Steinberg Nuendo 3 Working With MIDI Manual
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Original Manual: Synkron Revision and Quality Control for Nuendo 3: Cristina Bachmann, Heiko Bischoff, Sabine Pfeifer, Claudia Schomburg The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not rep- resent a commitment on the part of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. The software described by this document is subject to a License Agreement and may not be copied to other media except as specifically allowed in the License Agreement. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or otherwise transmitted or recorded, for any purpose, without prior written permission by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. All product and company names are ™ or ® trademarks of their respective owners. Windows XP is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. The Mac logo is a trademark used under license. Macintosh and Power Macintosh are registered trademarks. © Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH, 2004. All rights reserved.

NUENDO 2 Table of Contents 7MIDI realtime para- meters and effects 8Introduction 8The Inspector – General handling 10Basic track settings 14Track parameters 19MIDI effects 24Managing plug-ins 25Merge MIDI in Loop 27The included MIDI effects 27Arpache 5 29Arpache SX 32Autopan 34Chorder 37Compress 38Context Gate 40Density 40Micro Tuner 41MIDIControl 42MIDIEcho 45Note to CC 46Quantizer 47Step Designer 51Track Control 55Track FX 56Transformer 57MIDI processing and quantizing 58Introduction 59Quantizing 70Other MIDI menu functions 76Dissolve Part 79The MIDI editors 80About editing MIDI 81Opening a MIDI editor 84The Key Editor – Overview 90Key Editor operations 117The Drum Editor – Overview 120Drum Editor operations 123Working with drum maps 131Using drum name lists 132The List Editor – Overview 133List Editor operations 140Common MIDI editor options and settings 143MIDI devices 144Background 145MIDI devices – general settings and patch handling 157About Device panels 159Overview 167The main edit windows 173Operations in the Edit Panel window 178Building a control panel – a tutorial 193Exporting and importing device setups 193Defining a SysEx device – a tutorial 207About Studio Connections

NUENDO Table of Contents 3 211The Logical Editor, Transformer and Input Transformer 212Introduction 214Opening the Logical Editor 214Window overview 215Selecting a preset 216Setting up filter conditions 227Selecting a function 229Specifying actions 233Applying the defined actions 234Working with presets 235The Input Transformer 239Working with System Exclusive messages 240Introduction 240Bulk dumps 243Recording System Exclusive parameter changes 244Editing System Exclusive messages 247VST Instruments 248Introduction 249Activating and using VST Instruments 254The Instrument Freeze function 257Index

NUENDO 1 – 8 MIDI realtime parameters and effects Introduction This chapter describes the included MIDI realtime effects and their parameters and how to apply and handle MIDI effects. For each MIDI track, you can set up a number of track parameters and MIDI effects. These affect how the MIDI data is played back, “transform- ing” MIDI events in real time before they are sent to the MIDI outputs. On the following pages, the available parameters and effects are de- scribed. Keep in mind: • The actual MIDI events will not be affected – the changes happen “on the fly”. • Since the track parameter settings don’t actually change the MIDI data on the track, they will not be reflected in the MIDI editors. To convert the settings to “real” MIDI events, use the Merge MIDI in Loop function (see page 25). The Inspector – General handling The track parameters and effects are set up in the Inspector (although some settings are available in the mixer as well). Here’s a brief rundown on how to handle the Inspector: • To show or hide the Inspector, click the Inspector icon on the Project window’s toolbar.

NUENDO MIDI realtime parameters and effects 1 – 9 • The Inspector for a MIDI track is divided into eight sections. You can fold or unfold the sections individually by clicking on the section name. Clicking the name for a hidden section brings it to view and hides the other sections. [Ctrl]/[Command]-clicking the tab allows you to hide or show a section without affect- ing other sections. Finally, [Alt]/[Option]-clicking a tab shows or hides all sections in the Inspector. • Folding a section does not affect the functionality but merely hides the section from view. In other words, your settings will still be active even if you fold the Inspector settings.

NUENDO 1 – 10 MIDI realtime parameters and effects Basic track settings The topmost Inspector section contains the basic settings for the se- lected MIDI track. These are settings that either affect the basic func- tionality for the track (mute, solo, enable record, etc.) or send out additional MIDI data to the connected devices (program change, vol- ume, etc.). The section contains all settings in the Track list (see the chapter “The Project window” in the Operation Manual), with a few additional parameters: Parameter Description Track name field Click to rename the track. Mute/Solo buttons Mutes or solos the MIDI track. Read/Write buttons Used for automating the track settings – see the chapter “Auto- mation” in the Operation Manual. Input transformer buttonOpens the Input Transformer dialog, allowing you to transform incoming MIDI events in real time. For further information, see page 235. Record enable button Activate this to make the track ready for recording. Monitor button When this is activated (and MIDI Thru Active is on in the Pref- erences–MIDI dialog), incoming MIDI will be routed to the se- lected MIDI output. Toggle Timebase buttonSwitches between musical (tempo related) and linear (time re- lated) time base for the track. See the chapter “The Project window” in the Operation Manual.