Samsung Syncmaster 932bf Quick Start Guide
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15pin to 15pin D-sub cable, Detach able DVI-D to DVI-D con nector, Detac hable (Optio n) Dimensions (W x H x D) / Weight 418.0 x 41 8.0 x 199.0 mm / 16.4 x 16.4 x 7.8 inc h / 4.0 kg / 8.8 lb s Environmen tal consideratio ns Op erating Temp era ture : 50 °F ~ 1 04 °F (10 °C ~ 40 °C) Hu midity : 1 0 % ~ 80 %, non -conden sing Storage Temp era ture : -4°F ~113 °F (-20 °C ~ 45 °C) Hu midity : 5 % ~ 95 %, n on -conden sing Plug and Play Capab ility This monitor can be installed on any Plug & Play compa tible s ystem. The interaction of th e mon itor and the computer systems will provide the best operatin g c onditions an d monitor setting s. In most cases , th e mon itor installation will procee d a utomatically , unless the user wishes to select altern ate se ttin gs. Do t A ccep tab le TFT LCD pane ls manufactured by using advan ced semicondu cto r tec hnology with precision of 1ppm (one millionth ) above are used for th is produc t. But the pixels of RED, GREEN, BLUE and WHITE color appear to be bright sometimes or so me black pixels may be seen. This is not fro m bad qua lity a nd y ou can use it without any pro ble lms. For example, the number o f TFT LCD su b p ixe ls contained in this product are 3,932,160. De sign a nd specific ations are subject to chan ge without p rior notice. Class B Equipment (Information Communic ation equipment for resid ential use) This produc t complies with the Electromagn etic Compatibility Directives fo r res id ential use and can be used in all a reas including common res id ential area s. (Class B e quipment emits less electro mag netic wave s than Class A equipment.) PowerSaver This monitor has a built-in power man agement s ystem ca lled PowerSaver. This system s aves en ergy by switching you r mo nitor to low-power mode when it has not b een used for a certain amount o f time. The mon itor automatic ally re turns to no rmal op eration when you press a key on th e k eyboard. Fo r energy conse rvation, turn y our monitor OFF when it is n ot nee ded, or wh en lea vin g it un attende d for lon g pe riods. The PowerSa ver sy ste m operates with a VESA DPMS compliant video card installed in your co mp uter. Use the software utility in sta lled on your c omputer to se t up this fe atu re. State No rmal Operatio n Power sav ing modePower off (Power b utton) EPA/ENERGY 2000 Pow er In dic ato r Blue Blue , Bli nki ng Of f Power Consu mption Less than 38 W Less than 1 W Less than 1 W This monitor is EPA ENERGY STAR ® complian t and ENERGY2 000 complian t when used with a computer equ ipp ed with VESA DPMS func tionality . As an ENERGY S TAR ® Partner, SAMSUNG has determined that this prod uct meets the ENERGY S TAR® guideline s for en ergy effic ien cy.

Preset Timing Modes If the signal transferred from the computer is th e s ame as the following Prese t Timing Modes, the screen will be adjusted auto ma tically. Howeve r, if the sig nal differs, the screen may go blank while the power LED is on. Refer to the video card ma nual a nd adjust the screen as fo llows. Di sp lay M odeHo rizontal Frequ ency (kHz)Vertical Frequ ency (Hz)Pixe l Clo ck (M Hz)Sync Polarity (H/V) MAC, 6 40 x 48 0 35.0 00 66.6 67 30.2 40 -/- MAC, 8 32 x 62 4 49.7 26 74.5 51 57.2 84 -/- MAC,1152 x 870 68.6 81 75.0 62 100.000 -/- IBM, 640 x 350 31.4 69 70.0 86 25.1 75 +/- IBM, 640 x 480 31.4 69 59.9 40 25.1 75 -/- IBM, 720 x 400 31.4 69 70.0 87 28.3 22 -/+ VESA, 640 x 480 37.5 00 75.0 00 31.5 00 -/- VESA, 640 x 480 37.8 61 72.8 09 31.5 00 -/- VESA, 800 x 600 35.1 56 56.2 50 36.0 00 +/+ VESA, 800 x 600 37.8 79 60.3 17 40.0 00 +/+ VESA, 800 x 600 48.0 77 72.1 88 50.0 00 +/+ VESA, 800 x 600 46.8 75 75.0 00 49.5 00 +/+ VESA, 1024 x 768 48.3 63 60.0 04 65.0 00 -/- VESA, 1024 x 768 56.4 76 70.0 69 75.0 00 -/- VESA, 1024 x 768 60.0 23 75.0 29 78.7 50 +/+ VESA, 1152 x 864 67.5 00 75.0 00 108.000 +/+ VESA 1280 x 960 60.000 60.000 108.000 +/+ VESA, 1280 x 1024 63.9 81 60.0 20 108.000 +/+ VESA, 1280 x 1024 79.9 76 75.0 25 135.000 +/+ Ho rizontal Freque ncy The time to scan one lin e c onnec ting th e rig ht edg e to the left edge of the screen horizo ntally is ca lled th e Horizontal Cyc le and the in vers e n umber of th e Horizontal Cyc le is called the Horizon tal Freq uency .Unit : k Hz

