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Canon Pixma Ip4850 User Guide

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    of 468
    							Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with the Bundled Application Software > Downloading Images
    from Photo Sharing Sites
    Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites
    You can search for images on photo sharing sites on  the Internet and download the images you want to
    Internet connection is required to use this functio n. Internet connection fees apply.
    For the purpose of using this function, your produc t name, OS information, regional information and
    information that you have clicked 
     (Import photos from photo sharing sites) will be c ollected and
    sent to Canon.
    This function may not be available in some regions.
    It is unlawful to reproduce or edit the copyrighted  work of another person without permission from
    the copyright holder, except for personal use, use  within the home, or other use within the limited
    scope as defined by the copyright. 
    Additionally, reproducing or editing photographs of  people may infringe on portrait rights.
    You may be required permission of way to use the wo rk from copyright holder when using the work
    of others except for personal use, use within the h ome, or other use within the limited scope as
    defined by the copyright. Please check the details  carefully of the web page of work in the photo
    sharing site.
    Please also check terms of service in the photo sha ring site before using the work of others.
    Canon is not responsible for the any copyright prob lems by using this function.
    This function is supported under W indows XP or late r.
    This product uses the Flickr API but is not endorsed or cer tified by Flickr.
    1.In the Select Images screen, click  (Import photos from photo sharing sites).
    The Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites window a ppears.
    You can also display the Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites window by clicking 
    (Import photos from photo sharing sites) in the Add Image dialog box. To display the Add
    Image dialog box, select the page you want to add i mages to in the Edit screen, then click Page 191 of 468 pages
    Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites
    							 (Add Image).
    W hen you click  (Import photos from photo sharing sites), a message about created works
    and personality rights appear. 
    To hide the message, select the Do not show this me ssage again checkbox.
    See Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites W indow for details on the Import Photos from
    Photo Sharing Sites window.
    2.Enter the search text in Search.
    3.Set Sort by, Number of Results per Page and License  Type.
    4.Click Start Search. 
    Search starts, then the images that match the search text appear in the Thumbnail window.
    Some images, such as images in formats other than J PEG, do not appear.
    Click  (Back to the previous page) to display the previous page.  Click  (Go to the next page)
    to display the next page. 
    Alternatively, enter a page number in the page numb er entry box and click View to display the
    The number of search results (images) may be small  depending on the language of the
    search text. In that case, entering English search  text may increase search results.
    5.Select the image(s) you want to download. 
    The selected image(s) is (are) displayed in the Sel ections area.
    You can select up to 300 images.
    Click  (Cancel all image selections) to cancel all image selections in the Selections area.
     (Cancel image selection) to cancel the selection o f images selected in the
    Selections area.
    6.Click Save Selected Image or Save Selected Images. 
    W hen the Save Selected Image/Save Selected Images d ialog box appears, specify the save location
    and file name, then click Save. 
    The selected images are saved.
    To save only the images you like, select them in th e Selections area and click Save Selected
    Image. To save all images, click Save Selected Imag es.
    Only JPEG/Exif data format is available for saving dow nloaded images.
    7.Click Exit.
    The search results (images) will be deleted if you exit before saving them.
    Page top
    Page 192 of 468 pages
    Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites
    							Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with the Bundled Application Software > Downloading Images
    from Photo Sharing Sites
     > Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites W indow
    Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window
    In this window, you can search for images on photo  sharing sites on the Internet and download the
    images you want to print.
    Internet connection is required to use this functio n. Internet connection fees apply.
    This function is supported under W indows XP or late r.
    This product uses the Flickr API but is not endorsed or cer tified by Flickr.
    To display the Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sit es window, click 
     (Import photos from photo
    sharing sites) in the Select Images screen or Add I mage dialog box. To display the Add Image dialog
    box, select the page you want to add images to in t he Edit screen, then click 
     (Add Image).
    (1) Settings and Operation Buttons Area
    (2) Toolbar
    (3) Thumbnail W indow
    (4) Selections Area
    (1) Settings and Operation Buttons Area
    Photo Sharing Sites
    Displays the name of the photo sharing site.
