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Christie Projector Mirage M Series User Manual

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Page 111

Section 4: Web User Interface
Mirage M Series User Manual4-9020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11/2010)
Creating a User Name and Password
1. Click Add User to open the Add User window. See Figure 4-11.
2. Type your username and password in the User name and 
Password fields respectively.
3. Re-type your password in the Re-type Password field.
4. Click Ok to save.
Change Password
1. Select the user whose password you wish to change from the 
Users window. See Figure 4-12.
2. Click Change Password to open the...

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4-10Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   11-2010
Section 4: Web User Interface
1. Click Add to open the RTE Wizard.
2. Select the Scheduled Event tab. 
NOTE: The scheduled tab is always selected by default on add.
3. Select the frequency option for the event by selecting either Once, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. NOTE: 
End Date is enabled when Daily, Weekly or Monthly repeat options are selected.
4. Click within the Start Time field...

Page 113

Section 4: Web User Interface
Mirage M Series User Manual4-11020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11/2010)
• Click the Test button to test the entered command string. NOTE: If the test passed or failed, a green or 
red icon appears to the right side of the Test button as shown in Figure 4-16 Test Buttons.
10. Click Finish to create the added event. NOTES 1) The added event appears in the RTE Listing window. 
See Figure 4-17 RTE Listing Window Example. 
2) To activate or deactivate one or more...

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4-12Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   11-2010
Section 4: Web User Interface
To Add a GPIO Event
1. Click Add to open the RTE Wizard.
2. Select the GPIO Event tab.
3. For the GPIO Event option define the Input 
Condition field as required. The Input 
Condition field contains 7 blocks which refer to 
the 7 I/O pins on the GPIO connector. Pin 1 = 
+12V and Pin 5 = Ground are not included or 
2) Clicking a block toggles between H, 
L, and X as shown in Figure 4-19 GPIO Event. 

Page 115

Section 4: Web User Interface
Mirage M Series User Manual4-13020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11/2010)
1. Enter a serial command in the Serial Command 
NOTE:  For Serial Commands refer to the M 
Series Serial Commands Technical Reference 
Information P/N 020-100224-xx, available at the 
Christie Website.
2. Click Send to add the serial command. See Figure 
4.3.8 About Tabbed Page
Provides information about the projector’s software 
version, model, serial number, and...

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Page 117

Mirage M Series User Manual5-1020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
5 Maintenance
Installers, service trained operators and all other users must maintain a safe operating environment at all
times. Read through this section in its entirety and understand all warnings and precautions before
attempting to operate this projector. 
5.1 Maintenance of the Cooling System
The high-intensity lamps and electronics rely on a properly functioning cooling system. Regular maintenance 
of the cooling system is critical to...

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5-2Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 5: Maintenance
Replace Filters:
1. Unscrew the 2 captive screws at the top of each filter 
door (Figure 5-1). Allow the door to rest down and 
away from the projector.
2. Slide the air filter out and replace, vacuum or wash 
the filter. Wash using mild soap and water. 
Dry the filter before using.
3. Insert the new or cleaned air filter(s). 
4. Secure the filter door by tightening the 2 captive 
screws loosened in Step 1.

Page 119

Section 5: Maintenance
Mirage M Series User Manual5-3020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
Supplies or Cleaning Optical Surfaces
• Soft camel-hair brush
• Dust-free blower - filtered dry nitrogen blown through an anti-static nozzle.
• Dust-free lens tissue, such as Melles Griot Kodak tissues (18LAB020), Optowipes (18LAB022), Kim Wipes 
or equivalent
For lens only. Lens cleaning solution, such as Melles Griot Optics Cleaning Fluid (18LAB011) or equiva-
• Cotton swabs with wooden stems only
• Lens...

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5-4Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 5: Maintenance
2. To open the lamp door:
Using a Phillips screwdriver turn the 1 captive screw 
on the lamp door counter-clockwise to access the 
lamp compartment. 
NOTE: When the door is open, 
the lamps will shut off.   
3. Wait
Wait at least 10 minutes before handling the lamps, 
to allow the lamps to cool.
4. Remove the old lamp.
a. Unscrew the 3 captive screws securing the lamp using a #1 Phillips screwdriver.
b. Carefully...
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