Production Tools
Tascam Digital Audio Production Environment SX-1 Reference Manual
Tascam Digital Audio Production Environment SX-1 Reference Manual
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Part IV–Mixer Controls TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual 51 LCD Channel Display This screen’s functions parallel the VGA Channel screen. Many of the controls found on this screen are identical to the controls found in the VGA Channel screen’s modules as explained on the previous pages. Only those controls that are unique to this LCD screen are explained here. Pressing either the MIXER/ USER BANKS keys in the MAIN DISPLAY MODE section of the front panel recalls the MIXER CHANNEL screen. Pressing the CHANNEL key recalls the dynamics processor screen. EQ INPUT Press this button to recall the controls for the selected channel’s EQ, trim, pan, and delay. AUX DYN Press this button to recall the controls for the selected channel’s dynamics, aux sends 1 through 6, and cue pan (pictured above). DYN This button opens the selected channel’s Dynamics dialog: TYPE/COMP Use this button to select the type of dynamics processing you want on the selected channel: compres- sor, expander, or gate. MAKEUP/AUTO Use this button to compensate for level lost during compression. TRIG SELF Use this button to select a trigger source for the selected channel’s dynamics processor (the audio signal that dictates how the dynamics will behave). The selections are: Self, Side, or Both. Aux ON/OFF This button opens the selected channel’s Aux On/Off dialog: AUX1/On to AUX6/On These buttons turn their respective aux sends, for the selected channel, on and off. AUX Pre/Post This button opens the selected channel’s Aux Pre/Post dialog: AUX1/Pre to AUX6/Pre These buttons toggle the aux sends for the selected channel pre- or post-fader. Links This key opens the selected chan- nel’s Link dialog, where you can choose which of the channel’s parts are ganged together when a pair of channels is linked: AUX Turns the Aux Sends link feature on and off. DYN Turns the Dynamics link feature on and off. EQ Turns the EQ link feature on and off. FADER Turns the Fader link feature on and off. TR/DL Turns the Trim/Delay link feature on and off. PA N Turns the Stereo Pan link feature on and off. CUE/Rev Turns the Cue Pan link feature on and off and lets you select how the link pan controls will operate. There are three settings: Mono (the pan con- trols operate independently), Position/Width (one pan knob controls the channels’ pan position while the other pan knob controls the width of the channels’ stereo pan field), or Reverse (the pans are reversed rel- ative to each other). CHAN/LINK Turns the channel linking feature on and off. That is, it makes or breaks the link to the adjacent channel.

Part IV–Mixer Controls 52 TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual Buss Routing This button opens the selected channel’s Buss Routing dialog: 1-2 to 7-8 Use these buttons to send sig- nals from the selected channel to busses 1-8. CUE Use this button to send signal from the selected channel to the Cue buss. ST Use this button to send signal from the selected channel to the Master stereo buss. INPUT button This menu houses the controls for phase polarity and EQ/dynamics order. INSERT button This menu houses the controls for switching the insert on and off, insert number and point selection. TRIM/CH DELAY Screen Trim and channel delay controls are available from the LCD. The trim controls are different from the pre-mixer channel input trim controls found on the top of the SX-1. These trim controls allow you to adjust the level of mixer channels from –20 to +20 dB before it reaches the fader. The delay function lets you delay individ- ual channels from 0 to 8191 samples. On the VGA, the trim and delay controls are found on the POSITION module of the Channel screen. To reach this screen, press the DELAY/ TRIM key in the LCD ACCESS section. To reach a channel, press the soft key next to the Trim or Delay group that the channel belongs to. To select a channel for editing, use the keypad’s up/down arrow keys. COPY TO ALL Use this key to copy the delay and trim settings of the currently selected channel to all of the mixer’s channels.

