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Canon I Sensys Mf8280cw User Guide

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    of 750
    Specifying MAC Addresses for Firewall Rules
    You  can limit communication to  only devices with specified MAC addresses,  or block  devices with specified MAC addresses but permit
    other communications. Up to  32 MAC addresses can be specified.
    This function is  unavailable  when the  machine is  connected to  a wireless LAN.
    Start  the Remote UI  and  log  on in System Manager Mode.  Starting Remote UI
    Click [Settings/Registration].
    Click [Security  Settings]  [MAC Address Filter].
    Click [Edit...] for a filter  type.
    [Outbound Filter]
    Select to  restrict  sending data from the  machine to  a computer  by specifying  MAC addresses.
    [Inbound  Filter]
    Select to  restrict  receiving data from the  machine to  a computer  by specifying  MAC addresses.
    Specify  the settings  for packet filtering.
    Select the  precondition (default  policy) to  allow or reject the  communication of other devices with the  machine, and  then  specify
    							MAC addresses for  exceptions.
    1Select the [Use Filter] check box and  click the [Reject] or [Allow] radio button for the [Default  Policy].
    [Use Filter]
    Select the  check  box to  restrict  communication.  Clear the  check  box to  disable the  restriction.
    [Default  Policy]
    Select the  precondition to  allow or reject other devices to  communicate with the  machine.[Reject] Select to  pass communication packets  only when they are  sent to  or received from devices whose
    MAC addresses are  entered  in [Exception  Addresses].  Communications with other devices are
    [Allow] Select to  block  communication packets  when they are  sent to  or received from devices whose
    MAC addresses are  entered  in [Exception  Addresses].  Communications with other devices are
    2Specify  address exceptions.
    Enter the  MAC address in the  [Address to  Register] text box and  click [Add].
    You  do not  need to  delimit  the  address with hyphens or colons.
    Check for entry errors
    If  MAC addresses are  incorrectly entered, you may  become unable to  access the  machine from the  Remote  UI, in which
    case  you need to  set  to  . 
    MAC Address Filter 
    When [Reject] is  selected for an outbound filter
    Outgoing multicast and  broadcast packets  cannot  be filtered.
    Deleting  a MAC address from exceptions
    Select a MAC address and  click [Delete].
    3Click [OK].
    Restart the machine.
    Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
    You  can enable  or disable the  IP  Address Filter  settings from .MAC Address Filter
    Specifying IP Addresses  for Firewall  Rules
    Changing Port Numbers
    Ports  serve as endpoints for  communicating with other devices.  Typically, conventional port numbers  are  used for  major protocols,  but
    devices that  use these port numbers  are  vulnerable  to  attacks  because  these port numbers  are  well-known. To enhance security,  your
    Network Administrator may  change the  port numbers. When  a port number has been changed, the  new number must be shared  with the
    communicating devices,  such as computers and  servers. Specify the  port number settings depending on  the  network environment.
    To change the  port number for  proxy server, see  Setting a Proxy.
    To change the  port number for  LDAP server, see  
    Registering LDAP Servers (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn /
    MF8280Cw Only) .
    Press  .
    Use  / to select ,  and  press  .
    If  the  logon screen appears, enter the  correct ID and  PIN  using the  numeric keys, and  then  press .Logging  on  to the
    Select  .
    Select a port, and  press  .
    Learning  more about the ports
    Configuring  Printing Protocols and  WSD Functions
    Disabling HTTP  Communication
    /  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn only)
    Configuring  Advanced E- mail  Settings
    Monitoring  and  Controlling the Machine  with SNMP
    Configuring  SLP  Communication with imageWARE
    Enter  the port number using the numeric  keys,  and  press .
    Restart the machine.
    Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
    Configuring  Printer Ports
    Setting a Proxy
    A proxy (or HTTP proxy server) refers to  a computer  or software  that  carries out  HTTP communication for  other devices,  especially  when
    communicating with resources  outside the  network, such as when browsing Web sites. The client  devices connect to  the  outside ne twork
    through the  proxy server, and  do not  communicate directly  to  the  resources  outside.  Setting a proxy not  only facilitates manage ment  of
    traffic between  in-house and  outside networks but also  blocks unauthorized access and  consolidates  anti-virus protection for  en hanced
    security.  When  you use Google  Cloud Print  to  print over the  Internet, you can enhance security by setting a proxy. When  setting a proxy,
    make sure  that  you have the  necessary  proxy information, including the  IP  address, port number,  and  a user  name and  password fo r
    Start  the Remote UI  and  log  on in System Manager Mode.  Starting Remote UI
    Click [Settings/Registration].
