Samsung Syncmaster 932bf Quick Start Guide
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Men u De scr ipt i on P lay /S t op Co ars eRe mo ves noise such as v ertic al stripes . Co ars e ad jus tment may move the screen imag e a rea. You may relocate it to the ce nte r using the ho rizontal c ontrol men u. MENU → , → → → , → ME N U FineRe mo ves noise such as ho rizontal s trip es. If the noise persists ev en after fin e tuning, repea t it after adjusting the frequen cy (cloc k s peed). MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U Sharp nessCh anges the cleara nce of image. ( Not a vailab le in Mag icCo lor mod e o f Full and Int el li gen t. ) MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U H-PositionCh anges the horizo nta l position of the monito rs entire dis pla y. MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U V-PositionCh anges the vertical p osition of the monitors entire dis pla y. MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U OSD

Men u De scr ipt i on P lay /S t op Langua geYou c an choos e o ne of nine lan guage s. MENU → , → → → , → ME N U The lan guage cho sen affec ts only th e lang uage of the OSD. It has no effect on a ny software runn ing on the computer. H-PositionYou c an chang e the horiz ontal pos itio n wh ere the OSD menu appears on your monitor. MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U V-PositionYou c an chang e the vertical position where the OSD men u appears on your monitor. MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U Trans parencyCh ange th e tra nsparenc y o f the ba ckground of the OSD. MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U Di sp lay Ti m eThe menu will be automatically turned off if no adjustme nts are mad e for a certa in time period . You c an set the amount o f time the menu will wait be fore it is turned off. - 5 sec , 10 sec, 2 0 s ec, 20 0 s ec MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U Setup

Men u De scr ipt i on P lay /S t op Auto SourceSele ct Auto So urc e for the mo nitor to automa tically s elect the sig nal so urc e. MENU → , → → → , → ME N U Image Reset Image paramete rs are replace d with the fac tory default values . MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U Co lor Re setCo lor para meters are re pla ced with th e factory d efau lt v alues. MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U RTARTA (Re spons e T ime Accelerato r) A function that accelerate s the respons e s peed of the pane l so as to provide a s harp er and more natural video display . MENU → , → → , → → , → ME N U RTA On : Activates the RT A function s o that the pan el ope rates at a hig her respons e speed than its original speed . RTA Off : De activ ates the RTA func tion so th at th e p anel operates at its original resp onse spe ed. If yo u turn the power o ff a nd on a gain a fter switc hin g RTA off, the RTA fun ction is a uto matically s witched On (Fac tory Setting) Inf orm at ion

Men u De scr ipt i on Inf or mat i onShows a v ide o s ourc e, display mode on th e OSD screen. MENU → ,

Model Check List Before calling for ass istanc e, che ck the informatio n in th is se ction to s ee if y ou can remedy an y p rob lems you rself. If you do need ass is tan ce, ple ase call the phone number o n the Information sec tion or co nta ct you r dealer . Symp tom Ch eck List Solu tions No images on th e screen. I canno t tu rn on the monito r. Is th e p ow er cor d connec ted prop erly? Ch eck th e p ower cord conne ction and su pply. Ca n y ou see Che ck Sig nal Ca ble on the screen? (Conne cte d u sin g the D-sub cable) Ch eck th e s ign al cab le co nnection. (Conne cte d u sin g the DVI cab le) If yo u s till see an error mes sage on th e s cre en wh en the mon itor is conne cte d prope rly, ch eck to se e if the mo nitor sta tus is set to analog. Press SOURCE/ button to have the monitor d ouble - check the in put signa l source. If the power is on, rebo ot th e c ompute r to see the initial screen(the login screen), whic h c an be s een. If the in itial screen (the login s cre en) app ears , boot the computer in the applicable mo de (the safe mode for Windows ME/XP/2000 ) and th en change the freque ncy of the video card. (Refer to the Prese t Timing Modes ) If the in itial screen (the login s cre en) doe s n ot app ear, contact the Serv ic e Cen ter o r your d ealer . Ca n y ou see Not Op timum Mode, Rec omme nded Mod e 1 280 x 1 024 60 Hz on the screen? You c an see th is messa ge when the signa l from the vid eo card ex ceeds the maximu m re solution and frequenc y that the monito r can hand le properly . Adju st the max imum reso lution and freque ncy th at th e mon itor ca n ha ndle p rope rly. If the display exce eds SXGA or 7 5 Hz , a Not Op timum Mod e, Recommended Mode 128 0 x 102 4 6 0 Hz mes sage is dis pla yed. If the display excee ds 85 Hz, the display will work properly but the Not Optimum M ode, Rec omme nded Mode 1280 x 1024 60 Hz me ssage appears for one minute and th en dis appea rs. Plea se change to the recommended mode during this one-minute period. (The messa ge is displaye d a gain if the system is rebo oted .) There is no image on the screen. Is th e p ow er The mon itor is in PowerSaver mod e. Press a key on the keyb oard to activa te the mon itor and SyncMaster 932BF

