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Steinberg Nuendo 5 Manual

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Page 551

How the ReWire channels are 
handled in Nuendo
When you activate ReWire channels in the ReWire De-
vice panels, they will become available as channel strips in 
the Mixer. The ReWire channel strips have the following 
•ReWire channels appear to the right of the other audio 
and MIDI channel strips in the Mixer.
•ReWire channels may be any combination of mono and 
stereo, depending on the synthesizer application.
•ReWire channels have the same functionality as regular 

Page 552

File handling 

Page 553

File handling
Importing audio
In Nuendo audio can be imported in a variety of different 
formats. For example, you can import tracks from audio 
CDs, or import audio files saved in different formats (com
pressed and uncompressed).
For information on audio file import preferences, see “Audio 
file import options” on page 64. For information on how to 
import audio files into the Pool and import options, see 
“About the Import Medium dialog” on page 329.
Importing audio CD tracks
You can import audio...

Page 554

File handling
By default, complete tracks are selected.
•If you want to copy and import a section of an audio CD 
track only, select the track in the list and specify the start 
and end of the selection to be copied by dragging the 
handles in the copy selection ruler.
ÖNote that you can import sections of several audio CD 
tracks by selecting them in turn and adjusting the selec
tion. The start and end settings for each track are dis-
played in the list.
•You can audition the selected audio CD...

Page 555

File handling
3.On the file type pop-up menu in the file dialog, select 
REX File or REX 2 File.
4.Locate and select the file you want to import, and click 
The file is imported and automatically adjusted to the current Nuendo 
Unlike a regular audio file, the imported REX file will con-
sist of several events, one for each “slice” in the loop. The 
events will automatically be placed in an audio part on the 
selected track and positioned so that the original internal 
timing of the...

Page 556

File handling
Exporting and importing OMF files
Open Media Framework Interchange (OMFI) is a platform 
independent file format intended for the transfer of digital 
media between different applications. Nuendo can import 
and export OMF files (file extension “.omf”), allowing you 
to use Nuendo in conjunction with other audio and video 
Exporting OMF files
When exporting tracks and files as OMF, you should con-
sider setting up your project to use mono tracks and mono 
files, to allow...

Page 557

File handling
Importing OMF files
1.Pull down the File menu, open the Import submenu 
and select “OMF…”.
2.In the file dialog that opens, locate the OMF file and 
click Open.
•If there is already an open project, a dialog opens in 
which you can select whether a new project is created for 
the file.
If you select “No”, the OMF file will be imported into the current project.
3.If you choose to create a new project, a file dialog 
opens in which you can select the project folder.
Select an existing...

Page 558

File handling
6.In the Options section, you have the choice of export-
ing all data to one file or to create media references to files 
from within the AAF file.
Exporting only one file makes transfers simpler, but, at the time of writing of 
this manual, certain applications cannot handle single AAF files. Check 
with each software manufacturer for up-to-date information regarding AAF 
support in other applications.
7.You can specify the Sample Size by using the pop-up 
This defaults to...

Page 559

File handling
Exporting and importing OpenTL files
OpenTL is a file exchange format originally developed for 
Tascam hard disk recording systems. OpenTL facilities also 
exist in a variety of DAWs, making Nuendo project transfer 
reliable and solid. For example, a common use of OpenTL is 
to convert hassle free between Nuendo and Pro Tools. If 
you import or export an OpenTL file to/from Nuendo, the re
sulting project will contain all audio files, edits, and track 
names made in the Tascam device...

Page 560

File handling
Importing OpenTL files
1.Select “OpenTL…” from the Import submenu of the 
File menu.
2.Navigate to the location of the OpenTL file, select it 
and click Open.
3.You are prompted to select or create a project folder 
for the new project.
After specifying the name and location of the project folder, the new 
project opens containing all the audio files stored in the OpenTL file and 
their associated edits. Save the imported file as a Nuendo project. 
4.Open the Pool, and select “Prepare...
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