Part IV–Mixer Controls TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual 53 EQ, Dynamics and Scene Libraries - The Library Feature A Library feature is available for saving your custom EQ and Dynamics setups (the Library also works for saving routing configurations, among other things— Library information is covered after each relevant section). Dedicated LCD and VGA screens are avail-able for accessing this feature. You can press the LIBRARY buttons in the VGA CHANNEL display or the hardware keys in the LIBRARY section to reach the LCD screens. VGA Displays This window is part of the Channel screen. Here you can create, edit and store EQ and Dynamics channel settings. Library The Library window lists the EQ or Dynam- ics currently available library settings. Name The name of the currently selected library entry appears in this text field. Click once in the text field to highlight and change it. Type in a new name and press [ENTER] from the PS/2 keyboard. Notes Each library setting can have important com- mentaries saved along with the preset. These notes can be edited at any time from the PS/2 keyboard. IMPORT This key lets you import a library setting from another project. Press IMPORT and browse through the available projects listed in the Import Project window. Select the library file you want to import and press OK (or CANCEL to escape the action). TIP If you press IMPORT and don’t see any project files in the Import Project window, be sure the proper hard drive (the drive where your project files are stored) is selected in the Import Volume menu. LCD Displays There are several Library screens to address the many functions that can have their discrete parame- ters stored and recalled. The Dynamics (shown below) and EQ Library screens are shown in the VGA’s Channel screen and can be recalled on the LCD via the EQ and DY N keys in the LIBRARY section (on the front panel). DYNAMICS LIBRARY From the LIBRARY sec- tion, press the DY N key to recall the DYNAMICS LIBRARY LCD screen. This screen’s function parallels the Channel screen’s Dynamics Library module on the VGA.

Part IV–Mixer Controls 54 TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual IMPORT Opens the IMPORT screen. From here you can import the settings of the dynamics (or EQ, if you are on that screen) from another project, to your current project.COMPARE Compares the channel’s current EQ or dynamics state to the last loaded (or saved) version. TRANS TIME The amount of time it takes for parameters to move from their current state to the settings of a library preset that has just been recalled. Scene library In addition to being to save multiple mixes with a project, you can also save Scenes, or “snapshots,” of the mixer’s current state. A Scene includes all of a channel’s controllers, buss assignments, and effect plug-in settings. VGA Scene Tab From the AUTOMATION screen, click on the Scene tab. Here, you can name, save, and recall scenes. Library In this window, you can see the scenes that are associated with your current project. Highlight a scene and press RECALL to load the scene, or DELETE to remove the scene from the list. Type directly into the name field to rename the scene library entry. NEW Press this key to save the mixer’s current state as a scene. Use the Name field to edit the scene’s name. IMPORT This key lets you import a scene setting from another project. Press IMPORT and browse through the available projects listed in the Import Project window. Select the scene file you want to import and press OK (or CANCEL to escape the action). COMPARE Compares the mixer’s current scene to the last loaded (or saved) scene.

Part IV–Mixer Controls TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual 55 LCD SCENE LIBRARY Screen The SCENE LIBRARY screen mirrors the Scene tab of the AUTOMATION screen. Most of the parameters found on this screen are identical to the parameters found in the SCENE LIBRARY automation tab and are explained on the previous pages. Only those parameters that are unique to this LCD screen are explained here.From the LIBRARY section, press the SCENE key, and then the LIBRARY soft key. TRANS TIME The amount of time it takes to move from the mixer’s current scene to a scene that has just been recalled. IMPORT Recalls the screen where you can import scenes from other projects. Commands include: SELECT Selects the scene you want to import. SEL ALL Selects all the scenes associated with the project highlighted in the PROJECT window. SEL NONE If any scenes are selected, pressing this key de-selects all of them. SELECT VOLUME Select a mounted storage drive from which to view a project’s associated scenes. SELECT PROJECT Select a project from which to import scenes.

Part IV–Mixer Controls 56 TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual Chapter 10 – Library Overview Understanding the Library Feature The SX-1 has five different libraries for saving five different types of settings: routings, scenes, EQ, dynamics, and effects. Each of these categories can have their unique parameters saved as a preset for later recall. Library Section The keys in this section are for saving and recalling Library presets. The top five keys recall an associ- ated LCD screen, and the bottom five keys provide functionality. TIP Before saving a library preset, you must first press one of the top five keys. This tells the SX-1 what type of library preset you want to save. After pressing STORE, a prompt to give the preset a patch number will appear on the LCD screen. Type a number on the kKeypad and press ENTER. ROUTING This key recalls the ROUTING library screen from which you can name, store, and recall the mixer’s patch setups. SCENE This key recalls the SCENE library screen from which you can name, store, and recall mixer Scenes. EQ This key recalls the EQ library screen from which you can name, store, and recall the mixer’s EQ set- ups. DYN This key recalls the DYNAMICS library screen from which you can name, store, and recall the mixer’s dynamics setups. FX This key recalls the EFFECTS library screen from which you can name, store, and recall effects patches. STORE With the LIBRARY screen open to the type of library you want to save, press STORE to save a pre- set of the mixer’s current settings for that feature. RECALL With the LIBRARY screen open to the type of library you want to recall, press RECALL to load the selected (highlighted) preset. PREV Press to recall the last preset in the currently open Library screen. NEXT Press to recall the next preset in the currently open Library screen. COMPARE Compares a current set of parameters with the last loaded (or saved) set of like parameters.

