Vodavi Starplus Triad S Installation Manual
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2-4 Site Preparation †The l ocati on must have a cce ss to adedicated110 Volt AC (±10%), 60 Hz , si ngl e-p hase c ir c uit wi th a c ir c uit br eak er or f use r at ed a t 1 5 amps . A 3- wire parallel blade grounded outlet should b e w ithin app roximately 6 feet of the lower lef t rear of the BKSU mounting. †The l ocati on must have a cce ss to a g ood e ar t h gr ound, s uch as a metallic cold water pipe without non-metallic joints. The ground source should be located as close as possible to the system. †The sy ste m s houl d be l ocat ed in an a re a t hat i s we ll v ent il at ed wit h a re commen ded te mpe ra tur e ran ge of 68°-7 8°Fandarelative humidity ran ge of 5-60% ( non conde nsing). †Thesystemshouldbelocatedwithin25feetofthetelephone company’s te r mina ti o n p o int . Al so , t he l o c ati o n s ho u l d be wi th in the pr esc r i bed st at ion loop l engt hs for al l keys et s and te rmi nal s. If existing cabling is used, its location and conduits should be considered. Station wiring should be in the bu ilding. Station ports are not de sig ned for in stallation outside of the building. †Protection from flooding, flamm able materia ls, excessive dus t a nd vi bra ti on. †The site should be away from radio transmitting equipment, arc- welding devices, copying machines and other electrical equipment capa ble of generating electrical interferences. †Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause int er f er enc e. In w hic h c as e t he use r, at his own exp ens e, i s r equi re d t o ta ke any n ec es sar y me asur es to c orr ec t t he i nte r fer enc e .

Site Preparation 2-5 Backboard Installation A wooden ba ckboard is recommended for all ins ta llation s an d mus t be ins ta lled when the location has mason ry or plas terb oard walls . A 1/2-inch plywood m aterial is sufficient for mos t ins ta llations . T he backb oard should be mounted at a convenient height, about three feet above the floor and be bolted in various places to distribute the weight of the sys te m. Spaceshouldbeavailableonthebottomsideofthebackboardforthe MDF cabling and for optiona l equipment such as a mu sic source, battery backup , e tc. I t is re comme nded t hat t he locat i on of each maj or it e m be roug hly ske tche d on the b ackboa rd as an installation lay out. Ver if y O n- Site Equ ipmen t Once the equipment installation site is identified and a dedicated AC outl e t, e ar th g round , and l ig hti ng and vent i lat i on ar e av ai lab le , ve ri fy t hat all equipment required is on-site and was not damaged during shipment. Unpa ck the KS Us to ass ure there is no s hip ping da mage . N ote that a mounting template is packed with the BKSU; this template is required later in the installation. Check that the type and quantity of boards received is correct and optional equipment and a Power Line Surge Protector are on-site. Do NOT unpack the individual boards at this time. If any equ ipm ent i s d amage d o r m is sin g, not i fy t he app rop ri at e person nel to correct the s ituation.

2-6 KSU Installation KSU Installation TheSTA RPLUSTr iad-SSys te m c ons is ts of a B as ic KS U (B K S U) c a bine t . Mounting the Basic KSU The Bas ic KS U consi st s of a pla st ic cov er , a me tal b ase fr ame de si gned for wall mounting. Bef ore installing BKS U on the wa ll, two wa ll moun ting pl at es tha t ar e a sse mbl ed in t he b ott om sid e of t he BKSU, must be exten ded for mounting. The KSU must NOT be m ounted on a ma sonry or dry-wall surface; a wooden backboard is required. A mount ing t empl at e is i nc lude d wit h t he B K SU. Thi s te mpl at e ca n be use d to drill pilot ho le s fo r m ounting scre ws. Ple as e no te that the template p rov ides s crew hole locations for the BKS U and EKSU . Th e BKSU is mount ed w it h t hre e # 10 or la rge r, 1 1 / 2 i nc h or lon ger sc r ews . Dr il l pil ot hole s in the three loca tions m arked, ins ert the screws and tighten lea vin g about 1 /2 inch exp osed .

