Samsung Syncmaster 932bf Quick Start Guide
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PRODUCT INFORMATION (Image Retention Free) LCD Monitors and TVs may have an image retention when switching from one image to another especially after displaying a stationary image for a long time. This guide is to demonstrate a correct usage of LCD products in order to protect them from Image retention. WarrantyWarranty does not cover any damage caused by image retention. Burn-in is not covered b y the warranty. What is Image retention ? During normal operation of a LCD panel, pixel image retention doesnt occur. However, if the same image is displayed for a long time, a slight difference in electric charge accumulates between the two electrodes which encase the liquid crystal. This may cause the liquid crystal to build up in a certain areas of the display. Thus, the previous image is retained when switching to a new video image. All display products, including LCD,are subject to image retention. This is not a product defect. Please follow the suggestions below to protect your LCD from image retention Power Off, Screen Saver, or Power Save Mode Ex) zTurn the power off when using a stationary pattern. zUse a Screen saver if possible zSet the Monitor to power off with the PC Display Properties Power Scheme. - Turn the power off for 4 hours after 20 hours in use - Turn the power off for 2 hours after 12 hours in use - Screen saver in one color or a moving image is recommended. Suggestions for specific applications Ex) Airports, Transit Stations, Stock Markets, Banks, and Controlling Systems We recommend that you follow set up of your display system program as below: Display Information together with Logo or Moving image cycle. Ex) Cycle : Display Information for 1 hour followed by a Display Logo or moving image for 1 minute. Change the Color Information periodically (Use 2 different colors). Ex) Rotate the Color Information with 2 colors every 30 minutes. Avoid using a combination of characters and background color with large difference in luminance. Avoid using Grey colors, which can cause Image retention easily. zAvoid: Colors with big difference in luminance (Black & White, Grey) Ex) zRecommended settings: Bright colors with little difference in luminance - Change the characters color and background color every 30 minutes Ex) - Every 30 minutes, change the characters with movement.

Ex) The best way to protect your monitor from Image retention is to set your PC or S ystem to operate a Screen Saver program when you are not using it. Image retention may not occur when a LCD panel is operated under normal conditions. Normal conditions are defined as continuously changing video patterns. When the LCD panel is operated for a long time with a fixed pattern (-over 12 hours-), there may be slight difference in voltage between electrodes that work the liquid crystal (LC) in a pixel. The voltage difference between electrodes increases with time, forcing the liquid crystal to lean. When this occurs, the previous image may be seen when the pattern is changed. To prevent this, the accumulated voltage difference must be decreased. Our LCD Monitor satisfies ISO13406-2 Pixel fault Class II

Model Features RTA Monitor RTA (Re spons e T ime Accelerato r) A function that accelerate s the respons e s peed of the pane l so as to provide a sharper an d more natu ral vid eo dis pla y. RTA On Activates the RT A function s o that the pan el ope rates at a higher respo nse spee d than its original s peed. RTA OFF De activ ates the RTA func tion so th at th e p anel op era tes at its original respo nse spee d. If yo u turn the power o ff a nd on a gain a fter switc hin g RTA off, the RTA fun ction is a uto matically switched On (Factory Setting) Package Contents Plea se mak e s ure the following items a re included with your mon itor. If an y items a re mis sin g, contact y our dealer. Co nta ct a lo cal de ale r to b uy option al items. Unp acking Monito r & Simple sta nd Manu al SyncMaster 932BF

Qu ick Setup Guide Warranty Card (Not av ailab le in a ll loc ations ) Users Guide, Monitor Driver, Natural Color software, MagicTune™ software Ca ble Power Cord D-sub Cable Ot her s Cl ean ing C l ot h Will be applie d to black and high gloss models only. Sold separately DVI Cable Your Monitor Front

MENU button [ ] Op ens the on -screen me nu a nd exits from the menu. Mag ic Bright™ button [] Mag ic Bright™ is a new fea ture prov iding optimu m viewing environ me nt depe nding on the con ten ts of the imag e y ou a re wa tch ing . Currently s even different modes are available: Custom, Text, In ternet, Game, Sport and Movie, Dyn amic Contra st. Each mod e h as its own p re -config ured brig htn ess value. Yo u c an easily select on e of seven se ttings by simp ly pressing MagicBrigh t™ control button. 1) Custom Although the values are c are fully c hosen by ou r engineers, the pre -config ured va lue s may no t be comfo rtable to your e yes depend ing on yo ur ta ste . If this is the case, adjust the brightnes s a nd c ontras t by using th e OSD menu. 2) Text For docu me ntations or works in volving heavy text. 3) In ternet For work in g with a mix ture of ima ges such as texts and gra phics. 4) Game For watching motion pic tures suc h a s a ga me. 5) Sport For watching motion pic tures suc h a s a sp ort. 6) Mo vie For watching motion pic tures suc h a s a DVD or Video CD. 7) Dynamic Co ntrast Dy namic Con trast is to automatic ally detect d is tribu tion of inputte d vis ual s ign al and adjus t to create o ptimum c ontrast. >> Click here to see an animation clip

