expected. The drive and black level controls should not be used to setup a specific color temperature as this will require separate color temperature adjustments to be made for each signal. SUBCODE INxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the red black level on Slot x, Input y to the specified value in the range of -255 to 255. MAIN Set the red black level on the main video to the specified value in the range -255 to 255. PIIP Set the red black level on the PIP video to the specified value in the range of -255 to 255.

D-52Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 4-2012 Appendix D: Serial Command Reference EXAMPLES: (RDB 128) - Set red black level to 128 on main video. (RDB+MAIN 128) - Set red black level to 128 on main video. (RDB+PIIP 100) - Set red black level to 100 on PIP video. (RDB+IN32 100) - Set red black level to 100 on Slot 3, Input 2. (RDB?) - Returns the current red black level value on main video. (RDB+PIIP ?) - Returns the current red black level value on PIP video. (RDB+IN12 ?) - Returns the current red black level value on Slot 1, Input 2. (RDD) RED DRIVE CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION The red drive level is used to compensate for different amounts of attenuation between the Red, Green and Blue in the signal. Available on all cards expect the Video decoder. The correct setting achieves maximum contrast without crushing white or black. When the drive and black level controls are set correctly for a signal, the Comprehensive Color Adjustment, including color temperature, will work as expected. The drive and black level controls should not be used to setup a specific color temperature as this will require separate color temperature adjustments to be made for each source. SUBCODE INxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the red drive on Slot x, Input y to the specified value in the range of -255 to 255. MAIN Set the red drive on the main video to the specified value in the range -255 to 255. PIIP Set the red drive on the PIP video to the specified value in the range of -255 to 255. EXAMPLES: (RDD 128) - Set red drive to 128 on main video. (RDD+MAIN 128) - Set red drive to 128 on main video. (RDD+PIIP 100) - Set red drive to 100 on PIP video. (RDD+IN32 100) - Set red drive to 100 on Slot 3, Input 2. (RDD?) - Returns the current red drive value on main video. (RDD+PIIP ?) - Returns the current red drive value on PIP video. (RDD+IN12 ?) - Returns the current red drive value on Slot 1, Input 2. (RGB) ADVANCED COLOR SETTING CONTROL GROUP: Preference SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Adjusts native projector color space by adjusting the LED power levels. This can significantly increase brightness of unsaturated colors. These adjustments turn on multiple RGB LEDs simultaneously which uses more power and increases the possibility of over-heating (RDB) RED BLACK LEVEL (CONTINUED)

Appendix D: Serial Command Reference Mirage WU-L User ManualD-53020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4/2012) SUBCODE CLRM DESCRIPTION OF USE Color Mode. Selects: 1 = Native 4 = User preset 2 2 = EBU 5 = User preset 3 3 = User preset 1 6 = User preset 4 ROFR Red part of red (0-255) GOFR Green part of red (0-255) BOFR Blue part of red (0-255) ROFG Red part of green (0-255) GOFG Green part of green (0-255) BOFG Blue part of green (0-255) ROFB Red part of blue (0-255) GOFB Green part of blue (0-255) BOFB Blue part of blue (0-255) RGBB Controls overall brightness of LEDs (0-1000) percentage with one decimal place COPY Copies color mode settings from an existing preset to the current preset. Values: 1 = Copy from Native 4 = Copy from User 2 2 = Copy from EBU 5 = Copy from User 3 3 = Copy from User 1 6 = Copy from User 4 EXAMPLE: (RGB+ROFR 128) - Set Red of Red value. (RGB+BOFB ?) - Get Blue of Blue value. (RGB+RGBB 500) - Set overall brightness to 50%. (RGB+CLRM 4) - Select user preset 2. (RGB+COPY 2) - Copy EBU preset values to current preset (ROG) RED ODD PIXEL GAIN CONTROL GROUP: Option SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Adds an offset to Input red gain settings on the analog Input card. It is used to compensate for differences between the A to D converter used to sample even pixels, and the one used for odd pixels. A value of 0 is the null position in which both A to D converters are set to exactly the same value. SUBCODE SLx0 DESCRIPTION OF USE Set a red gain offset for the second A to D. (RGB) ADVANCED COLOR SETTING (CONTINUED)

