Vodavi Starplus Triad S Installation Manual
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2-14 Pow er L ine S urg e Prot ectio n Po we r L i n e S u rg e Pr o t e c t i o n The AC outlet s hould be equip ped with a po wer surge protection dev ice or UPS. Sys te ms usi ng su ch de vice s are mor e re si st ant t o da mage fr om powe r li ne sur ges t han un prot e ct e d sy st ems . Powe r li ne sur ges oft en occur during norma l operations a nd du ring v iolent thunders torms . Ins ta llation of a surge protector meeting the sp ecifica tions des cribed in the following paragraph may prevent or minimize the damage resulting fr om powe r li ne sur ge s. The isolation trans form er/s urg e p rotector should be: 15 amp se lf- c onta ine d un it t hat pl ugs int o a st and ar d gr ounde d 1 1 7V AC wal l outlet. The wall outlet must be designed to accept a 3-prong plug (two paralle l blade s a nd a ground pin). The protector should b e f ast a nd capable of protecting transients greater than 200 vo lts. Lightning Protection The sy stem pro vid es secondary p rotection per UL 1459 sp ecifica tions. Primary protection circuitry is the installer’s responsibility and should be installed per the National Electric Code (NEC). KSU AC Powe r Plug Before plugging the KSU power cord into the AC sou rce (grounde d, 3- prong AC outlet req uired ): 1. Verify the p ower switch of the BKSU is off . 2. Plug the KS U powe r co rd into the AC outle t and turn the powe r switch on. The red LED on the MPB illumina te s.

PCB I nst alla tion 2 -15 PCB Installation PC B Ha n dli ng a n d G e ne ra l I ns t a lla t io n PowermustbeturnedoffpriortoinstallationorremovalofthePCBs. The sy st em card s cont ai n d igi ta l cir cuit ry whi ch ar e ext r eme ly re l iab le , but can be dama ged by expos ure t o e xces si ve st at ic e l ect ri cit y. Whe n handling PCBs, a grounded wrist strap should be used to protect the boards from static discharge s. Also, use common se nse whe n hand ling PCBs. Example: Do not p lace a PCB in locations where heavy objects mig ht fall on the PCB and damage components. BKSU an d Main Pro cessor Board Assembly The ma in process or board (MPB) is ins ta lled in th e BKSU at the factory be fore the shipme nt. Th e MPB contains a lithium d ry cell to m ainta in mem ory a nd r eal -ti me cl ock functions . T he ba tter y i s s olde re d to th e MPB and connected to the circuitry by an ON-OFF dip switch (SW2). Make su re thedipswitchSW2isONbeforedatabaseprogramming. Befor e pr ogra mmi ng t he sys te m, swi tch 1 (SW1 ) s houl d be pl ace d i n t he ON pos ition and powered off and on to initialize the s ystem databa se to def aul t. Once t he dat aba se i s i nit i al iz ed, sw it ch 1 (S W1 ) shou ld be pl aced in the O FF po s it io n to pr o te c t the da ta bas e. Shown below is th e d ip switch position functions : Fi g u r e 2- 5: B KSU D i p Sw i tc h es DO NO T in st all or r emov e a ny bo ards with p owe r a ppl ied . MPB PCB Marking Dip Switch Position Function SW1 ON Flush the dat abase OFF Retai n t he database