Vertic al Frequen cy Lik e a flu ores cent lamp, the screen has to repea t th e s ame image many time s per sec ond to display an ima ge to th e us er. The frequen cy of this repe tition is c alled the Vertical Freque ncy or Refres h Ra te. Un it : Hz

Contact SA MSUNG WORLDWIDE If you have any que stions or c omme nts rela ting to Sam su ng produ cts , please co ntac t th e SAMSUNG customer care center. No rth America U.S.A 1-800-SAMSUNG (726 7864) CANADA 1-800-SAMSUNG (726 7864) a MEXICO 01-800-SAMSUNG (726 7864) Latin America ARGENTINE 0800 -333 -3733 r BRAZ IL 4004 -0000 r CHILE 800 -726 -7864 (SAMSUNG) l COLOMBIA 01-800011 2112 o COSTA RICA 0-800-507-7267 ECUADOR 1-800-10-7267 EL SALVADOR 800 -6225 GUATEMALA 1-800-299-0013 JAMA ICA 1-800-234-7267 PANAMA 800 -7267 PUERTO RICO 1-800-682-3180 REP. DOMINICA 1-800-751-2676 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 1-800-7267-864 VENEZ UEL A 1-800-100-5303 Europe

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The number of h orizontal a nd vertical d ots us ed to compos e the screen ima ge is ca lled th e res olu tion. This nu mb er shows the accu racy of the display. A high resolution is good fo r performing multip le tasks as more image in formation can be sho wn on the screen. Example :If the res olution is 1 280 x 1 024 , this means the screen is c omposed of 1 280 horizon tal dots (horiz ontal resolution ) and 1024 vertica l line s (vertical res olu tion). For Better Display Adju st computer resolutio n a nd screen injec tion rate (refresh rate ) oncompu ter a s d escrib ed below to enjoy the bes t quality of p ic ture. You can ha ve an uneven qu ality of picture in the screen if th e b est quality of picture is not provided in TFT-LCD. Re solution : 12 80 x 10 24 Vertic al freq uency (refre sh rate) : 60 Hz TFT LCD pane l m anufacture d b y u sin g a dvanc ed semic onduc tor tech nology with pre cis io n of 1ppm (one millionth ) above is used for this produc t. Bu t the pixe ls of RED, GREEN, BLUE and WHITE color seem to be bright sometimes or so me of b lac k pix els c ould be s een. This is not fro m bad quality an d y ou can use it without uneas ine ss. For example, the number o f TFT LCD su b p ixe ls that is contained in this prod uct are 3,93 2,1 60. When clean ing the mo nitor a nd the pane l outside, pleas e a pply the recommended small amoun t of cle aner by us ing a soft cloth to polish. Do not force the LCD are a b ut ru b s oftly. If ex cess iv e force is app lied, y ou can have a stain o n it. If yo u a re not s atisfied with the picture qua lity , you can ge t better quality of picture by pe rforming the a uto adjustment func tion in display screen that is appea red as window termina tion button is pres sed. If theres still no is e after th e a utomatic a djustmen t, u se the FINE/COARSE a dju stmen t fu nction . When viewing a fixed screen for an extende d p eriod of time, a residual image or b lurrines s may appear. Ch ange th e mode to energy save or s et a screensa ver to mov e the picture when you ne ed to be away from the mo nitor for an extend ed period of time. Authority Information in this document is subject to cha nge with out notice. © 2007 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All righ ts res erve d. Re prod uction in any manner wha tso ever with out the written permiss ion of Sams ung Electronics Co., Ltd. is strictly forbidden. Sams ung Ele ctronics Co., Ltd. sha ll not be liab le for errors contained herein or for inciden tal or conse quentia l damage s in conn ection with the furnishing, pe rforman ce, or u se of th is material. Sams ung is the registe red trade ma rk of Samsu ng Elec tronics Co., Ltd .; Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademark s of Mic ros oft Co rporation ; VESA, DP M S and DD C are registered trademark s of Video Ele ctronics Standard As sociation; the ENERGY S TAR® name a nd log o are reg istered trademarks of the U.S. Env ironmental Protection Age ncy ( EPA). As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, Samsung Electron ics Co., Ltd. ha s d ete rmin ed tha t this product mee ts the ENERGY STAR® guideline s for en ergy effic ien cy. All other produc t names mentio ned here in may be th e trademarks or re gis tered trademarks of their re spective owners.

MÉXICO IMPORTADO POR: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS MÉXICO. S.A. de C.V. Vía Lopez Portillo No. 6, Col. San Fco. Chilpan Tultitlán, Estado de Mé xic o, C.P. 54940 Tel: 01-55-5747-5100 / 01 -800 -726 -7864 EXPORTADO POR: Sams ung Ele ctronics CO.,LTD. 416, Mae ta n-3dong, Yeongtong - gu, Suwon City, Gyeo nggi-do Ko rea