Communications System
Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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Page 91
0 ogram defines the office Toll Restri on feature. 0 eight classes of ml1 Restricti needs in defining a station8s udes specific restricti code table. Fbr convenience, . tables. specified available 0 is entered as follows: o--I cates * le is (Sub TYPE ram type>-- e are ee rams thin program, ee responses arepossible: PAR- sce.ll~eousParametersTable: entifies system operating parameters. cxs- F&krictionClassTable: ines theeachclass of Toll~es on. - Area/Office Code Exception...
Page 92
(P CcmonCarrier Informs the system , SIX, etc.) cc access carrier (10 1 Restriction Dxcl-PAR or t carrier. for Enter: (Authorization Code #lb-Xndicat ization code used with SPCC#l, enter&will be ignored for lbll Restri formed on the first 3 or 6 digits fol ng the DN and authorization : l--12 digits or : usi . access (10 1 for s not enter orization (Authorization Code P=--12 digits or as authorization for of Tbll Restriction cl m response to the t in DSlTandDXGPprograms. class...
Page 93
Table of this toll all area codes ose deleted in in or denied for deleted (D) as (Office Code Table i&ion Class as an ines the Office those deleted for this Toll Restri to add office ax&s. D etc. to delete office office codes 2209 2316 220-229 231-236
Page 94
19 NARY) E 16 e: es cannot be ed and deleted in the separatepassisrequiredforeachstep, s gh the table, The next pr t for 11 be : irty (32) area/office table is assi any one area ea Code (class F-Defines the toll. restri s (O---7) that are subject to this exception table, of classes, up to nmximumof al18maybeentered. 0 If a toll restriction class table (CLS) is al.1 to dial an area 1, all office codes within that specified area code will be except those specific office codes sdded below...
Page 95
19 E 17 cannot be added and deleted Bass cugh le. separate pass is required for each s DialDataElock (DSDL) Speed Dial-System list Al.1 of thes 0 catesprogramhasl le: -tochangeexistingorenter of the list to (00 = systa List) (Ol--25 = Station List) was entered in respod to RIQ above, no other data is required. isrequeststhe access code, is for dial tone delay. is ted as one of the 16 digi 0 Detail Recording Data El 1 defines the andtypeofcallstobe f trunk QrsuP a 0 Data is...
Page 96
19 18 SKY21 GQ3cial.ized of DN used to access an spcc ( nize DN and condition code in oG!P-Outgoing only IAO-Incuning and outgoing mll callsonly for each trunk gr usedintbe 0 Attendant Data Block UXTT) sible attendant consoles in options. 0 is entered as folP tP--Indicates progr create a newdata Tbreeresponses arepossible: cK;- to alter existing data an!- to delete an existing data block NO G4ttendantNumber)-Selects theconsoletobedefined - Enter: Oorl rP--Selects theport be occupied...
Page 97
ov 19 PRoG~kwkwG (PREMLIMINIARY) PAGE 19 0 The affic surattent Data I3lock that control theTrafficb4easurement defines the entered after each (System Timme)--Ree the rtunity for a change. ime: HHMMSS (24 hour clock), QT CR (no change) is given in response to (Start Date)--Defines the te for record reporting. Ou ts current data andgives an nity for a change, Enter:start Dat t or CR (no change) (Start Time)--Defines the s time for record and reporting. Outputs currentdataandgives an...
Page 98
19 (PRECLIMIMY) 20 mter:Y (yes) or N (no) Poll by a CR for each p=arameter. ogram identifies ich receivers quipped in the system ich can ee responses are sible: is entered, no mxt -)--selects the po j?O.TZtn~haStWOparts: 1) DRCU PCB location (ROO) 2)Circuitnu&erontheDRCUPCB(1-6) Enter: Port 8smbe.r to b? used (ROOl-RO06) (Repeat until all circuits are assigned) receiver, response given to 0 Data is entered as follows: 9 (Request)-Indicates program has 1 NEW-Tocreateanewtrunkgroup ed,...
Page 99
TEN Plknant belongs. I=---Indentifies the tto ich the. trunk gr Enter: Tenant OOXTl FJXUnk )--Identifies the of A not possible to enter a change ( Blockmustbedeleted (CWT) ter: TIE -TIETrunk Line oingk-- 11 service. Enter: -Inccmingorily -0utgoing only -2-way STp (Advance Step)--Identifies next trunk group in a route* svce. If a station user at tstoaccessatnmkinthis are all busy, a trunk from the group identified in ed. TrunkGxwp (O--15) oK XXXSS for the g==P. ttedi...
Page 100
es an in response E 22 EMer:Yor Absorb Digits)--Identifies the digits ch are to be ses of Toll or Cede Restriction, ignored S& irst digi sorbed or (for to sl t 1. Eater: ) translat gits YOK digit (!?Zr digits (YY) to TRN2 VJbsnslated iiixted frcmonedigi 2)--D@fineS another digit absorbed digit (IAB) Lo !Blesameas wer 100 digits are I used be translated (seeexanples). Enter: LEA: IAB =1 = 9#2 = 8#3 Diqits Received frcm Central Office 900 thrcugh 999 Station DN to Ring 200...