2-16 Mo dem Unit (MO D U) TheMPBmaybeequippedwith3daughterboards:MODUformodem access to the system, DTMF-4A for DTMF receiver expansion up to five, and a MI SU for two se ri al por t s a nd a se cond mus ic sour ce. Software for the syste m is contained on two ch ips labe le d U1 a nd U2 in the Program Module Unit (PMU) module. The MPB provides miscellaneous features: †One ex te rna l pa ge po rt that is conne cted to trans form ers, providing a 600 ohm imp eda nce. †One mus ic inp ut tha t is connecte d to tran sformers, prov id ing a 600 ohm imp eda nce. †Two indep end ent dry re lay conta cts rate d at 1 amp, 24V D C. †A DT MF r ec ei ve r. These features a re provided thro ugh the amph enol connector on the fr ont e dge of th e CKI B i nst al le d in t he fir st sl ot of th e BKSU. The se fea tur es are con trolled by sys tem s oftw are. Mod em Un it (M OD U) The Modem Unit provides an asy nchronou s mod em for acces s to the system database and remote maintenance. The module is optionally ins ta lled on the BKSU’sMPBandincludes a9600 baudmodem. The modem ma y be access ed from any station or CO. T he MODU port is ind epe nde nt of the MIS U RS 232C ports, enab ling s ystem datab ase access, etc., without interrupting the SMDR outpu t. In sta l li ng t he MODU 1. Using a ground ing strap, unpack the MOD U from its anti- static ba g in the p ac ki ng b ox. 2. Locate the CN6 connector (outlined) on the MPB. 3. Locate the CN1 connector on the MODU. 4. Position the MODU so the CN1 matches with CN6 on the MPB. 5. Pus h the MOD U onto its connec tor, making sure it is prope rly s ea te d. 6 . M atc h th e s c re w ho l e o n t he MO DU P CB b rac k et wi th the s c re w ho l e on th e b ase frame.

Mo dem U ni t ( MO D U ) 2 - 17 7. Insert a screw and tighten the screws securely. This completes the MODU installation. Figure 2-6: Modem Unit (MODU) Th e mod em may not al ways con nect at 9600 b ps. If y ou enco unter a si tuati on wh ere you c anno t conn ect a t 9600 bp s, ch ang e yo ur comp uter’s ba ud rate to 4800 b ps.

2-18 Misce llan eous In terfa ce Un it (MISU) Installation Misce llaneous Inte rface Unit (MISU) Installation The Miscellaneous Interface Unit (MISU) contains the second external music so urce (MOH /BGM) and two serial ports. In sta l li ng t he MISU 1. Using a grounding strap, un pack the MISU f rom its anti-s ta tic conductive b ag in the pack ing box. 2. Locate the CN15 connector (o utlined) on the MPB. 3. Locate the CN3 connector on the MISU. 4. Position the MISU so that CN3 matches CN15 on the MPB. 5. Push the MISU onto it’s connector mak ing sure it is p rope rly se ate d. 6 . M atc h th e s c re w ho l e o n t he MI S U P CB b ra ck et wi th t he s c re w ho l e on th e b ase frame. 7. Insert a screw and tighten the screws securely. This completes the MISU installation. Wh en th e MI SU i s ins ta lle d in theTriad-Sa nd the system is po wered up wi th dip swi tche s 6 an d 7 in the on po si tion , powe r up wil l tak e abo ut 60 se con ds. H owev er , if the di p swi tche s are o ff, powe r u p wi ll take only 20 seco nds.

Miscellane ous Int erface Unit (M IS U) I nst allation 2 -19 The MISU has an eight position dip switch. The following table lists the functions of each switch. Fi gure 2-7 : Mi sc el la neo us Int erf ace Uni t (MIS U)Tabl e 2 -1: M IS U D ip S wi tc h es Di p S wi t ch F u n ct i o n 1Notused 2Notused 3Notused 4 ON: XOFF/XON OFF: CTS/RTS 5Notused 6 ON : Exec ut e H/ W test s at star t-up OFF: Skip H/W t ests at star t-up 7 ON : D isp lay st art-u p statu s OFF: Do not di spl ay star t-up st atus 8Notused

2-20 D TM F4 -A Unit DTMF4-A Unit The DT MF4 -A pr ovi de s a n add it ion al four DT MF r ece iv er s t hat m ay b e use d for de te cting the D TMF sig nal from the single lin e telep hone p ort or central office line. In sta l li ng t he DT MF4- A 1. Using a grounding strap, unpack the DTMF4-A from its anti-static conductive b ag in the pack ing box. 2. Locate the CN 13 an d CN 14 connectors (outlined ) on the MPB. 3 . Locat e t he CO NN5 and CO NN6 conne ctor s on t he DTMF 4- A. 4 . Pos it ion t he D TMF4 -A s o CO NN5 a nd CO NN6 ma tch CN1 3 and CN1 4 on th e MPB. 5. Pus h the DT MF 4- A onto its connector mak ing sure it is p roperly seated. This completes the DTMF4-A installation. Fi g u r e 2- 8: D TM F4 -A Prev io us DT M F re ce iv ers in the main BKS U cab ine t wer e no t re liab le w hen us ing v oic e mai l. T he e ffe ct was tha t mes s age w aitin g not ificati on was not co nsisten t a ft er the first noti fi cati on from an an alog v oic e mail . Th e DT M F4 -A ov erc omes the rel iabi lity prob lem o f th e on board DT M F rec eiv e r i n the main KS U. A ls o, re vis io n 1D pro vid ed a mod ificat ion th at impr ove d the onb oard D TMF rel iabi lity .

