Samsung Series 6 Owners Manual
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▶◀▶ English When you highlight\f a page, the Options button appea\fs on \fthe \fight\b Access t\fhe Options by selectn\fg the Options butt\fon, and then p\fessing ENTER E\b In the Options pop-up you\f can Delete the selected page \ff\fom the histo\fy list\f, Delete All pages f\fom the Histo\fy list\f, o\f Add the selected page \fto Favorites\b URL: Shows the URL of \fthe cu\f\fent page\b If you p\fess the ENTER E button, the URL pop-up appea\fs\b\f P\fess ENTER E again and you can \fkey in a new a URL\f di\fectly\b You can also select\f a page to visit o\fn the displayed Pag\fe list\b In addition, you ca\fn so\ft the Page lis\ft by Date, Name, o\f Frequen\fy\b To so\ft, select the Sort Criteria button in the upp\fe\f \fight co\fne\f of the URL pop-up and then p\fess ENTER E\b
◀▶ English ◀ Window: Displays images \fof open windows (th\fe Window List)\b You can add the cu\f\fent page to the li\fst (using Add a new\f page), select and \faccess a page in t\fhe list, select and cl\fose a page in the \flist, o\f close all \fpages\b The selected\f page is the enla\fged page in th\fe cente\f\b NA new web b\fowse\f tab automatic\fally displays the h\fome page\b Sear\fh: Lets you sea\fch the web\b When yo\fu access the Sear\fh ent\fy field and p\fess ENTER E, the B\fowse\f displays a po\fp-up with a text e\fnt\fy keyboa\fd and a text ent\fy field on \fthe \fight\b The keyb\foa\fd functions much li\fke a cell phone te\fxting keypad\b On the left of the \fpop up is the name\f of the cu\f\fent sea\fch engine\b Select t\fhe sea\fch engine and p\fess ENTER E, and you can selec\ft a diffe\fent sea\fch engine o\f add a sea\fch engine to the c\fu\f\fent list\b Settings: You can configu\fe the Web Browser settings\b
▶◀▶ English Using the \folored and fun\ftion butt\ions with the Web Browser ●a Red (Ba\fk): Moves to p\fevious page\b If the\f\fe is no saved p\fevious web page, this button \fwill not wo\fk\b ●b G\feen (Zoom): You can select a sc\f\feen size of 50%, 75%, 100%, 12\i5%, 150%, 200%, 400% and Fit to S\freen\b ●{ Yellow (\bointer Mode / Tab Mode): You can change the \fcu\fso\f to \bointer Mode o\f Tab Mode\b ●} Blue (\bI\b): Tu\fns \bI\b on o\f off\b With \bI\b on, you can watch\f TV while using the Web Browser\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●T TOOLS (Options): Displays the ico\fns f\fom the top of the p\fage in a toolba\f in the middle of the\f sc\feen\b P\fess RETURN to close\b ●U (S\froll Up / Down): You can sc\foll the page up o\f \fdown\b ●R Return: Return to the p\fevious sc\feen o\f close the Web Browser\b You can also close the B\fowse\f by p\fessing the EXIT button\b Setting up the Web Browser P\fess the TOOLS button o\f move the\f cu\fso\f to the top \fof the sc\feen, and then select the Settings icon\b ●\bI\b Settings: Lets you configu\f\fe the \bI\b function\b \bI\b \bosition: Select a position\f fo\f the \bI\b sub-pictu\fe\b Sound Sele\ft: Select the audio \fsou\fce you will hea\f - \fMain o\f Sub - when \bI\b is on\b
▶◀▶ English ●Reading Tool: P\fovides an easy-to-\f\fead page by enla\fgi\fng the main text\b ●Clean Site: When Clean Site is on, you can on\fly access the web \fpages \fegiste\fed in Clean Site\b Use Clean Site to\f \fest\fict you\f child\fen’s access to app\fop\fiate web pages\b To access the Clean\f Site function, you\f must ente\f you\f Cl\fean Site passwo\fd\b If you have not c\feated a Clean Site passwo\fd, ente\f the default passwo\fd 0 0 0 0\b Clean Site Feature (On / Off): Tu\fn Clean Site, on and off\b Clean Site \bassword Manage: Ente\f a new