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Christie Projector Mirage M Series User Manual

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Page 61

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-23020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
Table 3.3 - Regions and Video Standards: Summary
 Generally, use “Auto” for all instances except: a poor quality input signal or a black-and-white 
video signal. In order to detect and display such signals, select the relevant standard from the list.
This control compensates for incoming elevated black levels 
present in certain video signals, and ensures that blacks in the 
display are neither...

Page 62

3-24Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
Dynamically expands the contrast of the output image producing vibrant images with seamless response to 
scene changes and fades. The slide bar adjusts the amount of adaptive contrast to apply, with a setting of “0” 
producing no change. 
This control allows a snap shot of the main image to be presented on the right side or lower part of the screen, 
to allow evaluation of advanced...

Page 63

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-25020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
For a source exhibiting overly high black levels (typically caused by a noisy source causing black level spikes) 
use the Input Levels menu (shown above). These adjustments, serve as a calibration process compensating for 
differences in sources and cabling, to perfect the source image input levels and eliminate the “overshoot” and 
NOTES: 1) Input Levels are of limited use with digital signals, but do...

Page 64

3-26Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
A tool to assist with defining individual input levels, enabling you to accurately set the Input Levels for any 
particular source with the appropriate image. Enabling the Peak Detector activates a special operating mode for 
detecting only pixels that are considered black or white—all other levels are displayed as a mid-level grey. 
When used with a smooth greyscale pattern in which black and...

Page 65

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-27020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
Select which color or colors you want to see in the display, useful while working with color temperature white 
levels or input levels. 
NOTES: 1) Input levels apply for the current source only, but for any color temperature 
2) If color temperature is set up based on the internal test patterns, you can set up input levels for a given 
source so that it matches the color temperature of the internal...

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3-28Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
Adjusts the sharpness of the image. Setting detail above the halfway point can introduce ‘noise’ in the image. 
Lower settings can improve a noisy signal.
• DETAIL - Adjust the sharpness of the image. Setting detail above the halfway-point can introduce noise in 
the image. Lower settings can improve a noisy signal. This command does not take effect unless the 
minimum change required in the...

Page 67

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-29020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
Standard settings are:
9300K, is close to the white of many computer monitors
6500K, is the standard for color video, in both standard and high definition forms
5400K, is a standard for graphics and black and white video
3200K, is useful if the projected image is to be filmed or shot as part of a studio set illuminated with 
incandescent lights
For all color temperatures the color primaries; red, green, and blue are...

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3-30Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
The level of white compression adjusts amount of detail in bright parts of dark scenes. It does not eliminate the 
detail in affected areas (as the sensitivity control does) but merely reduces it. The amount of detail reduction 
depends on the average level of brightness in the scene, and the setting of this control. The brighter the scene 
the less impact this control will have. It is often best to...

Page 69

Section 3: Operation
Mirage M Series User Manual3-31020-100575-02  Rev. 1  (11-2010)
Dynamically calculated by the software as the achievable range being smaller than the set range.  The image 
parameters include, image shift, scaling, warp/keystone applied and format.  The menu displays both the user 
selected value and the actual frame delay value.  When setting up tiling of projectors, all projectors in the tile 
should be set to the worst case, which is the projector with the...

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3-32Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02  Rev. 1   (11-2010)
Section 3: Operation
Displays the current lens calibration status.
The backlight for the LCD has 3 states. Always On, Always Off, or Timer. The backlight will turn on again 
when any key on the LCD is pressed or if an alarm is raised.
Set how long the LCD backlight stays on (in seconds) when in timer mode. 
Sets the LCD backlight...
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