Mess age Wait Un it ( MS GU) 2 -21 MessageWaitUnit(MSGU) The Mes sag e W ait Lamp Relay Control (MS GU) p rovides m ess age wait la mp r el ay c ont rol for me ss age la mp s ing le l ine t el ep hones . T he MS GU boar d m ounts on the C SI B as a d aught er -b oard -t ype ar ra ngem ent . T he CS IB i nt er face s w it h me chani cal 9 0V AC r ing er s a nd 9 5V DC l ight s on 2500- typ e phone se ts . In sta l li ng t he MSG U 1. Using a grounding strap, unpack the MSGU module from its anti- static cond uctive bag in the packing b ox. 2. Locate the CN 1 and CN2 connectors on the MSGU m odule. 3. Locate the CN 1 and C N2 conne ctors on the CSIB (outline d). 4 . Pos it ion t he MS GU mod ule so CN1 a nd C N2 mat ch C N1 and CN2 connectors on the CSIB, respectively. 5. Pus h MSG U module onto connectors a nd ensure it is properly s eated. Fi gure 2-9 : M es sage Wai t Unit (M SGU)

2-22 CK IB /CSI B Inst al l atio n CKIB/CSIB Installation There are two types of expansion boards available: CKIB and CSIB. These boar ds inc l ude 3 loo p st ar t CO l ine i nte r fac es and 8 di git al ke y t el ep hone interfaces (CKIB), or 3 loop start CO line interfaces and 8 single line te le pho ne i nt er fac e s (C SI B ). In sta l li ng t he CKI B/CSIB 1. Using a grounding strap, unpack the CKIB/CSIB from its anti-static conductive bag and six standoffs from the auxiliary bag in the pack ing box. 2. Unscrew the six s cre ws f rom the CKIB/CSIB installe d in the firs t s lot of the BKSU or EKSU . 3. Insert the standoffs to secure the first card to the BKSU or EKSU. 4. Position the CKIB/CSIB on the six standoffs so the screw holes match. 5 . Ins er t t he sc r ews and ti ght en the m s ec ur el y. 6. Conne ct the f lat ca ble with the MPB in the BKSU or the E IB in the E KSU. The C KIB c a ble i s lab el ed CN4 ; the C SI B c abl e is l abe le d C N5. This completes the MSGU module installation. Fi gure 2 -10 : CK IB Boa rd

CKIB/CSIB In sta llation 2 -23 Figure 2-11: CSIB Board with MSGU Mounted Each CKIB or CS IB has 3 loop start CO line interfaces . T he loop start CO/PBX lines are con nected to RJ- 11 conne cto rs on the rig ht sid e of ea ch boar d. CKIB/CSIB Wiring The re is o ne 50-pin f ema le amp henol conne ctor on the le ft side of the bo ar d. Thi s enab le s t he sy st em to be c abl ed to the ma in dis tr i bu t io n fr ame (MDF) . A 2 5 -pai r t el epho ne ca ble mu st be pr ep are d w it h ma ti ng connectors to ex te nd the interface circuits to the MDF . Th e cab le s s hould be r out ed t hr ough t he ca ble cla mps a t t he bott om of t he KSU t o th e MDF. The se cabl e s a re t er min ate d on in dust ry st and ard 6 6MI -5 0 typ e punch down b loc ks . I t i s r ec omm ende d t hat 6 6 M I- 50 sp li t bl oc ks w it h br i dgin g c li ps be use d t o si mpl if y t roub le shoot ing and to quic kl y i sol at e any f ault s.