    Click [Network Settings]  [TCP/IP  Settings].
    Click [Edit...] in [Proxy Settings].
    Select the [Use Proxy] check  box and  specify the required settings.
    							[Use Proxy]
    Select the  check  box to  use the  specified proxy server  when communicating with an  HTTP server.
    [HTTP  Proxy  Server Address]
    Enter the  address of the  proxy server. Specify the  IP  address or host  name depending on  the  environment.
    [HTTP  Proxy  Server Port Number]
    Change  the  port number as necessary. Enter a number between  1  and  65535.
    [Use Proxy  Authentication]
    To enable  authentication by the  proxy server, select the  check  box and  enter up  to  24 alphanumeric  characters  for  the  user  name
    in the  [User Name] text box.
    [Set/Change  Password]
    To set or change the  password for  the  proxy authentication,  when it is  enabled,  select the  check  box and  enter up  to  24
    alphanumeric  characters  for  the  new password in the  [Password]  text box.
    Click [OK].
    Restart the machine.
    Turn  OFF  the  machine, wait  for  at least  10 seconds,  and  turn  it back ON.
    Using  Google Cloud  Print
    Restricting the Machines Functions
    Some  of the  functions of the  machine may  rarely be used or provide opportunities for  misuse. For security purposes, the  machine can be
    set to  limit its capabilities by partially or completely disabling these functions.
    Restricting Access  to Address Book and  Sending Functions
    Restricting Access to Address Book and  Sending  Functions (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Restricting USB Functions
    Restricting USB Functions
    Disabling  HTTP  Communication and  Remote Management
    Disabling HTTP  Communication
    Disabling Remote  UI
    Restricting Access to Address Book and Sending Functions (MF8580Cdw /
    MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Some  cases of information  leakage can be prevented  by limiting the  available fax  and  e-mail destinations to  those registered in the
    Address Book or LDAP servers, or by setting a PIN  for  the  Address Book so that  unauthorized users  cannot  add  or edit Address Book
    entries. You  can also  avoid  sending documents to  unintended  recipients  if  the  machine is  set to  ask  you to  enter the  fax  number twice
    for  confirmation.
    Setting a PIN for Address Book
    The Address Book can be set to  require users  to  enter a PIN  in order to  add  new entries to  the  Address Book
    or edit existing entries. Setting a PIN  to  the  Address Book can reduce  the  risk of documents being sent to
    unintended  recipients  because  changes to  the  Address Book can only be made  by users  who know the  PIN.
    Press  .
    Use  / to select ,  and  press  .
    If  the  logon screen appears, enter the  correct ID and  PIN  using the  numeric keys, and  then  press .Logging  on  to the
    Select    .
    Set the PIN for editing the Address Book.
    Enter a number of up  to  seven  digits  using numeric keys, and  press .
    When   is  displayed,  enter the  PIN  once again to  confirm.
    You  cannot  set a PIN  that  consists only of zeros, such as "00" or "0000000".
    To disable the  PIN, press 
    to  erase the  PIN  (leave the  text box blank),  and  press .
    Press  .
    In addition to  setting the  Address Book PIN, you can further enhance security by performing the  following  operations:
    Restricting the  addition of new destinations 
    Limiting Available Destinations
    Disabling the  PC fax  function 
    Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Registering in the Address Book (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Registering Address Book from Remote  UI (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Configuring  Basic E- mail  Settings
    Setting a Shared Folder  as a Save  Location
    Limiting Available Destinations
    By limiting fax  numbers  that  can be specified when sending documents to  those already  registered in the
    Address Book,  those previously used, or those searchable  from the  LDAP servers, you can reduce  the
    possibility of specifying  incorrect  destinations and  prevent  users  from leaking information. When  this function
    is  enabled,  the  machine prohibits users  from entering  destinations using the  numeric keys, adding new entries
    to  the  Address Book,  and  editing the  existing Address Book entries.
    Press  .
    Use  / to select ,  and  press  .
    If  the  logon screen appears, enter the  correct ID and  PIN  using the  numeric keys, and  then  press .Logging  on  to the
    Select  .
    Select ,  and  press  .
    Cancels the  restriction on  new destinations. Fax numbers  and  e-mail addresses can be specified by using any method.
    Enables the  restriction. Users need to  specify  destinations by selecting from the  Address Book or searching the  LDAP servers.
    Press  .
    This function does not  limit the  available destinations for  PC faxing.
    Prohibiting PC Faxing (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
    Setting a PIN for Address Book
    Disabling Use of Previously  Used Destinations
    Prohibiting Sequential Broadcasting (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8280Cw Only)
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