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Active Voice Repartee User Guide

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Page 21

Modifying a message
by computer*
With ViewMail, you can modify a voice
message you have sent if the recipient
has not opened it. 
ViewMail displays the message in your
ViewMail mailbox until the person has
opened it. If the message is still in your
mailbox, simply open and modify it.
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging,
you can modify the message by phone
or delete it and send a new message.
For modifying message
delivery options for an
unopened message
* This feature...

Page 22

Canceling a message
If the recipient has not heard your last
message, the system lets you cancel it.
You can then record a new message.To cancel a message by phone
1Start to leave another message to the
same subscriber.
2If the subscriber has not yet heard
your last message, the system asks if
you want to review it.
3Enter 1 for Yes to review it.
4When you hear the message you want
to cancel, enter 2 to interrupt it, then
enter 1 to cancel it.
Modifying a message...

Page 23

Canceling a message
by computer*
With ViewMail or ViewMail for Microsoft
Messaging, you can cancel a voice
message you have sent if the recipient
has not opened it. A message remains in
your mailbox until the recipient opens it.
To cancel a message
by computer
1Select the message.
2Click “Delete.”
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging,
all unopened voice messages you have
sent appear in the Unopened folder,
which is located in the Sent Items folder.*
The Unopened...

Page 24

Archiving a message
To archive a message
by phone
1While listening to a message, enter 2
to interrupt it.
2Enter 2 for No to avoid redirecting the
3Enter 1 for Yes to archive the message.
Online Help:
ViewMail, Archiving and saving messages
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, Saving
a voice message temporarily
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging,
ViewMail columns
The system saves old messages for a set
time (for example, until midnight). To
keep a message for a longer...

Page 25

Archiving messages
by computer*
You can archive a message using
ViewMail or ViewMail for Microsoft
When the number of archived days
reaches zero, the voice message is
deleted with other old voice messages.
In the ViewMail mailbox, archived
messages appear with an Archive icon
that displays the number of days the
voice message remains archived.
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging,
you can see how many days are left for
an archived message by opening the

Page 26

Recording a conversation
You can record a conversation by
using either your phone or computer.
Because the procedure for recording
over the phone varies, depending on
how the system is set up, ask your sys-
tem manager for detailed instructions.
When you use ViewMail on your com-
puter, you can record a conversation by
using the “Live Record” button.
When you finish, the recorded message is
placed in your voice mailbox. From there,
you can review it, delete it, or add an in-...

Page 27

21CHECKING AND LEAVING MESSAGESs To record a conversation by
1Click “Live record.”
2The Live Record Message dialog box
appears. To begin recording, choose
“Live record.”
3Click “Pause” to stop recording
temporarily. Click “Resume” to
4To end the recording, click “Stop”
or hang up. Or click “Cancel” to
stop and erase the recording.
5To review the message, click “Play.”
6To send the message to your mailbox,
click “Send.”
7If the Request Redirect dialog box
appears, click “Yes” to forward...

Page 28


Page 29

You can change these setup options for
your personal mailbox by phone:
•Security code
•Call transfer options
•Call screening options
•Call holding options
•Message delivery options
•Message groups
•Recorded and spelled names
Changing your mailbox setup
When you make a change, the system
leads you step by step through a series
of simple yes-and-no questions.
To make changes to your TeLANophy
applications, refer to the application’s
online Help. 

Page 30

Changing your greetings
Callers hear a greeting before they leave
a message. Your mailbox can have one
of three greetings: standard, busy, or
alternate. You can rerecord or switch
between greetings only by phone.
If you want to give your callers the option
of activating your pager, add the
following message to your greeting: “or
press 1 to beep my pager.”
Standard greeting
The standard greeting plays when your
extension is unanswered. A typical
standard greeting is: “Hello, this is...
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