Samsung Series 6 Owners Manual
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▶◀▶ English ●Even if you set the\f on-sc\feen display to anot\fhe\f language, the Downloadable U.S. R\iating menu will appea\f i\fn English only\b ●Blocking one \fating\f level will automa\ftically block othe\f\f catego\fies that deal with mo\fe sensitive mate\fia\fl\b ●The \fating titles (\fFo\f example: Humo\f \fLevel\b\betc) and TV \f\fatings (Fo\f example: DH, MH, H\f\b\betc) may diffe\f depending on the\f b\foadcasting station\b ●Change \bIN: The Change \bIN sc\feen will appea\f\b Choose any 4 digi\fts fo\f you\f PIN and ente\f it in\f Enter New \bIN\b Re-ente\f the same\f 4 digits in Confirm New \bIN\b When the Confi\fm s\fc\feen disappea\fs, p\fess the OK button\b \fThe TV has memo\fized you\f new P\fIN\b

◀▶ English ◀ How to wat\fh a restri\fted program or movie If the TV is tuned \fto a \fest\ficted p\fog\fam o\f movie, the\f \brogram Rating Lo\fk will block it\b The sc\feen will go blank \fand the following m\fessage will appea\f:\f “This channel is b\flocked by \brogram Rating Lo\fk\b Please ente\f the \fPIN to unblock\b” Ente\f the PIN to un\fblock the p\fog\fam o\f movie\b NIf you fo\fget the PI\fN, p\fess the \femote-cont\fol buttons in the \ffollowing sequence, which \fesets the pin to “\f0-0-0-0:” \bOWER (off) → MUTE → 8 → 2 → 4 → \bOWER (on)

▶◀▶ English ❑ Other Features OMENU m → System → ENTER E ■ Menu Language Set the menu langua\fge\b 1. Select Menu Language, and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b 2. Choose a language,\f and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b NChoose f\fom English, Español, and Français\b

◀▶ English ◀ ■ Caption (On-Sc\feen Text Messages) ●Caption (Off / On): You can switch the \fcaption function on\f o\f off\b If captions a\fe not available, t\fhey will not be dis\fplayed on the sc\feen\b NThe Caption featu\fe does not wo\fk wit\fh devices connected\f to the TV th\fough the Component\f, HDMI o\f PC input \fjacks\b ●Caption Mode: You can select the \fdesi\fed caption mode\b NThe availability o\ff captions depends o\fn the p\fog\fam being b\foadcast\b Default / CC1~CC4 /\i Text1~Text4: (analog channels\f only) The Analog \fCaption function ope\fates in eithe\f analog TV channel mode o\f when a signal is supplied f\fom an exte\fnal device to the T\fV\b (Depending on the\f b\foadcasting signal, \fthe Analog Caption func\ftion may o\f may not\f wo\fk with digital \fchannels\b)

▶◀▶ English Default / Servi\fe1~Ser\ivi\fe6 / CC1~CC4 / T\iext1~Text4: (digital channels\f only) The Digital \fCaptions function w\fo\fks with digital c\fhannels\b NServi\fe1~6 may not be availa\fble in digital capt\fion mode depending o\fn the b\foadcast\b ●Digital Caption Opti\ions: (digital channels\f only) Adjusts the \feach option\b When done, select Close\b Size: Options include D\fefault, Small, Stand\fa\fd and La\fge\b The defa\fult is Standa\fd\b Font Style: Options include D\fefault and Styles 0 \fto 7\b The default is\f Style 0\b Foreground Color: You can change the \fcolo\f of the lette\fs\f\b Options include Default, White, Black, Red, G\feen, Blue, Yellow, Magenta and Cyan\b The default is White\b

◀▶ English ◀ Ba\fkground Color: You can change the \fbackg\found colo\f of the ca\fption\b Options include Def\fault, White, Black\f, Red, G\feen, Blue, Yellow, Magenta and Cyan\b The default is Blac\fk\b Foreground Opa\fity: This adjusts the \fopacity of text\b Options include Def\fault, T\fanspa\fent, T\fanslucent, Solid an\fd Flashing\b Ba\fkground Opa\fity: This adjusts the \fopacity of the capt\fion backg\found\b Options include Def\fault, T\fanspa\fent, T\fanslucent, Solid an\fd Flashing\b Default: This option sets\f each Size, Font St\fyle, Fo\feg\found Colo\f, Backg\found Colo\f, Fo\feg\found Opacity and Ba\fckg\found Opacity to the\fi\f default\b Return to Default: This option sets\f each Size, Font St\fyle, Fo\feg\found Colo\f, Backg\found Colo\f, Fo\feg\found Opacity and Ba\fckg\found Opacity to its\f default\b

▶◀▶ English NNOTE ●Digital Caption Opti\ions a\fe available only w\fhen you can select\f Default and Servi\fe1 ~ Servi\fe6 in Caption mode\b ●The availability o\ff captions depends o\fn the p\fog\fam being b\foadcast\b ●The Default setting follows th\fe standa\fds set by the b\foadcaste\f\b ●You cannot set the \fForeground and Ba\fkground to the same colo\f\b ●You cannot set both\f the Foreground Opa\fity and the Ba\fkground Opa\fity to the same colo\f\b

◀▶ English ◀ ❑ E\fonomi\fal Solutions ■ E\fo Solution OMENU m → System → E\fo Solution → ENTER E ●Energy Saving (Off / Low / Medium / \iHigh / \bi\fture Off): Lets you adjusts \f the b\fightness of t\fhe TV in o\fde\f to \feduce powe\f consump\ftion\b If you select\f \bi\fture Off, the sc\feen is tu\fned off, but the sound \femains on\b P\fess any button except the \fvolume button to t\fu\fn on the sc\feen\b ●E\fo Sensor (Off / On): To enhance you\f powe\f\f savings, the pict\fu\fe settings will automatically\f adapt to the light\f in the \foom\b NIf you adjust Ba\fklight in the \bi\fture menu, E\fo Sensor will be set to Off\b

▶◀▶ English Min Ba\fklight: When E\fo sensor is On , you can manually adjust the minimum sc\feen b\fightness\b NIf E\fo Sensor is On, the display b\figh\ftness may change (\fbecome slightly da\fke\f o\f b\fighte\f) de\fpending on the su\f\founding light inten\fsity\b You can cont\fol the sc\feen’s minimum b\fightnes\fs with the Min Bac\fklight function\b ●No Signal \bower Off (Off / 15 min. / 30 min. / 60 min.): To avoid unnecessa\fy ene\fgy consumption,\f you can set how l\fong you want the T\fV to \femain on if it’s not \feceiving a signal\b NDisabled when an at\ftached PC is in pow\fe\f saving mode\b ●Auto \bower Off (Off / On): The TV will auto\fmatically tu\fn off if you don’t p\fess a button on the \femote o\f touch a bu\ftton on TV’s f\font panel within 4\f hou\fs to p\fevent ove\fheating\b

◀▶ English ◀ ■ Auto \brote\ftion Time (Off / 2 hours / 4 hour\is / 8 hours / 10 ho\iurs) If the sc\feen displays a stil\fl image fo\f a ce\ftai\fn pe\fiod of time you\f define, the TV activates the sc\feen save\f to p\fevent the fo\fmation\f of bu\fnt in ghost images\f on the sc\feen\b