Samsung Syncmaster 932bf Quick Start Guide
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Sele ct Dont s earc h ,I will. then clic k Nex t and th en click Have disk . Click th e Browse button then choo se A:(D:\Driver) and cho ose your mon itor model in the mod el list an d c lick the Nex t button . If yo u c an see fo llowing Mes sage win dow, then clic k the Continu e An yway button. Then clic k the OK bu tton. This monitor drive r is un der certifying MS logo, an d this ins tallation do esnt d amage your system. The certified drive r will be pos ted on Samsu ng Mon itor homep age Click th e Close butto n then click the OK bu tton continually .

Mon itor driv er installation is completed. Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Opera ting System When you can se e Digital Sign atu re Not Foun d on yo ur monitor, follow th ese steps. How to install Ch oose the OK button on the Inse rt disk window. Click th e Browse button on the F ile Needed win dow. Ch oose A:(D:\Drive r) then clic k the Open button an d then click the OK bu tton. Click Start, Se ttin g, and th en Co ntrol Pan el. Do uble c lick the Display icon. Sele ct the Setting s tab and click the Adva nced Pro perties button . Ch oose Monitor. Ca se1 : If the Prope rtie s bu tton is inactive, it means yo ur monitor is properly co nfigured. Pleas e sto p installa tion Ca se2 : If the Prope rtie s bu tton is ac tive, c lick the Prope rties bu tton the n follo w nex t steps contin ually. Click Driver and then click Up date Driv er. then click the Next b utton. Ch oose Dis pla y a list of the known driv ers for this d evice so tha t I can cho ose a specific driver then click Next and then clic k Ha ve dis k. Click th e Browse button then choo se A:(D:\Driver). Click th e Open button, then clic k the OK button. Ch oose you r mo nitor mode l and clic k the Next bu tton the n c lick Next bu tton. Click th e Finish button then th e Close button . If yo u c an see th e Digital Sign atu re Not Foun d window th en click the Yes button. And c lick the Finish butto n then the Close butto n. Microsoft® Windows® Millen niu m Operating System Click Start, Se ttin g, and th en Co ntrol Pan el. Do uble c lick the Display icon. Sele ct the Setting s tab and click the Adva nced Pro perties button . Sele ct the Monitor ta b. Click th e Chan ge b utton in the Mo nitor Ty pe a rea. Ch oose Specify the location o f th e driver. Ch oose Dis pla y a list of a ll the driv er in a spe cific loc ation. then click th e Nex t button. Click th e Hav e Disk butto n. Specify A:\(D:\driv er) then click the OK bu tton.

Sele ct Show all devices and ch oose the mon itor that co rrespon ds to the o ne you conn ected to your co mp uter and click OK. Co ntinue ch oosing Clos e bu tton and OK butto n u ntil yo u c lo se the Display Prop ertie s dia log ue box. Microsoft® Windows® NT Operating Sys tem Click Start, Se ttin gs, Control Panel, and then double -click Display ico n. In th e Display Registration Informa tion win dow, click the Setting s tab and then click All Display Mod es. Sele ct a mo de that you wis h to use (Re solution, Nu mb er of co lors and Vertical frequenc y) and then click OK. Click th e App ly butto n if yo u s ee the sc reen working normally after clicking Test. If the sc reen is not normal, ch ange to a different mode (lower mod e o f res olu tion, c olo rs, or freque ncy). If there is no Mode at All Display Mo des, s ele ct the lev el of resolution and vertical frequenc y by referring to th e Prese t Timing Modes in the use r guide. Lin ux Op erating System To e xecute X-Window, y ou need to make the X86Config file, wh ich is a typ e of system s etting file. Press Enter at the first and the secon d s cre en after ex ecutin g the X86Config file . The third sc ree n is fo r setting your mou se. Set a mo use for your co mp ute r. The next s cree n is fo r selectin g a ke yboard. Set a Keyboa rd fo r your c ompute r. The next s cree n is fo r setting you r mo nitor. First of a ll, se t a horizon tal frequen cy for your monitor. (You can enter the frequen cy direc tly.) Set a vertical frequenc y for y our monito r. (You can enter the frequenc y directly.) Enter the model name of your monitor. This information will not affect the actual execution of X - Window. You h ave finished se tting u p y our monito r. Execute X -Window after s etting othe r req uested hardware. Natural Color Na tur al C ol or On e of the recent prob lems in u sing a co mp uter is that the color of the imag es printed out by a printer or other ima ges scan ned by a s canne r or a digital c amera are n ot the s ame a s thos e s hown on the monitor. the Natura l Color S/W is the very s olu tion fo r this problem. It is a color administration s ystem