Brightness button [ ] When OSD is not on the screen , push the button to a dju st brigh tne ss. >> Click here to see an animation clip Adju st butto ns [ ]Adju st items in the menu. Enter button [ ] / SOURCE button Activates a highligh ted menu item. / Push the SOURCE, then selects th e v ide o s ig nal while the OSD is off. (When the SOURCE butto n is pre ssed to c hange the in put mode, a mess age appea rs in the uppe r le ft of the sc ree n disp lay ing the current mod e -- ana log or d igital input sig nal.) If yo u s elect the dig ital mode , you must c onnect your monitor to the grap hic ca rds DVI IN p ort u sing the DVI ca ble . AUTO butto n Us e this button for auto adjustme nt. >> Click here to see an animation clip Power butto n [ ]Us e this button for turning the mon itor on and off. Power indicat or This light glows blue during normal ope ration, and blinking blue o nce as the monito r saves y our adjustmen ts. See PowerSav er des cribed in the manua l fo r further info rmation regardin g p ower sav ing func tions . For ene rgy con servation , tu rn your mon itor OFF when it is not needed , or wh en lea vin g it un attende d for long perio ds. Re ar The config uration at th e b ack of the mo nitor may vary from p rodu ct to p rodu ct. POWER p ort Co nnect the power cord for yo ur m oni tor t o the power port on the ba ck of the mon it or . DVI IN port Co nnect the DVI Cable to the DVI IN port on th e ba ck of yo ur monitor. RGB IN port Co nnect the signal cable to the 15 -pin , D-sub port on the bac k of you r mon it or . Kensington Lock The Kensington loc k is a device us ed to physically fix the system when using it in a public place . The loc king d evice has to be pu rcha sed sepa rately. For using a loc king device, c ontact where you purchas e it. See Co nnecting Ca ble s for fu rther informatio n regarding cable conne ction s.

Model Connecting Cables Co nnect the power cord for yo ur monitor to the po we r port on the ba ck of the mon itor. Plug the power co rd fo r the monitor in to a nearby outle t. Us e a co nnection appropriate to the c omputer you are u sing. Us in g the D-sub (Ana log ) conne cto r on the video ca rd. - Co nnect the signal cable to the 15-pin , D-sub port on the bac k of you r mo nitor. [RGB IN] Us in g the DVI (Digita l) c onnector o n the video card. - Co nnect the DVI Cable to the DVI IN Port on the bac k of you r Mo nitor. [DVI IN] Co nnected to a Macintosh. - Co nnect the monito r to the Mac in tos h c omp ute r using the D-sub conne ction ca ble . Turn on y ou r co mpu ter a nd mon ito r. If y ou r mo nit or di sp lay s a n i mag e, i ns tal lati on is com pl eted . Using the Stand Folding the base SyncMaster 932BF

You c an til t the mo nit or up wards at an ang le o f 0 ° to18 °.

Model Monitor Driver When prompted b y the ope ratin g s ystem for the mon itor driv er, ins ert the CD -ROM inc lu ded with this mon itor. Driver installa tion is s lightly different from one op erating system to another. Follo w the directions appropriate fo r the ope rating s ystem y ou have. Prepa re a bla nk dis k a nd download th e d river program file at the Internet web site s hown below. Internet web site : (World wide ) http://www.sams (U.S.A) (Korea ) http://www.sams ungmonito n/ (China) Installing the Monitor Driver (Automatic) Ins ert the CD into the CD -ROM drive. Click Windows . Ch oose you r mo nitor mode l in the mo del list, then click th e OK button. If yo u c an see fo llowing mes sage window, then click the Continue Anyway butto n. Then click th e OK button (Microsoft® Windows® XP/200 0 Ope ratin g Sy ste m). SyncMaster 932BF

This monitor drive r is un der certifying MS logo, an d this ins tallation do esnt d amage your system. The certified drive r will be pos ted on Samsu ng Mon itor homep age Mon itor driv er installation is completed. Installing the Monitor Driver (Ma nual) Windows XP | Windows 200 0 | Windows ME | Windows NT | Lin ux Microsoft® Windows® XP Operating Sys tem Ins ert the CD into the CD -ROM drive. Click Start → Co ntrol Pan el th en click the Appearance an d Th eme s icon . Click Dis pla y icon and ch oose the Se ttin gs tab then click Adv anced . Click th e Properties butto n on the Mo nitor tab and select Driv er tab . Click Update Driver. and select Install from a list or. the n c lick the Nex t button .