Communications System
Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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Page 131
Nov. 84 PRcx;RAMMIK (PEmJMImY) PAm 53 AUthOriZatiOn PrOcedure must be COnpletd, received, oroceed as follows: If an NOKql response is -- ..m.- I 10 I ,if necessary i 1. NN = PCB location. 2, X = Circuit number. 3. 3, 2, or 1 digit DNs are all arenotallowedtogether. if there is no conflict; i.e., 300 and 30 4, There are 16 different CDS groups which are defined in the 00s Data Block, 5. Thereareamaximum 6. XXX= of 32 call Pick-up groups. the nmber to which this DN hunts. NX= Station...
Page 132
Nov. 84 PRCGRAMMIa (PRELJMICJARY) PPGE 54 imm numbex of Display EXTs already assigned 0naximm is 301, 1 T. __ . ,,, r I- . . Authorization Procedure must be completed, If an OXW response is received, proceed as follows: NOTES: 1. Enter a list of all features which are Table H-l, it is a list of feature to this group, See 2. Default = all features allowed. 3, A maximum of 16 CC6 Groups (O-15) are allowed. 4. The CO.5 pr twill be repeateduntilDEL,is entered and then aREQ prorq$ will be...
Page 134
Nav. 84 PROGRAMMING (PRELIMINARY) PA(;E 56 received, If an OKn response is proceed as follows: ’ I I I I Possible entries are: - Misc. Paramters Table Q;s- Restriction Class Table Ax!- Area/Office Cod@ Exception Table ram, WhenTYPEpr tis received, proceedas Authorization Code Number of digits for SPCC.2 I Aumi2 1l2orNmE 4 Authorization Code I NorEs: 1. CoupledwithH?C entry in Leas&Co&Routing (DICl) PARTable. Data entered here will appar in that table also. 2. Informs the system if...
Page 135
\, . Nov. 84 PRCCRAMMING (PRELIMINARY) PSE 57 I NPA-555~XXXX Allo&ed Area Code Table=Allow A or D 2 Notes: This nunber will beusedintheDEKT, DSfTandMI;Pdatablocktorespondtothe~L prompt. 2. Defines the Area Code Table of this class as an Allow (A) or Deny (D) type. o If Allow (A) is entered, the system will allow all area codes mept those deleted in response to the ACD pro@z,x3),- o If Derby (D) is entered, the system will deny all area codes except those added in response to the ACD pr t...
Page 136
Nov. 8 (PRELIMINARY) PAGE 58 identifies the area code that this ACE is assigned to. @3-2 9, x=4 9). Format is N 0/1x A maximm of eight (8) AK! tables can be assigned to any oneareacodeand those table mmbers (TNO, Note11 mstbe sequential.. 2. Used to add (A) or delete (D) office codes from the table. Office codes entered will be an exception to the area code and class listed. Ranges are possible (7309 = 736 - 7391, 3. Codes cannot be edanddeletedin the samepass through the table. A separate...
Page 137
Nov. 84 PRcmAmING(PRRLIMI~) PAGE 59 NOTES: 1. xx = List Nlileer. 00 = System List (90 nurbers maximum). Ol--25 = Station Lists (10 numbers each maximm). 2. Input procedure is: Address Code-Space-Access Ccxde-Pause-Dn For exaqle: 01 9* 3. Stored nunbersmaybe between 1 and 16 digits: * 3-second pause and is counted as one of the 16 digits. 4. If the List Nunber &NO) was 00 (System List), %-digit ess cedes will he used (lo- 5,Nofurtherpr ; will be given until DEL is entered, 6. Ctl X =...
Page 138
. 84 PEGRAMMING(PWNARY) E 60 3. TGP continues to be proc@ed until DE% is entered, 4.ctlx= Ignore line entered Ctl H= Backspace DEL= Stop printing and return to REQ DELDEL= Abort program Authorization Procedure nust be leted, received, proceed as follows: If an WV response is NOTES: 1, XX=AccessCodeof thePage Zoneor All Page. 2, Ctl X = Ignore line entered CtlH=EWcspace DEL- Stop printing and return to DELDEL= Abort program
Page 139
Nov. 84 (PRELJMINARY) PAGJZ 61 Authorization Procedure must be leted, If an OK response is received, proceed as follows: NOTES: 1. RPT = Report Commnd-if the program had been started previously, a re,port would follow. See Table M-1 for format, STT= Start Cmmand-usedtoinitialize theprogramaud start the record keeping reporting activity. (Used for SCH = cm only. Must be entered after each Rw! request.) CBS = change Ccmand-used to alter reporting parameters. OUT=OutCmnand-used to stop repor 2....
Page 140
PR0SAMMIa (PRELIMINARY) P&SE 62 I i RFTFFtClM i MMnnYY I I , ““.‘., runk Groups Ol--15 are reported in the same way as Group 00. Averaqe Tim to Answer dgoing CallI Peg Cmt All Trunks Busy Peg count j%~~nk Groups 01-15 are reported in the sam way as Group 00.