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Christie Projector Mirage M Series User Manual

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Page 71

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-33020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
The current year-month-day, hour-minute-second. Changes here reset the projector’s real-time clock.
Adjust the appearance, content and/or location of on-screen menus and messages.
Enter a checkmark to enlarge menus and their text. To adjust Menu Location to accommodate the increased 
menu area.
Use the pull-down list to choose a...

Page 72

3-34Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
Check this box if you want the OSD menu backgrounds to be transparent.
Select the Basic or Advanced menu type from this list box. The Advanced menu setting will give the menu 
options. The Basic menu setting will give a small number of the most frequently used menu items.
Choose which splash screen is to be used; the default or user downloaded splash screen.

Page 73

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-35020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
NOTE: Not applicable for stand-alone projectors or simple serial networks with only one type of controller 
and linking.
Separate - Select “Separate” (factory default) to keep RS-232, RS-422 and Ethernet messages on their 
respective paths instead of being broadcast to the other types of ports, refer to Section 2 Installation and Setup, 
Figure 2-17 Connecting RS-232 to Figure 2-22 Communicating To All...

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3-36Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
Use Broadcast Keys to relay all key presses received by the projector to all other projectors on the network.
Enable or disable the IR sensor on the front of the projector.
Enable or disable the IR sensor on the rear of the projector.
Enable or disable the interface for the wired keypad on the rear of the projector.

Page 75

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-37020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
There are 512 channels per universe. This control specifies the starting channel for this projector. If multiple 
projectors are used on the same universe and are to be controlled independently, this value must be changed. 
i.e. If both projectors are using the Show personality (18 channels), projector 1 should start at base channel 1 
and projector 2 should start at base channel 19. 
NOTE: The Base...

Page 76

3-38Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
• Keystone is typically caused by tilting the projector in relation to the screen, so that the lens surface and 
screen are no longer parallel to each other. Vertical keystone is used to correct a keystoned image shape in 
which the top and bottom borders of the image are unequal in length, and both sides of the image are inclined 
toward the top or bottom edge, see Figure 3-31 Vertical...

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Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-39020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
9. Press ENTER again, to save that position for the corner.
10. Repeat Steps 6 to 9 to adjust all 4 corners until they match the screen.
11. Select OK to apply the new corner positions to the image. 
NOTE: A message will be displayed for 
approximately 10 seconds indicating that the projector is “Processing request”. 
Under certain combinations of extreme keystone co-ordinates and specific signal frequency, a keystoned...

Page 78

3-40Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
IMPORTANT! Before You Begin
Read through the entire procedure before attempting to adjust Brightness Uniformity controls, and keep in 
mind the following checklist of prerequisites and guidelines: 
ADJUST COLORS FIRST—Always adjust the primary colors as described in 3.12 Using Multiple Projectors:  
Matching Colors in Multiple Screens procedure, before attempting to work with Brightness Uniformity. 
This ensures that...

Page 79

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-41020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
c. Select the 13-Point test pattern for display. This pattern 
provides nine screen “zones” with 13 targets, see 13-Point Test 
FOR BEST RESULTS Rather than examining the CENTER of each 
zone when assessing Brightness Uniformity adjustments focus on 
extreme EDGES as indicated in the illustration at right.
d. In either Color Adjustments menu, select a “User” color. Then:
•If you have created a “User 1” color...

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3-42Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
• Adjust corner White Uniformity last—each corner adjustment affects only this quadrant. 
• Repeat for each screen. 
Step 4: Readjust Color Temperature (level of red/green/blue) in Eight Zones
a. Return to Steps 2a & 2b and, if necessary, fine-tune the zones so that they all still exhibit a single color 
Cancelling Brightness Uniformity
If you do not want to use or apply Brightness Uniformity settings,...
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