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Runco Vx 3c Projector User Manual

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Page 81

Clean the case with a soft dampened cloth. Use a mild commercial cleaner\
. Do not use liquid or 
aerosol cleaners.
Figure 4.1. Replacing Keypad Batteries
4.3 Replacing Keypad Batteries The optional IR Remote Keypad uses four AA size, 1.5V batteries (prefer\
ably alkaline). To
install new batteries, open the battery compartment at the back side of \
the keypad by pulling on
the raised portion of the cover as shown (Figure 4.1). 
Remove the old batteries and properly discard. Wait a...

Page 82

4.4 Replacing The Lens
A variety of lenses are available to accommodate different throw distances and specific types of
installations. See page 5-1 for details. To change a lens, follow the steps below.
NOTES: 1)You will need a 9/64”(3mm or 3.5mm) hex socket ball driver (supplied with projec-
tor) or allen wrench for this procedure. 2)“Top” or “bottom” references assume a non-invert-
ed projector, as illustrated. 3) If you are installing a lens, first make sure its Lens Adapteris

Page 83

!IF ZOOM LENS: Access to the 3 lens mount
screws is likely blocked by the toothed zoom
ring in front of it. First rotate the zoom ring by
hand until its 3 access holes align with the
screws, then insert the hex socket ball driver
through the holes to loosen the screws-do not
remove. See Figure 4.11. 
STEP 3!Rotate the lens barrel slightly
!Using both hands, rotate the lens barrel coun-
terclockwise until the screw heads align with the
larger end of their slots on the lens. See Figure...

Page 84

STEP 4!Pull lens assembly out
!See Figure 4.13. Carefully pull the lens
assembly straight out of the projector and set
STEP 5!Install new lens assembly
!IMPORTANT:Remove the rear (smallest)
lens cap from the new lens. Make sure the front
lens cap remains on during installation.
!See Figure 4.14. Align the large cut-out area
on the lens flange to the bottomof the lens
mount (which has a matching cut-out). The 3
lens assembly slots should align with the lens
mount screws so that the...

Page 85

!With the lens assembly aligned and the screws inserted through the flange, use both hands to
rotate the lens barrel clockwise until the lens mount screw heads lock into the small end of the
lens assembly slots.
!Secure the 3 lens mount screws.
STEP 6!Reposition the projector for new lens
Remove the front lens cap and reposition the projector closer or further from the screen as nec-
essary for the screen and the new lens type (refer to lens descriptions in Section 2andSection 5

Page 86

steady red? This indicates an internal system error that may prevent the projector from operat-
ing. If the problem persists contact a qualified Runco service technician.
Symptom!The projector does not respond to the infrared remote keypad...
1. Does the built-in keypad work? If so, check that the keypads are enabled.
2. Does the green “Status” LED flash each time a key is pressed? If not, the projector is not
receiving the keypad’s IR signals. Ensure the keypad is...

Page 87

6. The location of the audience with respect to the screen may not be ideal. Make sure the audi-
ence is within the viewing angle set by the projector and screen position, and the screen type.
7. The source may be double terminated. Ensure the source is terminated only once.
8. The source (if non-video) may need sync tip clamping. Enter a check in the Clamp Tip box
found in the Input Levelssubmenu.
Symptom!The display is reversed and/or upside-down…
1. The projectors...

Page 88

Symptom!Colors in the display are inaccurate…
1. The color, tint, gamma, color space and/or color temperature settings may require adjustment.
Review all settings, and refer to 3.6, Adjusting the Image and 3.7, Adjusting System Parameters
and Advanced Controls.
Symptom!The display is not rectangular…
1. Check leveling of the projector. If necessary, try relocating the projector or screen so that the
lens surface and screen are approximately parallel
2. Is...

Page 89

5.1 SpecificationsNOTE: Due to continuing research, specifications are subject to change without notice.
Display !
Pixel format (H x V) on 3 DMD panels 1024 X 768 (XGA) 
Maximum digitizing sample rate 160 Mega samples per second 
Video luminance bandwidth 5.5 MHz
Brightness Vista = 3000 ANSI lumens, typical
Contrast Ratio Greater than 250:1 ANSI
Greater than 400:1 full on/full off
Colors and Gray Scale Displayable colors 16.8 million
Gray scale resolution 8 bits
Color Temperature Default...

Page 90

Horizontal frequency range 15 - 120 kHz *
Vertical frequency range ** 24 -120 Hz
Pixel clock rate 10 - 160 MHz
Signal format Analog RGB or YPbPr
Input levels
R,B,G,Y - with sync 1.0Vp-p ±2 dB
R,G,B - without sync 0.7Vp-p ±2 dB
Pb,Pr 0.7Vp-p ±2 dB
DC offset ± 5V
Nominal impedance 75 ohms
Maximum return loss (VSWR) 1.2:1 dB @ 200 MHz
*   Display quality may be limited by pixel sampling rate when at the higher end of the...
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