Blackberry Porsche Design P 9982 Smartphone 10 3 2 User Guide
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Take care to remember your work space password. If you forget your password, contact your administrator to have it reset. If you exceed the number of allowed attempts to enter your work space password, your work space and all of its contents are deleted. Deleteyourworkspace If you no longer want to associate your device with your organizationhs network, you can remove only your work space. The apps and files stored in your personal space are left intact. CAUTION:Deleting the work space will permanently erase all of the content and files stored within it, such as work files, messages, pictures, and videos. To add a work account back to your device, you will need to contact your adminstrator. 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > BlackBerryBalance > . 3.Type blackberry. Tip:If you plan to give away or recycle your device, remember to delete all of the data on your device by performing a security wipe, and remove your SIM card and media card. DoesmydevicehaveBlackBerryBalance? BlackBerry Balance is available only on BlackBerry devices associated with an Enterprise Mobility Management solution from BlackBerry. To confirm if your device uses BlackBerry Balance, do one of the following: tOn the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. If you see SwitchtoWork or Switchto Personal , BlackBerry Balance is installed. tOn the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. Tap Settings > About. In the Category drop-down list, scroll and look for WorkSpace. If you donht see that, or you see Work SpaceOnly , your device isnht set up to use BlackBerry Balance. HowdoIsetupBlackBerryBalance? Your administrator must set up BlackBerry Balance and associate your work account with an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution from BlackBerry. After your admin sets up BlackBerry Balance, a work space is automatically added to your BlackBerry device and you are prompted to finish the activation. For more information about EMM solutions from BlackBerry, visit and Whatcontentisinmyworkspaceandmypersonalspace? If your administrator turns on BlackBerry Balance technology, your device data, apps, and network access are separated so that you have a work space and a personal space on your BlackBerry device. Productivity and workUser Guide261

Work apps that are open appear with the icon on the home screen. Depending on the rules set by your administrator, the apps and features that are part of the BlackBerry 10 OS might be available in your work space, personal space, or both. The following table describes the default behavior for most BlackBerry 10 OS apps. The table doesnht describe the behavior of apps that you purchase from BlackBerry World or the Amazon Appstore, or that your wireless service provider or your administrator send to your device. Depending on your device model, some of these apps and features might not be available to you. DescriptionAppsandfeaturesThese apps and features are available only in your work space and they display work data.tBlackBerry Enterprise IM tBlackBerry Work Drives tBlackBerry World o Work These apps and features are available only in your personal space and they display personal data. You might have access to work contacts in the Phone, BBM, BBM Meetings, and text messaging apps, depending on the rules set by your administrator. tAmazon tAmazon Appstore tBBM tBBM Meetings tBlackBerry Protect tBlackBerry Story Maker tBlackBerry World tBox tCalculator tClock tCompass tDropbox tEvernote tFacebook tFoursquare tGames tLinkedIn tMedia card tPassword Keeper tMusic tPhone Productivity and workUser Guide262

DescriptionAppsandfeaturestSetup tSIM card tSmart Tags tText messaging (SMS and MMS) tTwitter tVideos tVoice dialing tWeather tYouTube These apps and features are available in your work space and personal space. Your work data and personal data are displayed together.tBlackBerry Assistant tBlackBerry Blend tBlackBerry Hub tBlackBerry Remember tCalendar tContacts These apps and features are available in your work space and personal space. Depending on which space you open an app in, you can access either your work data or personal data. You can open two instances of these apps at the same time. Depending on the rules set by your administrator, some apps might not appear in your work space. tAdobe Reader tBlackBerry Browser tBlackBerry Maps tCamera tDocuments To Go tFile Manager tPictures tVideo camera Note:You can cut, copy, and paste text from apps in your personal space into apps in your work space, but you canht cut, copy, or paste text from apps in your work space into apps in your personal space. CanIusepersonalappsonmyworkhsnetwork? If your administrator turns on BlackBerry Balance technology, depending on the rules set by your administrator, you or your administrator can allow work apps to access your organizationhs Wi-Fi or VPN network. Productivity and workUser Guide263

