Christie Projector J Series 1000W & 1200W User Manual
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Section 3: Operation J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual3-31020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) in the adjacent Select Color Adjustment drop-down list in the ADVANCED IMAGE SETTINGS - Submenu . Optical Aperture The optical aperture inside the projector controls the diameter of the light beam passing through the system. With a fully open aperture (slidebar default of 0), the maximum amount of light passes through for maximum brightness in your images . Increase the slidebar setting to reduce the aperture diameter and maximize contrast ratio instead. Performance of aperture depends on the lens in use. NOTE: Optical Aperture (when present) also appears in the Lamp menu. Aperture Manual Adjustment A variable position manual aperture is present on the 1.2:1 and 1.1:1 lens. It may be used together with the internal electronic aperture to increase the contrast ratio; noting a slight decrease in brightness when it is used. It is recommended for highest brightness operation, under normal conditions, the manual aperture is to be left open. See Figure 3-30 Aperture Manual Adjustment below for aperture Open/Close, and Lock and Unlock dial positions. NOTE: The lock/unlock dial position allo ws you to open the aperture at a desire d position and lock it in place. FIGURE 3-30 APERTURE MANUAL ADJUSTMENT

3-32J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) Section 3: Operation 3.8 Configuration - Adjusting System Parameters and Advanced Controls Use the Configuration menu to define general operating para meters and communications with other projectors and equipment, and to access other advanced processing and image adjustments affecting overall performance. The Configuration menu provides access to diagnostics, calibration tools and the Service submenu (password-protected). Figure 3-31 Configuration Menu 3.8.1 LANGUAGE select the available language to use in the project or menu. The change will take effect immediately. 3.8.2 OUTPUT OPTIONS - Submenu • SCREEN IMAGE ORIENTATION Select the on screen image orientation from Fron t, Rear, Front Inverted, and Rear Inverted. • FRAME LOCKING Select how the projector controls the output frame timing based on the input signal. When set to Framelock, output image frames are locked to th e input if possible. When Locked, the output is always locked to the primary input, never th e PIP/Secondary image. Free Run sets the output to close to 60Hz for all sources. NOTE: When switching to a new input with framelocking enabled, the image will appear black for a short duration while the system locks onto the new input. • SET FRAME DELAY This control delays the output signal timing relative to the input signal tim ing by a fraction of a frame, and up to several frames. The minimum latency can vary based on the amount of scaling applied to the image. When using keystone or warping, an additio nal latency is required, depending on the amount of warp. The control is only available when the input signal is frame locked. In free run mode, or in cases where the signal cannot be frame locked, the minimum latency defined by the sca ling and keystone/warp is applied to the signal. • ACTUAL FRAME DELAY Dynamically calculated by the software as the achievable range being smaller than the set range. The image parameters include, image shift, sca ling, warp/keystone applied and format. The menu displays both the user

Section 3: Operation J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual3-33020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) selected value and the actual frame delay value. When setting up tiling of projectors, all projectors in the tile should be set to the worst case, which is the projector with the highest minimum for the setup. • FREE RUN FREQUENCY This control sets the output video vertical frequency. • FADE TO BLACK TIME This control sets the amount of time (in seconds) that it takes to fade the image to/from black. NOTE: The OSD only allows the fade time to be set. To initiate a Fade to Black, the Chri stie Serial command should be used. • HDMI OUTPUT LOOP SOURCE This control is used to configure the HDMI output options. Selecting Direct Loop will directly pass-through the HDMI input signals: on the same Twin HDMI Input Card , the Input1 signal is looped to Output1 and the Input2 signal is looped to Output2. Selecting Main/PIP Loop will loop the Main & PIP video to the outputs, regardless from which card th ese signals originate. The Main video si gnal is looped to Output1 and the PIP video signal is looped to Output2. Selecting Disable will shut off the HDMI outputs completely. 3.8.3 LENS SETTINGS - Submenu •INTELLIGENT LENS SYSTEM Check this box to enable the Intelligent Lens System (ILS). When enabled, the lens position (horizontal, vertical, focus, and zoom offsets) are stored per channel. If you change channels, the lens position will change as the new signal is being displayed.When ILS is not en abled, the lens is controlled independently of channels or input signals. • MANUAL ZOOM/FOCUS When this control is select ed, the holding current is removed from the zoom and focus motors so that they can be changed manually. NOTE: Zoom and Focus should not be adjusted manually when this control is not selected, as this will result in damage to the motors. • CALIBRATE The lens calibration procedure is needed each time a new lens is installed in order for the ILS feature to perform reliably. This procedure ca librates; horizontal, vertical, focus, and zoom offset movements. • LOCK ALL LENS MOTORS Select this check box to prevent all lens motors from moving. It w ill disable the Zoom, Focus, Horizontal and Vertical Position settings, effectively locking out any ch anges and overriding all other lens features. This feature is particularly useful to prevent accidental lens position changes in multi-projector installations. • CALIBRATE ON NEW LENS Check this box to prompt for a lens calibration each time a lens is inserted. The user will always be prompted before starting the calibration. • CALIBRATE ON STARTUP Check this box to initiate a ‘Lens Reset ’ procedure on every power-up. This is useful if the lens is subject to manual movement between power sessions. • HOME POSITION Return the lens to the horizontal and vertical home position. Focus and zoom are unaffected. • CALIBRATION STATUS Displays the current le ns calibration status.

