Vodavi Starplus Triad S Installation Manual
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4-18 R emo te Syst em Mo nit or Remo te Syst em Moni t or General Overview The Remote S ystem Monitor feature provides access to th e installed sys te m for d iag nost ic purp ose s. The se capa bil i ti es be nefi t se rv ice pe rson nel e nabling them to supp ort the end use r. Di ffe re nt le ve ls of a c c ess , v ia pas swor d, all ows aut hor iz ed pe rs onnel t o tr ac e , moni to r an d upl oad c r it ic a l i nfor mat ion dir ec t l y fr om th eSTA RPLUS Tri ad- SSystem. Thisprovidesa moreaccurate meansof acquiringsystem inf orma tion that lea ds to a quick resolu tion of problems th at may occur. This is all done without interfering with ongoing call processing or norm al sys te m op er at ion, and in many case s may be per for me d wi tho ut a s ite visit. The optional 9600 baud modem is used for remo te access. Cap abi li t ie s a ll owed and re se rv ed for th is hig h l eve l tr oubl es hoot ing inc l ude t he foll owi ng: †Monitor Mode †Enable and Disable Event Trace †Dump Tra ce Buf fer (up -load) Mo ni t or Pa ss w or d The Monitor feature, like Maintenance, is entered via a six-character alphanumeric string. The password prompt is accessed by pressing the k ey at th e PC conne cte d to the MIS U. After the prompt disp lay s, type the password, then press . Proper entry of the password re sults in the mon> prompt. T he Main te nance pa ssword is: ET RAC E The R emot e Moni tor feat ure i s i nte nde d for use on ly un der t he gui dan ce an d ins tru ctio n by au thor ized per son ne l from VO DA VI T ech nic al S upp ort. C are and caut ion mus t be obs er ve d whe n u si ng th is fea ture a s pe rman en t damag e to th e software st ructu re ca n occu r.

Remote System Monitor 4-19 He lp M en u ( ? ) A convenient Help Menu is provided by typing [?],then pressing . The fol low ing sc r ee n di spl ays : Fi gure 4-5 : He lp M enu Dump Memory Data Threeoptionsallowthememorystructuretobedumpedforviewing. Theoptionsareenteredasfollows: c[c]–Dump CO Li ne memor y structur e s[s]–Dump Station memory structure d[a][a]–Dump a memory address structure The da ta obtained from thes e comm ands is in he xade cima l form at and is use d p ri mar il y for manuf act ure r- le vel s uppor t . Pr ess t he E sc ke y to ab ort the Da ta Dump and re turn to themo n>prompt.

4-20 R emo te Syst em Mo nit or Event Tr ac e Mo de The T command ena ble s and d isa bles theSTA RPLUSTr iad-SSystem Trace mode . W hil e the t ra ce m ode is en abl ed eve nt s f or the t ra ce d esi r ed displays on the monitor, printer or PC connected to theSTARPLUSTriad-S System.Toviewthecurrentstatusofthetracemodetype[t]andpress at the mon> prompt, the following screen displays: Figure 4-6: TraceModeStatus 1. To enable an Event Trace, typet(space bar). 2. Indicate type of trace desired [d], where d is determined as follows: †B = Boar d e vent t r ace (tr ace s e vent s ass ocia te d wi th PCB) †M = Miscellaneous State event trace †P=PulseCodedModulation(PCM)traceseventsassociatedwith voi ce commun icati ons †C = CO Li ne (LCOB) St at es (t race s eve nts as soci ate d w it h CO Li ne activity)

Remote System Monitor 4-21 †S = Station (STA) States (traces events associated with Station activity) †E = E rr or Mes sage s (tr ace s e rr or mes sag es) †Q = Que ue (QUE ) Ev ent s (tr ac es que ui ng e vent s: DT MF r ec e ive r, UCD, LC R, e tc.) †D = D evi ce Comma nd (tra ces command s to pe r iph er al dev ice s) 3. Enter the spe cif ic b oard, CO line or Station numb er of the tra ce d esi r ed, or t yp e all whe n a ll boa rds , CO l ine s or St at ions ev ent s a re desired. 00 1-0 12=COLineport 10 0-1 31= S ta ti o n l o c at io n Al l = Al l B o ar ds, CO l i n es o r St at io n s 4. Press to enable the trace. A screen similar to the following displays: Fi gure 4-7 : E nabl e Ev ent T race 5. To disableorturnoffaparticulartracemode,do not enteraspecific b oar d, CO Li ne or St at ion Numbe r (e.g. ,tsto d is abl e s ta ti o n e ve nt tr ac e).