indicator on the mon itor blinking at 1 secon d interv als ?restore the ima ge o n the screen. If there is still n o image, p ress the SOURCE/ button. Then pre ss any key on the keybo ard aga in to ac tivate the mon itor and restore the image on the screen. Co nnected using the DVI ca ble ?You may ge t a b lan k s cre en if y ou boot the sys tem befo re you con nect the DVI cab le, or discon nect a nd then reco nnect the DVI ca ble while the sys tem is running as certain typ es of graphic cards do not sen d o ut video sig nals. Co nnect the DVI ca ble an d then re boot the sys tem. I canno t see the On Screen Di sp lay .Ha ve you lo cked the On Scre en Di sp lay ( O S D) Men u to pre vent change s?Un loc k the OSD b y p ress in g the [MENU / ] button for at lea st 5 seco nds. The screen shows strange co lors or jus t black and wh it e.Is th e s cre en dis pla ying o nly on e color as if lo oking at the sc reen thro ugh a c elloph ane paper? Ch eck th e s ign al cab le co nnection. Mak e s ure the video card is fu lly in serted in its slot. Ha ve the sc reen colors bec ome strange afte r runn ing a progra m or due to a crash betwe en applic ations ?Re boot the computer. Ha s the video card been set p rope rly?Set th e v ide o c ard by refe rring to the video card ma nual. The screen sudden ly has become unbalance d.Ha ve you chan ged the video card or the driv er?Adju st screen ima ge position and size using the OSD. Ha ve you adjusted the resolution or frequenc y to th e mon it or ?Adju st the reso lution and frequen cy at the vid eo card. (Refer to the Preset Timing Mod es). The screen can be unbalanc ed due to the cycle of the video card s ign als . Re adjust Pos ition b y referring to th e OSD. The screen is out of fo cus or OSD cannot be adjusted.Ha ve you adjusted the resolution or frequenc y on the mon it or ?Adju st the reso lution and frequen cy of the vid eo card. (Refer to the Prese t Timing Modes). LED is blink ing bu t no images on the screen.Is th e frequenc y prop erly adjusted wh en check ing the Di sp lay Ti m in g on the menu?Adju st the frequenc y p rop erly by referring to the vid eo card manua l and the Prese t Timing Modes. (The maximum freq uency per reso lu tion ma y d iffe r from prod uct to p rodu ct.) There are only 1 6 colors sh own o n the sc reen . The screen colors ha ve change d a fter changing the vid eo card .Ha ve the W in dows colors bee n s et prop erly? Windows XP : Set th e resolution in th e Co ntrol Pan el → Appearance and Themes → Di sp lay → Settings. Windows ME/2 000 : Set th e resolution in th e Co ntrol Pan el → Di sp lay → Settings. Ha s the video card been set p rope rly?Set th e v ide o c ard by refe rring to the video card ma nual. There is a mes sage that Ha ve you in sta lled the monito r driver?Ins tall the mo nitor driver ac cord in g to the Dr i ver Ins tallation Instructions.

read s Unreco gnized monitor, Plug & Play (VESA DDC) mon itor found. See the video card man ual to see if the Plug & Play (VESA DDC) func tion can be s upporte d. Ins tall the mo nitor driver ac cord in g to the Dr i ver Ins tallation Instructions. Ch eck when Mag ic Tune™ does not functio n prop erly.Mag ic Tune™ feature is found only on PC (VGA) with Window OS that supports Plug and Play. * To c heck whether y our PC is ava ilable for Mag ic Tune™ feature, follow th e s teps be lo w (When Win dows is XP); Co ntr ol P an el → Performan ce and Ma intena nce → System → Ha rdw ar e → De vice Man ager → Mon it or s → After deletin g Plug and Play mo nitor, find Plug and Play mon itor by s earc hin g n ew Hardware. Mag ic Tune™ is an additio nal so ftware for the mon itor. Some graphic cards may not su pport your monitor. When you have a pro ble m with th e g raph ic ca rd, v is it o ur we bsite to c heck the compatib le graphic card list prov ide d. Mag ic Tune™ doesn t work prop erly.Ha ve you chan ged your PC or video grap hic ca rd?Do wnlo ad the late st program. The prog ram can be downloaded Did you install th e prog ram?Re boot the computer afte r in sta lling the program for th e first time. If a c opy of the pro gram is already installed , remove it, rebo ot th e c ompute r, a nd then install th e prog ram again. You nee d to rebo ot the c omputer fo r it to operate normally after ins tallin g o r removing the prog ram. Visit the MagicTune ™ we bsite and down loa d the installatio n s oftware for MagicTun e™ MAC. Che ck the fo llowing items if there is tro uble with the monitor. Ch eck if the po we r cord a nd the video cab le s a re pro perly con nected to the computer. Ch eck if the co mp uter beeps more than 3 times when booting. (If it does, ask th e s ervice ce nte r to che ck the main b oard of the co mpu ter.) If yo u ins talled a ne w video ca rd or if you as sembled the PC, ch eck if the installed the adapter(video ) driver a nd the monitor driver. Ch eck if the sc anning ra tio of th e v ide o s cre en is set to between 56 Hz ~ 75 Hz. (Do not ex ceed 75 Hz when using the maximum resolution.) If yo u h ave pro ble ms in ins ta lling the adap ter (video) driver, boot the co mpu ter in Safe Mod e, re mov e the Display Adapter at the Control Panel → System → De vice Administrator an d then re boot the computer to reinstall the ada pte r (video ) driver. If problems rep eate dly oc cur, contact an au thorized service center. Q & A Qu estion Answer Ho w ca n I c hange the frequen cy? The frequenc y can be chang ed by rec onfiguring the vid eo card . No te that video card supp ort c an vary , depe nding on the version of the driver u sed. (Refer to the computer or the video card ma nual for deta ils.) Ho w ca n I a dju st the reso lu tion? Windows XP : Set th e resolution in th e Co ntrol Pan el → Appearance and The me s → Di sp lay → Settings.

