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Runco Vx 3c Projector User Manual

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Copying or Deleting Channels !
TO COPY A CHANNEL, highlight the desired channel in the Channel Setupmenu, then press
to go to the Channel Copy/Deletesubmenu. Select Copy and press         -a new channel
will be created. It is identical to original, which still remains, but it is identified with the next
available number from 01-99. If you change your mind and do notwant to copy the current
channel, press         to cancel and return to the previous menu. Copying channels is a quick

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CHANNEL EDIT - STEP 1Press          to display the main menu. To display the  Channel Setupmenu, press      , or move
the highlight to the  Channel Setupoption and press        . The  Channel Setupmenu will appear.
CHANNEL EDIT - STEP 2 To edit parameters shown in the  Channel Setup menu, select the relevant channel and press       .
The  Channel Edit menu will appear similar to the sample shown in Figure 3.10.
Figure 3.10. Channel Edit Menu (SAMPLE)
CHANNEL EDIT - STEP 3 If desired, edit...

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!NEXT CHANNEL: Select this option to see or change Channel Edit settings for 
the next channel in the Channel Setuplist.
3.6 Adjusting the Image
Most options for image adjustments can be accessed through two menus: Size and Position
(                   ) and Image Settings(              ), both of which are listed in the Mainmenu.
While in either of these two menus, you can change settings affecting the image from the cur-
rent channel by working with the appropriate slidebars, checkboxes...

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Changes made to the Size and Positionmenu are applied immediately and are saved when you
exit the menu (press          or          ).
Resize Presets 
Use Resize Presetsto quickly display an
image in its native resolution (including
anamorphic) or to automatically resize an
image to fill the screen. The value for Size,
Positionand Blankingparameters (described
below) will, in turn, change as necessary
without your having to set them manually.
!DEFAULT SETTING: When displaying a new source,...

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order to fill the screen. Non-HDTV (16:9) anamorphic images, common on DVDs, will be
stretched vertically. With the exception of HDTV (16:9), the “Full Screen” setting produces an
aspect ratio that is either almost or exactly 4:3.
!SELECT “ANAMORPHIC”to display an entire
non-HDTV “wide screen” (anamorphic) image in its
native 16:9 aspect ratio. The image will fill the
screen from left-to-right, but will not use all vertical
pixels available (top and bottom will be black). If
you do not...

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Pixel Phase
(SHORT CUT: Press         and adjust the bottom slidebar.)
Pixel phase adjusts the phase of the pixel sampling clock relative to the incoming signal. It is
used primarily for adjusting RGB inputs.
NOTE: Adjust pixel phase after pixel tracking is properly set.
Adjust pixel phase when the image (usually from an RGB source) shows shimmer or “noise”.
Pixel phase adjustment is done most effectively from within a proper test pattern, such as a
smooth gray consisting of a clear...

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This option moves the picture up and down. 
NOTE: The value shown represents where the approximate center of the image lies in relation 
to the total number of pixels available vertically. This varies widely according to the signal-
watch the image while adjusting. 
Blanking: Top, Bottom, Left or Right 
This submenu blanks (turns to black) the top, bottom, left, or right
edge of the image so that any unwanted information is cropped from
view. For example, when displaying native size video...

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(SHORT CUT: Press         and adjust the slidebar.)
“Color” adjusts color saturation level, or the amount of color in a video image. For example,
setting Color to “0” produces a black and white image. If Color is set too high, the color levels
in the picture will be over-powering and unrealistic. Use          or          until the desired color
saturation level is displayed. NOTE: COLOR is not available in the RGB mode.
(SHORT CUT: Press         and adjust the slidebar.)

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The current color space appears in the Image Settings menu. Press         to select a different
!Select RGB unless you are using component video at INPUT 1or 2.
!Select YPbPr(video) if you are using a standard definition televised signal (SDTV)
!Select YPbPr (HDTV)if you are using a high definition decoder (HDTV).
Video Standard
The projector automatically detects the video standard present and displays the name of this
standard here. Press         to view or select a different...

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Figure 3.14. Selected Gamma Curves
3.7 Adjusting System Parameters and Advanced Controls
Use the Communications, Preferencesand Statusmenus to display and/or alter overall system
parameters rather than those that affect a specific source or channel.
Use the Advancedmenu whenever you need to work with or replace the lamp, select a test pat-
tern, define a new color temperature, or access lesser-used image control settings intended for
experienced users.
Use the checkboxes...
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