Siemens Saturn Epabx Oc1e Dyad Digital Telephone User Instructions
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Page 361
I SATURN EPASX CMU Procedures CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TRKGRP TITLE: Trunk Group Assignments MNEMONICS USED IN THIS CMU PROCEDURE: Mnemonic ANA co cos DID DISA DIT DP DPI DT DTMF GAP UCD WATS ZUNA Definition Assigned Night Answer Central Off ice Class of Service Direct Inward Dialing Direct Inward System Access Dedicated Incoming Trunk Dial Pulse Digital Premium Instrument Dial Tone Dual-Tone Multifrequency Foreign Exchange Special Night Answer Position Uniform...
Page 362
SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-El2o-t-8919 CMU Procedures kSUe 1, February 1986 - CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TTYPARMS TITLE: RS-232-C Ports Page 1 of 2 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS TTYPARMS Prints a formatted display giving all the user-changeable parameters as stored in the customer database and that are currently in effect for each RS-232-C port. NOTE: On a system reload, the CIOP port (TTY) is initialized to the values set on the .CIOP switches, regard- less of the database...
Page 363
SATURN EPABX A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 CMU Procedures Issue 1, February 1986 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: TTYPARMS - 7 RS-232-C Ports STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION Page 2 04 2 1. Causes the parameters mtlv stored in the customer database for a aiven RS-7L332 port to be downloaded to that device. 2. 1 PORT: (TTY, TWO, l-WI, MODEM) 3 aaaaa I 3. I 1 Requests the RS-232-C port for which the parameters are to be aaaaa = RS-232-C port. , changed. For CIOP. enter TTY; for RAUR enter TTYO, llW, or...
Page 364
SATURN EPABX -CMU Procedures A30808-X5051-E120-l-8919 - Issue 1, December 1984 CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: UCDGRP TITLE: UCD Group Assignments Access Level: 2, 3, 4 Page 1 of 2 STEP NO. PROMPT/EXPLANATION 1. ) DIS UCDGRP 2. UCD GROUP NUMBER O-63 = nn nn Requests group number to be displayed. For range, enter beginning nn = group number(s) (O-63). and ending group numbers, separated by space. Enter (CR) to dis- play all. 1. ) ADDUCDGRP 2. ASSIGN GROUP OR MEMBER? (G,M) = a Requests...
Page 365
TITLE: UCD Group Assignments > :,:;.Y I.. ‘Page 2 of 2 ” I:+ ,,. I STEP NO. -- ‘“~p~c&jpT,ExpLANA~ow ., I.. . . -.. .-- - -. - . . . ., . . - _ __._ ,___ _ ,. ., ‘_ _ :, .__.^. . . _, ,. __... _._ ,. _ - 2. . . _ CHANGE MEMBER 0-F.PILOT NUM? (M,P) = a -- -- .- _. .-. _ 3. OLD MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn .- -.-- -. . ,.. ._ 4. NEW MEMBER EXTENSION NUMBER = nnnn - ----.- . .-.I.. .- .- - -.. -. “_. .” - ._ _ ,. ___. ^ ,. _,._ ,__ _ 5. OLD UCD PILOT ACCESS NUMBER = nnnn _. j’ ._. __ .-.--...
Page 366
SATURN EPA&X I t:. .i-:.:.y,. CMlJ‘ Procedures :.*‘I..-.PI A30808-X5O~?-~l?q,~E,~~~ - issue I, .Decem@! KG4 ,_1. I . . ( CUSTOMER MEMORY UPDATE PROCEDURE: UCDSCAN “,.‘I;,.: _,: ,“:,,e‘,,,j ., ,;,I- TITLE: UCD Scan ‘:c’ .I.. .,.>,,,, ,..:.. ,.. (.. Access Level:.& 4- -... ~ “-... _ .- -.. . .._ _. _. -,. i. _ ‘1:..:‘..~~.. -.,.. -: 1 of .1 ..,. -. -__.___ _ __._.. _, .., _. .___ ,_- .,._I,:“:‘. 1. ~~+jiIe .‘.’ -- . ‘-’ 1 1. 2. .- . - . . - _ i ) CHA UCDSCAN ,.J I ‘2 ‘;.“;: ,_’ ; i ,I p \:!...