Windows ME/2 000 : Set th e resolution in th e Co ntrol Pan el → Di sp lay → Settings. Co nta ct the v id eo c ard manufacturer for details. Ho w ca n I s et the Power Saving functio n? Windows XP : Set th e resolution in th e Co ntrol Pan el → Appearance and The me s → Di sp lay → Screen Saver. Set th e func tion in the BIOS-SETUP of the computer. Windows ME/2 000 : Set th e resolution in th e Co ntrol Pan el → Di sp lay → Screen Saver. Set th e func tion in the BIOS-SETUP of the computer. Re fer to th e Windows / Computer Manual Ho w ca n I c le an the outer ca se/LCD Pan el? Disc onnec t the po we r cord a nd then clean the mon itor with a soft cloth, using eith er a cleaning solution or plain water. Do no t le ave any detergent or s cra tch es on the ca se. Do no t le t any water enter the mon itor. Self-Test Self-Test Fea ture Check | Warning Mes sages | Environmen t | Us efu l Tips Your monitor prov ide s a se lf tes t fea ture tha t allows yo u to chec k whe the r your monitor is func tioning prop erly. Self-Test Feature Chec k Turn off both your c omp ute r and th e monitor. Un plu g the video cab le from the bac k o f th e c omp ute r. Turn on the mon itor. If the monitor is fu nction ing properly, you will see a box in the illustration below. This bo x a ppears during normal ope ration if the video cable beco me s d is connec ted or d amaged. Turn off you r mo nitor an d recon nect the video cab le; then turn on both your computer and the mon it or . If yo ur monitor screen remains blank after using the previous procedu re, c heck yo ur video controller and computer sys tem; y our monito r is functioning prop erly. War ning Messages If there is something wrong with the inp ut signal, a messa ge appears on the sc ree n or the sc reen goes blank altho ugh th e po wer in dic ator LED is still o n. The messag e may indicate tha t the monitor is out of s can ran ge or th at you nee d to chec k the signal cable.

Environment The loc ation and the position of the monitor may influe nce th e q uality and other featu res of the monitor. If there a re any sub woo fer s peake rs near the monito r, un plu g an d relocate the woofer to another room. Re mo ve all ele ctronic device s s uch as rad ios , fa ns, cloc ks and te lep hones that are within 3 feet (one meter) o f the monitor. Us eful Tips A monito r rec reates visua l signals rec eived from the computer. Therefo re, if there is a pro ble m with the compu ter o r the video ca rd, this can caus e the monito r to bec ome blank , have po or coloring , become noisy, a nd vid eo mo de n ot sup ported, etc . In this c ase, first c heck the source of the prob le m, and the n c onta ct the Serv ice Center or your de ale r. Judging th e monitor s working cond ition If there is no imag e o n the screen or a Not Optimum Mod e, Recommended Mode 128 0 x 10 24 6 0 Hz mess age comes up, d isc onnec t th e c able fro m the c omputer while the mon itor is still powered on. If there is a me ssage co ming up on th e s cre en o r if the sc reen go es wh ite, this mea ns the monito r is in wo rking cond ition. In th is ca se, ch eck th e c omp ute r for trouble.

Model Specifications Ge nera l Mod el Name SyncMaster 93 2BF LCD Pane l Size 19 Dia gonal (48 cm) Disp lay area 376.32 mm (H) x 301.056 mm (V) Pixe l Pitch 0.29 4 mm (H) x 0.294 mm (V) Synchronization Ho rizontal 30 ~ 81 kHz Vertic al 56 ~ 75 Hz Di sp lay C ol or 8 bit c olo r (16.7M) Re sol uti on Op timum re solution 1280 x 1024@60 Hz Max imum res olu tion 1280 x 1024@75 Hz Inpu t Sig nal, Terminated RGB Analog, DVI(Digital Visual Interface) Compliant Digital RGB 0.7 Vp-p ± 5%, TTL lev el (V high ≥ 2.0V, V low ≤ 0.8V) Maximum Pixel Clock 135 MHz (Analog, Digital) Power Supply AC 100 - 240 V~ (+/- 10 %), 50/60 Hz Sign al Cable SyncMaster 932BF