    Search Enter the search text.
    Alternatively, click  (Down arrow) to display up to 20 search history re cords and select
    among them.
    W hen you want to enter multiple keywords, insert a  space between the keywords.Page 193 of 468 pages
    Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window
    							Sort bySelect how to sort the search results in the Thumbn ail window. Select Popularity or Date.
    You cannot change the setting after a search.
    Number of Results per Page
    Select the number of images displayed in the Thumbn ail window, from 10, 20 and 30.
    You cannot change the setting after a search.
    License Type
    Select the license type of images to search for, fr om All types, CC license (Non-Commercial) and CC
    license (Others). 
    Select All types to display all images regardless o f license type.
    Select CC license (Non-Commercial) to display CC li censed images that can be used for non-
    commercial purposes only. Select CC license (Others ) to display other CC licensed images.
    License type varies by image. Point to an image to disp lay a tooltip in which you can check the
    license type.
    License TypeLicense TypeUsage Precautions/Conditions
    (Comply with the following conditions when using CC 
    licensed images except for personal use or use
    within the home.)
    All typesAll Rights 
    ReservedUnauthorized copying of images is illegal except fo r
    personal/home use or for use within such limited 
    scope. Copying portraits (photographs of persons)
    may infringe personality rights.
    Attribution Non- 
    Commercial (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the origi nal
    work along with your creation.
    - You may not use the work for commercial purposes.
    Attribution Non-
    Commercial No
    Derivatives (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the original
    work along with your creation.
    - You may not use the work for commercial purposes. 
    - You may not modify the work.
    Attribution Non- 
    Share Alike (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the original
    work along with your creation.
    - You may not use the work for commercial purposes. 
    - Even if your creation is built upon the work of others,
    you must apply the same conditions to it as those s et
    out for the original work by the licensor.
    Attribution (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the origi nal
    work along with your creation.
    Attribution No 
    Derivatives (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the original
    work along with your creation.
    - You may not modify the work.
    Attribution Share 
    Alike (CC license)- You must show the title and licensor of the original
    work along with your creation.
    - Even if your creation is built upon the work of others,
    you must apply the same conditions to it as those s et
    out for the original work by the licensor.
    CC license (Non
    Attribution Non- 
    Commercial (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the origi nal
    work along with your creation.
    - You may not use the work for commercial purposes.
    Attribution Non-
    Commercial No
    Derivatives (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the original
    work along with your creation.
    - You may not use the work for commercial purposes. 
    - You may not modify the work.
    Attribution Non-- You must show the title and licensor of the originalPage 194 of 468 pages
    Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window
    Share Alike (CC
    work along with your creation.
    - You may not use the work for commercial purposes. 
    - Even if your creation is built upon the work of others,
    you must apply the same conditions to it as those s et
    out for the original work by the licensor.
    CC license
    Attribution (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the origi nal
    work along with your creation.
    Attribution No 
    Derivatives (CC
    - You must show the title and licensor of the original
    work along with your creation.
    - You may not modify the work.
    Attribution Share 
    Alike (CC license)- You must show the title and licensor of the original
    work along with your creation.
    - Even if your creation is built upon the work of others,
    you must apply the same conditions to it as those s et
    out for the original work by the licensor.
    Start Search Starts searching for images, and displays the image s that match the search text in the Thumbnail
    Some images, such as images in formats other than J PEG, do not appear.
    Save Selected Image Saves the image selected in the Selections area.
    Save Selected Images
    Saves all the images displayed in the Selections ar ea.
    Click to close the Import Photos from Photo Sharing  Sites window.
    (2) Toolbar
     (Select all images)
    Selects all the images in the page displayed in the  Thumbnail window.
    W hen you select an image, a checkmark appears in it s checkbox.
    You can select up to 300 images.
     (Clear all check-marks)
    Cancels all image selections in the page displayed  in the Thumbnail window.
