Runco Vx 3c Projector User Manual
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While there are many different ways to connect your source equipment to your VHD Controller, the examples shown above are the most common and are recommended by Runco. • COMPOSITE VIDEO INPUT: Composite video is the most common type of signal used, but is also the lowest in picture quality. Many sources have outputs that are limited to composite video, such as most VCR’s and some camcorders; others such as Laser Disc players actually produce slightly better results when using composite video. While the...
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6-10 To get started using your VHD Controller and projector, follow these sim\ ple steps: 1.Ensure all sources that you are using are properly connected to the VHD Controller. This is something your Runco dealer has probably already don\ e for you; if not, please refer to the ‘Connection Examples ’ and the owners manuals of each appropriate source as necessary. 2.Turn on all sources. If a A/V receiver is being used to switch the video\ , ensure that is also turned on. 3.Turn on the VHD Controller. Make...
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6-11 QUICK SET-UP GUIDE Overall Functional Description The VHD Controller’s purpose is twofold. First, it provides aspect ratio control and can do so on either a WIDESCREEN or a standard 4:3 screen. Second, it provides a clean, progressive signal to the projector. The processing the VHD Controller uses is called SCALING. Scaling is simply a way of taking a signal, ‘digitizing’ it, then converting it to any of a number of resolu- tions. It is by manipulating the algorithms of the scaling process that we...
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6-12 The main menu (shown above) includes two sections: Source Selection/ Picture quality adjustments and Functional adjustments. Pressing MENU on the front panel or on the remote control will bring up the main menu. In the menu shown above, Composite video is selected as the current source. This is indicated by an arrow to the left of ‘COMPOSITE’ in the menu. If S-video were selected, for example, the arrow would then be to the left of ‘S-video’. To select a source, there are two options. First, using...
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Aspect Ratioallows selection of one of the three aspect ratios provided by the processor. You have two options for selecting an aspect ratio: First, highlight ASPECT RATIO on the main menu, then press ENTER. Then select the desired aspect ratio, and again press ENTER. The second option is to simply press the UP or DOWN arrows on the remote or front panel. Doing this will toggle you through the three choices- Anamorphic (16:9), Letterbox and Standard (4:3). For more infor- mation on aspect ratios, please...
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6-14 After pressing ENTER, the picture quality menu will appear (the menu to the right of the main menu above). To adjust a certain function, highlight it with the or DOWN buttons, and press ENTER. The following will then appear on-screen (we’ll use COLOR as an example): MENU DESCRIPTION AND NAVIGATION COMPOSITE COLOR: 0 AGC ENABLED To Change the value of the function (Color in this case), simply press the UP button to increase the value, and the DOWN button to decrease the value. For COLOR and...
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• SHARPNESS This controls the ‘high-frequency’ detail of the image. The more sharpness is increased, the more detail is added into the picture. However, if it is increased too much, it will also increase ‘noise’ in the picture as well as other types of artifacts. This may be set to personal preference; midrange is factory-preset. • LUMA ENHANCE This is similar to the sharpness control, but it does not boost the frequencies all over the picture. Instead, this is more like an ‘edge enhancement’ that makes...
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6-16 An ‘aspect ratio’ is simply the ratio of the width vs. the height of the screen. For example, the current aspect ratio standard is 4:3 (or 1.33:1), where the image is 4 units wide and 3 units tall. Aspect Ratios First, the Basics 4 units wide 3 units tall All of our ‘regular’ televisions are this aspect ratio. You have probably noticed that occasionally you’ll watch a movie that does not fill the screen vertically. This is because the movie was filmed in WIDESCREEN (letterbox), and the result is...
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As you can see, our screen in this example is a 1.85:1 ratio. The dashed lines show the area that we ‘blanked’. If you recall, watching a letterbox movie on a 4:3 screen gave us black bars; therefore with letterbox movies, we’re not losing any information! The ‘other’ type of widescreen is called ‘ANAMORPHIC’. The image is still a widescreen format, but instead of ‘blanking’ the top and bottom, we simply reduce the overall height of the image: 6-17 Blanked (cut off) areas Active image area (Actual screen...
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VHD CON\bROLLER \fenu 12v Fuse Mask Screen RS-232 IN VH BGR Pass-through Pb Pr YRUNC O RS-232 OUT S-VIDEOCOMPOSITE 3.5 17.45 17 17.45 17 1 6 3.5 16 3.5 6-18 DIMENSIONS Front Panel Side Rear Panel To p