3-34J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) Section 3: Operation 3.8.4 POWER MANAGEMENT - Submenu •LCD BACKLIGHT The backlight for the LCD has 3 states. Always On, Always Off , or Timer . The backlight will turn on again when any key on the LCD is pressed or if an alarm is raised. • LCD BACKLIGHT TIMER Set how long the LCD backlight stays on (in seconds) when in timer mode. • LCD BACKLIGHT LEVEL Sets the LCD backlight brightn ess level. Maximum 25/Minimum 0. • AUTO POWER UP If there is an AC power interruption, while Auto Power Up is enabled, the projector will resume operation in the same state as it left off. If the lamps are on and an image showing when AC power is lost, the projector will automatically power back up with the lamps on and an image will show when AC is restored. • AUTO SHUTDOWN ENABLE When Auto Shutdown Mode has been selected, and no projector activity has been seen for the activation time- out period, the projector will enter a power saving mode in which the lamps will dim and the shutter will close. If this condition persists for an additional time-out period, the projec tor will automatically go to Standby mode. The presence of any activity within this combined interval will cancel Auto Shutdown and return the projector to normal operation. • TURN OFF IMAGE AFTER (min) This sets the activation interval (in mi nutes) for Auto Shutdown. If all activity (input signals, web or serial port activity, key presses) is lost for this length of time, and Auto Shutdown is enabled, an Auto Shutdown cycle will begin. • ENTER STANDBY AFTER (min) This sets the interval (in minutes) between starting Auto Shutdown and entering Standby mode. Once Auto Shutdown has been entered, and all activity continues to be absent for this interval, the projector will automatically enter power Standby mode. • OVER-TEMP FAN ASSIST When enabled, this option will cause al l fans to come on at full speed if any enabled thermal sensor has an over-temperature fault. This may he lp to prevent an emergency shutdown if the extra cooling can bring the temperature within limits before the shutdown occurs. The fan assist will cau se increased noise levels due to the simultaneous full sp eed operation of all the fans. Normal operation will resume when all over-temperature conditions are removed or fan assist is turned off. 3.8.5 DATE & TIME - Submenu The current year-month-day, hour-m inute-second. Changes here reset the projector real-time clock. 3.8.6 MENU PREFERENCES - Submenu Adjust the appearance, content and/or location of on-screen menus and messages. •LARGE MENU FONT Enter a checkmark to enlarge menus and their text. To adjust Menu Location to accommodate the increased menu area.