Part IV–Mixer Controls TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual 57 Chapter 11 – Routing & Bussing Working With the SX-1’s Routing Pages The SX-1 has a very extensive routing matrix, with the native ability to send signals a number of differ- ent places. As such, it is important to understand how to route audio using the VGA and LCD Routing win- dows. The philosophy Understanding how to route signals on the SX1 can take a moment to understand, because the machine has tremendous capabilities in this area. The poten- tial for confusion lies in the fact that the unit can sep- arate its physical I/O from their default routings. What this means is that inputs and outputs can be used for various purposes, not only the ones they are labeled with or assigned to by default. For example, although there are four jacks on the top panel labeled AU X OU Ts 1-4, these jacks can serve other purposes. There is no reason that the jack labeled AUX OU T 1 could not send out Direct Out 12, or Buss 1 Out, or Mixer Bypass 1 Out, or any number of other sources. This means that you can use any combination of rele- vant I/O to solve a number of different tasks, includ- ing creating an external insert (which will be discussed in a moment). As well, you could send the same signal to a number of different outputs, or cre- ate different monitor mixes, by using the aux outs in combination with the stereo outs, ADAT I/O or the expansion slots. The possibilities are extensive, and the fact that you can store any routing configuration as a preset means you can manage your I/O effectively. VGA Routing Displays In the MAIN DISPLAY MODE area, press the ROUTING key to recall the ROUTING VGA screen. Panel Routing To reach this tab, first press the ROUTING key in the MAIN DISPLAY MODES sec- tion. Then click on the Panel Routing tab. This tab con- tains both the pre- and post-mixer patch bay. From this screen you can route any of the SX-1’s physical inputs to the mixer’s 32 inputs, 8 returns, or 8 inserts. In this tab, you can also give your analog inputs cus- tom names.

Part IV–Mixer Controls 58 TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual Category Selects between viewing the routings for: Analog Inputs, Outputs, Digital I/O, and Option Slots 1-3. Input User Name Use this field to type in a cus- tom name for the input. This feature is useful if you leave the same device plugged into an input all the time, or to remind yourself of devices that were con- nected to the SX-1 when returning to a previous mix. Destination Selects the input’s routing destination. Mixer Routing To reach this tab, press the ROUTING key in the MAIN DISPLAY MODES sec- tion. Then click on the Mixer Routing tab. This is the mixer patch bay. Use this tab to route sources to and from the mixer’s channels. Category Selects between viewing the routings for: Input Channels, Aux Returns, Direct Outs, Bypass, Loopback, and Busses. TIP The Bypass and Loopback categories allow you to route 16 channels each without actually using up a mixer channel. Mixer Bypass routes 16 channels from the pre- patchbay to the post- patchbay, and Mixer Loopback routes 16 channels from the post-patchbay back to the pre-patchbay—without using up a channel strip. For example, use Bypass to go from an analog input directly to an analog output. Or, use Loopback to go directly out of a channel and back into a return, without using up a mixer channel strip. Source Selects the input’s feed. Before we continue, a word about mixer Bypass and Loopback Sometimes it is desirable to route signals directly from inputs to outputs, or directly from outputs to inputs. Mixer Bypass and Loopback accomplish these tasks, by providing audio streams outside of the normal mixing console environment. Mixer Bypass can send up to 16 channels directly from an input to an output, without using up a mixer channel – hence the name “Bypass”. Mixer Loop- back can send up to 16 channels directly from an out- put to an input (thus loopback), again eliminating the need for a channel to do this. This might come in handy if you were using all of the available channels for inputs, but still needed to plug in a microphone and send the signal to an external recorder. In that case, you could use Bypass to route the signal directly from the input to a specified output con- nected to your external recorder. HDR Routing To reach this tab, press the ROUTING key in the MAIN DISPLAY MODES sec- tion. Then click on the HDR Routing tab. This is where the SX-1’s Hard Disk Recorder tracks are patched and routed (along with the actual slots on the Track screen). HDR Inputs and outputs are handled from this tab. Take Name Displays the name of the HDR tracks’ currently loaded Take. Effects Routing To reach this tab, press the ROUTING key in the MAIN DISPLAY MODES sec- tion. Then click on the Effects Routing tab. This tab (as well as the VGA Effects screen) is where you route the SX-1’s internal effects. Plugin Name Displays the name of the effect plug-in that is selected for that quadrant on the Effects screen. TIP You must first assign an effect to one of the four effect quadrants on the “Effects” screen before a plug-in will appear on this tab.

