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Christie Projector Mirage S+/HD/WU User Manual

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Page 101

 Section 3: Operation 
Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  3-71 020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
Adjustments can now be made to black level controls.  
To restore the use of Christie TWIST: 
1. Disable black blending. 
2. Power cycle the projector. 
3. Begin using the TWIST controls. 
Black Level Blending Procedure 
NOTES: 1) Adjust white levels before adjusting black levels. 2) The zones in BLB 
menu correspond to the Edge Blend zones. If a given Edge Blend zone...

Page 102

Section 3: Operation  
3-72  Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
6.   The brightness and black hues of the blended region can be adjusted in more 
detail in case fine-tuning is needed (may be only necessary for blending a 2 x 2 
projector display because of blending differs for the sides and center). 
NOTES: 1) The menu options vary depending on the Edge Blending parameters. 
2) You may need to re-adjust the black level hues following...

Page 103

 Section 3: Operation 
Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  3-73 020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
Occasionally the projector will encounter an error condition that can interrupt normal 
operation. Such a condition can be caused by a simple invalid keypad entry, an input 
signal error (most common) or a system error. The manner in which users are to be 
notified of error conditions is set in the Menu Preferences menu: 
 To see error messages displayed on-screen, select...

Page 104

Section 3: Operation  
3-74  Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
Other Signal Error Messages 
In addition to the common Bad Sync and “No Signal” errors, you may encounter a 
signal error message indicating that HSYNC and/or VSYNC are either too fast or too 
slow. When such a message appears, check the frequencies shown in the Status menu. 
If they are correct, the projector does not recognize the signal. On some PCs you may 
be able to...

Page 105

 Section 3: Operation 
Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  3-75 020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
Table 3.5  Error Codes 
Code Description GENERAL 12  Software bug. Contact dealer/factory.13  CRC error in flash ROM. Download new software.14  Engineering-only programming is complete. Call Christie, replace TIPM. 15 Attempting to download code without being in boot mode16  Invalid interrupt. Power off/on. If it persists, contact dealer/factory. 17  User forced system to...

Page 106


Page 107

Section 4 
Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  4-1 020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
The projector is an international regulatory agency approved product designed for safe 
and reliable operation. To assure complete safety at all times it is important to 
acknowledge the following precautions while operating the projector.  
Always power down the projector using appropriate procedure 
and disconnect all power sources before cleaning or...

Page 108

Section 4: Maintenance  
4-2  Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
Operate the projector in an environment, which meets the operating range specified in 
Section 6 – Specifications. 
 Do not operate the projector close to water, such as near a swimming pool. Do not 
operate in extremely humid environments. 
 Do not place the projector on an unstable cart, stand or table. A projector and cart 
combination should be used with care. Sudden...

Page 109

 Section 4: Maintenance 
Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  4-3 020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
 Do not set or rest items on the power cord. Place the projector in an area where 
the projector cord cannot be abused or damaged by persons walking on it or by 
objects rolling over it. 
 Operate the projector at the specified voltage only. Do not overload power outlets 
and extension cords as this can result in fire or shock hazards. 
 The projector is equipped with a...

Page 110

Section 4: Maintenance  
4-4  Mirage S+/HD/WU, Matrix S+/HD/WU, Christie HD/DS+/DW, DLV User Manual  020-100001-07 Rev. 1 (11-2009) 
Table 4.1. Maintenance Guide 
Part Description Frequency Action 
Lens   As required  Clean the lens only when absolutely 
necessary. A small amount of dust on the 
lens has very little effect on picture quality. 
To clean: Use a soft lint-free cloth without 
any chemicals. Use only a high-quality 
coated optics cleaning fluid, which can be 
purchased from most camera...
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