On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. Tap Settings > BlackBerryBalance. If the AllowPersonalAppstoUseWorkNetworks switch is on, you can use personal apps on your organizationhs network. If personal apps arenht allowed to use your organizationhs networks and if a personal network isnht available, personal apps that need access to the Internet might not work. WhereismypicturethatIjusttook? Note:The camera might not be available depending on your BlackBerry device model. If your device uses BlackBerry Balance technology, you have a Camera app in your personal space and another in your work space. Pictures and videos taken using the camera in your personal space are stored in your personal space. All of the files saved to your media card are also stored in your personal space. Pictures and videos taken using the Camera app in your work space are stored in your work space. Attachments, including picture and video files, saved from work email messages are accessible only in the work space. For example, in BBM which is a personal app, to create a profile picture, you can use a picture taken using the camera in your personal space or a picture that you downloaded from an email message sent to a personal email account. You canht use a picture taken using the camera in your work space or a picture that you downloaded from an email message sent to your work account. Personal apps canht access pictures and documents in your work space. Note:In your work space, if you tap the camera icon at the bottom of the screen , the Camera app from your personal space opens in your work space. To open your work space camera, tap the Camera app icon on the home screen. WhathappenstomydevicedataifIleavemyorganization? If your administrator turns on BlackBerry Balance technology, your administrator can delete your work data from the work space on your BlackBerry device and leave your personal data and applications intact in the personal space. If you store personal data within work apps, for example you add a personal contact to the Contacts app in your work space, that personal data is deleted from your device when your administrator deletes your work space. Your administrator can delete all of your device data, including your personal content. This feature helps to secure your device if your device was lost or stolen. Troubleshooting:WorkspaceandBlackBerryBalance Mydeviceisquarantined If your BlackBerry device is quarantined, you receive a notification that you canht access your work space until you resolve the problem. When your device is quarantined, you canht access files or email messages on your organizationhs network from your device, but you can access files in your work space Productivity and workUser Guide264

that are saved on your device. If your device is quarantined, your administrator might delete some or all the data on your device. Note:A device can be quarantined only if the work account on the device is associated with an Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution from BlackBerry. To remove your device from quarantine, try the following: tIf services arenht correctly activated on the SIM card in your device, try using a different SIM card or changing your wireless service plan. tIf your device is running a version the BlackBerry 10 OS that your organization doesnht support, contact your administrator to update to a supported version. tIf the EMM solution from BlackBerry detects that the security of your device is compromised, contact your administrator for information about how to reinstall the BlackBerry 10 OS. If you still canht unlock your work space, contact your administrator. Remember Collectingandorganizingtasks,notes,andmorewiththeRememberapp If youhre planning a trip to Paris, you can create a folder called "My Trip to Paris" in the Remember app. As youhre browsing the Internet on your device, you can send trip-related websites to the folder. When you remember something you need to do before the trip, you can add a to-do item to the folder, and add a due date to the item so that you donht forget about it. Everything you need to remember about the trip is in one place. The Remember app is designed to sync with the accounts that you add to your BlackBerry device. If you added a work email account to your device, your tasks, notes and flagged messages from your work account are kept in sync with the Remember app. If you added an Evernote account to your device, you can access your Evernote notebooks in the Remember app and sync your Remember folders to Evernote. Addingafolder,tasklist,oranentrytotheRememberapp Create folders, task lists, or entries in the Remember app to help you stay organized. The more entries you add, the easier it is to track items on your to-do list. CreateafolderortasklistintheRememberapp 1.Tap Notes to create a new folder or Tasks to create a new task list. 2.Tap > . 3.Type a name for the folder or task list. 4.To sync your folder or task list with an account (for example, an Evernote account), choose an account from the Saveto drop-down list. Productivity and workUser Guide265

5.To change the color of the folder or task list, tap a different color swatch. 6.Tap Save. AddanentrytotheRememberapp When you add an entry to BlackBerry Remember, in most cases you can choose between a note or task. Tasks include a completion checkbox and the option to add a due date or reminder. When you create a new task, it also appears in the Calendar app. If you add an entry to a folder thaths synced with one of your accounts, you might not be able to choose whether the entry is a note or task. 1.Tap Notes or Tasks. 2.Tap . 3.Enter the information for the entry, such as a title, notes, tags, and a due date. 4.Tap Save. Addaduedateandremindertimetoatask When you add a due date to a task in BlackBerry Remember, your BlackBerry device adds the entry to the Calendar app. To receive a reminder, you must add a specific reminder time to your task. 1.While youhre adding or changing a task: tTo add a due date, turn on the DueDate switch. Tap Date. Select a date. tTo add a reminder time, turn on the Reminder switch. Tap Date. Select a reminder date and time. 2.Tap Save. Setuparecurringtask When you create or change a task in BlackBerry Remember, you can set it to repeat every day, on specific days or times, or at specific intervals. 1.While youhre adding or changing a task, tap Recurrence. 2.Do any of the following: tTo set how often your task repeats, in the Repeats drop-down list, tap an option. tTo set when the task should end, in the End drop-down list, tap an option. Addtagstoanentry Tags help you to categorize your entries. For example, you can add the tag "recipe" to any entries containing recipes, and then filter your entries by that tag. 1.In the Remember app, tap an entry. 2.Tap Tags. 3.Type your tag name. Productivity and workUser Guide266

