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Runco Vx 3c Projector User Manual

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Page 61

Front IR / Back IR
As described in Section 2, the standard IR remote keypad is capable of sending data to the pro-
jector in either one of two protocols called Aor B. Likewise, the front and rear IR sensors on
the projector can be set to accept IR data accordingly, responding to A, Bor
both. The projector’s Aor Bdefault is adequate for most single-projector
installations. Select a specific protocol to prevent interference when you are
controlling two protectors in the same area and want to...

Page 62

to safely change its own protocol:
1. Select the Aor B option. This will ensure that once your keypad is manually changed
(see Step 2), it will still be recognized by the projector.
2. Unplug the keypad and change the protocol in the keypad as desired. Do this either
by entering the short-cut software command or by hard-wiring the keypad as
described in 2.10,  Keypad Protocols and Conversion.
3. Plug the keypad back into the projector. Return to the Communicationsmenu and
select the new...

Page 63

Figure 3.16. Preferences Menu
Image Orientation
Choose from Front, Rear, Inverted Front, Inverted Rear according to your installation. If the
setting is incorrect, the image will be reversed and/or upside down. See 2.6, Operating
Orientationfor an illustrated explanation.
Non-functional in this version of software.
This projector displays menu and help text in English only.
Display Channel List
Enter a checkmark if you want to see a scrollable channel list whenever you...

Page 64

Auto Power Up 
Enter a checkmark to enable the projector to automatically power up afte\
r losing power due to
unplugging or a power failure. Note that unsaved display adjustments may\
 be lost. 
Video Termination 
Enter a checkmark to terminate the video inputs 3 and 4 (75 W). The in\
put should be terminat-ed unless the signal loops through (continues) to another
projector or display device, in which case only the last
projector in the chain should be terminated.
Menu Options
In this...

Page 65

TEST PATTERNS- Select this option to use a pull-down list of all avail-
able internal test patterns.
NOTE: For quicker access from your presentation, use the          key to
cycle through the patterns. At the last pattern, press          to return to your
presentation-or press         at any time.
FREEZE IMAGE- Use the “Freeze Image” checkbox to freeze (stop) the
image at a single frame. This diagnostic tool is useful if you need to exam-
ine in detail a still version of the incoming image...

Page 66

BLACKLEVELS AND DRIVES - To check your image and adjust these controls:
1. Make sure overall Contrast and Brightness are both set to near 50. NOTE: Not
required for “Auto” adjustment.
!= 50 (approx.)
! = 50 (approx.)
2. Check the color temperature setup using an internal grayscale test pattern, adjusting
as desired to obtain a neutral grayscale. NOTE: Not required for “Auto” adjustment.
3. Make sure you are using an analog source not connected to INPUT 3or INPUT 4, as
Input Levels are not...

Page 67

Odd Pixel Adjustment 
NOTE: For sources with Color Space set to RGB only.
When using certain RGB sources with static
images, you may need to adjust the normal gain
or offset of odd pixels in relation to even in
order to smooth out very narrow (1-pixel wide)
checks or vertical stripes. These patterns signify
adjacent “on” and “off” pixels, and can be
removed as follows:
1. Use an external grayscale test pattern of some kind (make sure it has both dark grays
and light grays).
2. Make sure...

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However, if you require extra color temperatures, you can also add up to five custom color tem-
peratures-four User and one Interpolated-by defining them within the Advanced Color
Temperaturemenu (each defaults to 6500K until then). Any User or Interpolated tempera-
ture created here is immediately applied, or it can be selected at any time from the Image
Settings menu as usual, regardless of your source or channel. The Advanced Color Temperature
menu options are described below.
NOTE: For...

Page 69

COPY FROM - Use this option to replace the currently selected User color temperature
setup with that of another. This function can be particularly useful for creating a starting point
for a new User color or for accessing an unaltered factory default. It is disabled for all color
temperatures exceptUser. See Figure 3.21.
Figure 3.21. Copy From 
To create a starting point:To set a starting point for a new custom user color temperature,
select a user temperature, then highlight Copy From and...

Page 70

Advanced Image Settings
affects any incoming composite or S-video sig-
nal, delaying the luma signal (intensity) in rela-
tion to the chroma (color). In the image,
increasing the luma delay will move luma (seen
as a shadow where colors overlap) to the right
slightly, with colors remaining in place.
Decreasing this delay will move the shadow slightly to the left. If necessary, adjust so that no
shadows occur with adjacent colors. 
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