4-22 R emo te Syst em Mo nit or To have ev ent t ra ce s dis pl ayed on t he sc r ee n, e xit t he M ONi t or mode by t yp ingXat th e m o n> pro m pt. A fte r exi t ing th e e ven t(s ), t he t rac e be gins as shown inFigure 4 -8. Modify Memory Command The Modify Memory comma nd is forengineering useonly. Exit the Monitor Mode The E xit comma nd te rminates the current Monitor e nab le /d is able se ssi on. I f E ve nt(s ) T race was or is st il l ena ble d, eve nt re cord s di sp lay only after exiting the MONitor mode. The Exit command format is: mon> x Fi g u re 4- 8: Eve nt T ra ce Un les s ins tr ucte d by per so nne l at V odav i T e chni cal S up port, do no t le av e the trac e mode en able d for e xte nde d time per iods . The system dumps the requested event(s) tra ce which ma y use up pa per o r fi ll me mory b uffers on th e col le cting dev ice . It is recommended that the trace events be disabled (turned off) for all e ve nt(s ) tr ace s be fore lea vin g the sy st em s ite u nle s s ot her wis e in st ructe d by Te chn ical S up port. Using this command can alte r or damage theTri ad- SS yste m operating databas e which can resu lt in sys tem malfunction. If this occurs, power the systemdownandre-initializethe database,thencompletely reprogram the customer programmi ng data . Sta 100: State= DIAL_TONE, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=7 Sta 100: State= DIALING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=5 Sta 100: State= DIALING, Evt= Int Page (69), Data=8 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=3 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=5 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=8 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=7 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=4 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=3 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=7 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=11 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=3 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=2 Sta 100: State= PAGING, Evt= Page T/O (150), Data=0 Sta 100: State= MISC_TONE, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=4 Sta 100: State= MISC_TONE, Evt= Dial Pad (25), Data=9 Sta 100: State= MISC_TONE, Evt= Key Data (26), Data=32 Sta 100: State= MISC_TONE, Evt= Mon Key (145), Data=-1 Sta 100: State= MISC_TONE, Evt= On Hook (17), Data=0

B Backboard Installation 2 -5 Battery Charging Unit Installation 2-1 2 BKSU/ MBU Assembly 2-15 C CO Line Card Functions 4-9 D DSS LED/Button Test 4-6 D T MF 4- A U ni t I ns t a ll a t i on 2-2 0 Dump Memory Data 4-19 E EKSU, mounting 2 -9 H Help Menu (?) 4 -19 K Keyset Button Test 4-5 Keyset LCD/LED Test 4-5 Key s et Sel f Tes t 4- 4 KSU AC Po wer Plu g 2- 14 Mo u nt i n g 2- 6 KSU , g rou nd i n g 2- 13 L Lightning Protection 2-14 M Ma i n t e na n ce Pa s sw o r d 4- 11 MISU Installation 2 -18 Modem Unit (MODU) Installation 2-16 P PCB Installation 2-15 Power Line Surge P rotec tion 2-14 Po wer U p Seq uen ce 3- 3 R Remote Maintenanc e 4-11 S Site Preparation 2-3 System Chec k-Out P roc edures 3-1 System Commands DTMF Rec eiver Trac e 4-17 Event Trace Buffer 4-16 Event Trac e Mode 4-20 Exit Maintenance 4 -12 Exit Monitor Mode 4-22 Mo d i fy M e m or y 4-2 2 System Functions 4 -10 System Programming and Verification 4-3 T Telephone and Terminal (Trouble- sh o ot i n g) 4 -4 Ind ex

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