Formatthetextinanentry Depending on the account that your entry is associated with, you might be able to apply formatting to italicize, bold, or underline text, create lists, or change the text size and color. 1.In the Remember app, tap an entry. 2.In the Additionalnotes field, tap . StopsynchronizingfoldersintheRememberapp When you add an email account that is supported by Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, by default, the tasks and notes from that account appear as synchronized folders in the Remember app. To stop synchronizing these folders: 1.On the home screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap Settings > Accounts. 3.Tap an account. 4.On the EditAccount screen, turn off the SyncTasks switch. RecordavoicenoteintheRememberapp You can use BlackBerry Remember to record voice notes. 1.In a note, a task, or on the Tasks or Notes screen, tap . 2.Tap . 3.Speak your voice note. 4.When youhre finished, tap > Done. Tip:You can also take pictures without leaving the Remember app. To take a picture, in an entry or on the Tasks or Notes screen, tap . SendsomethingtotheRememberapp Using the sharing capabilities of your BlackBerry device, you can send photos, videos, audio files, websites, or Documents To Go files to BlackBerry Remember. 1.In an app, touch and hold the item that you want to send to the Remember app. 2.Tap > Remember. 3.Edit the item if necessary. 4.Tap Save. Changingafolder,tasklist,orentryintheRememberapp Changeanentry 1.In the Remember app, tap an entry. Productivity and workUser Guide267

2.Make your changes. 3.Tap Save. Convertanentrytoanoteoratask Depending on your email account, when you change an entry in the Remember app, you can convert its format, for example, from a note to a task. 1.Tap the folder name or, if your entry isnht saved to a folder, tap Unfiled. 2.Tap Task or Note. 3.Select a folder or tap None. Moveanentrytoadifferentfolder If you have BlackBerry Balance set up on your device, entries associated with a work account canht be moved to a non-work folder. Also, if a work folder is specifically meant for notes or tasks (for example, folders synced with an email account supported by Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync), you might not be able to move entries in that folder. 1.In the Remember app, touch and hold an entry. 2.Tap , and select a new location for the entry. 3.Tap Move. Changethecolorofafolderoratasklist 1.In the Remember app, touch and hold a folder or a task list. 2.Tap . 3.Tap a color. 4.Tap Save. Deleteafolder,tasklist,orentryintheRememberapp CAUTION:If you delete a folder or task list, the entries inside are also deleted. 1.In the Remember app, touch and hold a folder, task list, or entry. 2.Tap . ViewingandsearchingyourentriesintheRememberapp There are several ways to sort through or view your entries in the Remember app. You can use the search feature to easily find the entries you need. SearchforanentryintheRememberapp 1.Open a folder or task list. 2.In the search field at the top of the screen, start typing a search term. Productivity and workUser Guide268

3.Tap a result. Tip:You can also use the search field to add an entry. Just start typing and tap Submit. ViewRememberentriesthathavethesametag If you added tags to your BlackBerry Remember entries, you can filter entries by those tags. 1.In the Remember app, tap Tags. 2.Tap a tag to view entries with that tag. SortyourRememberappentries Note:Depending on whether you are sorting tasks or notes, some of these options might not be available. 1.Tap . 2.Tap . 3.In the SortOrder drop-down list, select one of the following: tDueDate tTitle tCreationDate tLastModifiedDate ChangethedefaultviewintheRememberapp You can set the default view so that when you open BlackBerry Remember, you see whaths important to you. 1.In a folder or on the Remember folder screen, swipe down from the top of the screen. 2.Tap . 3.In the DefaultView drop-down list, select one of the following: tTasksView tNotesView tTagsView tMostRecent Restart the app for the changes to take effect. Troubleshooting:Rememberapp Icanhtaddduedates,tags,voicenotes,orattachmentstoanentry If your entry is in a folder thaths synced with an email account or an Evernote account that you added to your BlackBerry device, you might not be able to add due dates, tags, or attachments to the entry. Try moving the entry into a new folder. Productivity and workUser Guide269

IcanhtsendsomethingtotheRememberapp Some items canht be sent directly to BlackBerry Remember. You should be able to send photos, videos, audio files, websites, contacts, and Documents To Go files to the Remember app. You might not be able to share certain items into folders that are synced with a work account. IcanhtopenafolderintheRememberapp If your BlackBerry device is set up to use BlackBerry Balance, you might need to unlock your work space to access all of your folders and entries. 1.In the Remember app, at the top of the screen, tap TaptoUnlockWorkSpace. 2.Enter your work space password. Productivity and workUser Guide270