2-8 KSU Installation Figure 2-2: B asic K SU Mounting Holes and Installa tion

KSU Installation 2-9 Mounting the Expansion KSU (EKSU) The E xpans ion KSU con sis ts of a p las tic cover, a metal b ase frame des ig ned for wall mount installation. T he EKSU contain s a powe r trans former an d e xpans ion interfa ce b oard (E IB). The E KSU MUS T be mounted a bove the BKSU. Bef ore ins ta llin g th e BKSU on the wall, the wa ll mounting plate that is ass emb le d in the bottom side of the EKS U, m ust be exte nded for wall mountin g and the faste ner provided with the E KSU must b e a sse mbl ed wi th the E KSU. Af ter positioning the EKSU ab ove the BKSU: 1. Mark the location of the two screws to mount the BKSU.The EKSU must N OT be mounted on a mason ry or dry w all s urface; a wooden back boar d i s r e quir ed. The E KSU i s mount ed wit h t wo # 10 or l ar ger, 1½inch or longer screws. 2. Drill pilot holes in the two locations m arked, ins ert the screws and tighten leaving abo ut½inch exposed. 3. Mount the E xpans ion KSU on the scre ws and tighten the screws securely. Interconnection is achieved v ia an amphenol type connector and power cable. The amp henol conne ctor is in clude d and connects the EKSU to the BKSU on the right side th rough connectors labe led EXP a s s hown:

2-10 KS U Inst al l atio n Figure 2-3: Expansion KSU

KSU Installation 2-11 Fi gure 2-4 : BKSU and EK SU Mo unti ng Hol es and Inst al la ti o n

2-12 B att ery Chargin g Un it ( BCU) Inst al l atio n Battery Charging Unit (BCU) Installation The BCU pr ovi des powe r for t he syst e m dur in g a powe r f ai lur e. The BC U connects to theTri ad- Svia the co nnector on th e bottom of the BKSU. The ext er nal g el c el l bat t er ie s m ust pr ovi de 24 V DC. Thi s is gen er al ly accomplis hed by connectin g two 12 volt batteries in s eries. The BCU provides charging current to the batteries during normal AC powe r oper at ion at a maxi mum of ab out 0. 5 amp. Dur in g ba tt er y operation, the BCU discontinues battery operation if AC power is restored o r the battery voltage is too low to maintain proper system operation. The time the system operates on batteries is dependent on several eleme nts, including: batte ry charge state, condition of the b atte ries , capacity of the batteries, and the system size (number of station ports). The fol l owing char t giv es th e a ppr oxim at e b ackup ti me in amp er e hours for t wo sy st em siz e s a nd di ffe r ent ba tt er y ca paci ti es . Battery Capacity 16 Port 32 Port 10 AH 4Hour 1.75Hour 20 AH 8 H o ur 3.5 Ho ur

KS U Gr o u nd i ng 2 - 13 KSU Grounding To e nsur e pr oper sy st em op er at ion and f or s afe ty pur pose s, a good e ar th ground is required. A metallic COLD water pipe usually provides a reliable gro und. C arefully che ck that the pip e does not contain insulated joints tha t c o u ld is o la te t he gro u nd. I n t he ab sen ce o f a C OL D wa te r pi pe, a ground rod or other source may be used. A #1 2 in sul ate d A WG or la rge r c oppe r wir e shoul d b e used be twe en t he gro und s ource and the KS U (BKS U an d EKS U, re spe ctive ly) . T he wire shoul d b e k ept a s s hort a s p ossi bl e (re comme nded 25 f ee t or le ss). 1. Remove a bout 1 1/2 inches of ins ula tion from b oth end s. Atta ch one end of the wire to the Ground Lug on the lower side of the Basic and on the lower side of the Exp ansion KS U by ins erting the wire under the l u g s c re w, th en ti ghte n t he sc r ew se cu re ly. 2. Attach the other end of the wire, as appropriate, to the ground source. 3. Ta ke a D C re sis ta nce re ading an d an AC volt re ading b etwee n the cha ssis groun d point (cold water p ipe ) a nd AC ground (third wire AC ground). The limit is 5V AC and 5 Ohms DC resistance. If a higher rea din g is ob ta ine d, choos e a diffe re nt chass is ground p oint a nd repeat this step until a suitable ground point is found.