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Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual

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Page 231

The Sample Editor
Autoscroll and Suspend Autoscroll when Editing activated.
When this option is activated in the Sample Editor toolbar, 
the waveform display will scroll during playback, keeping 
the project cursor visible in the editor.
This setting is independent of the Autoscroll setting in the 
Project window toolbar or other editors. You can find 
more information on this function in the section 
“Autoscroll” on page 57.
AudioWarp: Tempo matching audio
AudioWarp is the generic name...

Page 232

The Sample Editor
Manually adjusting grid and tempo
If you want to manually adjust the grid and tempo of your 
audio file, because you have a very special loop and the 
automatic functions did not lead to satisfying results, pro-
ceed as follows:
1.Open the Definition tab in the Sample Editor Inspector 
and activate the Manual Adjust tool.
2.Select a suitable resolution value from the Grid pop-
up menu.
With the Manual Adjust tool you can manipulate the time 
grid for the audio file. If you select...

Page 233

The Sample Editor
8.Hold down [Ctrl]/[Command], click and drag the red 
flag (Stretch Bars) to the left or right until the second bar 
in the ruler is aligned with the position of the second 
downbeat of the sample, and release the mouse button.
The start of the next bar is set, and all grid positions will be stretched.
9.Check the other beats and use the pink flag (Stretch 
Previous - Move Next) if necessary.
This flag is shown at bar positions. When you drag it with the mouse, the 
start of the...

Page 234

The Sample Editor
Selecting an algorithm for realtime playback
In the Algorithm pop-up in the toolbar you can select the 
algorithm to be applied on realtime playback. 
In this pop-up you can find various options that govern the 
audio quality of the realtime time stretching. There are pre-
sets for common types of audio material and an Advanced 
option which allows you to manually set warp parameters:If you select the Advanced menu item, a dialog opens 
where you can manually adjust the three...

Page 235

The Sample Editor
ÖThe term “loop” is used throughout this section. Loop 
in this context usually means an audio file with a musical 
time base, i.e. the length of the loop represents a certain 
number of bars and/or beats at a certain tempo. Playing 
the loop back at the right tempo in a cycle set to the cor-
rect length will produce a continuous loop without gaps.
Using hitpoints
The main functionality of using hitpoints to slice up a loop is 
to make a loop fit the tempo of a song, or...

Page 236

The Sample Editor
The audio event is replaced by an audio part, containing 
the slices (double-click the part to view the slices in the Au-
dio Part Editor). If you edited a clip from the Pool, you need 
to drag it to an audio track to get a part with the slices.
The loop is automatically adapted to the project tempo. 
This takes the loop length you specified into account: e. g., if 
the loop was one bar long, the part is resized to fit exactly 
one bar in the Cubase tempo, and the slices are moved...

Page 237

The Sample Editor
If you hear a single sound split into two slice you can 
disable an individual slice by pressing [Alt]/[Option] (the 
pointer turns into a cross) and clicking on the correspond-
ing hitpoint handle. 
The hitpoint handle gets smaller and its line disappears to indicate that it 
is disabled. To reactivate a disabled hitpoint, [Alt]/[Option]-click on the 
hitpoint handle again.
If you hear “double hits” (e.g. a snare hit being followed 
by a hi-hat hit within the same slice) you can...

Page 238

The Sample Editor
ÖYou can also create grooves from a MIDI part by se-
lecting the part and dragging it on the grid display in the 
middle of the Quantize Setup dialog or by selecting “Part 
to Groove” from the Advanced Quantize submenu on the 
MIDI menu.
Other hitpoint functions
On the Hitpoints tab of the Sample Editor Inspector and 
on the various submenus of the Audio menu, you will also 
find the following functions:
Create Markers
If an audio event contains calculated hitpoints, you can 

Page 239

The Sample Editor
A typical application of warp tabs is to use them to synchro-
nize audio to video.
You can also use warp tabs for further tweaking after hav-
ing activated Musical mode.
Using the Free warp tool 
Warp tabs are created using the Free Warp tool on the 
AudioWarp tab of the Sample Editor, but can also be cre-
ated from hitpoints (see “Creating warp tabs from hit-
points” on page 241). In this example, we will show how a 
file with slightly varying tempo can be locked to a steady 

Page 240

The Sample Editor
10.With the mouse button still pressed, drag the warp tab 
so that the position lines up with the first beat of the bar in 
the ruler.
11.Release the mouse button.
Now the first beat in the audio event is perfectly aligned with the corre-
sponding position in the project! 
You can also first add warp tabs at the relevant musical 
positions and change their positions later, see “Editing 
warp tabs” on page 240.Next to the warp tab handle in the ruler, a number is 
shown. This number...
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