developed by Samsu ng Elec tronics in as sociatio n with Korea Electronics & Telecommunicatio ns Re search Ins titute (ETRI). This is only available for Samsun g mon itors an d e nsures tha t th e c olo r of the images on the mo nitor are the s ame a s the printed or sc anned images. For more info rmation , refer to Help (F1) in the softwa re progra m. Installing the Natural Color Software Ins ert the CD include d with the Samsung monito r into th e CD-ROM Drive. Th e initial Na tural Color screen will app ear. Click on Natural Colo r in the sta rtup wind ow to ins tall the Natural Colo r software. To install the prog ram ma nually , in sert th e CD in clu ded with the Samsu ng mon itor into the CD-ROM Drive, click th e Windows [Sta rt ] button, select [Run. .. ] . Enter D:\color\NCProSe tup .ex e a nd then press the key . (If the drive where the CD is ins erted is n ot D:\, enter the applicable drive.) Uninstalling the Natural Color Software Program Sele ct Se ttings / Control Panel from the S t art men u a nd then do uble-click Add/Delete a program Sele ct Natural Colo r from the list and the n c lick the Ad d/Delete b utton. Ov erview | Ins tal l ati on | OSD Mode | Co lor Ca li br ati on | Un ins tal l | Troub les hootin g Overview What is Ma gicT une™? Mon itor performanc e c an v ary du e to the graphics ca rd, h ost co mp uter lightin g c onditions an d o the r environ me ntal fac tors. In ord er to ge t the be st ima ge o n a monitor req uires you to a djust it for your u niq ue setting. Unfortun ately, the manua l contro ls av ailable to tune th e image often prove to b e c hallen gin g. Prope r adjustme nt (tuning) requires an easy to us e prog ram that goes throu gh a s tep -by-ste p proce ss to obta in the best ov era ll pic ture quality. In most ca ses even simple a djustmen ts to Brightn ess, o r Contras t req uire navigatio n o f th e multi -lev el, on - screen dis play (OSD) menus that are not eas y to unde rstand. Furthermo re, there is no feedba ck to ass is t in corre ctly setting the controls of the monitor. MagicTune ™ is a software utility th at guides yo u through the tuning proc ess with easy to understand in structions and back g roun d pa ttern s d esigned for each monitor control. Ba sic Func tionality Mag ic Tune ™ is a software utility th at allo ws monitor adjustment an d c olo r tun in g us in g the Di sp lay D at a Ch annel Co mmand Interface (DDC/CI) protocol. All a dju stmen ts to the display are co ntrolle d v ia software to eliminate the need to use th e monitor on -screen dis play (OSD). Mag ic Tune ™ supports Windows ™ 2000, XP Home, and XP Profes sio nal. It is rec omme nded using MagicTune ™ in Wind ows™ 2000 or late r. Mag ic Tune ™ allows for quick acc urate tun in g of the display with the ability to easily s ave and use monito r config urations th at are b est su ited for you. OSD Mode

The OSD mode allows eas y adjustme nt of monitor settings with out taking pre -defined steps . You can acces s the des ired me nu item to set with eas e. Ov erv iew | Installatio n | OSD Mode | Co lor Ca li br ati on | Un ins tal l | Troub les hootin g Installation 1. Ins ert the installatio n CD in to the CD -ROM drive. 2. Click th e MagicTu ne ™ ins tallation file. 3. Sele ct installation L angua ge, Clic k Nex t. 4. When the Ins tallation Shield Wizard windo w app ears , clic k Ne xt. 5. Sele ct I agree to the terms o f th e license ag reemen t to acc ept the terms o f use. 6. Ch oose a folder to install the MagicTun e ™ prog ram. 7. Click Install. 8. The Installa tion Sta tus window appea rs. 9. Cl i ck Fin is h. 10. When the in sta llation is complete d, the Mag ic Tune ™ execu table icon appea rs on your desktop. Do uble -click the ic on to start the program. Mag ic Tune™ execu tion ic on may no t appear depen ding on specification of computer sy stem or monitor. If that h appens , pre ss F5 Key. Inst al lat io n Pr oble ms The ins tallation of MagicTu ne ™ can be affected by suc h factors a s the video card, motherboard a nd the netwo rk environment. See Troubles hootin g if y ou have trouble durin g installation. Syste m Requirements OS zWindows ™ 2000 zWindows ™ XP Home Edition zWindows ™ XP Profe ssional Ha rdw ar e z32 MB Memo ry abov e z60 MB Hard disk spa ce above * For more info rmation , visit th e MagicTu ne™ we bsi te. It is recommended using MagicTune ™ in Windows™ 2000 or la ter. Ov erv iew | Ins tal l ati on | OSD Mode | Co lor Ca li br ati on | Un ins tal l | Troub les hootin g Mag ic Tune ™ allows for quick acc urate tun in g of the display with the ability to easily s ave and use mo nitor c onfiguratio ns tha t are bes t suited for y ou. zOSD mode may appe ar inc onsis tent with the e xpla nation in guidance book depending o n spe cific ation of each monitor. zWhen Pivot is functioning, part of MagicTune ™ Program may not operate normally.

