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Steinberg Cubase 5 Operation Manual

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Page 281

The MediaBay
The condition pop-up menu contains the following 
Note that for all conditions except “range”, you can en-
ter more than one string in the text field (separate different 
search strings with a space).
These strings form an AND condition, i. e. the files found will match all 
strings entered in the field.
To open a new filter line, move the mouse pointer to the 
right end of the text field and click the “+” button.
This way, you can add up to five filter lines in which you can...

Page 282

The MediaBay
Selected tag values in the same tag column form an OR 
This means that files must be tagged according to either one or the other 
value to be displayed in the Viewer section.
For the “Style” tag, the files found either have the “Blues” OR the “Jazz” 
tag value.
Tag values in different columns form an AND condition.
This means that files must be tagged according to all these values to be 
shown in the Viewer display.
The files found belong to the “E. Guitar” Sub Category AND...

Page 283

The MediaBay
Cubase only: When the option “Allow Editing in Viewer” 
is activated in the Preferences dialog (MediaBay page), 
you can also edit tags in the Viewer.
Otherwise this is possible only in the Tag Editor.
Previewing files in the Scope section
Below the Viewer you will find the Scope section. It allows 
you to play back files selected in the Viewer section.
The elements visible in this section and their functions 
depend on the type of media file selected in the Viewer.
Previewing audio...

Page 284

The MediaBay
Previewing pattern banks
Pattern banks containing drum patterns can be created 
with the MIDI plug-in “Beat Designer”. Detailed informa-
tion on the Beat Designer and its functions can be found 
in the chapter “MIDI effects” in the separate PDF docu-
ment “Plug-in Reference”. One pattern bank contains 4 
subbanks which in turn contain 12 patterns each. In the 
Scope section for a pattern bank file, a keyboard-style dis-
play allows you to select a subbank (click on a number at 
the top)...

Page 285

The MediaBay
3.To display a certain tag in the Filter section, the Viewer 
display or the Tag Editor, activate the corresponding check-
box for this tag:
4.Close the Manage Tags dialog by clicking its close 
Your settings will be applied.
The Type column shows whether the value for a tag is a 
number, text or a Yes/No-type switch. The Precision col-
umn shows the number of decimals displayed after a point 
for number tags.
Click and drag in the tag display to select several tags 

Page 286

The MediaBay
To remove the attribute value from the selected files, 
right-click in the Value column for the desired attribute 
and select “Remove Tag” from the context menu.
Defining user tags
You can define your own tags and save these in the 
MediaBay database and the corresponding media files. 
You can use such user tags for example to define your 
own filter categories, further refining the categorization of 
your media files.
To define a user tag, proceed as follows:
1.Open the Manage Tags...

Page 287

The MediaBay
Tagging multiple files simultaneously
There is no limit as to how many files can be tagged at the 
same time, but you need to be aware that the tagging of 
thousands of files in one go may take quite a while. This 
operation is executed in background, so that you can con-
tinue with your work as usual. By looking at the Tagging 
Counter in the MediaBay info line you can see how many 
files still have to be updated.
The Tagging Counter shows the number of files that still need to be up-...

Page 288

Working with Track Presets 

Page 289

Working with Track Presets
Track presets are templates from audio, MIDI or instrument 
tracks that can be applied to newly created or existing 
tracks of the same type. They contain sound and channel 
settings, thus allowing you to quickly browse, preview, se-
lect and change sounds, or reuse channel settings across 
Track Presets are organized in the Sound Browser (a view 
of the MediaBay, see “The MediaBay” on page 273) where 
you can categorize them with tags. 
Types of...

Page 290

Working with Track Presets
Multi track presets
You can use multi track presets e.g. when recording setups 
that require several microphones (a drum set or a choir, 
where you record always under the same conditions) and 
have to edit the resulting tracks in a similar way, or for lay-
ered tracks, where you use several tracks to generate a 
certain sound instead of manipulating only one track.
If you select more than one track when creating a track 
preset, the settings of all selected tracks will be...
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