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Steinberg Nuendo 5 Manual

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Page 541

Audio editing to picture
Adjusting events to picture
Once audio events have been placed to picture, their 
fades, durations and positions can be fine-tuned. 
Nuendo’s nudge features are designed just for this type of 
use. As the nudge buttons are not displayed on the tool
bar by default, you have to right-click on the toolbar and 
select “Nudge Palette” from the context menu to access 
Using the nudge buttons you can incrementally adjust the 
position (move) and size (trim) of your events....

Page 542

Audio editing to picture
5.In the Range Length field in the info line, enter the du-
ration of the cut.
Now the range selection encompasses all the events in the project that 
are to be removed together with the old video. 
The range has been defined for the cut on all tracks.
6.On the Edit menu–Range submenu, select “Cut Time”.
This will remove the selected area and move all the following events to 
the left by the same amount, filling the gap. The audio should now play in 
sync with the new video...

Page 543

Audio editing to picture
Using standard Nuendo tools for 
postproduction purposes
In this section the Nuendo editing tools related to video 
postproduction techniques are described. 
Inserting audio into the project
The options listed below can be used with video to place 
audio events precisely at the video frame you choose.
Select your audio events in the Pool and use the “Insert 
into Project” options from the Media menu to place them 
in the Project window.
These options are described in detail...

Page 544

Audio editing to picture
Event envelopes
For even more control, the event envelope provides an-
other type of volume control over the audio event. Instead 
of controlling only fade ins and outs or the overall volume 
of the event, envelopes can alter the volume of audio any
where within the event. 
To access the event envelope, select the Pencil tool and 
simply click within any audio event. A volume envelope line 
appears with a new curve point. Unity gain (no change) is 
where the envelope line...

Page 545

Audio editing to picture
There are also functions that let you alter the range selec-
tion using the cursor, event boundaries, left and right loca-
tors, and the start and end of the project. These functions 
are found in the Edit menu–Select submenu.
When these operations are assigned to key commands, 
the increase in speed and efficiency for creating range se
lections can be considerable. The various options of the 
Select submenu are described in detail in the section 
“Range editing” on page...

Page 546

Audio editing to picture
comes this problem by allowing you to reference another 
point in the audio event. By moving the snap point to the 
end of the skidding sound, Edit Mode can be used to line 
that point with the stopped car on screen.
When adjusting fade handles, the video will follow the po-
sition of the fade handle as you move it, allowing you to 
position fades exactly in time with the video.
Edit Mode: Range Selection tool
When making range selections, Edit Mode causes the 
video to...

Page 547

Audio editing to picture
Text editing can be useful when conforming audio to edit 
decision lists (EDLs) created by video editors. A list of au
dio files will be shown with source and destination time-
code values that can be used to place audio events in 
An EDL with source and destination timecode values.
For further information, please refer to the chapter “Using 
markers” on page 136. 

Page 548


Page 549

ReWire and ReWire2 are special protocols for streaming 
audio between two computer applications. Developed by 
Propellerhead Software and Steinberg, ReWire provides 
the following possibilities and features:
•Realtime streaming of up to 64 separate audio channels 
(256 with ReWire2), at full bandwidth, from the “synthe
sizer application” into the “mixer application”.
In this case, the “mixer application” is of course Nuendo. An example of a 
“synthesizer application” is...

Page 550

Activating ReWire channels
ReWire supports streaming of up to 64 separate audio 
channels, while ReWire2 supports 256 channels. The ex
act number of available ReWire channels depends on the 
synthesizer application. Using the ReWire Device panels 
in Nuendo, you can specify which of the available chan
nels you want to use:
1.Pull down the Devices menu and select the menu item 
with the name of the ReWire application. All recognized 
ReWire compatible applications will be available on the...
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