zAut oRot ati on : AutoRot ati on w il l aut oma ti cal ly pi vots t he m oni tor t o 0, 90, 180degree s when you pivots the monito r. To ex ecute Rotation, it should be d one a s b elow. zPlea se ins tall bo th MagicRotation and MagicTun e ™ prog rams in yo ur computer. zLaunch MagicTun e ™ zOpt io n → Preferenc e → Click th e s ma ll b ox in the enable task tray me nu. zMagicTune™ control mode will be different according to monitor models. zThe permitted angle of rota tion of the mo nitor is determined by th e mode l of the monitor. OSD Mode The OSD mode ma kes th e a dju stmen t of setting s o n a ll mon itors e asy. When selec ted , ea ch tab on top of the con trol window displays the g eneral des criptions of the sub -men u items for ad jus tment. When se lec ted , each tab displays a list o f me nus. Fo r quick adjustment of the monitor settings, the OSD mod e a llows easy an d c onven ien t acce ss to all tabs and sub -men u items. Butto n Tab Definition OK Applies an y c hange s made an d ex its MagicTune™ . Re set Re sto res the dis play settings to the fa cto ry setting s. Picture Tab Definition Allows th e us er to ad jus t th e s cre en settings to the desired values. Br igh tnes s Mak es the en tire sc reen brig hte r or darker. The detaile d da ta of the imag es in the dark area s c an be los t if the brig htn ess is no t adjusted to the prop er level. Adjust the brightness for bes t viewin g c onditions . Con tra st Adju sts the differe nce in brig htn ess between th e b right an d da rk areas on screen. De termine s the cris pness of the images. Re solu ti on Lis ts all display resolution s s upporte d b y the progra m. MagicBright ™ Mag ic Bright™ is a new fea ture prov iding the optimum v ie wing env ironment d epending on the con tents of the imag e y ou a re watching. Curren tly fou r differe nt modes are availa ble : Text, Inte rnet,Ga me, Sport, Movie and Custom. Each mode has its own pre- confi gured brightn ess value. Yo u c an easily select one of six settings by simply pressing Mag ic Bright co ntrol bu ttons. 1. Text: For doc umentations or works involving heav y text. 2. Internet: For workin g with a mix ture of ima ges suc h as text a nd grap hic s. 3. Ga me : For wa tch ing motio n pictures such as a Game. 4. Sport : For watching mo tion pictu res su ch as a Sp ort. 5. Mov ie : For watching mo tion pictu res su ch as a DVD or Video CD. 6. Dy namic Con trast : Dy namic Contra st is to automatica lly detect distribution of inp utted visual sig nal an d a dju st to c reate optimum contras t. 7. Cu sto m: Although the values are c are fully c hosen by ou r engineers, the pre- config ured va lue s may no t be comfo rtable to your e yes depe nding on y our taste. If this is the case, adjust the Brightness an d Con trast by us in g the OSD menu.