passw\fo\fd\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●Add Current Site: Lets you add the \fcu\f\fently displayed web\f site to the Clean\f Site list\b Clean Site Manage: Lets you key in \fURLs to add to the \fClean Site List and delete sites f\fom the Clean Site List\b NIf you tu\fn Clean Site on and have not ad\fded any sites to th\fe Clean Site List, you will not\f be able to acces \fany Inte\fnet sites\b ●\brivate Browsing: Enable o\f disable\f the Browser \briva\fy Mode\b When the Browser \briva\fy Mode is enabled, the b\f\fowse\f does not \fetain the URLs of sites you visit\b\f If you want to ena\fble \brivate Browsing, Select Yes\b If the \brivate Browsing function is \funnin\fg, the "Stop" icon \fappea\fs in f\font of the URL at the top of t\fhe sc\feen\bTo disable \brivate Browsing, select it again \fwhen \brivate Browsing is enabled\b
▶◀▶ English ●Options: You can configu\fe Web Browser options\b Home Settings: You can set the hom\fe page\b –Most Visited Sites: Set the most f\fequently visited UR\fL as the home page\f\b –Current\bage: Sets the cu\f\fent page as the ho\fme page\b –Dire\ft Input: Lets you key in \fthe URL of the page\f you want fo\f you\f h\fome page\b The keyboa\fd wo\fks like a cell\f phone texting key\fboa\fd\b \bop Up Blo\fk Settings\i: Tu\fns the \bop Up Blo\fker on o\f off\b Advertisement Blo\fk \iSettings: You can dete\fmine wh\fethe\f to block adve\ftisements and s\felect the URLs fo\f \fwhich adve\ftisement\fs a\fe blocked\b
◀▶ English ◀ –Advertisement Blo\fk \i(On / Off): Tu\fns the Advertisement Blo\fk on o\f off\b –Blo\fk Current Site: Adds the cu\f\fent page to the bl\focked list\b –Manage Advertisemen\it Blo\fk: Displays the Advertisement Blo\fk \iSite Management sc\feen\b You can add a websit\fe fo\f which adve\ftis\fements should be blocked by di\fectly keying in the URL, o\f you can delete a website f\fom the list\b Delete \bersonal Inf\io: You can delete you\f \fpe\fsonal info\fmation\f\b –Delete Visited History: Deletes the webs\fite histo\fy\b –Delete Internet use Info: Deletes Inte\fnet access info\fmat\fion such as cookies\b
▶◀▶ English En\foding: You can set the Enc\foding setting fo\f we\fbpages to Automati\fc o\f Manual\b –Automati\f Sele\ftion (On / Off) : Select the Encoding settings fo\f webpages automatically\b –Settings: Select the Encodi\fng settings fo\f web\fpages manually\b Sel\fect an encoding fo\fmat f\fom the encoding fo\fm\fat list\b \bointer: You can set the spe\fed of the cu\fso\f whe\fn the cu\fso\f is set\f to \bointer Mode\b –\bointer Speed (Slower \i/ Slow / Standard / Fast / Faster): Select a pointe\f speed\b Version Info: You can view the ve\f\fsion info\fmation of\f the Web Browser\b User Guide: Refe\f to this info\f\fmation befo\fe using the Web Browser\b
◀▶ English ◀ ■ Skype Fo\f LED 6300, 6500\f and 6900 Se\fies Skype c\feated a little piec\fe of softwa\fe that makes communicatin\fg with people a\found the wo\fld easy and fun\b W\fith Skype you can s\fay hello o\f sha\fe a laugh with any\fone, anywhe\fe\b And if both of you a\f\fe on Skype, it’s f\fee\b Communicate with p\feople a\found the wo\fld! Buy and use the TV \fcame\fa (SAMSUNG only\f)\b NOthe\f company’s TV Came\fas a\fe not compatible with Sky\fpe on you\f TV\b NFo\f mo\fe info\fmation, downl\foad the Skype use\f’s manual f\fom “www\bsamsung\b com\b” ■ BEST BUY A\b\bLICATION Fo\f LED 6420 and 6\f900 Se\fies Fo\f mo\fe info\fmation, visi\ft “BestBuy\bcom/conn\fected”\b ● The displayed image\f may diffe\f depending on the\f model\b samsung Echo / Sound Test Se\fivce Voi\fe Call Voi\fe Call ChatConta\ft Chat History Call phones Settings a Sign Out { Add a Conta\ft R Return