D-54Mirage WU-L User Manual020-100774-01 Rev. 2 4-2012 Appendix D: Serial Command Reference EXAMPLE: (ROG+SL10 -10) - Set a red gain offset to -10 on Slot 1. (ROO) RED ODD PIXEL OFFSET CONTROL GROUP: Option SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Adds an offset to Input red black level settings on the analog Input card. It is used to compensate for differences between the A to D converter used to sample even pixels, and the one used for odd pixels. A value of 0 is the null position in which both A to D converters are set to exactly the same value. SUBCODE SLx0 DESCRIPTION OF USE Set a red black level offset for the second A to D. EXAMPLE: (ROO+SL10 -10) - Set a red gain offset to -10 on Slot 1. (RQR) RGB QUANTIZATION RANGE CONTROL GROUP: Input SUBCLASS: Power Up ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Select RGB quantization range, 0 = full(0~255), 1 = limited(16~235). SUBCODE INxy DESCRIPTION OF USE Set the RGB quantization range for Slot x, Input y. MAIN Set the RGB quantization range for main video. PIIP Set the RGB quantization range for PIP video. EXAMPLE: (RQR 1) - Set RGB quantization range to limited. (RTE) REAL TIME EVENTS CONTROL GROUP: Unsaved SUBCLASS: Power Down ACCESS LEVEL: Operator DESCRIPTION Real time events allow custom user actions to occur based on a system trigger. There are various triggers in the system such as power up, channel change, errors, or based on time. Time can be absolute, (e.g. 12:00:00 on December 25, 2008) or relative (e.g. 5 hours and 30 minutes from now). Special Function keys can also be used as a trigger. An example would be pressing FUNC+1 on the remote. Events can also be connected to external hardware triggers via the General Purpose IO port (GPIO). EVENTS: Single Occurrence Events: (RTE T YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS S description command) (ROG) RED ODD PIXEL GAIN (CONTINUED)

Appendix D: Serial Command Reference Mirage WU-L User ManualD-55020-100774-01 Rev. 2 (4/2012) Daily Occurring Event: (RTE T YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS YYYY/MM/DD D R description command) Where the first date and time is the start date and occurrence time. The second date is the end date. R is the Repeat Every interval i.e. repeat every R days Weekly Occurring Event: (RTE T YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS YYYY/MM/DD W R D description command) Where the first date and time is the start date and occurrence time. The second date is the end date. R is the Repeat Every interval i.e. repeat every R weeks D is the weekday or weekdays that the command should run on: M = Monday W = Wednesday F = Friday Su = Sunday Tu = Tuesday Th = Thursday S = Saturday I.E. MT will run on Monday and Tuesday TTh will run on Tuesday and Thursday MTWFSSu will run on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Monthly Occurring Event: (RTE T YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS YYYY/MM/DD M R description command) Where the first date and time is the start date and occurrence time. The second date is the end date. R is the Repeat Every interval i.e. repeat on the same date every R months NOTE: If there are not 31 days in the next run cycle month, the event will not run in that month. Function Key Events: (RTE F K description command), where K = the specific function key (1-5,7-9). Key 6 is reserved and cannot be used. DMX Events: (RTE M C description command), where C = channel (54-63) System Events: (RTE S E T description command), where E is the event to respond to: 0 = Boot Up 1 = Power ON/OFF T = 0 (Either a Power ON or OFF event) T = 1 (Power ON only) T = 2 (Power OFF only)2 = Any System Error 3 = Good Signal 4 = No Signal 5 = Input Change 6 = Channel Change T = channel (where channel is 1-99) GPIO Events: (RTE G AAAAAAA description command) where A is GPIO Input for each pin: = X (dont care) = H (when pin is high) - See (GIO) General Purpose Input/Output = L (when pin is low) - See (GIO) General Purpose Input/Output (RTE) REAL TIME EVENTS (CONTINUED)