Mag ic Bright co ntrol mode will be differen t acco rding to monitor models. Some monitor will on ly su pport Four mode s(Te xt, Internet, Ente rtain , Cu sto m) Color Tab Definition Adju sts the wa rmth of the monitor backg roun d o r image co lor. Mag ic Co lor and Ga mma will b e s hown only in th e monitor that su pports thes e func tions. Color Tone The tone of the color c an be change d. zWarm2 - Warm1 - Cool 1 - Cool 2 - Cool 3 - Cool 4 - Cool 5 - Cool 6 - Cool 7 zOf f Co lor Tone mo de will be different ac cordin g to mo nitor mode ls. Some monitor will on ly su pport Four mode s( Wa rm, Norma l, Coo l, Cu sto m) Col or Con tro l Adju sts of the monito r image co lor. You c an chang e the monitor c olor to yo ur desired color. zR- G - B Ca li brat i on The proc ess th roug h wh ich the colors of your c hoice are optimized an d maintained. You will find Ma gic Tune™ extremely useful if you are one of those who wis h to view images with their full details ac cura tely re prod uced - inc lud ing web ima ges and ones produ ced by a dig ital ca me ra or sc anner. MagicColor Mag ic Co lor is a new tec hnology that Samsun g h as exclusively dev elo ped to imp rov e digital image and to d is pla y n atu ral c olor more clearly with out disturb ing image quality. 1. OFF : Returns to the o riginal mode. 2. DEMO : The screen before ap ply in g MagicColor ap pears on the right and the s cree n after app ly ing MagicColor ap pears o n the le ft. 3. Full : Dis plays not on ly vivid natura l color but als o more realistic na tural sk in co lor with cle arne ss. 4. Intelligent : Displays vivid natural color with clearness. 5. Mag ic Zone {The Mag ic Zone ensures the cle ar and sha rp display of animated multimedia or photo images by enh ancing th e b rightness , sharpnes s, saturation, Hue o f a certain area on the screen. This offers an eas y-to -use in terfa ce that hig hligh ts the video -pla yin g p ortio n o f your multimedia pro gram by automatica lly detecting and hig hlight the de sired area b y d rag gin g. {When the mo use cursor is activ ate d( )and it is n ecess ary to de -activa te it to use it for o ther tas ks, rig ht clic k your mous e, or pu t the ac tivated cursor ( )on the taskba r and clic k. When de-activa ted , the icon on the screen chang es back to th e o ne s hown before ac tivatio n. {Especially, MagicZone is appropriate to using the mov in g p icture. {Aut o D etec t : If you run the Movie in so me playe rs, Mag icZ one will auto ma tically g et th e p lay sc ree n h igh lighted (it will be s upported in players of Go m, Ad rena lin, KCP, Window Me dia , and Power DVD etc ., )Some othe r pla yers also ca n be highlighted but co uld ha ve some p roblems. {Tusk menu HU E Adju st the tint of the color. Satur ati on Adju sts the color saturation .

Br igh tnes s Adju sts the Brightness . Sharpne ss Adju sts the differe nce between the lighte st and da rkes t areas of the display. Zone Off Turn off the z one th at you hav e c aptured . Re set Re turns to the the de fau lt s etting that vendo r has set. zDe pending on th e monitor models Color Control, Sharpness, Con tra st, Co lor Tone will not be adjustable in MagicColor mode of Full a nd Inte llige nt. zMag ic Tune ™ will be disapp ear if you exc ute MagicZon e, and clo sing the MagicZone afte r adjustin g, will s how the MagicTun e™ again. (Sys tem Tray is Unheck ed) Mag ic Tune ™ will be disapp ear if you exc ute MagicZon e, and clo sing the MagicZone afte r adjustin g. will n ot sho w MagicTun e™ again. (Sys tem Tray is Checke d) zMagicColor mode will be different according to monitor models. Mag ic Zone mo de will sho w if the mon itor su pports the func tion. Col or Innova tion Co lor Inno vation function prov id es optimized color for persona l fa vor to v iew effe ctively with WCG-CCFL which was applied to Samsun g Electro nic s for the first time. zBrilliant : If yo u s ele ct Brilliant, you ca n v iew a mo re clear an d v ibrant image. zMild : If yo u s elect Mild, yo u c an view a more natural an d s oft image. zCu sto m : The pre-config ured va lue s may no t be comfo rtable to your e yes depe nding on y our taste. If th is is the cas e, adjus t the Picture and Color menu by us ing the OSD to fi t y our eye s. Ga mm a Ga mma correc tion chan ges th e luminance of the colors with intermed iate lu minan ce. Ga mma mo de will be different ac cordin g to mo nitor mode ls. Some mon itor will only s upport Three mo des.( Mode1, Mod e2, Mode3 ) 6-Color This refers to the process that o ptimiz es the co lor a ccording to the u sers needs and maintains the op timize d c olo r. MagicTu ne will be helpful for use rs wishing to view images inc lud ing web ima ges, a s we ll a s p ic tures ta ken by a dig ital ca me ra or sc anner through Windows. zSaturatio n - To adjust the chroma. zHu e - To adjust the color tone. zRe set - To re set the mo nitor s ettings to the fac tory defaults. Im a ge Tab Definition Adju sts the Fin e , Co ars e an d Po sition values. Image Setu p zFine : Remov es noise such as horizontal stripe s. If the noise persists ev en after Fine tu nin g, re peat it afte r adjustin g the freque ncy (clock sp eed). zCo ars e : Re mov es noise such as ve rtic al stripes . Co ars e ad jus tment may move the screen imag e a rea. You may relocate it to the ce nte r using the Horiz ontal Contro l menu. zAuto Setup : Auto a dju stmen t allows the mo nitor to self-adjust to the incoming vid eo sig nal. The values of fine, co ars e an d p osition are ad jus ted au tomatically . Position Adju sts the screen lo catio n ho rizontally an d v ertically .