Part IV–Mixer Controls TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual 59 Insert Presets To reach this tab, press the ROUTING key in the MAIN DISPLAY MODES sec- tion. Then click on the Insert Presets tab. From this tab, you configure the routing for the mixer’s effect inserts. You can have up to eight possible insert effect presets spread across any of the mixer’s 32 full featured channels, as well as the 8 mix busses and Master L/R buss. Insert Send This field determines where the insert send goes. Notice that external ports are available, making external inserts possible. User Name Use this field to name your insert preset. Insert Receive This field determines where the insert’s return is coming from (see “Routing Effects Screens” on page 107 for instructions on routing effects). LCD Routing Displays On the LCD, there is a set of Routing screens that parallel the VGA Routing tabs. Press the ROUTING key in the MAIN DISPLAY MODE section to reach these screens. These routing screen choices are listed here. ANALOG IN ANALOG OUT DIGITAL IN DIGITAL OUT OPTION CARD IN 1 OPTION CARD IN 2 OPTION CARD IN 3 OPTION CARD OUT 1 OPTION CARD OUT 2OPTION CARD OUT 3 MIXER IN DIRECT OUT BYPASS LOOP BACK BUSSES HDR EFFECTS INSERT TIP To learn the functions of the individual routing screens, see the definitions for the VGA equivalent tabs. These are covered on the preceding pages. Inserts – how they work and how to route them The SX1 has eight inserts that can be used across the entire mixing console. Each of the 32 inputs has an insert point, as well as the 8 return channels and the master L/R buss. Unlike a great many other digital consoles, the inserts can be external as well as inter- nal, meaning you can physically strap that pair of 1176’s or BA6A’s across the stereo buss if you want. The eight inserts are completely separate from one another, meaning that Insert 1 can be an internal effect processor, while Insert 2 could be an external EQ. Essentially, you can configure eight separate inserts, and choose where they are applied on the Mixer and Channel pages. You can remember how this works by imagining eight mono effects units that you have configured. This adds powerful functionality to the SX1’s routing abilities.

Part IV–Mixer Controls 60 TASCAM SX-1 Reference Manual VGA If you navigate to the Insert Preset tab on the VGA ROUTING screen, you’ll see this: The three fields for each insert show Insert Send, Insert Name , and Insert Receive. The Insert Send field determines where the Insert gets its input from, as the Insert Receive determines where it sends its output. These fields DO NOT determine which channel the insert is applied to (that happens on the Mixer or Channel pages), they only set the I/O for the Insert itself. Here are two examples that will help to explain the behavior of the Inserts: External Effects Insert With an external com- pressor handy, plug a cable from the Aux 1 output on the top of the SX1 to the input of your compressor, and plug the output of the compressor to Input 1 on the SX1’s top panel. In the Insert Send field, select Analog Aux Out 1, and in the Insert Receive field select Analog Input 1. If this Insert were inserted on Mixer Channel 1, the result would be the following: signal from channel 1 would be sent out the Insert (via the Aux 1 jack) to the input of the compressor. Output from the compressor would be returned to Analog Input 1, and thus back to Mixer channel 1 via the Insert Receive. Internal Effects Insert With the TASCAM Delay plug-in loaded into Quadrant 1, choose Effects Input 1-1 as the Insert Send. Choose Effects Output 1-1 as the Insert Receive. The Insert Send field will now dis- play TASCAM Delay Left, and the Insert Receive field will display TASCAM Delay Left as well. This means that if Insert 1 was inserted on Mixer channel 1, the follow- ing would happen: signal from Channel 1 would be sent out to the TASCAM Delay input. Signal would pass through the delay and be sent to the output of the Delay, and then it would be returned to Mixer Channel 1 via Insert 1’s return.