Section 3: Operation J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual3-35020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) • MENU LOCATION Use the pull-down list to select a pre-defined default or customized location for the display of all on-screen menus. To create a custom menu location: 1. Select a preset that is closest to the desired location. 2. Adjust Horizontal Shift and Vertical Shift slide bars to move the me nu to the desired location. NOTE: Avoid locations too close to a corner or edge to prevent cropping of larger menus. • HORIZONTAL SHIFT AND VERTICAL SHIFT Shift your menus as desired, crea ting a customized menu location. • DISPLAY AUTOMATIC MESSAGE BOXES Enable or disable the pop-up of auto matic message boxes. These are messages to the user that are not directly triggered by user actions. Examples are signal information, function limitation or auto calibration message boxes. • DISPLAY USER MESSAGE BOXES Enable or disable the pop-up of message boxes that are directly triggered by user actions. Examples are gamma or lens control message boxes. • DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGES Select how you want to be notified of errors detect ed in either the incoming signal or projector. Select Screen or All (default) to see brief on-screen messages. This is recommended during setup or testing of the projector. Or select “ Serial Ports ” to receive messages via RS-232 or RS-422 serial communication only. To hide error message displays, such as during shows and presentations, select Off or Serial Ports . • LOGO SCREEN PREFERENCES Select when to display a special introductory splash screen image, such as your company logo, graphic or message. •Always Off – A splash screen never appears • Start-up Only – The splash screen logo appears at projector start-up only. • Start-up And No Signal – A splash screen appears at start-up and at any time when there is no signal. To add your own splash screen in addition to the default “Christie logo” splash screen, use the Web UI to download the desired bitmap (.bmp) file to the projector. This will overwrite any other user splash screen that has been downloaded. NOTE: Only one user splash screen ca n be saved in the projector. • OSD TRANSPARENCY Check this box if you want the OSD menu backgrounds to be transparent. • MENU TYPE Select the Basic or Advanced menu type from this list box. The Ad vanced menu setting will give the menu options. The Basic menu setting will give a small number of the most frequently used menu items. • CASCADING MENUS Enable or disable cascading menus. When disabled, a si ngle menu level will be displayed on the OSD at a time.

3-36J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) Section 3: Operation 3.8.7 COMMUNICATIONS - Submenu Defines and controls how single or multiple projectors are linked with each other and with a controlling device. For detailed information refer to the Serial Command document provided in the Dealer Section of the Christie Website, PN 020-100224-XX . • PROJECTOR ADDRESS Enter a three-digit number (such as “001”) to assign or chan ge a number to the projector currently in use. If the current projector already has a number assigned, that nu mber will appear here (for example “004” in the menu shown below. Numerical identity for projectors enables you to communicate with a single projector within a multiple-projector a pplication (see also P ROJ key in, Figure 3-1 Remote Keypad ). If you make a mistake in assigning or changing the projector number, press E XIT to cancel. NOTE: When multiple projectors are being used and you want to adjust the color for individual pr ojectors to create one seamless image, you must assign different numbers for each projector to allow switching back and forth between projectors while adjustments are being made. • NETWORK ROUTING NOTE: Not applicable for stand-alone projectors or simple ser ial networks with only one type of controller and linking. Separate - Select “Separate ” (factory default) to keep RS-232, RS -422 and Ethernet messages on their respective paths instead of being broadcast to the other types of ports, refer to Section 2 Installation and Setup, Figure 2-19 Connecting RS-232 to Figure 2-24 . RS-232 and RS-422 Joined - Messages originating from an RS-232 or RS-4 22 controller will be relayed to all RS-232or RS-422 ports. Any Ethernet communication, however, will not. RS-232 and Ethernet Joined - Messages to and from the RS-232 ports will also be relayed to the Ethernet port, and vice versa. Any RS-422 co mmunications will be isolated. In the case of multiple Ethernet sessions over the single Ethernet connector, input on the RS-232 po rt will be relayed to all Ethernet sessions; however, input from any Ethernet session will on ly be relayed to the RS-232 ports. All Joined - All messages reach all ports, regardless of type in the case of multiple Ethernet sessions, input on one Ethernet session will be relayed to all other Ethernet sessions as well as to the RS-232 and RS-422 ports. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Serial (RS-232 IN) Options Serial (RS-232 OUT) Options Serial (RS-422) Options Projector Address Network Routing Ethernet Settings Broadcast Key Front IR Enable Back IR Enable Wired Keypad Enable Communications SeparateSeparate RS-232 and RS-422 Joined RS-232 and Ethernet Joined All Joined 1. 2. 3. 4. Separate RS-232 and Ethernet Joined All Joined RS-232 and RS-422 Joined 1. 2. 3. 4.= Networks do not communicate with one another = Serial networks are joined, but Ethernet is isolated = RS-232 and Ethernet are joined but RS-422 is isolated = Network communications travel all networks FIGURE 3-32 NETWORK ROUTING LIST