Sharpne ss Ch anges the cleara nce of image. Optio n Tab Definition You c an config ure MagicTun e™ using the following optio ns. Preferenc es Loads the Prefere nces Dialog Bo x. Preferenc es in use will have an V in the ch eck box . To turn o n or off a ny Preference, position the c urs or ove r the box an d c lick. zTrans parency zEnable task tra y menu . - To acc ess th e MagicTu ne men us, c lick the ico n on the [task tray menu ]. The me nus are no t dis played if th e [Enable System T ray] is de selected in [Options] [Basic Settings]. Source Select zAnalog zDi gi t al Col or Weak ness This refers to the process that o ptimiz es the co lor a nd maintains th e op timiz ed c olor. zOff - To can cel Partial Co lor Blindne ss Mo de. zCu sto m - Partial Co lor Blindnes s Test zRe set - To re set the mo nitor s ettings to the fac tory defaults. PIP When ex ternal A/V devices su ch as VCRs or DVDs are conne cte d to the monitor, PIP allows you to wa tch video from th ose devices in a s ma ll windo w su per-impos ed o n the PC Vide o s ign al. (Off / On) PIP Turn the PIP Scre en on o r off. Source Sele ct the inpu t source fo r th e PIP. Size Ch ange th e Size of the PIP window. Position Ch ange th e Po sition of the PIP wind ow. Cus tom i zed Ke y Applied only in s pecific monito rs. Ch anging la nguage s in MagicTune ™ will be applied to monito r OSD(On Sc ree n Display) lan guages .OSD lan guage will be c hange d to current lan guage se ttin gs of MagicTune ™. MagicBright Set Customiz ed Key to MagicBright. MagicColor Set Customiz ed Key to MagicColor. Auto Setup Set Customized Key to Auto Setup. Source Select Set Customiz ed Key to Source Select ColorTone Set Customiz ed Key to ColorTo ne Support Ta b Definition Shows the Ass et ID and the version n umber of the pro gra m, a nd allows you to u se the Help fea ture.

He lp Visit the MagicTune™ we bsite or c lick to op en the Help files (User Man ual) if y ou need any help ins talling or runn ing MagicTun e™. The Us er Manual opens with in a basic brows er win dow. As set ID you can use the serv er to c ontrol the Clien t mo nitor. (Server program sh ould b e installed to use this program as Client) When selecting the Cus tomiz e c heckbox at the bottom you can enter your person al in formatio n. Us er N am e Shows the us er name tha t is registered in PC. Us er ID Shows the us er ID th at is register in PC. Server IP Write down the se rver IP . De part me nt Write down the dep artment. Location Write down the location. Version Disp lay s the version of MagicTun e™. Ov erv iew | Ins tal l ati on | OSD Mode | Color Calibration | Un ins tal l | Troub les hootin g Color Calibration Color Calibration Co lor Ca libration guides yo u to get op timal color c ondition for your mon itor. Proce ed followin g 5s te ps for g etting o ptimal monitor color co ndition . 1. Co ntrol Brigh tne ss contro l bar for matc hin g the brigh tne ss of con trol patch and the brightnes s o f backg roun d pa ttern 2. When yo u d etec t spec ific c olor to ne on Con trol patch, mov e the con trol cursor toward to th e direction o f th e c olo r ton e referrin g to Co lor reference Circle. => Ad jus tment is finishe d p rope rly, yo u won t detect a ny color tone on Control p atc h. 3. When yo u finis h a dju stmen t fo r ste p1,Click Next button . 4. Re peat 1), 2), 3) proced ure s for remain ing step2 ~ s tep 5. 5. You c an easily v iew the c alibratio n effect thro ugh clic king Preview button! How multiple users c an us e a djusted color values De finition When monitor is us ed by mu ltip le us ers, color values which are a dju ste d v ia Color calibra tion fo r each users c an be saved an d us ed. Up to 5 use rs can us e the save d c olor values. 1. Ho w to s ave adjusted color va lue s: Press Nex t to make it chan ge into Apply and the n y ou can save ad jus ted co lor values. As many as 5 values c an b e s aved. 2. Ho w to a pply the sav ed color values : Press Multi User button on main screen to s ele ct and use on e o f the sa ved color va lue s. Preview