     (Back to the previous page/Go to the next page)
    Displays the previous/next page.
     Page number entry box/Total pages/View
    Enter a page number and click View to display the p age.
     Thumbnail Size Slider
    Resizes the images in the Thumbnail window. 
    Move the slider to the right to enlarge and left to  reduce the images.
    (3) Thumbnail Window
    Displays the thumbnails (miniatures) of the search  results (images). The title is displayed under each Page 195 of 468 pages
    Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window
    To select an image, click the thumbnail or checkbox.
    Due to limitations of photo sharing sites, if the search results exceed 4,000 images, the same
    images as those displayed in the page containing th e 4,001st image will be displayed in all the
    subsequent pages.
    For example, when Number of Results per Page is set  to 20, the images displayed in page 201 are
    the same as those displayed in page 202 and subsequ ent pages.
    Point to a thumbnail to display its title, license type and other information.
    Right-click a thumbnail and select Open web page of  work from the displayed menu to start a
    browser and display the page of a photo sharing sit e on which the image is posted.
    (4) Selections Area
    Thumbnails of the images selected in the Thumbnail  window are displayed, along with the number of
    images (number of selected images/number of search  results).
     (Cancel all image selections)
    Cancels all image selections in the Selections area .
     (Cancel image selection)
    Cancels the selection of images selected in the Sel ections area.
    See Downloading Images from Photo Sharing Sites for details on how to download images from
    photo sharing sites.
    Page top
    Page 196 of 468 pages
    Import Photos from Photo Sharing Sites Window
    							Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with the Bundled Application Software > Questions and Answers
    Questions and Answers
    How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File?
    W hich Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from?
    How Do I Print with Even Margins?
    W hat Is C1 or C4?
    Page top
    Page 197 of 468 pages
    Questions and Answers
    							Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with the Bundled Application Software > Questions and Answers
    > How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File?
    How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File?
    If you want to move (or copy) a file created and saved  with Easy-PhotoPrint EX from one folder to another,
    you need to move (or copy) the folder that was automa tically created when originally saving that file as
    For example, when you save a file named MyAlbum.el1 , a folder named MyAlbum.el1.Data is
    automatically created in the same folder that contains t he MyAlbum.el1 file. If you want to move (or copy)
    the MyAlbum.el1 file to another folder, move (or  copy) the MyAlbum.el1.Data folder as well. The
    MyAlbum.el1.Data folder contains the photos used  in the album.
    The icons may vary depending on the items.
    Do not change the Data folder name; otherwise you w ill not be able to display the photos you edited
    with Easy-PhotoPrint EX.
    For PREMIUM Contents Print using premium content image s, if you save the file and move it to
    another computer, you will not be able to open the  file.
    Page top
    Page 198 of 468 pages
    How Can I Move (or Copy) the Saved File?
    							Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with the Bundled Application Software > Questions and Answers
    > W hich Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing Start from?
    Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing  Start
    As shown below, printing starts from the left side of the image displayed in the Layout/Print screen.
    Outputs the paper in the direction as the arrow ind icates.
    See your printer manual for details on how to load p aper (to print on the front/back, etc.).
    Page top
    Page 199 of 468 pages
    Which Side of the Displayed Image Does the Printing  Start from?
    							Advanced Guide > Printing from a Computer > Printing with the Bundled Application Software > Questions and Answers
    > How Do I Print with Even Margins?
    How Do I Print with Even Margins?
    W hen you print on a bordered layout, the margins on  the left and right or the top and bottom may become
    wider than the other, depending on the image and pr inter.
    To always print with even margins, select the Always crop images when selecting a layout with margins
    checkbox on the Advanced tab of the Preferences dialog box .
    To display the Preferences dialog box, click 
     (Settings) in the Layout/Print screen or select
    Preferences... from the File menu. 
    Crop the photo to apply even margins individually.
    Cropping Photos (Photo Print)
    This setting is available only when Photo Print is  selected.
    Page top
    Page 200 of 468 pages
    How Do I Print with Even Margins?
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