Section 3: Operation J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual3-37020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) SERIAL OPTIONS - Submenu • BAUD RATE Determines the speed of communication to and from the projector on the RS-232 or RS-422 links. The maximum rate for the RS-232 is 115200; for RS-422 it is 19200. Set the baud rate to match that of your controlling device, such as your PC. Refer to the documentation for the controlling device to determine the baud rate. In an existing network of pr ojectors, if you discover that a projector has a different baud rate, use the pull-down list and select the correct baud rate using the E NTER key. Do not scroll this control with LEFT ARROW K EY or RIGHT ARROW KEY. Serial communication is always eight data bits, no parity. • SERIAL FLOW CONTROL Determines whether software flow control or no flow co ntrol is used when transmitting and receiving data on the serial port. ETHERNET SETTINGS - Submenu NOTE: Recommended for network administrators only. • IP CONFIGURATION Determines whether the IP Address is configured Sta tic (manual) or Dynamic (HDCP). Dynamic (HDCP) is the factory default setting. • IP ADDRESS Enter a valid and unique IP address for use on the netw ork to which the projector is currently connected. This address will overwrite any previous IP address such as the projector factory-defined default. It takes approximately 10 seconds for the projector to respond at its new address. • SUBNET MASK Subnet Mask determines the subnet for th e IP address and must be set manually. • GATEWAY This is the IP address of the gateway used to reac h any non-local IP addresses; it must be set manually. • TCP PORT On some Ethernet networks, firewall restrictions may require that the port number of the projector be changed from its default of 3002. If so, enter a new valid port number here. It is highly recommended not to use a port # below 1000, as these ports are typically reserv ed for and used by common IP applications. • HOST NAME Set the hostname for the device • DOMAIN NAME Set the domain for the device • MAC ADDRESS Displays the MAC address of the projector (read-only) BROADCAST KEYS Use Broadcast Keys to relay all key presses received by the projector to all other projectors on the network. FRONT IR ENABLED Enable or disable the IR sensor on the front of the projector.

3-38J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) Section 3: Operation REAR IR ENABLED Enable or disable the IR sensor on the rear of the projector. WIRED KEYPAD ENABLED Enable or disable the interfa ce for the wired keypad on the rear of the projector. DMX / ArtNET - Submenu The projector supports the DMX512 protocol through both the DMXC option card and through the ArtNet communications via the Ethernet connec tor. Both input methods share the same feature list, and can share the same configuration methods as follows: • The user may select to monitor both, neith er, or a single interface via a DMX control • If both interfaces are selected, the DMXC input card will take priority if it is actively receiving data. While data is active on this card, ArtNet packets will be ignored. • Only 1 DMXC card can be used at a time. If more than one is populated, the 2n d and subsequent cards will not be activated. • The DMXC card will always be active, even when the projector is powered down (i.e. in standby mode). • When controlling a projector with DMX, it is recommended that no other interfaces (such as the IR Remote or Web interfaces) are used. • The Menu for setting the ArtNet and DM X interface is always available at Configuration>Communica- tions >DMX/ArtNet Settings . NOTE: When a DMXC card is installed, th e same menu is available at Con- figuration>Option Card Settings>DMX Input Card>DMX/ArtNet Settings. • DMX INTERFACE Select whether to monitor the DMXC input card only, the ArtNet interface only, both (ArtNet is ignored if the DMXC card is actively receiving data), or neither. • DMX PERSONALITY This control determines how many contiguous channels the projector will respond to. Fewer channels mean more devices can be used per universe. More channels mean greater control of the projector, but fewer devices. •Show Personality (18 channels): This is the default setting. The 18 Show channels are those controls which are expected to be used throug hout the course of an actual show (ie. shutter, channel change). These channels are a subset of those in the Setup Personality. • Setup Personality (38 channels): The 38 Setup channels are t hose controls which are expected to be used during the setup of an actual show (ie. Proj ector orientation, Color, Brightness, etc.) • ZAP Personality (25 channels): Th e ZAP personality includes channels with Load/Execute style functionality for ‘critical’ functions th at require security so that they cannot be changed by a single button press and will not be affected by a Grand Master. Th is personality cannot be used with a control board containing only sliders. The Load /Execute channels operate as follows: • The user must load a value, then send 86 (LOAD), then send 171 (EXECUTE) to execute the loaded value • If this sequence of 3 values is not sent to the projector, the command is ignored Refer to Appendix C: DMX / ArtNet for the DMX Channel Allocation

