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Runco Vx 3c Projector User Manual

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Page 71

LAMP HOURSshows the number of hours logged on the current lamp. Whenever you record
a new lamp serial number, this value automatically resets to 0, where it begins to log time for
the new lamp. NOTE: Read-only. This information also appears in the Statusmenu. 
LAMP S/Nis the serial number recorded for the current lamp. When you install a new lamp
and enter its serial number, the number will appear here in the Lampmenu.NOTE: Read-only. 
Enter a checkmark for LAMP MESSAGEif you want to...

Page 72

power level you wish to maintain. See Power below.
POWER - The number shown here indicates how many watts are applied to the lamp\
. Set from
450-700 watts as desired, keeping in mind that lower power levels produc\
e dimmer images. 
When in  Power or Max Brightness modes, the power level remains constant. When in
 Intensity  mode, the power level will change as necessary. Specifying a power level of 700 is
the same as operating in  Max Brightnessmode.
NOTES:  1)Power level can be set only...

Page 73

Use CHANGE LAMP  to record
the serial number for a newly 
installed lamp. 
In the  Lamp S/N window, use the
number text entry keys to record 
the new lamp serial number, and
press         again to accept the
change. See  Using Slidebars and
Other Controls if you need help entering the number. Once entered, the new lamp serial number
will be added to the  Lamp Historymenu and theLamp Hourstimer will reset to 0.  Lamp
Mode and Lamp Limit remain as they were for the previous lamp, and can be...

Page 74

Figure 3.26. Status Menu (SAMPLE)
3.8 Using Multiple Projectors
When working with multiple projectors, you may want to use the RS-232 or RS-422 serial ports
to chain the projectors together in a network that you control from either a keypad or a comput-
er/controller (see 2.9, Serial Port Connections). Or you may prefer that each projector stands
alone, in which case you will probably use a single IR remote keypad. In either case, you can
switch back and forth between broadcasting to all...

Page 75

Broadcasting to All Projectors!
On the IR remote or wired keypad, press   to display the projector box. Press   again without
entering a number - the keypad commands will now affect all projectors.
Make certain that only one projector has its Broadcast Keys option selected (checked) - the
remaining projectors should have the option unchecked and their keypads disabled (do this in
Preferences menu). The Broadcast Keys projector will then relay keypad commands to the
others. If using a wired...

Page 76

Bad Sync
The message Bad Sync is displayed when HSYNC or VSYNC are active but the signal can-
not be displayed. Such a condition occurs when only one of the two signals is present, or when
either signal is unstable or of the wrong frequency. Correct the signal or select another input.
Other Signal Error Messages
In addition to the common Bad Syncand No Signalerrors, you may encounter a signal
error message indicating that Hsync and/or Vsync are either too fast or too slow. When such a...

Page 77

Table 1. System Error Codes 
Code Description 
12 Software bug 
13  CRC error in flash ROM 
14 Programming complete 
15  Attempting to download code without being in boot mode 
16 Invalid interrupt 
21  Unable to turn the lamp on 
22  Lamp is overheated 
23  Lamp ballast (power supply) is overheated 
24  One or more of the lamp interlocks are open 
25  Lamp may be on before being turned on 
26  Invalid lamp ballast ID 
27  Unexpected lamp shut-off 

Page 78

4.1  Warnings and Guidelines
This projector is CSA approved and is designed for safe and reliable operation. However, safe
operation cannot be assured by design alone; installers, maintainers, and users must maintain a
safe operating environment for the system. Please read through and understand the following
warnings and guidelines promoting safe usage of the projector.
Never look directly into the projector lens. 
The extremely high brightness of this projector 
can cause...

Page 79

Lamp and Filter Replacement!
LAMP:Do not operate the Xenon lamp for more than 1000 hours; risk of the lamp shattering
increases as a result of changes in the quartz glass. Also, operation beyond 1000 hours signifi-
cantly reduces brightness output.
Never attempt to remove the lamp housing directly after use. 
The lamp is under great pressure when hot and may explode, 
causing personal injury and/or property damage. 
Allow to cool completely.
The arc lamp operates at a very high...

Page 80

The projector is equipped with a three wire plug having a third (grounding) prong. This is a
safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact an electrician to have
the outlet replaced. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding-type plug.
Before unplugging the power cord, make sure the internal lamp cooling fans have shut off. The
fans automatically shut off when the projector has adequately cooled down.
Slots and openings in the projector...
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