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Steinberg Nuendo 5 Manual

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Page 561

File handling
The dialog contains the following options:
ÖThe MIDI file will include the tempo information of the 
project (i.
 e. it will include the tempo and time signature 
events of the Tempo Track Editor or, if the tempo track is 
deactivated on the Transport panel, the current tempo and 
time signature).
ÖInspector settings other than those specified in the 
Export options are not included in the MIDI file! To include 
these, you need to convert the settings to “real” MIDI events 

Page 562

File handling
•It is also possible to import a MIDI file from disk by drag-
ging and dropping it from the Windows Explorer or the 
Mac OS Finder into the Project window. The Import Op
tions apply as well.
Support for the Yamaha XF data format
Nuendo supports the Yamaha XF format. XF is an exten-
sion of the standard MIDI file format that allows saving of 
song-specific data with a MIDI file of type 0.
When importing a MIDI file containing XF data, this data is 
placed in parts on separate tracks...

Page 563

File handling
•Click Reference to include merely a reference to the 
files in the export.
A file dialog opens in which you can choose an existing folder for saving 
the track archive (as single XML file).
4.Click OK to save the track archive.
Importing tracks from a track archive
The Import Track Archive function lets you import tracks 
exported from another Nuendo project.
ÖNote that the sample rates of the active project and 
the track archive have to match. If necessary, you have to 
convert the...

Page 564

File handling
To split a multi-channel track, proceed as follows:
1.If you only want to split particular multi-channel tracks, 
select them in the Project window.
If you want to split all multi-channel tracks of your project, you do not 
have to make a selection.
2.On the Project menu, open the Convert Tracks sub-
menu and select “Multi-Channel to Mono…”.
A dialog opens.
3.On the Source Tracks pop-up menu, select whether 
you want to split all or only the selected multi-channel 
4.On the...

Page 565

File handling
•If you have recorded a stem of multi-mono surround 
Saving the recordings in one interleaved file allows you to assign this 
“stem” to one single channel in the Mixer (facilitating editing as well as 
giving you a better overview).
The selected destination format and the order of the tracks 
in the track list determines which tracks are combined.
•The number of source tracks and the destination format 
must match, i.
 e. the source tracks must “fit evenly” into a...

Page 566

File handling
5.On the Destination Format pop-up menu, select the 
format for the multi-channel file or files.
Note that the number of selected tracks must match this format. If you 
have selected fourteen mono tracks, for example, you can select Stereo 
or one of the 7-channel surround formats. If the number of tracks and the 
destination format do not match, a warning message is displayed and the 
process is aborted.
6.Click OK.
The corresponding number of multi-channel tracks is created. Events...

Page 567

File handling
Creating (exporting) clip packages
When you have created the desired sound in the Project 
window, you can transform it into a clip package. 
Proceed as follows:
1.Select the audio that makes up the sound. You can 
either select audio events and parts or create a selection 
If you create a selection range which includes empty space before the 
audio, this is included in the file.
•If you want to include your automation data in the clip 
package, make sure to read-enable the...

Page 568

File handling
Clip packages can be imported as follows:
•You can drag and drop clip packages from the Windows 
Explorer or Mac OS Finder, from the MediaBay or from the 
Pool into the Project window.
•You can double-click on a clip package in the MediaBay 
to insert it at the Project cursor.
•You can use the MediaBay context menu and select 
where to insert the clip package in the active project: at a 
specific timecode position, at the cursor, the left locator or 
at origin (the same...

Page 569

File handling
Clip packages in the Pool
In the Pool, clip packages are available in a separate 
folder (see the chapter 
“The Pool” on page 320).
•The Pool functions “Prepare Archive”, “Export Pool”, 
“Import Pool”, and “New Library” will include any clip 
packages you created or imported.
•The Info column displays the length of the clip package 
and the text you entered for the “Content Summary” at
tribute (if any).
ÖContrary to other file types, clip packages do not have 
a direct counterpart in...

Page 570

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