Section 3: Operation J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual3-39020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) • BASE CHANNEL There are 512 channels per universe. This control specifies the starting channel for this projector. If multiple projectors are used on the same universe and are to be controlled independently, this value must be changed. i.e. If both projectors are using the Show personality (18 channels), projecto r 1 should start at base channel 1 and projector 2 should start at base channel 19. NOTE: The Base channel setting must a llow enough space for the channels required by the selected personality .i.e. If the Show Personal ity is selected, the Base Channel may be in the ra nge 1-494. If the Setup Personality is selected, the Base Channel may be in the range 1-474. • SOFTWARE TERMINATION This control supplies a signal to the ca rd to switch termination resistance in/out of the circuit. It may be necessary to clear this setting upon card removal. By default SW termination is disabled. The Input termination (2 Watt, 120 Ohm) is required on the last DMXC card in a lo op through configuration. (i.e. only on the last projector). Termination may be either hardware (by plugging in a termination dongle, etc) or may be switched in by software, bu t should not be both. NOTE: Hardware termination is recommended, because software termination is only in place when the projector has AC applied. If there are cases where the network is required to be terminated without AC applied to the last projector, then a hardware terminator should be used • ARTNET UNIVERSE For DMX512, each universe represents a separate electri cal circuit (up to 512 devices/channels). For ArtNet however, DMX data is broadcasted over an Ethernet network, so every device will receive every packet of data, whether they belong to that un iverse or not. This control specifies which universe the projector belongs to, so it can filter out all other data packets. The Univ erse applies to ArtNet only, and does not apply to the DMXC input card. • ARTNET SUBNET This is the highest level address in an ArtNet network, providing expand ability beyond the universe level. This control specifies which ArtNet su bnet (group of universes) the projector belongs to. The Subnet applies to ArtNet only, and does not apply to the DMXC input card. • INPUT NOISE FILTER The Input Noise Filter eliminates DMX/ArtNet input oscillation, which can occur on some DMX control boards. This can cause fine resolution controls (e.g. Lens, Brightness) to continually change. A filter setting of 0 will turn off the filter; a setting of 1 will filter +/- 1 step changes, etc. Using this filter will decrease the fine control precision of some slider controls. By default this filter is set to 0 (Off). It is not recommended to use this feature unless you are experien cing problems with your DMX input. • HOST NAME This will be used to respond to ArtNet polling queries. Christie will be the short name, Christie_HostName will be our long name. By default the host name is composed from the projector name and serial number. (Default = _). NOTE: The Host name is also defined at Configuration->Communica- tions->Ethernet Settings->Host Name.

3-40J Series 1000W and 1200W User Manual020-100706-02 Rev. 1 (03-2014) Section 3: Operation 3.8.8 GEOMETRY AND COLOR - Submenu In the Configuration menu, select the Geometry and Color submenu when you need to modify overall color performance and/or image geometry for all sources. • TEST PATTERN Select the desired internal test pa ttern, or select OFF to turn off a te st pattern. Alternatively, use the T EST key for cycling through test patterns. GEOMETRY CORRECTION - Submenu Keystone is typically caused by tilting the projector in relation to the screen, so that the lens surface and screen are no longer parallel to each other. Vertical keystone is used to correct a keystoned image shape in which the top and bottom borders of the image are unequal in length, and both sides of the image are inclined toward the top or bottom edge, see Figure 3-33 Vertical Keystone . Horizontal keystone is used to corre ct a keystoned image shape in which th e left and right borders of the image are unequal in length, and the top and bo ttom are slanted to one of the sides, see Figure 3-34 Horizontal Keystone . All settings to adjust keystone are in the Geometry Correction submenu. Brightness Uniformity , Edge Blending and Black Level Blending should be disabled before performing Keystone adjustments. NOTE: Mechanical adjustments can also be used to reduce Keystone, refer to Section 2 Installation and Setup. ADJUSTING AN IMAGE FOR KEYSTONE CORRECTION 1. Enable keystone adjustments by selecting Keystone from the Geometry Correction drop down list. NOTE: This will enable the controls for perf orming 1D or 2D keystone adjustments. 2. Select a Test Pattern . NOTE: It is recommended to use the Grid test pattern. 3. Perform coarse keystone adjustment by using the Horizo ntal or Vertical Adjust setting. Use the left and right arrow keys to make the adjustment. NOTE: The corner cursors are a guide as to how the image will be adjusted. The outside edge of a cursor will be the ou tside edge of the image. It may not be possible to exactly match the screen dimensions with the Horizontal and Vertical Keystone controls, but these settings can be refined when the 2D key stone settings are adjusted. FIGURE 3-33 VERTICAL KEYSTONE FIGURE 3-34 HORIZONTAL KEYSTONE