Samsung Series 6 Owners Manual
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▶◀▶ English ❑ Other Features OMENU m → Channel → ENTER E ■ Clear S\frambled Chann\iel This function to fi\flte\fs out sc\fambled \fchannels afte\f Auto \brogram is completed\b This p\focess may take up \fto 30 minutes\b How to Stop the Cle\iar S\frambled Channels\i fun\ftion 1. P\fess the ENTER E button to select \fStop\b 2. P\fess the u button to select \fYes\b 3. P\fess the ENTER E button\b NThis function is on\fly available in Cable mode\b

◀▶ English ■ Fine Tune (analog channels o\fnly) If the \feception is clea\f, you do not have t\fo fine tune the cha\fnnel, as this is do\fne automatically du\fin\fg the sea\fch and sto\fe ope\fation\b If the \fsignal is weak o\f disto\fted, fine tune\f the channel manua\flly\b Sc\foll to the left o\f \f\fight until the ima\fge is clea\f\b NSettings a\fe applied to the ch\fannel you’\fe cu\f\fently watching\b NFine tuned channels\f that have been sa\fved a\fe ma\fked with an as\fte\fisk “*” on the \fight-hand side \fof the channel numb\fe\f in the channel b\fanne\f\b NTo \feset the fine-tunin\fg, select Reset\b

Basi\f Features ◀▶ English ❑ Changing the \breset \bi\fture Mode OMENU m → \bi\fture → \bi\fture Mode → ENTER E ■ \bi\fture Mode t Pictu\fe modes apply p\feset adjustments to\f the pictu\fe\b Select a mode usi\fng the up and down a\f\fow keys, and then p\f\fess the ENTER E button\b NIn \bC mode, you can only\f select Entertain and Standard\b ●Dynami\f: Suitable fo\f a b\fi\fght \foom\b ●Standard: Suitable fo\f a no\f\fmal envi\fonment\b ●Natural: Suitable fo\f \feducing eye st\fain\b ●Movie: Suitable fo\f watch\fing movies in a da\f\fk \foom\b ●Entertain (In \bC mode only): Suitab\fle fo\f watching mov\fies and games\b

◀▶ English ◀ ❑ Adjusting \bi\fture Settings OMENU m → \bi\fture → ENTER E ■ Ba\fklight / Contrast\i / Brightness / Sharp\iness / Color / Tint\i (G/R) You\f television has \fseve\fal options fo\f \fadjusting pictu\fe quality\b Select a\fn option using the up and do\fwn a\f\fow keys, and then p\f\fess ENTER E\b Use the a\f\fow keys to adjust the \foption value o\f sel\fect an option sett\fing\b When done, p\fess ENTER E\b

▶◀▶ English NWhen you make chan\fges to Ba\fklight, Contrast,\i Brightness, Sharpnes\is, Color o\f Tint (G/R), the OSD will be a\fdjusted acco\fdingly\b NIn \bC mode, you can only\f make changes to Ba\fklight, Contrast,\i Brightness, and Sharpness\b NYou can adjust and sto\fe Settings fo\f each exte\fnal device connected to the TV\b NLowe\fing pictu\fe b\fightness \feduces powe\f consum\fption\b

◀▶ English ◀ ❑ Changing the \bi\fture Size OMENU m → \bi\fture → S\freen Adjustment → ENTER E ■ S\freen Adjustment S\freen Adjustment p\fovides va\fious pict\fu\fe size and aspect \f\fatio options\b Selec\ft an option using th\fe up and down a\f\fow keys, and then p\f\fess ENTER E\b Use the a\f\fow keys to select \fan option in the s\fub-menu, and then p\f\fess ENTER E\b ●\bi\fture Size: If you have a cab\fle box o\f satellite\f \feceive\f, it may have its \fown set of sc\feen sizes as well\b \fHoweve\f, we highly \fecommend you use yo\fu\f TV’s 16:9 mode most of t\fhe time\b NIf you have set Dou\fble ( à, Œ ) mode in \bI\b (Pictu\fe-in-Pictu\fe), you cannot adjust the \bi\fture Size\b 16:9: Sets the pictu\fe to 16:9 wide mode\f\b

▶◀▶ English Zoom1: Use fo\f mode\fate m\fagnification\b Cuts \foff the top and sides\b\f Zoom2: Use fo\f a st\fonge\f magnification\f\b Wide Fit: Enla\fges the aspe\fct \fatio of the pic\ftu\fe so it fits the en\fti\fe sc\feen\b NAvailable with HD 1\f080i / 720p signal\fs in 16:9 mode\b 4:3: Sets the pictu\fe to basic (4:3) m\fode\b NDo not set you\f TV \fto 4:3 fo\fmat fo\f a \flong time\b The bo\fde\fs displayed on the left and \figh\ft, o\f top and botto\fm of the sc\feen may cause imag\fe \fetention (sc\feen bu\fn) which is not co\fve\fed by the wa\f\fanty\b

◀▶ English ◀ S\freen Fit: When you\f TV inpu\fts HDMI (720p / 10\f80i / 1080p) o\f Com\fponent (1080i / 1080p) si\fgnals, displays the\f full image without\f any cut-off\b Smart View 1: Reduces the 16:9 \fpictu\fe by 50%\b Smart View 2: Reduces the 16:9 \fpictu\fe by 25%\b NSmart View 1 is enabled only in\f HDMI mode\b NSmart View 2 is enabled only in\f HDMI o\f DTV mode\b NThe pictu\fe size can va\fy dep\fending on the input\f \fesolution when you\f play content f\fom Videos in Smart Hub\b ●\bosition: Adjusts the pictu\f\fe position\b \bosition is only available\f if \bi\fture size is set to Zoom1, Zoom2, Wide \iFit, o\f S\freen fit\b

▶◀▶ English NTo use the \bosition function afte\f sele\fcting Zoom1, Zoom2 o\f Wide Fit, follow these steps: ●When Double ( à, Œ ) mode has been set\f in \bI\b (Pictu\fe-in-Pictu\fe), the \bi\fture Size cannot be set\b 1. P\fess the d button to select \f\bosition\b 2. P\fess the ENTER E button\b 3. P\fess the u o\f d button to move th\fe pictu\fe up o\f down\b 4. P\fess the ENTER E button\b 5. Select Close by p\fessing the d and r buttons sequentia\flly\b To \feset the pictu\fe position, p\fess Reset\b

◀▶ English ◀ NTo use the \bosition function afte\f sele\fcting S\freen Fit in HDMI (1080i/10\f80p) o\f Component (1080i\f/1080p), follow the\fse steps: 1. P\fess the d button to select \f\bosition\b 2. P\fess the ENTER E button\b 3. P\fess the u, d , l o\f r button to move th\fe pictu\fe\b 4. P\fess the ENTER E button\b 5. Select Close by p\fessing the d and r buttons sequentia\flly\b NIf you want to \feset the pictu\fe to its o\figinal p\fosition, select Reset in the \bosition sc\feen\b The pictu\fe will be set to i\fts default position\f\b