Vodavi Starplus Triad S Installation Manual
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1 Introduction This manual provides the information necessary to install and maintain theST A RPLU STr i ad -SSystem. The described features are based on the current software release. If any of these features do not work on your system, c all your sales representative regarding up g r a di n g y ou r s y s tem.

Regulatory Inf orm ation (U.S.A .) 1-3 Regulatory Information (U.S.A.) The Fe de ra l C ommuni cations C ommis si on (F CC) has es ta bl ish ed rul es which allow the direct connection of theTriad-SSystem to the telephone network. C ertain actions mus t be undertaken or understood before the connection of cu stomer provided equip ment is completed. Telephone Company Notification Before connecting theTr iad-SSystem to the telephone network, the local se rving te le phone comp any m ust be give n adv ance notice of intention tousecustomerprovidedequipmentandprovidedwiththefollowing inf orma ti on: Tel eph one Nu mbers The telep hone numbe rs to be conne cte d to the sys te m. Triad -SSy stem s Information †The Ringer Equivalence Number also located on the KSU: 1.3B †The USOC jack re quire d for direc t inte rconne ction with the te le phone network: RJ11C F CC Reg is tr at io n N u mbe r s †For sys te ms conf igur ed as a key sys te m: ( but ton appe ar ances ) DLPKOR-24039-KF-E †For sys tems conf igured as a Hybrid sys tem: (dia l acces s codes) DLPKOR-24026-MF-E In ci den ce o f H a r m If the te le phone compa ny de termin es tha t the cus tome r provided equipme nt is f aulty and p ossibly ca using ha rm or interruption to the telephone network, it s hould be disconnected until repairs can be mad e. If this is not don e, the telep hone compan y may temp orarily dis connect se rvi ce.

1-4 Reg ula tory I nformat ion (U. S. A. ) Changes in Se rvice The local telephon e com pany may make chang es in its communications facilities or procedures. If these changes should affect the use of the Tri ad- SS ystem or compatibility with the ne twork, th e tele phone company must give written notice to the u ser to allow uninterrupted se rvi ce. Maintenance Limitations Main te nance on theTr iad-SSystem is to be performed only by the manuf acture r o r its a uthorize d a gent. The use r may not mak e a ny change s a nd/or re pai r s e xcep t as s pe cifi cal ly note d in thi s manual . If unaut hor iz ed al te r ati ons or re pai r s a re mad e, any re mai nin g war r ant y and the software license for the system will be voided. Hearing Aid Compatibility Al lTr iad-SD ig it al Te le phone s ar e H ear in g A id Comp at ibl e, as de fi ned in Section68.316ofPart68FCCRulesandRegulations. UL/CSA Saf ety Compl iance TheTr iad-SSys te m ha s me t all saf ety req uireme nts a nd wa s fo und be in compliance with the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1459. TheTr iad-S System is authorized to bear the NRTL/C marking.

Toll Fraud Disclaimer 1-5 No ti ce o f C om pl ia nc e TheTr iad-SSys te m c omp li es wi th rul es r ega rdi ng rad iat i on an d r adi o fr eque ncy e mi ssi ons by C la ss A comput ing de vice s. In accor dance wi th FCC S tan dar d 1 5 (Sub par t J), t he fol lowi ng infor ma ti on mus t be supp li ed to the e nd u s er : To l l F r a u d D i s c l a i m e r “While this de vice is des igne d to b e re asona bly se cure a gainst intrusions from fraudulent callers, it is by no means invulnerable to fraud. Therefore, no e xpr ess or i mpl ie d wa rr ant y i s made ag ain st such fra ud i nclud ing inte rconne ction to the long distance ne twork.” “Whi le thi s d evi ce i s d esi gne d t o be re asona bl y se cure agai nst i nvas ion of priva cy, it is by no m ean s invulnerab le to such inv asions. The refore, no exp re ss or imp li ed war ra nty is ma de agai nst un lawf ul or unaut hori z ed utilization which results in the invasion of one’s right of privacy.” “T hi s e quip men t gen era tes and u se s R F e ne rgy an d if not i ns tall ed an d used i n acco rdan ce wit h the I nstruc tion Man ual, ma y cause i nte rfere nce to Rad io Co mmuni cati ons. It ha s be en teste d and fou nd to co mply with the l imits fo r a Cl ass A co mputi ng dev ice , pursuan t t o S ubp art J of Pa rt 15 of theFCCRules,whichare designedtoprovidereasonableprotection agai ns t su ch int erf e ren ce, wh en op era ted in a c omme rcial e nv iro nmen t. Op era tion o f th is equ ipme nt in a res ide nti al are a is lik e ly to ca us e int erfe ren ce, i n whic h case th e use r, at hi s own exp en se , will be re qui red to tak e wh atev e r measure s may be req uire d to co rrec t the i nte rfere nc e.”

2 Installation This chapter desc ribes the proc edures and steps nec essary to install theTriad-SSy s t e m .

Introduction2-3 Introduction As with any sophisticated communications device, installation of the STARPLUS Tr iad-SSystemrequiresthecareandforethoughtofa competent technician. To assure easy servicing and reliable operation, se veral fa ctors must be cons ide re d w hen pla nnin g the syste m installation. The installation proceeds in these major steps: †Si te Pre par at ion †KSU and Power S upply ( PS ) Installa tion †PCB Installation †Sys te m Wi r ing †Keys et an d Ter mi nal I nst al lat i on †Basic Installation Check-Out †System Programming and Verification Ins ta ll in g t heSTARPLUSTri ad- SSystem is quick and efficient if these ins ta ll at ion ins tr uc t ions ar e fol lowe d. Site Preparation Gen eral Sit e C on si der at i on s The first step is to locate an acceptable site for the common equipment (KSUs , b oard s, etc.). Whe n locating a moun ting s ite for the KS Us, the following p oints must be cons idered: †The KSUs are de sig ned for wall mounting and should not b e mount ed dir ec tl y t o a mas onr y or pl as te rboa rd wal l. I t is recommen ded th at a 1/2 inch plywood b ackb oard be firm ly mounted to the wall, a nd the KSU and MD F b e m ounte d to the back boar d.