Christie Projector Mirage M Series User Manual
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Section 2: Installation and Setup Mirage M Series User Manual2-17020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) MIXED NETWORK: To control multiple projectors with a computer/controller having an RS-422 interface: 1. Set them all to the same baud rate as your RS-422 controller. NOTE: You must enable this combination of RS-422 and RS-232 in the Communications menu. Set the “Network Routing” option to “RS-232 and RS-422 Joined”, see Section 4 Web User Interface. 2. Chain the projectors together by connecting an...
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2-18Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) Section 2: Installation and Setup SETTING THE PROJECTOR’S IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK AND GATEWAY: See Section 3.8 Configuration - Adjusting System Parameters and Advanced Controls. CHANGING THE PORT#: On some Ethernet networks, firewall restrictions may require that the port number of the projector be changed from its default of 3002. If so, enter a new port number in the Ethernet Settings menu or include the new port#. Separating Networks...
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Section 2: Installation and Setup Mirage M Series User Manual2-19020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) To isolate just RS-422 communications, select “RS-232 and Ethernet Joined”. In Figure Figure 2-23 Input Panel, only projector #1 will respond to the RS-422 controller. To isolate just Ethernet communications, select “RS-232 and RS-422 Joined”—only projector #1 will respond via Ethernet. System Integration - GPIO Connector The GPIO connector on the input panel interface Figure 2-18 Connecting RS-422,...
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2-20Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) Section 2: Installation and Setup 2.2.9 Projector Communications Status LEDs Looking from the back of the projector, the LEDs represent, from left to right; Lamp 1, Lamp 2, Power, and Status. The LEDs will display the colors as sho wn below: Projector StateLEDsLED State Hard Boot All All LEDs amber - means please wait Standby Mode Lamp 1 & 2Off - lamps are off PowerAmber - AC is present but projector is off or standby ShutterGreen -...
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Section 2: Installation and Setup Mirage M Series User Manual2-21020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) 2.3 Connecting Sources Sources are connected to the Input Panel located at the back of the projector. Figure 2-23 Input Panel. The Input Panel allows one image processor board and up to 4 input cards to be inserted. The input cards are hot swappable i.e. they may be plugged in and out while the projector is running. The image processor should only be replaced when the projector is off or when it is in...
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2-22Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) Section 2: Installation and Setup Twin HDMI Input Card This card accepts one or two HDMI inputs, and can route one or both inputs to the card’s outputs. Any input from any card can be looped out of this card. The output label ‘1-OUT’ loops out the main image being displayed on the projector. The output labelled ‘2-OUT’ loops out the image displayed in the picture in picture (PIP). Any input from any optional input card can be looped out...
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Section 2: Installation and Setup Mirage M Series User Manual2-23020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) Video Decoder Input Card This card accepts and decodes standard definition (SD) video. This includes CVBS (composite video), S- Video, and component sources. This card supports as many as 6 video signals, four of them on BNC connectors and two on 4-pin mini-DIN connectors. Each mini-DIN connector accepts 1 S-Video signal. The first BNC accepts composite video (only), while the remaining three BNC’s can...
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2-24Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) Section 2: Installation and Setup Input termination (2 Watt, 120 Ohm) is required on the last DMXC card in a loop through configuration. (i.e. only on the last projector). Termination may be either hardware (by plugging in a termination dongle, etc) or may be switched in by software, but should not be both. Software termination is only in place when the projector has AC applied. If there are cases where the network is required to be...
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Mirage M Series User Manual3-1020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) 3 Operation This section describes the controls and switches used for basic projector operation once it is properly installed, aligned and configured by a Christie accredited service technician. Refer to Safety Warnings and Guidelines in Section 5 Maintenance. 3.1 Using the Remote Keypad or Built-In Keypad The projector is typically controlled using one of the following keypads: •Remote Keypad for wired or wireless control up to 25 feet...
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3-2Mirage M Series User Manual020-100575-02 Rev. 1 (11-2010) Section 3: Operation Remote Keypad FIGURE 3-1 REMOTE KEYPAD